Friends on MFP with poor food diaries?



  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Why are you on here? To my knowledge it is supposed to be to help one another. If you want to be a loner, be a loner, but dont fault ppl who try to help. All you are doing is criticizing people who help!!! How does that help anyone?
  • Rewinds
    Having questionable things in your diet is the equivalent to drug use? lol really?

    Yes, they both damage your body. If someone is eating fatty foods 7 days a week and not balancing in the long run you are going to get health problems. Food and health are serious topics, I'm really not joking about it.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    People get over it!!! What are you hiding?

    I'm pretty sure no one's "hiding" anything. It's just fairly pretentious to think that other people want you to tell them what they're doing wrong. People are here doing the best they can. If they eat "junk", trust me they know it. And it's usually intentional. I have junk a lot. It keeps me sane. This site isn't for people to judge or mother others. Like someone else said, we're all adults. We make our own choices.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Why are you on here? To my knowledge it is supposed to be to help one another. If you want to be a loner, be a loner, but dont fault ppl who try to help. All you are doing is criticizing people who help!!! How does that help anyone?

    You need to quote who you're talking to.
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    And this is why I keep my diary private.

    If I'm making the calorie/fat/carb goals, and producing results, the last thing I need is someone telling me I'm DoingItWrong, or otherwise belittling the efforts being make because they have it in their heads they need to judge others efforts so they can feel better about themselves or smug.

    Instead of calling your 'friends' out in false concern, perhaps take the more positive method of "Hey, I have this recipe that really tasted good and is low cal. Why don't you try it?" Or even inviting them out for exercise together, if they aren't producing results.

    One could even focus on your own weight loss efforts and show even better results, perhaps engendering said others to query how you are doing so great and maybe change things on their own.

    This is the post I LOVED.. sorry..
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Wow, I never knew people would get to defensive and aggressive about it.

    It was an honest question about helping people/motivating people about making better lifestyle choices. I thought the friends option was about giving support and motivating to stay on the task and reach their weight goal.

    Making poor food choices constantly is going to hurt their health >.> And if they were my friends in real life I'd do the same thing >.> Its like smoking excessively or doing drugs, or drinking far too much. My diary is private to the public because I don't know you, and when i friend someone it is like accepting constructive criticism but support at the time time >.>

    The responses here kind of piss me off and I thought people on this site would have a more balanced response, I congratulate them when they exercise, or reaching their calorie goal or maintaining or people on recovery, why shouldn't I give honest feedback on a diary that isn't balanced?

    I agree with this and the comment after:

    But its not about being judgemental people... its about offering support, and advice about the choices they're making... isn't that why you're MFPs with them? To be supportive, offer help, support and advice and help keep them on the straight and narrow and not in denial???
  • caseyp1122
    caseyp1122 Posts: 79 Member
    Having questionable things in your diet is the equivalent to drug use? lol really?

    Yes, they both damage your body. If someone is eating fatty foods 7 days a week and not balancing in the long run you are going to get health problems. Food and health are serious topics, I'm really not joking about it.

    I respectfully disagree and find the analogy to be quite ridiculous but regardless, it's very interesting and thought provoking to hear your thoughts!
  • Forme4real2
    Mostly I think what got us all worked up was your first line, "I was lurking through on my MFP friends diaries. Some had very very very very poor food choices but stayed below the calorie intake."

    "Lurking" was probably the wrong word to use cuz it sounds more like you were trying to find the bad.

    We as people don't want to be judged by others. And, the image you put in my mind was that you were going on to your friends diaries to judge them, not to help. I use the diaries to get ideas for myself not to judge what they eat.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    She is just trying to help people. We are on this site to help and support each other. I dont get why you think it is rude.

    To Me, if a person is doing well (losing weight) let them continue THEIR JOURNEY! WHO is s GURU about Wt Loss!? NO ONE! NO ONE, NO ONE!!!

    I'm sensing a lot of anger here... and I am only saying this because I care - there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing. :flowerforyou:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Wow, I never knew people would get to defensive and aggressive about it.

    It was an honest question about helping people/motivating people about making better lifestyle choices. I thought the friends option was about giving support and motivating to stay on the task and reach their weight goal.

    Making poor food choices constantly is going to hurt their health >.> And if they were my friends in real life I'd do the same thing >.> Its like smoking excessively or doing drugs, or drinking far too much. My diary is private to the public because I don't know you, and when i friend someone it is like accepting constructive criticism but support at the time time >.>

    The responses here kind of piss me off and I thought people on this site would have a more balanced response, I congratulate them when they exercise, or reaching their calorie goal or maintaining or people on recovery, why shouldn't I give honest feedback on a diary that isn't balanced?

    I agree with this and the comment after:

    But its not about being judgemental people... its about offering support, and advice about the choices they're making... isn't that why you're MFPs with them? To be supportive, offer help, support and advice and help keep them on the straight and narrow and not in denial???

    I get what you're saying, but if I feel like I need advice, I am capable of asking. Not everyone needs or wants that level of support.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    NO ONE claimed to be GURU!!! You people are way tooo defensive for me. I am always open to suggestions, It is up to me to take it or not. I do not take it personally because I know the person was trying to help, not hurt. Get over it!
  • McMehu
    McMehu Posts: 103 Member
    If they are entering it in their diary they know they ate it. the numbers can speak for themselves. if they ask for help DEFINITLY help them but otherwise if they are hitting their personal goals than that is their business. At least they are logging, right?

    I don't always make the healthiest choices... I am fine with constructive criticism once and a while but at the end of the day it is MY choice what I eat and I shouldnt be nervous to enter truthfully what I ate because someone is going to scold me. I scold myself enough..

    If they ask for help or suggestions, then yes, definitely help them.. but if they ate 1300 calories of butter for the day that is their choice and they will eventually probably look up more filling and healthier choices..

    you could always post recipes and ideas of healthy choices on your own hoping they will take general advice...

    so yeah long story short.. if you are going to criticize be careful because it is not always welcome and often people already know.. sometimes they dont but there are often gentler ways of helping
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    I was lurking through on my MFP friends diaries. Some had very very very very poor food choices but stayed below the calorie intake.

    Do you ever approach them about it and tell them that they aren't making the best choices for their body?

    I know that you can loose weight eating poorly by staying below your calorie intake but I don't think eating cookies and chocolate for breakfast is right for their body nutritionally and in the long run for loosing weight (carbs+fat = no extra benefits vs a well rounded breakfast consisting of protein and fiber).

    I'm not saying its bad to have cheats, I have a nice sorbet for dessert most nights or sometimes a biscuit here and there...but never 500 calories worth of 'junk food' for breakfast D:

    The only time I would mention something is if any of them said, "I am under everyday but I am still not loosing weight, or, I don't feel healthy". Otherwise I don't interfere with their choices.
  • caseyp1122
    caseyp1122 Posts: 79 Member
    Wow, I never knew people would get to defensive and aggressive about it.

    It was an honest question about helping people/motivating people about making better lifestyle choices. I thought the friends option was about giving support and motivating to stay on the task and reach their weight goal.

    Making poor food choices constantly is going to hurt their health >.> And if they were my friends in real life I'd do the same thing >.> Its like smoking excessively or doing drugs, or drinking far too much. My diary is private to the public because I don't know you, and when i friend someone it is like accepting constructive criticism but support at the time time >.>

    The responses here kind of piss me off and I thought people on this site would have a more balanced response, I congratulate them when they exercise, or reaching their calorie goal or maintaining or people on recovery, why shouldn't I give honest feedback on a diary that isn't balanced?

    I agree with this and the comment after:

    But its not about being judgemental people... its about offering support, and advice about the choices they're making... isn't that why you're MFPs with them? To be supportive, offer help, support and advice and help keep them on the straight and narrow and not in denial???

    I know for me I downloaded the app on my phone to help me count my calories more accurately than using an excel spreadsheet. I had no clue that there was a whole community analyzing everyones every move, some people may need that for motivation but whatever it takes for them to reach their goals!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I have my diary open for friends only. I did not open it for criticism on what I choose to eat. I opened it because I know people are naturally curious as to what others eat. Who knows, they may like what they see and decide to try it themselves. I don't make comments about anyone's mealplans. We are all adults. If someone wants advice they'll ask.

    Agree! My diary is open for friends because I know i'm curious about what others eat, so people are probably curious about what I eat. I also like to get meal ideas.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    NO ONE claimed to be GURU!!! You people are way tooo defensive for me. I am always open to suggestions, It is up to me to take it or not. I do not take it personally because I know the person was trying to help, not hurt. Get over it!

    I wish you'd get over this thread.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Could someone analyze my diary and tell me what you think? ;)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    When I smoked tons of people told me how disgusting I was. I see nothing wrong with helping each other. I have had many ppl give me advice, I am grateful for that.

    And you didn't already know they were bad for you, made you smell, etc? That was new and useful information?


    The fact is if someone is logging there food chances are they KNOW what they are doing, and they know that something like chocolate for breakfast isn't the best thing to have.

    However, maybe they are just trying to be healthier than before, and change a few things at a time. Not everyone can eat rabbit food and avocados all day long straight away.
  • caseyp1122
    caseyp1122 Posts: 79 Member
    NO ONE claimed to be GURU!!! You people are way tooo defensive for me. I am always open to suggestions, It is up to me to take it or not. I do not take it personally because I know the person was trying to help, not hurt. Get over it!

    I say this respectfully, but it sounds like your the only one getting worked up over this.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member