Gym princesses?



  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    HI Folks,

    Please be careful in threads like this, as "complaining" threads can easily lead to posts that violate this guideline:
    4. Show Respect to All Groups and Individuals

    No derogatory references to sex, gender, ethnicity, religions, or sexual orientation, or endorsement of violence against any person or group, even if couched in humor, will be permitted. This includes expressing stereotypes about any group or community.

    Complaining about or commenting on the behavior of some individuals is not a problem (though not very positive!). However, posts that make generalizations regarding all women, or all men for that matter, are not appropriate for the forums.

    Also, I had to delete a few posts in light of this guideline:
    2. No Hi-Jacking Topics

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate.

    The last sentence of that guideline references posts like "sitting back to watch the fireworks." Please just report a post and let the mods mop up, rather than adding to the atmosphere of dispute.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I seen this at LA fitness. The girls were so slutty it was disgusting. if they 'ran' it was a slow motion baywatch styleto make their 'girls' bounce. They looked as if they were going to walk the street instead. And the guys drooled. There I would be running 5 miles, lifting, and then swimming. THEN going into a 10 hour shift at work. They gave me death stares for putting on a uniform. It is my biggest pet peeve EVER. Workout Barbies. HATTTTEEE TTTTTHHHHEEEMMMM
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    It doesn't bother me. Eye candy of any gender is fun to look at, and when I am working hard I suppose I don't really care what the other people are doing there. And I am sure I have looked like a gym princess before my work out depending on what I was doing earlier that day.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Is this impeding your workout somehow?
    I believe this sums it up.

    They're probably looking at you while you "sweat like a pig" because you're staring at them.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    This is one of the things that drives me insane. I go to the gym to work out, and there are a few girls there who do this. They also carry on full conversations on their cell phones while I am waiting for a machine they are one. One day they were on the indoor track and wouldn't let me pass them.. I finally said "Excuse me but some of us are actually trying to effing work out, if you want to chat can you please go do it somewhere else." They told on me as they were leaving the gym and the girl at the front desk looked at them and said "Uhh what do you expect?" lol

    I do see women there in full makeup with their hair done (well it is when they start) but I assume they have just come from work so I do cut them some slack considering by the time they leave their hair is flat and their make up is less than perfect.

    Okay now that is annoying.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    My favorite has always been Belle.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I must be getting old because when I see one of those vastly under dressed girls at the gym I want to go throw a towel on them. :laugh:

    Then again having a daughter does weird things to guys.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i gotta say... i sweat worse then full grown men! and i usually dont care about what i look like in there. HOWEVER... there is this super hot guy who started coming to classes. sooo... i decided it wouldnt hurt to throw on a lil eye makeup. not the whole foundation crap running down ur face type makeup, just enough to notice. and tonight... it paid off! he noticed me. we even shot hoops for about 20 min after class and flirted a lil bit! u never know who u might run into, or who might be noticing u. i say theres nothing wrong with it! just my personal opinion tho!
    forgot to mention... i soooo dont do hootch clothes to the gym tho! cut off sweats and a teeshirt for me.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I don't really care how much makeup they wear or "how cute they look"... as long as they're there to workout. It's the types that stand around and chat on equipment that make me crazy. But that's just general gym manners.
  • goodmonster
    I don't really care how much makeup they wear or "how cute they look"... as long as they're there to workout. It's the types that stand around and chat on equipment that make me crazy. But that's just general gym manners.

    This. All of this.

    I like manners.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Who cares? At least they are there! You know they are probably thinking, why are you here without make up?

    I make it a point not to make fun or talk **** (even in my own head) about others at the gym. I'm glad they are there, and that is the way it should be! It should be one place you go that you don't worry about what you look like or how you sweat! :)
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I didn't read the other posts, before posting mine. Nice! I like that others think the same way too!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    You're not there to find a boyfriend
    Perhaps they are there to find a boyfriend. They are paying their membership dues so why do you care?
    Pretty much my thoughts on this. Thanks for proving my paranoia about people staring at the gym though, OP.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I hear it burns extra calories if you judge people while working out. The venom speeds up your metabolism.

    ahahaha I love this. Just get in there and do your thing. I love the gym cause it's the one time of the day I don't have to think about other people (I do a lot of customer service stuff haha)

    Just a side thought... that princess (aka. hoochie) may be extremely insecure about going to the gym... may be very new to exercise and trying to learn the ropes. Gym etiquette, fear of being looked at, etc. can be really overwhelming to newbies and it could be eye opening to... talk to one.

    This is also a very valid point. I have a friend I went to the gym with once and she just used the cross trainer, I dragged her around the weights room and to a class and afterwards she said she had been so unfamiliar with those rooms she just stuck doing the same thing that she knew and was scared of everything else. I love watching how people change over their time in the gym, it's like watching them evolve directly as they learn more and change their goals etc.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    If these "atrocious" women who *gasp* wear makeup and dress up to go to the gym bother you so much, then buy the equipment you use at the gym and put in your house. If you want company, invite people over or hire a personal trainer.

    If you cannot afford to or are not willing to do the above then: YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.

    Frankly, I bet these "sluts" are most likely thinner, prettier, and better looking even without makeup than the women complaining about them.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    well if they are thin and hot, they probably have enough self control with their food that they just go there to do some light movement, which is better than sitting in front of the tv... i wish i had that much self control... but i like to eat, therefore, i have to work hard at the gym.

    i wish i could be thin enough to just barely have to break a sweat to keep in shape.

    i personally couldn't give a toss about what i look at the gym, because i sweat my butt off... but i am man enough to admit when i hate the thin gorgeous chicks at the gym it's out of pure envy.
    not necessarily, one word= metabolism.
    my bestie has never worked out in her life, eats junk food all day and is 47kg/100lb?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Just because they pay their monthly dues does not make them immune to criticism. It's somewhat equivalent to being a member at a country club and showing up only to halfheartedly hack the golf ball around and slow down play. Yes, you have a right to be there and do that, but that doesn't mean it's not hella annoying.

    There is also a difference between a professional woman squeezing in a workout on her lunch break and a party girl who thinks the gym is a runway, and I think we all know which one the OP is complaining about.

    If you think there's anything wrong with a girl being all hoochie (dress, makeup, shaking their thang) at the gym you really need to expand your horizons.

    Some of the girls dressing like that are actually part of MFP for all you know, and you're hurting their feelings.

    WHAT if said hoochie girl just lost 60 lbs and is showing it off? What if she was there at 7am in a spin class and is just on the treadmill later in the day?

    WHAT if hoochie dressing girl is just there to get out of her house for a little bit (and catch up on some phone calls...)

    So what?

    We live in a free country.

    Exactly, and what if someone is back to working out after an injury which requires them slowing down?
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Hey does anyone know where 3rd peroid bio class is, I am new to this high school??
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I just hate them sitting on the equipment when I want it...
    My gym is new and has limited equipment.... so if some little b****h is just chilling there chatting with her mate it annoys the hell outta me.