soo tattoos or no tattoos??



  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    Just askin' ...
    Do tat's that are visable have any impact on people who are looking for work? Do persepective employers use this in a way not to hire someone with visable ones?

    It depends a lot on the field in which the employee is looking. I am in science and they don't seem to care (one of my profs has several that are visible as well as piercings). I have a friend in business and he ALWAYS covers his unless we are just hanging out at someone's house. Even when we go out, he wears shirts that cover them (he has half sleeves) as he says he never knows who he will run in to that can affect his job.
  • definitely tattoos! i love mine and plan to get more. i also think guys who have (not perverted) tattoos are HOT!
  • If a woman has them, well, it depends. I am not a fan, but if she's otherwise (!) attractive and the tattoos are not too excessive, maaaayyyyyyybeeee. (I do know a few beautiful women who have one or two.) This is kind of a moot point, as I am married. My wife does not have any, and I've told (begged) her, for the love of God, please, do not get any! I love the skin she has, the skin she was born with! As for myself--no no no no no no no no no no no no no....
  • I have 5. One on my forearm that I want covered with something else. One on my lower back, one on each leg and one that covers most of my back. I want something done to each one, but can't afford it right now. =(
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    If I was meant to have a tatoo on my body I would have been born with it.

    were you born with clothes, jewlery or an ability for your hair to cut itself? :wink:

  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    Not for me. I planned to have one or two when I was in my teens and cool and punk as f**k, but once every sorority girl started getting them in the early '90s they didn't mean what I wanted them to mean anymore. And I figured if I was still the kind of person who didn't mind having the tattoos, I wouldn't actually need them. I have seen several tattoos that are beautiful and I find them hot on certain kinds of men, but my husband is not one of those kinds.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    I have five:
    A little purple peace sign in my ear that is now more of a blob than a tattoo
    A cat on my bikini line (I designed it, and it was my first)
    The Eye of Horus on my left shoulder blade
    A beautiful green-bottle-blue tarantula on my right shoulder (I raise tarantulas)
    And the Minoan Snake Goddess going up my spine.

    My hubby-to-be has none, wants none, and doesn't want me to get any more. But that's not how it's going to turn out. It's OK; He's a big boy, and he loves me anyway. I know he'll think I'm beautiful either way. When this weight comes off, I am decorating myself with some new ink to celebrate!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    When this weight comes off, I am decorating myself with some new ink to celebrate!

    You and me both! I have my "weight loss achieved" design all picked out and prepared...just need to get there!!