What is your most embarrassing moment at the gym?



  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    That's a good one.

    Mine I guess isn't that embarassing, just a little mortifying.
    I was in L.A. and Gilles Marini (hottie from Sex & the City movie, Dancing With the Stars) worked out at my gym. My trainer knew of my 'crush' on him. So he walked me over and had me work out about two feet away from him.. doing sumo squats!!! >:-(

    Oh and the time I was about 1/2 way thru my workout w/ my trainer, and I bent over and an almond fell out of my sports bra and fell to the floor. I told him at least he knew I was eating a healthy snack earlier. Not like a reese's cup fell out of there.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    The one time I talked my dad into a cycling class. My dad used to be a semi-pro bike racer. He's won many races and fell off the bandwagon until I talked him back into the class. I grew up riding the trails and streets in my community, and I wasn't used to stationary bikes totally. So I was getting in the zone and doing some visualization when my dad yells "car back!". I turn around so fast to check if there really is a car coming on the second floor of my gym that I tip my bike over with me clipped in it. I was perfectly fine other than a bruised ego, the instructor was trying not to laugh and my dad was openly laughing his butt off along with some other people.
    I've also had the pleasure of punching myself in the eye during kickboxing. However, being the only person to ever "crash" a stationary...you can't really beat that!

    THAT IS HILARIOUS! I love your daddy! LOL Sounds like something i would totally do! LOL!!
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    Gah this is so embarrassing I dnt even want to say.... WELL I'm at the gym spot this cute guy so I go into show off mode and start stretching and bending prior to jogging on the tred.

    Well! As I'm stretching a surprise fart jumps outs! Embarrassed I collect my ish and DIP! :/
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    bump to read for later. XD i don't think i've done anything embarrasing at the gym. at work though... found out one of my skirts was transparent. wrapped a scarf around it in horror and rushed home to change. lucky for the scarf. XD
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I usually lift weights at home, but one day I decided to lift at the gym. I loaded the same amount of weight on the bar that I usually do for bench presses and started my first rep. I got it out of the rack, it felt waaaaaay too heavy and I dropped the bar on myself. A guy had to come and lift it off me. I said "I guess I'm having an off day" and he helped me take about 10 pounds off. I couldn't lift that either! Once again we took some weight off and I'm sure he was starting to think I've never lifted a weight before in my life and have no idea what I'm doing. I finally had to take all the plates off and just bench the bar. When I got home and told my husband what had happened, he asked my to describe their bar, I did, and he let out a big laugh. The gym apparently has an Olympic style bar (which is way heavier than our regular bar). I had been trying to bench about 50 pounds more than I usually do. Oops...
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    Both of my legs went out on me while on the treadmill, I spun backwards and my feet went through a glass door. Luckily for me I didn't get hurt ( just some light bruising ). The gym actually had the balls to try to make me pay for the damages.
  • KeRAWRi
    KeRAWRi Posts: 79 Member
    I tried to get out of the pool once on the side instead of using the ladder and my bathing suit bottoms went down.
  • kazza2cats
    kazza2cats Posts: 87 Member
    Wearing light grey bottoms and doing work out on the rowing machine. Getting hot and sweaty (like you do). Got off and it looked like I'd wet myself.

    Note to self : Never wear light grey in the gym again.........Ever!
  • Aubreestar
    Doing spinning class packed in like sardines in a dark room and had very strong smelling flatus. I tried to pretend it was the big guy next to me, but I think everyone knew. It was horrible cuz we were so close together.
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    Vomit, nose bleeds, shin bleeds, farts, sharts... had all of them. Worst one was when I was in Delhi with a bad case of Delhi Belly... lets just say I crop dusted that entire gym. I have never fallen off of a treadmill before which is surprising because I am quite clumsy.

    Any real gym member knows that these things happen. Be embarrassed, have a laugh and get right back to it. Unless, of course, you need a change of draws. :-)
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I flashed my entire yoga class a couple weeks ago. I went through a good 20 minutes of the class partially exposed.

    **note to self: buy smaller tops
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    When I first started working out, I was horribly, horribly self-consious. So, I only exercised at home to DVD's for, seriously, about 15 years. When I finally was over myself enough to join a class I realized that all that time I'd been doing the opposite direction of the instructor. I'm ambidextrous so the whole left/right thing is a challenge for me at the best of times. But in a class? With people watching? And me the only person going left when everyone goes right? ACK!

    So, once, I had the GREAT fortune to have been taken a trip to the Bahamas. At the resort, I decided to join a water aerobics class. Everyone was in a circle in the water working out and I'm constantly going the wrong direction. I don't care. I am SO over that. But the nosy/bossy/in-my-face elementary school teacher working out next to me had to come over to me and make an L with my left hand and explain how to follow the instructor.

    To this day, I am very proud of myself that I didn't take it. I wasn't rude. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders at the teacher (making sure he saw me) and then gave bossy-pants the cold shoulder and exited the pool.

    She may have thought she meant well, but she embarassed me pubicly. And, Lord knows, I do enough of that my own. :O)
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    In fitness class I tripped and skidded into a big standing fan and knocked it over!
  • KMA1973
    KMA1973 Posts: 10
    My most embarassing moment at the gym is when doing sit ups or leg lifts and I accidentally fart. I am so conscious of it I have been thankful of the loud music and hope the person next to doesn't notice.

    I am the biggest person in my Boxing class. We often do a routine where we are punching at mits that someone else is has on, then we run to the end of the room, get down and do sit ups, get up and run back to do more. It takes me forever to get up off the floor. I feel very awkward and clumsy and can only imagine what others must think.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    me and my friend Carol was working out in the gym at work.....i was teaching her how to do squats and when i went down to do a really deep squat i passed gas and it was a long one..heheheeh....we laughed until we cried.....thank God it didnt stink....i know that's bad, but it was funny=)
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I thought the belt on the treadmill had stopped when I went to walk off it but it hadn't, so I basically tripped off it almost falling like a fool...and also let out a great big squeal!!! LOL
  • AlichiaMJohnson73
    AlichiaMJohnson73 Posts: 186 Member
    I was using the crunch machine that you lay down on and as I was on crunch number 49 I let off 5 loud groans and farted so loud. All i could do was continue doing more crunches and act like I didn't do it ...embarrassing :bigsmile: :noway: :ohwell:
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I could share my husbands...

    We were on two treadmills next to each other at Planet fitness, so they're very close together. He went to go get paper towel to wipe off his machine. Instead of paying attention to where he was walking, he was looking up at the T.V. monitors. Instead of stepping up on his machine to wipe it down, he stepped on my treadmill that I was actively running on, and did a pretty long trip down to a face plant. I think I got a better work out from laughing at him than I did running on the treadmill.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I also rolled off a stability ball into the wall when I was working out with my personal trainer.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    I always have bra issues like everytime but my boobs are small so it doesn't matter match.