Level 1 of the 30 day Shred - Open Group



  • califigureeight
    Hey Ladies!

    I did 30DS last week Sun, Tues and Weds. I was only able to do Circuit 1 on Thursday and Saturday because my knee was killing me. I did it again on Sunday and my knee bothered me all of Monday. I was at work today, wearing my knee brace at work now, and realized that if I continue with the full 30DS that I'm most likely going to aggravate my knee more and cause an injury and forced downtime. SO...I'm going to create routine. I can still do all of the strength moves, the shadowboxing and kickbacks, squat and press so I'm going to modify the routine and still work out until I can do more. I don't care if I have to stay on Level 1 for 3 months, I'm focused on staying dedicated. I'm currently 265 pounds and I KNOW that it's the weight that's holding me back. I was really excited about 30DS and impressed with my Week 1 results so I AM NOT GIVING UP!!!

    (and I hope that I can stick around the group although I'm not a "real" shredder...LOL)
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Of course you can stick it out with us, but please join us on the new thread (link posted above).