Are you going to log Christmas day?



  • sarahnicole218
    Absolutely...I may go way over my calorie goal (because I won't be trying to stick to it), but when I take a break from logging, it's hard to start again the next day. Plus, I want to see how many calories I actually consume when I'm not trying to stick within my goal. I'll enjoy my day, but also hold myself accountable for everything I consume. Mmm...eggnog.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i certainly will! Why wouldnt you? I dont believe in only logging when i have "been good" the calories exist whether i log them or not, and if i log them, i am being realistic about it. I cant just pretend those calories didnt exist.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    as best i can......
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    I only logged exercise and breakfast for Thanksgiving, probably will do the same for Christmas
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    I kind of want to know how much I'm going to be clocking up, but I'm not going to log. I'm planning on resetting my counter and starting afresh.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I absolutely will. I already have the meal and dessert planned. I even have the alcoholic beverage of choice planned and will be well within my daily intake goals.....
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    I will log it, just for a reference....and then I'll work my bootie the next couple days!!!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Yupp. Cuz I'm working all day. My family supper is on Christmas Eve tho, so I'll eat what I want but still log every bite.
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    I will log my food but I won't let it stop me from enjoying my day :)
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I am, but I'm not going to let the fact that I am change what I'm going to eat (nor am I going to take time away from family to actually do the logging - I'll be home the same night and will try and do it from memory lol).
  • hbarney
    hbarney Posts: 434
    I plan on it. I will not worry though if I don't know the calorie count for every single thing I eat or drink. I also will not worry so much if I miss counting something. I would like to have a general idea though of the day. I will eat and drink what I want and move on to the next day!!!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Yeah the best I can.
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I think I'll log what I can just out of interest about how much I actually do eat at Xmas! I think it's a good time for us to relax for one day and enjoy ourselves and can go back to normal after that. I think we are all sensible enough not to eat too much til we're sick like we probably used to do and will be able to enjoy chocolate, alcohol, mince pies, etc in moderation. I have the iPhone app so won't need to be sitting at a computer obsessing too much over what I've had!
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I plan to log Christmas day, as I am aiming towards a goal, and even if I go over my calories I want to know what I ate .. so that I can look back and see why my weight was up or see that I CAN beat the holiday!
  • HannahPastoor
    I will - but I'm not going to focus on every little calorie. I plan to use Christmas Day as a cheat day - I'll let myself enjoy the foods I like, without going crazy and overeating. But I'm going to log everything so that I have a realistic idea of how much I put into my body, just to hold myself accountable and keep myself informed. It might help me get back on track afterwards, too, instead of using that day as a slippery slope to eating poorly a few days later.

  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    :laugh: nope. ...but will log into MFP so I dont lose my "days logged in"..gotta keep the streak going..

    I figure Christmas is a free day...rejoicing in the day and spending it with my wonderful family..and my dad after 5 any of the calories...even if i wanted to count them..would all be zero why bother..:bigsmile:
  • dawngrasso
    dawngrasso Posts: 35 Member
    yes - i will - will def go over my calories that day but it keeps me accountable and makes me just work harder
  • ms1978
    ms1978 Posts: 26 Member
    I logged on Thanksgiving and will again on Christmas. I feel that my calorie allowance is enough to enjoy the holiday without being gluttonous. I am going to be conscious of my intake and try to stay in control =)
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member
    I plan to add some extra time exercising, eat a very light brunch and enjoy Christmas dinner in moderation. I can enjoy the reasonable slice of Prime Rib and all the accompanying side dishes without the overindulged, bloated feeling I'll end up with if I "throw all caution to the wind". For myself, one of the great "side effects" of dieting is that I eat a lot less and am quite satisfied so to answer the question, yes I will log on Christmas Day as well.
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Yes - it's just another day in the eating category. If you are choosing to change your lifestyle which leads to weight loss, then you must develop management strategies for holidays and special days, too.