POLL: Are you logging Thanksgiving Day?



  • I made a deal with my wife. I am going to do the Turkey Trot this year so I can burn calories if I don't count them for dinner.

    Fair trade don't you think?
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    No.... just enjoying family and food that day.
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Absolutely logging on Thanksgiving. Everyone over eats on this day and it’s ok to self indulge every once and awhile but don't hide from it make sure you log everything who knows you may not be tempted by the 2nd piece of pumpkin and a refill of eggnog! Instead I plan to nibble on a little bit of everything without going back for 2nds~ Happy Thanksgiving~
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    If by "logging" you mean "quick adding eleventy million calories", then YES!
  • SashaJaneJ
    SashaJaneJ Posts: 92 Member
    I am logging my food that I eat on Thanksgiving Day. I am do my walk that day also.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member

    I do not buy into the whole cheat day concept. Even if I "cheat" or "mess up" I log it.
    Plus, I plan on eating sensibly. So logging will be easy enough. I do understand why some people will not want to log. Some people will not be cooking and may not know every ingredient.

    Mas nix.
  • Sure I'm logging! Why not? I need to know how I eat on holidays, at parties, on no restriction days, etc. to get a handle on how I can make better choices. Besides, there's some evidence that suggests a calorie "spike" can "trick" your body into continuing to lose whereas if you eat the same thing all the time you can plateau. As you say, it's just one day and I can't eat enough calories in one day to gain back even two pounds.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I'll be eating at maintenance level and working out. I will be logging, but not stressing about it.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I have health issues and the consequences are very bad if I don't stay under my carb limits, so absolutely, I will be logging everything. With that said, although I'm watching my carbs, I will eat as many calories as I want, I'm not going to worry about snacking all day and not exercising: that's what my family does on Thanksgiving! But I'll just make sure & snack on the low-carb stuff, turkey, etc. and keep track of what I eat so I don't have an insulin reaction or make myself sick.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    Logging. I feel like I should log but not worry too much about going over. If I log I'm less likely to binge and get sick and that way I'm staying accountable to myself.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    not going to log, but not going to "enjoy it to the hilt" I plan on having a little bit of everything and enjoying myself, gravy, pie, wine....but in reasonable amounts! I"m cooking the ENTIRE meal, so I'm kidding myself if I think I'm not going to snack all day while preparing it....I don't want to drive myself nuts logging it all. The only real safety measure I have in place is that I plan on drinking my 40 oz of water that day before dinner. Hopefully it keeps me from feeling hungry all day with the constant smell of food, and helps me flush all the effing sodium I will consume!!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Yes, I will be logging.
  • slimmingdownsteph
    slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
    noooo haha.
    i'm going to watch myself and practice portion control but i always have a little of everything and it's next to impossible to find and log EVERYTHING. so i'm going to log in and make updates but i'm not going to log my food/exercise diary.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    If by "logging" you mean "quick adding eleventy million calories", then YES!

    I already beat you to the "quick add" comment AND eleventy million isn't even a real number so :tongue:
  • My husband and I plan on logging but I'm not going to feel guilty for going over for that one piece of pie:) Good luck everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • CynthiaS
    CynthiaS Posts: 208 Member
    I will be logging thanksgiving but I'm going to try and keep it to small portions & dessert :)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    no way! Too hard to figure out with all of the home cooked things by different people, who knows how much of everything right? Too hard to figure out. I plan on eating whatever I want but not OVER eating everything. Everything in moderation right? Why be miserable? Enjoy the yumminess, be good after that and don't weigh in until fri 12/2 or mon 12/5. I'm with the opinion of I don't want to log food the rest of my life, I'll skip the logging for the holiday :o)
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I'll log in the morning, but not dinner. I'm not going to measure portions in the buffet line or whip out my phone during dinner to log all my food. If I can remember later what I ate later, I'll log it later. I started on MFP to stop my weight from running my life decisions, and I won't let my self-imposed MPF obligations run my life either (at least not on Thanksgiving and Christmas).
  • samantha1953
    samantha1953 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm logging just to keep perspective as others have said. I"m gonna enjoy myself in reason. When I'm goal weight I won't log every day but will if I gain 5 lbs. I think I'll always get on the scale at least once a week the rest of my life. I lost weight years ago and didn't keep track and it gets out of hand quickly.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm not logging, but I'm not planning on going nuts either. I am splurging a little- pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, traditional chocolate mousse pie for dessert. But I'm making pumpkin turkey chili for our entree, which is a recipe I got off a weight watchers blog. I'm letting my boyfriend pick side dishes, but we'll probably have some vegetables and maybe some rolls. This is kind of a treat for him too, since he usually eats what I cook, which tends to be pretty healthy.

    I don't intend to stuff myself, because I hate that feeling of being so full your bloated. I also plan on going for a run in the morning too. I haven't given myself a free day since Halloween, so I don't think one day will be a huge issue.