soo tattoos or no tattoos??



  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I have 6. A maze on my right shoulder, 4 lizards on my left (which I count as 2 as the centre geco is my first and the 3 lizards around it are my latest) a triskel and ivy band on my right wrist, a large tree of life on my back and a raven on my butt. and I have another 1 or 2 planned.:bigsmile:
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    My thoughts on tattoo's are if they mean something to you, by all means, go for it. I'm not a big fan of picking tats out of a book or off of a wall because someone out there has the same thing. I'd rather seek out an artist who has the ability to freehand. Might cost more and be a 6 month + wait but in the end you'll have a one-off piece.

    All except 1 was free handed by my artist. And the one that wasn't free handed? I hate.
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    None! although they have been around forever , they seem a little too fadish. As a lady and I want to remain as one, I don't like them, I don't think they suit me. If people want to get them, that is fine. just my own thoughts here. Having said that, I do have a belly piercing Ha! Ha! but I can take this out anytime.
  • DM_USCG21
    I have several. A half sleeve on my right arm, with two roses, and a skull, with a banner that states Family is forever.

    The roses represting the growth and blooming of a family, and the skull being the last remains when someone passes, lasting forever.

    A half sleeve on my right arm that has a battered 5 masted sailing ship coming throug a storm, with the words Fair winds and following seas, resprestting my time in the US Coast Guard, and deployments to the South Pacific and Bering Sea.

    I would have a full sleeve but I like to be able to cover them when necessary!

    I love women with tattoos!!!
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    Got my first tattoo on my 37th birthday!! I wanted something to prove I was strong and received it about 3 weeks before my husband came home from his deployment in Afghanistan (something I thought we wouldn't make it through)!!!
    My tattoo is 4 hearts joined to make a four leaf clover (goodluck).
    Red heart = husband
    Blue heart = daughter
    Pink heart = mom
    Purple heart = 12 yr old neice who was killed in car accident in 2010
    And I am the green stem that holds everyone together...not colored in, may do that later....
  • Kmarr32010
    Kmarr32010 Posts: 244 Member
    I only have 1 so far. I do want another one but not sure when I will get it. My husband has ALOT of tattoos so needless to say, I love them and find them very sexy on a man, well on my husband atleast! :wink:
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    what is it with women loving tattoos so much on men? someone please enlighten me, also I love tattoos!

    for me, it's just the punk rock lifestyle.

    but, i am a little picky. I don't like the "random" tattoos really. Like the really small ones on a much larger peice of skin. I think a tattoo should compliment a body part in size. My brother has a tiny 3" one on his bicep and it drives me batty. I REALLY like full body part peices (full back, ribs, sleeves, full calf)
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Your body's a temple...decorate it.
  • khethil
    khethil Posts: 7 Member
    Personally I love seeing them; as long as they have some meaning to the wearer (rather than just a "Gotta have something"-quickie). Heck yea
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    My brother has a tiny 3" one on his bicep and it drives me batty. I REALLY like full body part peices (full back, ribs, sleeves, full calf)

    Me and my artist tell people "you don't put a postage stamp on a python."
  • bigdawg62
    bigdawg62 Posts: 127 Member
    If I was meant to have a tatoo on my body I would have been born with it.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Just askin' ...
    Do tat's that are visable have any impact on people who are looking for work? Do persepective employers use this in a way not to hire someone with visable ones?

    I work in a professional environment for a very large company (i'm a software engineer) and I cover my tattoos every single day. I have both sleeves done, so yup, it's long sleeves for me all through summer. You get used to it - and you end up owning A LOT of light material button up shirts and carnigans.

    I don't think I have to cover then up, but i do so out of respect for the professional environment.

    I love the line some previously posted ~"people don't care if someone doesn't have tattoos so why should someone without them care if you do?"
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Just askin' ...
    Do tat's that are visable have any impact on people who are looking for work? Do persepective employers use this in a way not to hire someone with visable ones?

    I work in a professional environment for a very large company (i'm a software engineer) and I cover my tattoos every single day. I have both sleeves done, so yup, it's long sleeves for me all through summer. You get used to it - and you end up owning A LOT of light material button up shirts and carnigans.

    I don't think I have to cover then up, but i do so out of respect for the professional environment.

    I love the line some previously posted ~"people don't care if someone doesn't have tattoos so why should someone without them care if you do?"
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I designed a peacock tattoo, didn't like the ones in the shop with womens faces and boobs. Boobs on a peacock obviously they are male. Love my tat want 2 more
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    My brother has a tiny 3" one on his bicep and it drives me batty. I REALLY like full body part peices (full back, ribs, sleeves, full calf)

    Me and my artist tell people "you don't put a postage stamp on a python."

    heh. mind if i use that one?
  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    I love them, especially on guys its sexy :P
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    If I was meant to have a tatoo on my body I would have been born with it.

    were you born with clothes, jewlery or an ability for your hair to cut itself? :wink:
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    None! although they have been around forever , they seem a little too fadish. As a lady and I want to remain as one, I don't like them, I don't think they suit me. If people want to get them, that is fine. just my own thoughts here. Having said that, I do have a belly piercing Ha! Ha! but I can take this out anytime.

    I'm waiting to lose my belly before having my navel pierced!
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    2 - the 3 stars on the front of my shoulder-past, present future type thing, the second one is song lyrics on my foot which I love
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I have four, all of them mean something special to me.

    My first one is and Egyptian Ankh on R shoulder, the Kanji sign for peace on the back of my neck, a heart that I designed on my R hip and stars on my L foot. I am planning on getting more, I love sleeves on other people but I just can't see one on me.

    And on my guy I loooove tattoos (so sex) But I married someone who had no interest in getting one, but now he is "looking into it" lol.