soo tattoos or no tattoos??



  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    If I was meant to have a tatoo on my body I would have been born with it.

    were you born with clothes, jewlery or an ability for your hair to cut itself? :wink:

    Thanks for answering before me. I was not going to be this nice.

    I have two. Both in places that can be shown off or covered easily. Don't plan to get anymore but I love the two I have
  • NaughtyKnockers
    I have one on my right backside on by my shoulder, Its a heart with a blue butterfly and 2 smaller hearts got it when i turned 18! Only one so far! But would love to celebrate my weight loss with another one! :)
  • klynn08
    klynn08 Posts: 151 Member
    I like tattoos, there are always such great stories behind them. I have one.. its my one and only tattoo. haha Its a flower on my foot, I absolutely love it but im such a baby and cried through it so I dont think I could handle another one.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I am planning a sleeve or half-sleeve. I've always loved tattoos and thought they were so beautiful, and I love that idea of permanence. A lot of people ask me if I will regret it when I'm ninety and wrinkly, and I always think that I'll be able to look at that tattoo and remember when I was 22 and hot. It's a part of you, really. I also have my nose pierced, and will get a navel ring when I get home.

    My body is gorgeous, and that's why I choose to decorate it.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    I have 3 at the moment, 2 more planned, but I doubt I'll stop there. All of mine can be covered so far, but one I have planned is on my inner wrist...not quite so easy without long sleeves! I don't mind tattoos. I like the story people always have with theirs :)

    My first is a fairy sitting in the clouds on my shoulderblade. My second is the Hanson symbol (still my favorite band) on my lower back. My third is my son's initials, birthdate, and little foot prints on my ankle. The next I have planned is either getting a matching initials, birthdate and foot prints on my other ankle for my daughter, or the one on my inner wrist which will be the Deathly Hallows symbol with 7 asterisks/stars around it to represent each of the 7 Harry Potter books (Deathly Hallows is what the entire last book is about, basically, in case you're not a Harry Potter fan).
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    4 tats and was working on getting a 5th when I found out I was preggo, so I'll be planning it in the near future.

    Luv tats!

    Don't hate any of mine yet.

    Well maybe the slut mark on my lower back I had done when I was around 20 but didn't know it was called that back then. lol

    I have a moon with a star, a skull with a rose, a symbol of one of my fav Spanish Rock bands (Jaguares) on the back of my neck& the one I mentioned before that is kind of a tribal mark.

    I would like to get:

    Stars of different sizes from the band symbol down to the side of my tummy.
    Sugar skull
    Nightmare before Christmas, scene of Sally & Jack at the end of the movie.
  • dodger7977
    dodger7977 Posts: 108 Member
    I have just gotten my first! It is a blue monarch style butterfly on my outside left ankle and it has several meanings for me.

    1. It is in memory of my grandmother who passed away last year and she loved monarch butterflies.
    2. It is a friendships tattoo, my bff and I got our first tattoos together same spot, buy on opposite legs and totally different designs. Keeps us both happy.
    3. It commemorates the completion of my first half marathon which was on December 4th 2011!

    It took me 8 years to actually get the tattoo, as I had decided that I needed to love the design before making it permanent. I ended up having my artist draw up his own design from an image I had and he did an awesome job. (I would post a photo, but I'm not sure how to do that here)

    I work in the jewelry industry and tattoos are very frowned upon and must be covered, I don't mind as I almost always wear pant suits and hate skirts, if need be though, I can put on some cute boots and be just fine!
  • fxst78
    fxst78 Posts: 221 Member
    Love them. Have a complete full back piece and if my current job allowed it I would also have full sleeves, but I will wait.

    Love them on woman aswell, especially well designed sleeves.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i have a Grateful Dead steel your face tattoo around my belly button. it was super stretched out when i was my heaviest lol. its shrinking now.. lol
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I can"t decide what I think about them. I got one when I was 18 which was mainly down to peer pressure, and don't like it. It was a tattoo for the sake of having a tattoo.
    I have been having that lasered off. Which really hurts!!!! So I'm thinking now its faded I could get it covered with a new better one instead. Something I like.
    But I do feel although its fashionable at the moment to have them, that could change. I mean all those '90"s tribal and piercings look really dated now , to me.
    Now lots of colours and boldness ala Amy Winehouse seems to be fashionable.
    Seems safer not to bother.
    They should invent semi permanents which last maybe a year or too., Forever is a long time!
  • tinywithaBIGheart
    i love tattoos , but i think that too many can be overwhelming. I have a tiny one on my hip and my reward to myself for losing weight/xmas is another :) planning on getting it this week , im so excited !
  • Just_Bethy
    I have twelve. One that needs to be fixed/covered up. It looked good halfway through the tattoo and then at the end it went a complete different direction hahaha, I was mad, now I laugh and will get it fixed eventually.

    I am all for them!

    What a great attitude!! :D
  • Skyking1964
    My thoughts on tattoo's are if they mean something to you, by all means, go for it. I'm not a big fan of picking tats out of a book or off of a wall because someone out there has the same thing. I'd rather seek out an artist who has the ability to freehand. Might cost more and be a 6 month + wait but in the end you'll have a one-off piece.

    My thoughts exactly, I have 5 all are custom I have an artist who is truly an artist, in other mediums, He is the only one I will allow to tattoo me. I plan to have both sleeves completed in the next couple years both arms mostly covered now need to get fill work done and some color on one that is not complete.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I've been getting tattooed for 11 years, I have: butterfly on my hip, band across my back, kanji (which I want to cover!), stars up my spine, lyrics on my ribcage and one wrist, band of stars on other wrist, and finally a half sleeve!
    My half sleeve is lovely (if i do say so myself!) koi and cherry blossoms, free handed by a great artist. I am planning a few more, would like a full sleeve eventually. Once a reach my goal weight I'll be getting a chest piece.
    Having a large visible tattoo like my half sleeve has encouraged more thank few inappropriate comments and touching from strangers :(
  • MetalEllie
    I love them!! I have a back piece that needs some more work doing to it, roses on my leg from my trip to Vegas and I'm getting a half sleeve done in a months time based on a horror scene (I love slashers and wanted something to represent that part of my personality).

    I completely agree with getting them custom made by a proper artist, I don't see the point in picking something off a wall. Any reputable tattooist won't have a 'book' you could pick a tattoo from, they'd have a book of their own artwork to give you an idea of their style :o)
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Once I run my 1st marathon I'm going to get one. I already have 3 piercings so all I need is a tatt
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    i have 6 altogether.. my fave being the swallows on my chest/collar bones :) there are pics on my profile :)
    the rest are on my feet..
    I would love to get a rib piece and a sleeve but I don't know if I ever will..
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Nope, not me. I have not seen any tattoo that I thought looked great.

    I am a nurse, and trust me when I tell you, that tattoos don't age well! Especially when said tattooed person lets themselves go!
  • BethN77
    BethN77 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't mind tats at all - except ones on the face, throat, & wrist, and I don't like "dark" ones, like skulls, reaper, & such. Maybe I just haven't seen any that looked like they were worth having in those spots? A pet peeve of mine is that no one should get a tat just because. They are permanent & should reflect that person (even if it *is* a skull), hopefully not just a phase that person is going through, though, b/c they usually end up being a tat the person comes to regret and I think that's sad. I have given each of mine (the one I have & the ones I want) much thought. I have a claddagh on the outside of my left ankle. I definitely want more; 5 for each of my children, connected by something so it actually looks like 1 tat, & a minimum of 3 others in mind, also. One reward for myself when I reach my GW will be to get my "mommy" tat and I can't wait!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I have one complete one and one in progress.
    The complete one is a dragon on my right calf. Dragons are a symbol of protection and I've always felt really connected to dragons, so to have one on my body is a huge thing for me.
    The one in progress is on my left shoulder blade, it's a male angel. The outline is done now, but I'm going on the 27th to get him finished :)