whats the craziest request a customer has given you?



  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    working at a hardware store, i used to mix a lot of paint. lady asked me to make her black and white striped paint one time.
    I worked in a factory once...and we would send the newbies back to mixing and ask them to bring up a gallon of black and white striped paint and everyone of them fell for it. Another good one was to have them go fetch a chain stretcher!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    When I was a bartender, I once had someone order a "'57 T-Bird with Honolulu License Plates."

    I had to break out the "Bartending for Dummies" book someone stashed behind the bar.

    I hate when people order dumb complicated drinks like that!! Stick to the normal beer, easy mixed drinks, etc. Although I did just look up that drink and it does sound good.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    dudes should never order anything that has more then three ingredients. unless its a mojito. those are awesome.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    working at a hardware store, i used to mix a lot of paint. lady asked me to make her black and white striped paint one time.
    I worked in a factory once...and we would send the newbies back to mixing and ask them to bring up a gallon of black and white striped paint and everyone of them fell for it. Another good one was to have them go fetch a chain stretcher!!

    dude, you don't even know. i work at a power plant. and we always send the new guys for left handed tools, a bucket of steam, a tube of elbow grease, etc.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    working at a hardware store, i used to mix a lot of paint. lady asked me to make her black and white striped paint one time.
    I worked in a factory once...and we would send the newbies back to mixing and ask them to bring up a gallon of black and white striped paint and everyone of them fell for it. Another good one was to have them go fetch a chain stretcher!!

    dude, you don't even know. i work at a power plant. and we always send the new guys for left handed tools, a bucket of steam, a tube of elbow grease, etc.
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    I work at a police department and I get people calling the cops on themselves ALL THE TIME.

    I remember one was because some guy wanted to buy his marijuana and didn't pay him for it. Another was where a guy's girlfriend locked him out of the house. I asked him why and he said because he had hit her. hmmmm... ok. Or people calling us telling us their boyfriend/wife/mother/son/daughter had been drinking and is now driving but doesn't want us to arrest them.. Ok.. so what do you want us to do about it then?
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    I used to work at Noah's Bagels a while back. I'm sure there were a bunch of weird requests, but I always remember one lady being outraged because we only put 1 slice of cheese on her bagel dog when she asked for cheese (for reference, a bagel dog is a hot dog wrapped in bagel dough then cooked.) I figure an ounce of cheese should be plenty for a 4 oz dog, but when I asked her how many slices she would like she said "Well, at LEAST 3 or 4."

    I acquiesced, but cringed as I put a quarter pound of cheese on her dog, and at the thought that she thought that was a normal amount of cheese.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    dudes should never order anything that has more then three ingredients. unless its a mojito. those are awesome.

  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    When I was a bartender, I once had someone order a "'57 T-Bird with Honolulu License Plates."

    I had to break out the "Bartending for Dummies" book someone stashed behind the bar.

    I hate when people order dumb complicated drinks like that!! Stick to the normal beer, easy mixed drinks, etc. Although I did just look up that drink and it does sound good.

    I think some dbags just order stuff to see if you can make it!
  • Jones4177
    I always get diet coke (or Pepsi) even before MFP or trying to lose weight. I like the taste of diet better than regular. Just my opinion.

    I did the same thing. I only drink diet drinks
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I worked at Medco as a customer service rep... people would call in about their insurance coverage (mainly as to why it wasnt covered) they didnt understand the policy they signed up for.. Well I had a man call me about his viagara.. he said he needed a refill sooner and the pharmacy said no.. he was allotted 30 pills in a month... I said sir your insurance only covers 30.. so you need to talk to your doctor to see if he can change your prescription dosage... that I cant approve giving him more pills.. He said How can you dictate how many times a month I want to make love to my wife???? Well how the hell can I answer that one?? lol he loved his wife/..:)
    I call BS. What's the street value on them little blue devils? No way that turkey's doing 30 V's a month. Who's he dating, the Laker Girls?
  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    I like the "Big Mac with no meat" request.

    I also got lots a funny requests when I was working in the grocery store deli for example - can you cut my cheese into little cubes so that I can feed it to my toddler or can you cut this cheese ball into slices.

    People are stupid. I've also been asked when working a restuarant if someone could use my employee discount to get their meal at a reduced rate. This is not a person I knew. Crazy.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    That sounds delicious!

    I meant to quote the 'poutine with onion rings instead of fries'
  • cakebarn
    cakebarn Posts: 43 Member
    I work in a bakery in a grocery store, and it was this last Thanksgiving. This lady came up to us in the bakery with a cart load of stuff for her Thanksgiving meal. She asks, " Do I just leave this with you guys to make? When will it be ready?" We all looked at her like are you kidding me? I said, "umm, no, we don't make the meals for people here, but you can purchase already made meals from the deli", she says, "but I want homemade!", I had to walk away......
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    When I was a bartender, I once had someone order a "'57 T-Bird with Honolulu License Plates."

    I had to break out the "Bartending for Dummies" book someone stashed behind the bar.

    I hate when people order dumb complicated drinks like that!! Stick to the normal beer, easy mixed drinks, etc. Although I did just look up that drink and it does sound good.

    I think some dbags just order stuff to see if you can make it!
    Such nerve to expect you to know your job!
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    customers with bill in hand walk in all the time and ask "how much is my bill"??? IF you can't read, I'm not telling!

    I have customers ask me to fill out their checks for them all the time also. I just have to wonder if they dont know how to do it themselves or what?!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I had a customer demand a 2 way repeated measures ANOVA. When I ask what distribution to apply for the test of unequal variances, she was dumbstruck. If you know nothing about statistics, how do you know that you need them? Seriously now...
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I used to own a restaurant and an old couple came in and ordered 2 dinners. They requested them to come out seperate. So the waitress tells me the old man was eating and the wife was watching, and then when the old man was done they requested the wifes meal. While the wife ate the husband watched......very, very odd. They also did the same for their dessert. After they finished I went to the table to ask them how their meal was, to which they replied wonderful. So I said I just have to ask, why do you two eat your food seperate? The man pulls out his teeth and say"we only have 1 set of dentures!!!" True story
    ^^^^^^Urban Legend^^^^^^^^ I read this same joke about three days ago.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Ok, I do cooking demos and lessons. I was invited to demo a product called a Deep Covered Baker and prepare a dish called 'Grilled Chicken Penne al Fresco' only I needed to heat the recipe in a microwave. We had 26 people arrive and no microwave to use. The host thought it no big deal for us to use her neighbors kitchen for the heating. So food prep and demo in her kitchen and heating and cooking in neighbors kitchen. Back and forth, back and forth. Hugely successful after all, they had a blast! Now I ALWAYS ask, "do you have a working microwave?" if the recipe calls for one :)
  • sms1986
    sms1986 Posts: 113 Member
    Notalwaysright.com/ is a good site to read.