Black Team Challenge Week 7



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I just have to give a little shout out to nonibug right now because I keep thinking about it. in the 6 weeks we have been doing this challenge she has lost 23.8 pounds!!! She is a machine!!! GREAT JOB!!!

    Woo Hoo Roni!! That is awesome ... and you look GORGEOUS in your AV, by the way. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I've been so quiet folks ... I've been in the grips of a death cold in addition to things being extree crazy around here. I've had time to read but not post and I miss it!

    But having a death cold has a plus side ... my appetite has been down so I've actually been somewhat under my calories for a change & the scale has finally moved! Hopefully once my appetite returns my self-control will stay. In the past I have eaten because I felt sorry for myself, not because I was hungry, and so I'd even gain weight when I was sick, but I've managed not to do that this time.

    I ended up not exercising this week much at all because this congestion has been all in my chest and I've been a bit short of breath ... no aerobics when you are coughing up stuff. :noway: :cry:

    I'll have to think about what I want to give up for this week ... been pondering it for Lent although my church doesn't really do that ... I like to follow the church year. I'm thinking that crackers & tortilla chips might have to go ... if I'm gonna binge, it's usually on one of those. Hmm ... according to what I read about emotion eating, I must be angry about something!?

    Have a great day, friends!

    :heart: Tresa

    Tresa, that SUCKS! I'm sorry you've been so sicky! I've missed seeing your posts! Good luck kicking the munchies to the curb! I know you can do it!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Sara..Good one and welcome back!

    Let's see which to choose..Okay, late night snacking. I am a mindless eater while the television is on. Gotta get some yarn.
  • nwfamilygal
    I will give up the scale and pizza this week. Go Black Team.:drinker:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I thought about this long and hard on my lovely run this morning--

    okay-- here we go-- since I can't afford food vices, NEED my coffee as a diuretic, truly can't give up anything because everything in the house is our only source of sustenance--

    I shall give up as my vice-- COMPLAINING. Yepper, you read it here first, folks. Despite a week of slimfast, 2+ liters of water daily, jumping jacks, measuring my food, counting my calories, 4 days of exercise, my needle moved in the wrong direction-- but I know there are some health and hormonal issues at play here. Negativity is only hurting me.

    So, once again, I'm going to attempt to right this attitude train and stop the bittching!!!

    For the next seven days at least, I vow to be joyful!!!!!!!!!

    (what a lovely run I had today-- I'm heading over to the proud thread to toot my horn-- )
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Gotta get some yarn.

    ok so the first time I read this I read gotta eat some yarn!!:laugh: :laugh: I had to read it again. I was like gotta eat some yarn?:noway: hahaha
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Gotta get some yarn.

    ok so the first time I read this I read gotta eat some yarn!!:laugh: :laugh: I had to read it again. I was like gotta eat some yarn?:noway: hahaha

    I thought it was "gotta get some yams." :indifferent:
    :laugh: Good luck with the Y-A-R-N, Bobbi! HA!

    Marla - I know you can do it! *hugs* My friend has a little sign in her kitchen that says, "choose joy." Whatever the situation, choose joy. Find the positive in the situation. I know you can do this! *hugs*

    NW - Good choices! Good luck with the scale! I'm already struggling & it is MY challenge! OY!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I thought about this long and hard on my lovely run this morning--

    okay-- here we go-- since I can't afford food vices, NEED my coffee as a diuretic, truly can't give up anything because everything in the house is our only source of sustenance--

    I shall give up as my vice-- COMPLAINING. Yepper, you read it here first, folks. Despite a week of slimfast, 2+ liters of water daily, jumping jacks, measuring my food, counting my calories, 4 days of exercise, my needle moved in the wrong direction-- but I know there are some health and hormonal issues at play here. Negativity is only hurting me.

    So, once again, I'm going to attempt to right this attitude train and stop the bittching!!!

    For the next seven days at least, I vow to be joyful!!!!!!!!!

    (what a lovely run I had today-- I'm heading over to the proud thread to toot my horn-- )

    come here darling, i need a 'stuck at this weight forever' hug too!!:sad: :sad:

    :smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok. I was reading saying........I dont have ANYTHING to give up. I dont eat white bread or sweets. Dont drink soda or coffee. I dont smoke or drink or have........high waisted pants. :laugh:

    Then I kept reading and thought :noway: (light off in head!) I have been wanting to go 1 week without artificial sweetner. I use equal in my coffee (when I have it) and sweet and low 4-6 x a day in my tea.

    I am going to try...............really not drink tea at all this week.

    Ok I said it, I must now be accountable. crap:sick:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Mine is Skittles:laugh: Although on the rare ocassion I do indulge in them now, I keep it to 1 serving:drinker: Good to see you Sara! Glad your back:flowerforyou:

    RONI!! Love your new AV sweetie!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Ok. I was reading saying........I dont have ANYTHING to give up. I dont eat white bread or sweets. Dont drink soda or coffee. I dont smoke or drink or have........high waisted pants. :laugh:

    Then I kept reading and thought :noway: (light off in head!) I have been wanting to go 1 week without artificial sweetner. I use equal in my coffee (when I have it) and sweet and low 4-6 x a day in my tea.

    I am going to try...............really not drink tea at all this week.

    Ok I said it, I must now be accountable. crap:sick:

    HA HA! Now ya gotta! :wink: :laugh: That's a really good one, Jeannie!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok. I was reading saying........I dont have ANYTHING to give up. I dont eat white bread or sweets. Dont drink soda or coffee. I dont smoke or drink or have........high waisted pants. :laugh:

    Then I kept reading and thought :noway: (light off in head!) I have been wanting to go 1 week without artificial sweetner. I use equal in my coffee (when I have it) and sweet and low 4-6 x a day in my tea.

    I am going to try...............really not drink tea at all this week.

    Ok I said it, I must now be accountable. crap:sick:

    HA HA! Now ya gotta! :wink: :laugh: That's a really good one, Jeannie!

    Yeah, you caught me at a weak moment. I was so happy to see my beanie weanie back I just HAD to be up for a challenge.:angry::grumble:

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    That's what you get for liking me! HA! :laugh:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Gotta get some yarn.

    ok so the first time I read this I read gotta eat some yarn!!:laugh: :laugh: I had to read it again. I was like gotta eat some yarn?:noway: hahaha

    Roughage!?!?! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    That's what you get for liking me! HA! :laugh:

    I guess......:grumble:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Wish me luck guys! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Good luck guy!

    Congrats Noni!

    Beans I'm moving March 31st, but for now am sleeping in the living room since it's the least moldiest room and I feel better when I sleep there. We found a huge wet spot on the rug in my old bedroom (from out of NOWHERE) and the landlord is again refusing to do anything, apparently WE made the spot, obviously... when there was a bed on top of the wet spot and I know I wasn't wetting the bed! HAHA. ANYWAY, whatever. THey'll have a ruined rug but it's not our fault and we're not paying to fix it. Period.

    The heart flutters have stopped. The DAY I saw the doctor they stopped. ARGH. He says they aren't related to the mould but refuses to comment on what they could be. They're hooking me up to a halter monitor but at this point I doubt it'll catch anything... my heart seems to be back to normal now. *SIGH* I only say sigh because it BOTHERS me when my body does weird things and I don't know why! haha.

    On the plus side I went skiing and OMG WHAT FUN! Burned 2000 calories and walked away with bruises and sore muscles but it was fantastic. I am going again ASAP.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member

    these are the names that I still need weights from. Your name is off the list but your still good to go. It's easiser for me to do the adding if I take out the names that haven't sent me their weights.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I'm going to try (again) to give up my diet sodas. I actually had about 3 totally caffeine free days when we had the water challenge a couple weeks ago and even went a full week or so without the soda until Friday. Had a stressful afternoon, had one soda and have had one every day since. I did have one today because I hadn't seen the challenge...but for the next week I will leave the Diet Dr. Pepper alone.

    I'm not going to promise caffeine free, though...that was tough!

    And, before I forget...congrats Noni! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Shuntae
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Check this out-- Fitness_Chick sent me the water thread where I can pinpoint exactly where I started pushing the water and drinking my "faithful 8 glasses plus a day."

    That was 11/20.

    My last loss was posted 11/19. I'm up 8 pounds since then.

    1200-1400 calories per day, exercise 4 times a week-- doing everything right.

    Curious coincidence, eh?

    I'm listening to my body going forward and see what happens. I'm drinking water right now, 'cause I'm thirsty. But, no more pushing it.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hmmm I dont know that I have one specific food or habit that I would consider a vice...however, since I cannot get my blood pressure medication until my pharmacy has it in stock again, I am really going to try to lower my sodium intake significantly until I can get back on the medication that I need...that means no table salt, and fewer canned soups and Lean's going to be difficult since my surgery is tomorrow and I won't have a whole lot of mobility, but working on my sodium is what I'm going to focus on this week...
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hmmm I dont know that I have one specific food or habit that I would consider a vice...however, since I cannot get my blood pressure medication until my pharmacy has it in stock again, I am really going to try to lower my sodium intake significantly until I can get back on the medication that I need...that means no table salt, and fewer canned soups and Lean's going to be difficult since my surgery is tomorrow and I won't have a whole lot of mobility, but working on my sodium is what I'm going to focus on this week...

    Oh, I'll be praying for you, Laura! Good luck with your surgery! You can do the low sodium thing! I KNOW you can! *hugs*