did you just say i was pregnant EXSUSE YOU?



  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    Having been pregnant three times now, having been skinny and still being overweight, here's my answer boiled down into one sentence: If you don't want people asking you if you're pregnant, don't look like you're pregnant.

    I have PCOS. I have never been pregnant and have been told it will be difficult to get pregnant, stay pregnant and have a healthy child. Can you imagine if I was trying to get pregnant and someone asked me if I was?

    I have never been skinny. Ever. I steadily gained weight ever since my ovaries started pumping out hormones even though my parents frantically tried everything they could wasting thousands of dollars. Unless you have lived through this, you cannot begin to imagine the depression a child, teenager, or adult feels having been overweight their entire lives. You already feel like every person is judging you. To have someone ask if you are pregnant confirms that in your mind, depresses you further and makes you hate yourself even more for not being able to fix the problem.

    Losing weight is very difficult for some. Why would anyone WANT to look pregnant?

    People need to stop being so judgmental of others. If someone is fat, maybe they have a medical condition. If a child is screaming uncontrollably and the parent isn't doing anything about it, maybe the child is autistic. If a person says a rude comment or asks you a rude question, maybe they were not raised in a household that teaches manners.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I have before by a customer at work. I know I have a pretty big belly, but it probably didn't help that that day I was wearing a hoodie with padded front pockets... The lady had already been rude to me before, so I think she knew I wasn't pregnant. I yelled at her that I was just fat.. ha
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's called being polite, taking a interest in someone, being friendly... As long as they're not asking you how many weeks pregnant you are, when they know damn well you're NOT preganant, and just want to upset you by saying in a roundabout way that you're FAT, I don't see the issue. If they ARE being genuine, then what does that tell you? And if you don't recognise this problem yourself, then why are you on MFP?

    My comeback would be "I'm not pregnant with a baby, I'm just storing fat for World War III. But let's be optimistic, that isn't going to happen, so thanks for pointing out that my fat stores hopefully won't be required. I'll do something about getting rid of them"

    Very few people would say something to purposefully hurt you. They either genuinely think you're pregnant, or are too stupid to contemplate the fact it might be fat and not a baby, and engage their mouth before their brain.

    Think about it, if you weren't "fat" they wouldn't be saying it. So who's the one with the problem? One they're actively looking to sort out? I've just shifted my "4 month bump" :-)

    If you actually look pregnant (and be honest, if this is happening ALL the time you probably DO look pregnant), then it's not rude or unreasonable for someone else to ask you an innocent question or comment on it.
    If you get upset about it, it's because you're just defensive about being big. That is not the other person's fault.

    ps I myself don't comment unless I'm 100% sure. By the same token I also don't feel obligated to get up from a bus seat unless I'm once again 100% sure. :) That might hurt their feelings too if they're not really preggo
  • lovelee79
    Its NEVER ok to ask a woman if she's pregnant! Period. End of story.
    I've been asked many times (by men only) if I'm pregnant. I'm not, I carry all my fat, bloating and digestive problems in my stomach.
    Its hurtful, and insulting.
    If the woman wants to talk about her pregnancy she can.
  • lovelee79

    If you actually look pregnant (and be honest, if this is happening ALL the time you probably DO look pregnant), then it's not rude or unreasonable for someone else to ask you an innocent question or comment on it.
    If you get upset about it, it's because you're just defensive about being big. That is not the other person's fault.

    ps I myself don't comment unless I'm 100% sure. By the same token I also don't feel obligated to get up from a bus seat unless I'm once again 100% sure. :) That might hurt their feelings too if they're not really preggo

    So, is it ok if I go up to ask a fat male an "innocent question" or "comment" ? ~ "Excuse me, are you fat? and how long have you been fat?"

    Same *kitten* different pile !
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member

    If you actually look pregnant (and be honest, if this is happening ALL the time you probably DO look pregnant), then it's not rude or unreasonable for someone else to ask you an innocent question or comment on it.
    If you get upset about it, it's because you're just defensive about being big. That is not the other person's fault.

    ps I myself don't comment unless I'm 100% sure. By the same token I also don't feel obligated to get up from a bus seat unless I'm once again 100% sure. :) That might hurt their feelings too if they're not really preggo

    So, is it ok if I go up to ask a fat male an "innocent question" or "comment" ? ~ "Excuse me, are you fat? and how long have you been fat?"

    Same *kitten* different pile !

    Sorry this is completely different. Bad analogy.
  • lovelee79
    Unless anyone has actually asked you the question, you really shouldn't even be commenting. Those who haven't been asked do not realize how hurtful it is, all rudeness or non-rudeness issues aside.

    Very well said!

    ^ AMEN. Thank you!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    YES. It has happened to me no matter what the weight. When I was overweight AND even a few weeks ago. And I'm a size 6 now! People are buttheads, and RUDE!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Unless anyone has actually asked you the question, you really shouldn't even be commenting. Those who haven't been asked do not realize how hurtful it is, all rudeness or non-rudeness issues aside.

    Very well said!

    ^ AMEN. Thank you!!

    Agreed. And again I stand on: can you imagine how hurtful it feels to have someone ask you that, when you're trying to conceive and can't? Or just lost a baby? Been there, in both situations. It wasn't any of their business.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I never ask people, I just figure if they want it to be my business, then they'll tell me.
    I've never had it happen to me, but it's happened to a few friends of mine.
  • hutc9939
    This is great! I love this subject. When I WAS pregnant and people would ask, I would love to tell them that I wasn't pregnant just to see that look of humiliation on their face!! LOL! Oh...it was great!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    This is great! I love this subject. When I WAS pregnant and people would ask, I would love to tell them that I wasn't pregnant just to see that look of humiliation on their face!! LOL! Oh...it was great!

    So you think you're any better than the people who ask the question in the first place? weird
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    YES. It has happened to me no matter what the weight. When I was overweight AND even a few weeks ago. And I'm a size 6 now! People are buttheads, and RUDE!

    Well, according to some people here you are clearly at fault. Apparently size six just isn't small enough and you should starve yourself to emaciation so no one will ever think such a thing. *eyeroll* We wouldn't want people to have to learn manners or anything. :tongue:
  • christibear
    christibear Posts: 93 Member
    I think it is incredibly rude to say something to someone just because you think they are pregnant. Yes pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman, but its also a personal time and people think just because they think someone is pregnant that suddenly their body is up for public discussion. People should mind their own business, because obviously worst case scenario she is not pregnant, best case scenario your intruding on someones personal business.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    People ask me all the time, not because I'm big but because I'm always sick. I swear every time I'm nauseous (which is a lot) someone, student, teacher, friend, etc, will ask if I'm sure I'm not pregnant. I do think it's rude, since lupus means I am most likely infertile and it just reminds me that no, I'm not pregnant, I'm just chronically ill. But I try not to hold it against them because SO MANY people ask that I would be ticked off at everyone all the time.
  • mwest11
    mwest11 Posts: 89 Member
    I had my mother in law ask "when's it due?" when she knew full well i could not be pregnant because my husband has had "the snip"! I was so angry with her because when i lost 3 stone, she didn't say a word, but when i had put a little bit back on, she felt the need to be a COW!

    what a b*tch!! i would ask her when she was going back to the doctor for her anti-a**hole meds!

    Oh, and whenever i read a post by a person from england i can't help but read it in my own english accent in my head... do you do that same for people from the states?
  • bluejuiseritsma
    bluejuiseritsma Posts: 28 Member
    When I started puttin the weight on, my co-worker at the time had spread rumors about me in my workplace. She told everyone that I "had to be pregnant and hiding it". I gave her the silent treatment. When she walked in the room, I would immediately drop what I was doing and walk out. If she said hi to me, I would glare at her for like 3 seconds, then turn around and walk away. After a year with no belly & n baby, she knew she was wrong. Still to this day, it pisses me off....
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    All the time! I hate it. I'm only about 16 lbs to my goal weight. After that I guess I will have to take it up in the gym cause I will have a healthy BMI and there's nothing more I can do
  • as24242
    as24242 Posts: 1 Member
    I've had the opposite happen to me. We'd just been to visit my dad in hospital and mum decided she needed a cuppa to help calm her down. The only table left was one with bench seats and very little room between the table and benches and as I was about two weeks off of my due date,I had to sit length ways on the bench.We had our cuppa and I then had to wriggle my way off the bench as I struggled to get off the seat I jokingly remarked that wouldn't it be just like the thing if the baby decided to come now, mum looked at me then at my bulge and said don't you dare. The guy at the other table looked at us then said ' Gee I'm sorry I didn't realize you were pregnant or I'd have given you this table I thought you were just fat.' Now that I think is rude.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    Seriously rude! I was in a store the other day and the guy behind the counter kept saying something I didn't quite understand (English is clearly not his first language), but I eventually made out he was asking me if it was a boy or a girl. First off, I didn't look pregnant AT ALL, maybe my jacket was a little poofy, but not preggers poofy, and second you just don't ever assume someone is pregnant!

    People used to offer me their seats on the subway/bus, I assume because I looked like I might be pregnant (why else would they offer me their seat and not the other dozen or so people standing on the train?). Now that I've lost 25 pounds I don't get that as often.