P90X... starting a new thread...



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    JESSMOMOF3 you rock. thanks to you as well as everyone else in this discussion. makes it a lot easier to enjoy something when you know there are people out there who will generally help you and not mock you for what your doing.

    No problem! I'm obviously passionate about P90X and happy to help! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Thanks JESSMOMOF3 for your help I'll do that, weigh myself once a week and set my goals in MFP.

    No problem! Good luck and make sure to check in with your workouts! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Now I'm even more excited about starting the series. I'm assuming you did classic over lean? The only thing I miss about the lean when I'm doing classic is the core synergistics workout. I LOVE that one. Yes, please send me your hybrid workouts; I always like new varieties.

    Also, what did you do between P90X & X+? I'm thinking Core Synergistics, YogaX, & StretchX for about a week and then starting the +. What do you think?

    And, thank you.

    Yep, I did Classic. What I did was kind of switch up the workouts from P90X and the X+. Shoot me a message and I'll send you the hybrid round! :wink: You'll still do Core Syn on recovery weeks. I would take a couple weeks off and just do what workouts I felt like... changing things up. Core Syn is a good one, I did running, biking, swimming (since I was tri training). The rest is good for your body and you will be ready to come back strong when you start again! :wink:

    Workout for me today... 4.5 mile tempo run. (10 weeks to go til my half marathon!)
    Ab Ripper X w/ my hubby tonight. :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    My hubby paid me a compliment that made me feel like a million bucks!!! He said that he could see a HUGE difference in my legs, and that I have so much more definition in them now. As sore as I am, that was definitely the motivation I needed.:bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm new to myfitnesspal, but I'm excited to keep count of my eating better.

    I'm actually on the last week of P90X and just started the doubles regimen. I wasn't quite happy w/my eating habits and had to skip a day last week when I was sick w/the flu. I'm also considering extending this phase by 2 weeks. We'll see how I feel after this week. Doubles is intense!! But I love it. I'm glad I decided to add an extra workout. My body really needs it. I'm breastfeeding while doing this, so I need to eat about 3-600 extra calories to maintain the milk supply. So I blame that as to why I still have a large gut, and poor diet. But I'm getting better, and with adding doubles, I feel incredible! I guess my word of advice is keep going!! It doesn't end at 90 days, these are life habits :happy:

    First of all, good for you for bf!!! I bf all 3 of my kids also. 300-600 cals is a good idea to keep up your supply. Good job cleaning up the food too, that's when you'll really start to see the results! I also have 3 kiddos (but I have 3 girls!). I find that early mornings work best for me, before anyone else is awake. I have found that tracking here consistently has really paid off for me. I've tracked on & off before, but I really got serious in the new year and have lost those few pesky pounds. :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    My hubby paid me a compliment that made me feel like a million bucks!!! He said that he could see a HUGE difference in my legs, and that I have so much more definition in them now. As sore as I am, that was definitely the motivation I needed.:bigsmile:

    YEAH!!!! That's the kind of compliments that will keep you going!! Sorry about the sore legs, make sure you're stretching well! I had a nice compliment from a lady at the gym on Tuesday. I was doing my speedwork run (aka, running my tail off! :laugh: ) and she came up afterward and told me that I had gotten even smaller and she could tell I'd lost weight! Woohoo! (she hadn't seen me in maybe 6 weeks? Different schedules... anyway...)

    So... give someone a nice compliment today and make their day brighter! :glasses:
  • prayerfulmom
    I'm excited and concerned at the same time about this program. Due to health reasons I am restricted to 55g of protein a day.
    I did legs/shoulders today and loved it. I'm plotting my plan but going to probably incorporate classic into my marathon training.
    Is the exercise too intense for 55g of protein a day? I do not have the option to up that. I was once following a sports nutritionists advice and neither of us realized I have a kidney disease. I was on 110g of protein and it increased the damage to my single kidney. So, as you can see uping the protein in not an option. I'm just curious if this program will be beneficial to me if I can't eat higher protein. Look forward to your responses.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    oh boy, just got the shipping number and our DVD's are on their way. I don't think they'll be here this week yet, but maybe monday? I don't thin ups delivers on Sat.

    Should we start as soon as we get them, or wait for the next monday?
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    oh boy, just got the shipping number and our DVD's are on their way. I don't think they'll be here this week yet, but maybe monday? I don't thin ups delivers on Sat.

    Should we start as soon as we get them, or wait for the next monday?

    There are two guides that come with the DVDs -- the Nutrition Plan & the Fitness Guide. Make sure you read them both thoroughly; they have tons of valuable information that you'll need to achieve great results.

    For me, I read the books, watched a couple of the workouts so I would know what to expect, and cleaned out the kitchen cupboards. I then knew that I was ready to Bring It.

    Good luck on your journey! It's quite a ride!!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member

    Congrats!!!! What program are you doing? Classic, Lean or Doubles? We're doing Classic. We just got done doing Plyo this morning and it is so nice to have someone to laugh with at yourself!! But I made it! Ready for day 3, I think!!!

    Yeah, good for you girl!! I prefer the Classic version myself. I tried Lean but just wanted more weight training and I honestly just don't care much for CardioX (I know! but I'm a runner and it just isn't enough cardio for me! :laugh: ).

    Eh, CardioX is the workout I probably burn the least calories on. I make myself do the kenpo, plyo, and core syn sections again just to make it long enough. Might have to sub some TJ or something else for Cardio because it's boring...
  • TheBull50
    Ab Ripper X general question:

    Is it ok to NOT due the 25 reps? Say you are in the 15 to 20 range on all of the techniques Tony is showing. I def still felt a serious burn in the abs so I am assuming that's ok but wanted to double check.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Yes, just give it your all each time you do it. As you get stronger, your reps will increase.
  • danielle1009
    danielle1009 Posts: 35 Member
    the first few exercise of AR X (in & outs, bicycles & cruncy frog) REALLY burn in my back---is it because I'm not doing them correctly or because my back isn't strong enough to maintain that position for more that 10 reps?
  • TheBull50
    Day 3: Shoulder; Triceps and Ab Ripper X

    I am def loving this program. My arms and shoulders are on fire right now !!! The shoulder and triceip DVD is no joke. Not to say any of these DVD's are a joke b/c they are all amazing thus far.

    So my fav exercise from this workout would have to be the seated chair dips. Def felt a burn on these. The one I didn't like would have to be The Standing Shoulder extensions. I think I didn't like these because my shoulder is hurting right now and extending it over my back isn't something that felt to good.

    As for Ab Ripper X . . . one word says it all: WOW. 16 minutes ab workout .... I was dying. You are supposed to do 25 of each rep but for now I am doing 15-20 . . . these are serious Ab exercises and I would recommend it to anyone!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Danielle...Probably your lower back needs to get stronger as you do some of the Ab Ripper stuff. When you raise your back and legs at the same time, the smaller stabilizer muscles come into play. As you strengthen your core, you will notice things getting easier.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    the first few exercise of AR X (in & outs, bicycles & cruncy frog) REALLY burn in my back---is it because I'm not doing them correctly or because my back isn't strong enough to maintain that position for more that 10 reps?

    Make sure you're really tightening your core also and not straining your back. Also... just push PAUSE! If it is hurting because you do them all right in a row, just pause for a little extra rest time, and then continue. Like Tony says... do your best! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ab Ripper X general question:

    Is it ok to NOT due the 25 reps? Say you are in the 15 to 20 range on all of the techniques Tony is showing. I def still felt a serious burn in the abs so I am assuming that's ok but wanted to double check.

    Yep, that is completely normal. When my hubby first did Ab Ripper, he could only get 10-15 reps of each thing. Now we do 30 of each!! (except for Mason twists, last night he even got done with 55!! :bigsmile: ) It's amazing how awesome that 16 min workout is!! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Eh, CardioX is the workout I probably burn the least calories on. I make myself do the kenpo, plyo, and core syn sections again just to make it long enough. Might have to sub some TJ or something else for Cardio because it's boring...

    Yeah, I guess that's it for me too. I just like more intense cardio, I like my *runners high*. :laugh: I usually sub in a run for the cardio, gets my heart rate up a lot higher!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ab Ripper X general question:

    Is it ok to NOT due the 25 reps? Say you are in the 15 to 20 range on all of the techniques Tony is showing. I def still felt a serious burn in the abs so I am assuming that's ok but wanted to double check.

    Yep, that is completely normal. When my hubby first did Ab Ripper, he could only get 10-15 reps of each thing. Now we do 30 of each!! (except for Mason twists, last night he even got done with 55!! :bigsmile: ) It's amazing how awesome that 16 min workout is!! :bigsmile:

    In the beginning, I took my shoes off for ABX. Shoes don't seem like they weigh a lot, but it did help me do the entire routine.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Eh, CardioX is the workout I probably burn the least calories on. I make myself do the kenpo, plyo, and core syn sections again just to make it long enough. Might have to sub some TJ or something else for Cardio because it's boring...

    Yeah, I guess that's it for me too. I just like more intense cardio, I like my *runners high*. :laugh: I usually sub in a run for the cardio, gets my heart rate up a lot higher!

    It's not my favorite either. I especially don't like doing the yoga section with shoes on; it's just awkward.