Who is you MFP inspiration?



  • cngeier
    I was mentally flipping through my MFP memory bank and it is just too hard to pick one! <- (Sounds like the cheese-ball answer, but it's true!) In one way or another each and every one of my friends on here have been a burst of motivation, plethora of quality knowledge and most of all inspirational in their own way.
    you have been very inspirational to me!
  • broby425
    Like many others, I've gotta go with "everyone". Love the energy here!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    cheese alert: ALL OF YOU... ...but my top of the list inspirations in terms of weight loss and positive attitude??? #1. coryida #2. carolinamomma

    Aww.. Thank You Sweetie *muah*
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    All of my friends current and some gone have been my insperation since the day I came here. Mleb2005 my daughter is special for of course the fact that she is my daughter and she is also the one who brought me here. Besides that all of my friends have celebrated with my accomplishments and made me dig deep in my failures. So you see all have been my insperation!
  • JenMarie826
    My Uncle shack1157 and My Aunt Queen_Christine are both my inspiration! He has lost over 100 lbs and she has lost almost 55 lbs... They are the reason I got started on MFP and I am loving every minute of this journey on here!
  • kristarablue
    My goodness I am continually inspired daily by so many. My peeps keep me on track, keep my crazy down and are just always there to catch me when I stumble and incourage me when I have had it. I can not possibly name everyone that has inspired me, my entire list would be here, however there are a couple of peeps that have just really been there through thick and thin and have become good friends. They also have all lost large amounts of weight, some have achived their weight goals and working on fitness goals, some are still on their journey but all have also had amazing body transformations and I stalk their diaries more than I care to admit...cause I am just trying do as well as them.

    Tross0924 - He is always there for encouragement, I try so hard to keep up with his crazy workouts and I always just fall short, but I keep tryin. He has lost so much weight and I am in awe of his consitancy and dedication. He also has a soft way of pushing me harder than I would ever push myself and I will be eternally grateful for that because I have done things I never thought possible for me because of his constant belief in my abilities. Also one of the kindest people I have ever known and I soooo want his confidence.

    GorillaNJ - You my dear put up with my crazy, keep me grounded daily and just calm me. He does crazy *kitten* workouts, I want to run as fast as he does and I love that we seem to struggle together with many of the same things. He has lost a ton of weight and continues to strive towards greatness and never seems to get discouraged. Also kicks my *kitten* if I need him too..he's good like that, but always sweet even if he pretends not to be.

    Gailosborne - I want to be just like her. She is a shining example of someone that has achieved her goal and has mainitained for almost 2 years. She always eats healthy...ALWAYS...her workouts are amazing and plentiful. She is smart, sweet, kind and giving and is there always for me. She has picked me up when I was about ready to fall at least 50 times. She is what I aspire to be. She can also do pull ups unassisted and I just can't YET...lol

    4milesat40 - She continually has me in awe. I have seen her from the beginning and she has just surpased me with weight lost in a much quicker time. She NEVER cheats..EVER...I am so not that good. She decides she is going to do something and just does it..period..its done. She is sweet and kind, is always there and totally non-judgemental.

    rgoodearl - He is just encouraging and always has amazing cardio workouts. Gets up crazy early in the morning to do them every single day...this makes my jaw drop. I always look forward to seeing how many calories he has burned, because it is always crazy high.

    Carolinamama3 - ok don't know her well but I am in awe of her huge weight loss and workouts...wow...and she has lost so much is such a short time.

    Wow..sorry long winded and my words do not even cover what I wanted to say. Sorry, I have so many more to name...so many amazing wonderful people.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Wow this one is hard cuz I have so many... but I will give you my top 5 that inspire me everyday ...

    RachelJE - man this girl rocks... I have to say without her, I don't know if I would have made it this far!
    VeryKerri - yes she has a lot of up and downs, but really she just rocks it
    Baypathgradlyn - another amazing MFPer.. she inspires me everyday with her great attitude
    Megabux - this girl here is my rock! and my roll! .. she is such a motivator, such an inspiration

    and my newest inspiration

    8bitAlina - this girl here is my "Elly don't you give up", "You know you can do it" INSPIRATION!! She's not afraid to try things, she's always right there when you need her, and knows the exact thing to say!!

    Ok I could go on and on and on and on.. but those are my tops!

    OMG!!!! I made the list :) Thank you so much Elly!!!!! you are a huge inspiration to me, and a great challenge leader!!! <3
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    wow, I am seriously going to have a long list going here....

    some people measure inspiration through the # of lbs someone loses, but I look at it as, yes, ok, the pounds could be part of it, but also, there are so many people on here that have AMAZING attitudes. People who have such dedication...people who also are human and slip up from time to time, but they get it, they get that its ok to mess up once in a while as long as you are fully prepared to get back at it! I would definately not still be here if it weren't for all the supportive friends I have...

    I am going to thow out a few names, but the list is really endless for me...

    gatorgirl7-she is my bff, always will be (even though she ditched me after high school and moved from Connecticut to FLORIDA! lol)...she got me on this site, and she looks fab.u.lous!!!! She is a runner, and got me into running (well, a lil bit)...she also got me to sign up for the ING Hartford Marathon back in October (****5K**** I am not a marathon runner lol)

    crazyellybean-we met here on MFP (back in August I think? or July?) and she has been with me through a bunch of group challenges...she has an amazing attitude, and always pushes people to be the best they can be...

    angievaughn-she is one of the first friends I made here on MFP, and she is just so amazingly dedicated and with 5 (? I think it is 5? or maybe 4?) kids, I don't know how she finds the time! heck, I don't know how anyone who has kids can do it! mad props to all of you out there with kids!! But seriously, Angie has been so supportive of me...

    rmartin72-he is my partner for the current group challenge I am in, and he blasts out these amazing workouts day in and day out...I don't know how he has the energy to keep going!!!

    There are so many other people on here that inspire me, I could go on for days :)
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    While a ton of folks on here have been an inspiration in one aspect or another, by far the one MFP woman who as been a complete and total inspiration to me on here is cbug75. Good times and bad, up or down, focused or not, she's been there to either encourage me when needed or cuss me out as required. I love her for that.

    For the guys, hands down DJackson230. He's is the one guy with the longest MFP consistency record that I have on my list. The man gets the job done EVERY day and never fails to give a word of encouragement. Great example of a wise sage and good friend.
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    I am just now being able to read this thread because I didn't see it pop up :) I'm blown away by the people who put ME as their inspiration! Thank you!!!

    I have several people who inspire me on here, both men and women.. I have a few that I'd like to name because they keep pushing me forward and blessing me day in and day out with their uplifting words & kind thoughts! Also, there are the ones on my list who maybe don't say as much but once I look at their accomplishments I'm blown away :)

    These are in no particular order buuuuut:

    Girls: CoryIda, Mama2SethandOlivia, LorinaLynn, udallmom101, kerriBB37, basbaluva24, llovegrove, angela828, dezil, norcalbeezy, byHISstrength, Lula16, limestar, sayrahhh

    Guys: Diesel_Ice, cibolodave, 1974superstar
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I am just now being able to read this thread because I didn't see it pop up :) I'm blown away by the people who put ME as their inspiration! Thank you!!!

    I have several people who inspire me on here, both men and women.. I have a few that I'd like to name because they keep pushing me forward and blessing me day in and day out with their uplifting words & kind thoughts! Also, there are the ones on my list who maybe don't say as much but once I look at their accomplishments I'm blown away :)

    These are in no particular order buuuuut:

    Girls: CoryIda, Mama2SethandOlivia, LorinaLynn, udallmom101, kerriBB37, basbaluva24, llovegrove, angela828, dezil, norcalbeezy, byHISstrength, Lula16, limestar, sayrahhh

    Guys: Diesel_Ice, cibolodave, 1974superstar

    You're so sweet. I am really surprised I'm your inspiration though, because I added you cus of you being one of my inspirations, how awesome is that? :D
  • eliz_in_pink
    eliz_in_pink Posts: 278 Member
    I am just now being able to read this thread because I didn't see it pop up :) I'm blown away by the people who put ME as their inspiration! Thank you!!!

    I have several people who inspire me on here, both men and women.. I have a few that I'd like to name because they keep pushing me forward and blessing me day in and day out with their uplifting words & kind thoughts! Also, there are the ones on my list who maybe don't say as much but once I look at their accomplishments I'm blown away :)

    These are in no particular order buuuuut:

    Girls: CoryIda, Mama2SethandOlivia, LorinaLynn, udallmom101, kerriBB37, basbaluva24, llovegrove, angela828, dezil, norcalbeezy, byHISstrength, Lula16, limestar, sayrahhh

    Guys: Diesel_Ice, cibolodave, 1974superstar

    You're so sweet. I am really surprised I'm your inspiration though, because I added you cus of you being one of my inspirations, how awesome is that? :D

    Very neat, I tihnk! I'm glad we became friends and can inspire each other to be our best!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am just now being able to read this thread because I didn't see it pop up :) I'm blown away by the people who put ME as their inspiration! Thank you!!!

    I have several people who inspire me on here, both men and women.. I have a few that I'd like to name because they keep pushing me forward and blessing me day in and day out with their uplifting words & kind thoughts! Also, there are the ones on my list who maybe don't say as much but once I look at their accomplishments I'm blown away :)

    These are in no particular order buuuuut:

    Girls: CoryIda, Mama2SethandOlivia, LorinaLynn, udallmom101, kerriBB37, basbaluva24, llovegrove, angela828, dezil, norcalbeezy, byHISstrength, Lula16, limestar, sayrahhh

    Guys: Diesel_Ice, cibolodave, 1974superstar
    Awww! Thank you! You are also fabulous!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    My goodness I am continually inspired daily by so many. My peeps keep me on track, keep my crazy down and are just always there to catch me when I stumble and incourage me when I have had it. I can not possibly name everyone that has inspired me, my entire list would be here, however there are a couple of peeps that have just really been there through thick and thin and have become good friends. They also have all lost large amounts of weight, some have achived their weight goals and working on fitness goals, some are still on their journey but all have also had amazing body transformations and I stalk their diaries more than I care to admit...cause I am just trying do as well as them.

    Tross0924 - He is always there for encouragement, I try so hard to keep up with his crazy workouts and I always just fall short, but I keep tryin. He has lost so much weight and I am in awe of his consitancy and dedication. He also has a soft way of pushing me harder than I would ever push myself and I will be eternally grateful for that because I have done things I never thought possible for me because of his constant belief in my abilities. Also one of the kindest people I have ever known and I soooo want his confidence.

    GorillaNJ - You my dear put up with my crazy, keep me grounded daily and just calm me. He does crazy *kitten* workouts, I want to run as fast as he does and I love that we seem to struggle together with many of the same things. He has lost a ton of weight and continues to strive towards greatness and never seems to get discouraged. Also kicks my *kitten* if I need him too..he's good like that, but always sweet even if he pretends not to be.

    Gailosborne - I want to be just like her. She is a shining example of someone that has achieved her goal and has mainitained for almost 2 years. She always eats healthy...ALWAYS...her workouts are amazing and plentiful. She is smart, sweet, kind and giving and is there always for me. She has picked me up when I was about ready to fall at least 50 times. She is what I aspire to be. She can also do pull ups unassisted and I just can't YET...lol

    4milesat40 - She continually has me in awe. I have seen her from the beginning and she has just surpased me with weight lost in a much quicker time. She NEVER cheats..EVER...I am so not that good. She decides she is going to do something and just does it..period..its done. She is sweet and kind, is always there and totally non-judgemental.

    rgoodearl - He is just encouraging and always has amazing cardio workouts. Gets up crazy early in the morning to do them every single day...this makes my jaw drop. I always look forward to seeing how many calories he has burned, because it is always crazy high.

    Carolinamama3 - ok don't know her well but I am in awe of her huge weight loss and workouts...wow...and she has lost so much is such a short time.

    Wow..sorry long winded and my words do not even cover what I wanted to say. Sorry, I have so many more to name...so many amazing wonderful people.

    Aww.. ThankS Sweetie.. You are an Inspiration yourself..((big hugs))
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Men: Gr8birdie because he's always working it! And 500lbstomarathon, because of how far he's come and how hard he works. Women: Momofmy5kids because she's a machine!! And Skittybang because her updates keep me laughing all day :)
  • gleechick609
    I am my own inspiration
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i realize i might not be on anyone's list, but the fact that YOU'RE here, you're on mine :) anyone actively changing his/her life is an inspiration to me :)

    but...there are a few standouts:

    coryida, 500lbstomarathon, katiejane83, namaste1983, heidiberr, amelia_atlantic, justjoshin, mrsripdizzle, shizzman, savvystephy, joycejoanne, bronxmontogomery, _shelley_, zumbababy, cweiler4, xoxmalsxox, holyguacamole37, jennieal, jenniodwyer, annabellj, punkedpoetess, SO MANY OF YOU. i could go on and on.