What is your most embarrassing moment at the gym?



  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    so if i ever go to a gym, wear layers of pants just in case there is holes/sweat marks, good to know :D

    i expected someone to say they **** themselves.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    THAT is hard to beat. Nicely done.
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Oh - I just remember another one and it's WAY more embarassing. I was playing basketball with my co-workers (we escape to a gymn at lunch at do stuff like this). I'm short, so my only "game" is to get the ball when it's down low and try to steal. So, I'm going to do that at the same time my co-worker grabs the ball and brings it into his crotch area to hold it before he throws. My hand is on the basketball. It all happened so fast, but actually, my hand was on a ball of another sort. OMG!

    We both looked at each other horrified and took a step back at the same time.

    No one called travelling on him and no one EVER ever ever mentioned that incident. LOL!
  • retriev00
    retriev00 Posts: 227 Member
    I swim around 5am, a few times a week. I've been in the locker room around 5am changing, and there is a lady who comes into the mens locker room to get her son changed. The same lady comes in there about once a week. It wouldn't be ackward if she just went in very briefly to get her son in and out, but she doesn't seem to be in a rush and starts conversation...
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    A couple of years back, I was in the weight room at my gym doing a bunch of exercises. I had had the odd bout of menorrhagia before (for those that don't know, that's extremely heavy period bleeding), but it wasn't that common, and I had one of those super-pads on. About a half hour into my workout I was on the mats, doing ab work, when I looked down and saw a huuuuge blood stain on the crotch of my pants. I rushed to the ladies room to call it a day, but I couldn't help but wonder how long I had been walking around with this massive red bullseye while the weight rooms was filled with a bunch of hardcore guys.

    Another embarrassing thing, and this happened several times, was when I was doing leg days with my trainer. I was pushing some seriously heavy weight on the incline leg press (up to 360 lbs in plates, plus the 118 lb base weight, for 8 rep sets. I have freakishly strong legs), and every time, without fail, I had crazy gas. This was generally after work, and I worked a sitting job, so it was pent up from sitting so long. I know it happens to the best of us, but I was doing everything in my power to avoid ripping HUGE ones. It really wasn't very preventable, though, as it would mean tensing up in ways that just weren't good form. I'd see my trainer just awkwardly look off to the side while I got the day's wind out on the press.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    The one time I talked my dad into a cycling class. My dad used to be a semi-pro bike racer. He's won many races and fell off the bandwagon until I talked him back into the class. I grew up riding the trails and streets in my community, and I wasn't used to stationary bikes totally. So I was getting in the zone and doing some visualization when my dad yells "car back!". I turn around so fast to check if there really is a car coming on the second floor of my gym that I tip my bike over with me clipped in it. I was perfectly fine other than a bruised ego, the instructor was trying not to laugh and my dad was openly laughing his butt off along with some other people.
    I've also had the pleasure of punching myself in the eye during kickboxing. However, being the only person to ever "crash" a stationary...you can't really beat that!

    This is pretty AWESOME!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    1. Playing basketball cooling down after a work out and I lost my footing running after the ball and full on collided with the full sized window / plastic partition separating the basketball court from weights area and face planted into said wall... With a very large group of racquetball players getting ready for a tournament. So bad two of them rushed in to see if I was ok... more embarrassed than anything.

    2. Was boxing into it 110% just going to town on the bag, hooks, straights, jabs, etc. I looked down and realized none of the stuff that was below the bag was mine. I had ran to the other side of the room and ran back and started striking again after interval and did not realize I was working someone else's bag that was right next to me.... I felt so bad I apologized profusely, she just said "You were doing so good I didn't want to stop you" .... nice girl.

    3. The first night I went to the gym about 9 months ago I did like an hour of elliptical machine.... I had to hold onto the guide rail and slide down it because my legs weren't working I had to sit up against the stair case for a minute to get up and walk.

    4. I had my headphones on walking from the cardio area down the stairs I turn to go down the hall way and my hands were up with my cell phone and water bottle and I was looking down immersed in ENTERING MY WORK OUT in myfitnespal and ran into a woman's breasts with my hands as she was leaving the locker room. Luckily I just gripped my phone so I don't think she noticed she just said something like "at least take me out on a date first" jokingly...

    Yeah I am clumsy and often zone out way to much at the gym...
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I couldn't remember how to get out of the hack squat machine so I stood there for a good 5 minutes, a) trying to subtly attempt escape and b) wondering what to do until I eventually realised that I couldn't stay there all day and asked the nearest person (who of course was a very handsome young man who would never manage to get stuck in a hack squat machine) to help me out.

    He was very nice and gracious about it, we both had a giggle (I'm very quick to laugh at myself and it got rid of some of the awkwardness).
  • kristi5224
    kristi5224 Posts: 98 Member
    My dog Skipi is a perfect dog. he is a rescue Jack russell terrier. His only bad habbit is if I leave my underwear or yoga pants on the floor he chews out the best and most important part. NUF said.
  • neffesther
    neffesther Posts: 55
    It was after I had lost a few pounds and I hadn't realized how big my yoga pants had gotten on me. I sped up to do a sprint interval on the treadmill, had my ipod hooked up to the waist of them and down they went! I was going too fast to do much so I was awkwardly fumbling to stop the machine while grabbing at my pants as to not completely expose my bum. It didn't work well. Chick next to me got quite the peep show :laugh:

    I've done this! I don't own any remotely flattering underwear either, so the whole row behind me got to see my sexay black granny pants.

    These both made me laugh so hard I nearly pee'd myself! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I lost my pants wriggling underneath a guy.

    Okay, so I was in krav maga, and we were doing some endurance work. The teacher had us work in pairs. Person one would do slow push-ups. Person two (me) would crawl military-style underneath person one when person one was up, and then run to person one's other side while they went down and back up.

    The only problem with the military-style crawling is that I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the class who was never in the military, so I had no clue what I was doing. In any event, I did something that ended with the floor pulling down my pants, completely exposing my underwear.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I can't believe I am going to admit this outloud but in the spirit of it all...here it goes!
    My most embarrassing moment wasn't at a gym. It was on a soccer field at a championship game infront of about 300 people. The ride to the location we were playing was several hrs. When we arrived there was no time to use the restroom before the game started. I unfortunately had my monthly reminder that Eve ate the apple! The best I could do was to hope that "giant Q-tip" I had would hold out. Needless to say it did not!!! I had a mess all over my white goalie shorts and my coach was so intent on winning that he refused to take me out of the game! Finally a ref took pity on my situation and blew the whistle calling a time out for me to resolve the issue. I had to walk from the far side of the field to the school building infront of everyone who by now ALL were pointing, gasping,etc. To top it off when I finally reached the building it was locked and I had to stand there until a janitor could be summoned to let me in. At least we won the game!
    :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Poor you! I'm not even sure how you PLAY soccer without going potty first. I would have peed myself by that point.
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,598 Member
    I was doing a treadmill tabata workout, when I hopped back on my sneaker caught the edge of the belt and I fell off. When I fell, I was in such shock that I fell that the belt totally ripped skin right off my leg. I still have a scar and this was over a year ago now! I got back on the treadmill, finished my workout. Then went up to the front desk, started laughing and asking them if they had any bleach because I left part of my leg on the treadmill. The guy was horrified when he saw my leg, it was bleeding everywhere and wanted to clean it out with alcohol. I'm like hell no! way too big of a baby for that. There was a bunch of people at the gym behind me but thankfully I don't think anyone saw.
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,598 Member
    I usually lift weights at home, but one day I decided to lift at the gym. I loaded the same amount of weight on the bar that I usually do for bench presses and started my first rep. I got it out of the rack, it felt waaaaaay too heavy and I dropped the bar on myself. A guy had to come and lift it off me. I said "I guess I'm having an off day" and he helped me take about 10 pounds off. I couldn't lift that either! Once again we took some weight off and I'm sure he was starting to think I've never lifted a weight before in my life and have no idea what I'm doing. I finally had to take all the plates off and just bench the bar. When I got home and told my husband what had happened, he asked my to describe their bar, I did, and he let out a big laugh. The gym apparently has an Olympic style bar (which is way heavier than our regular bar). I had been trying to bench about 50 pounds more than I usually do. Oops...

    I did this exact thing! I was so confused at why I couldn't bench what I had before! All the guys that were working out came up to me after and they confessed that they were watching in the mirror to see if I could really lift all that weight! I just laughed it off, who knew that bars are different weights!
  • maidofstone
    maidofstone Posts: 62 Member
    Had a hangover and fell off the treadmill :embarassed:
  • Broderick50
    Broderick50 Posts: 851 Member
    when i was 18 me and a friend where working out there was probably 5 other people there including one older woman on the bench press i was doing power clean and when i squatted down to get the weight i let out a long loud fart i just finished my rep when i looked over at the woman she was laughing and had dropped the weight on her chest
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    I had just switched gyms and their version of a squat rack was foreign to me. In fact it's not a rack at all..it's like this bull**** cage thing for the cognitively disabled. Anyway, I had some WRACKS on the bar...I mount up...Lift off..Back pedal to center myself in the cage. My headphone cord gets lodged underneath the bar so I try to snap my head around to free it up a bit...Well the momentum sends one side of the barbell into a side of the cage...causing the plates to separate..throwing off the whole balance of the payload. (I don't use clips that **** is for beta use only). Anyway...One side of the barbell RAINS down 45's like a 105mm cannon on a spooky and subsequently the opposite side pours down it's plates also. I was so upset. ;'[
  • AshQuill
    AshQuill Posts: 11 Member
    Did you go back?
  • AshQuill
    AshQuill Posts: 11 Member
    "me and my friend Carol was working out in the gym at work.....i was teaching her how to do squats and when i went down to do a really deep squat i passed gas and it was a long one..heheheeh....we laughed until we cried.....thank God it didnt stink....i know that's bad, but it was funny=)"

    You missed the perfect opportunity to tell her "that's when you know you've done it properly"
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    While making an attempt at getting in shape several years ago my husband sign he and myself up at a very popular local gym. We went during prime time so it was very crowded, I always only did the treadmill while he lifted weights. I noticed all the treadmills were taken except 1 but it was still running. I figured the person using it must of hopped off and forgot to stop it. I tried to be cool about it and jump on and of course i fell flat on my face. So the extreamly skinny woman on the machaine next to me simply leans down and tells me "um that treadmill is TAKEN" and she goes ack to her work out. So I gathered myself and stand up walked out of the gym and NEVER went back!!!!