please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Different groups of people have given in to this feeling over almost every election or catastrophe. Don't give in to the hype.
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    Relax, you're just suffering from media overexposure.

    No matter where you go you won't be as well off as you are here in the USA.

    The same things have been going on since not only the 1960's, but all the way back to the early 1800's.

    People have also been predicting the end of the world for the past several hundred years.

    My sister is falling prey to some of these people who are promoting their scare tactics. They say the fecal matter is going to strike the oscillating device and the whole economy will collapse and there will be roving bands of thieves coming to steal your food and fuel. But oddly enough, if you wish to spend some money with these guys they will be happy to sell you books on how to protect yourself, storage units to keep your food, secret lockers to hide your stuff, and freeze-dried food enough to last you a year.
    Follow the money trail..those who are looking to make a profit off the 'current conditions' are not to be trusted.

    What this person said. Just breathe.
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    Relax, you're just suffering from media overexposure.

    No matter where you go you won't be as well off as you are here in the USA. EXCEPT FOR CANADA - WE HAVE FEEE HEALTH CARE :) (sorry for the caps just wanted this quote to be seen)

    The same things have been going on since not only the 1960's, but all the way back to the early 1800's.

    People have also been predicting the end of the world for the past several hundred years.

    My sister is falling prey to some of these people who are promoting their scare tactics. They say the fecal matter is going to strike the oscillating device and the whole economy will collapse and there will be roving bands of thieves coming to steal your food and fuel. But oddly enough, if you wish to spend some money with these guys they will be happy to sell you books on how to protect yourself, storage units to keep your food, secret lockers to hide your stuff, and freeze-dried food enough to last you a year.
    Follow the money trail..those who are looking to make a profit off the 'current conditions' are not to be trusted.
  • koko65
    koko65 Posts: 33
    I’ve live overseas a couple of times in my life, and from my experience I noted there sure seemed to be a high percentage of people that way who wanted to come to America (live). There was still almost a naïve notion that our streets were pave with gold/ all be it opportunities that they did not feel they had in their own countries. Even at that level, they looked to the US to be their savior and a source that would make all their dreams come true. For my own part, all be the fact that I was already a bit jaded with America to a certain degree--via the broader mind I thought my college education gave me lol, my own experiences living overseas only made me even more proud to be an American. Fact of the matter is, its true, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence, well, unless we grow it ourselves. =)
  • Ladyloraella
    Ladyloraella Posts: 46 Member
    I live in Scotland. As far as the free healthcare goes, of course it has problems and emergency room waiting times need to improve (although if you're urgent you will get seen immediately) but I've had never had issues.
    I have lovely straight teeth from having braces - no cost to me. Although it does cost me now (but not as much as private)
    I had my ears operated on when I was a child (and my twin sister) to stop us from going deaf: No waiting and free.
    I stayed in hospital for 4 days when my kidneys nearly failed on me, the nurses where on hand when I was puking my guts up, got me tea and toast whenever I wanted it, I had anti sickness injections and was on a constant drip. Left 100% better - No cost to me.
    I can see a GP within a week if it's not urgent, immediately if it is. I do have to pay for medication but it's like £5 per subscription and I get free eye tests.
    I'm very grateful for what I can get and it makes me angry when people complain about tiny things (like dentist fees) and you can pay for private if you want. I also get free birth control. The idea that women need to pay for that elsewhere seems mental to me. And I'm so glad my "right to choose" is never under threat (also under NHS) It's just not an issue political issue for our government. A lot of American politicians, seem to be too into God/Bible teachings to think clearly on issues like that.

    National minimum wage could be better due to prices increasing like crazy (Gas/Electricity is the biggest concern and then petrol prices)

    And the milk thing...A gallon of milk is around £2-£3.

    I also get my uni/college fees paid for me and if you're poor usually a bursary/travel expenses too.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I'm pretty happy in Australia (although I've no where else to compare it to).

    Also, I've heard carrying a gun is an invitation to be shot at.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I live in Scotland. As far as the free healthcare goes, of course it has problems and emergency room waiting times need to improve (although if you're urgent you will get seen immediately) but I've had never had issues.
    I have lovely straight teeth from having braces - no cost to me. Although it does cost me now (but not as much as private)
    I had my ears operated on when I was a child (and my twin sister) to stop us from going deaf: No waiting and free.
    I stayed in hospital for 4 days when my kidneys nearly failed on me, the nurses where on hand when I was puking my guts up, got me tea and toast whenever I wanted it, I had anti sickness injections and was on a constant drip. Left 100% better - No cost to me.
    I can see a GP within a week if it's not urgent, immediately if it is. I do have to pay for medication but it's like £5 per subscription and I get free eye tests.
    I'm very grateful for what I can get and it makes me angry when people complain about tiny things (like dentist fees) and you can pay for private if you want. I also get free birth control. The idea that women need to pay for that elsewhere seems mental to me. And I'm so glad my "right to choose" is never under threat (also under NHS) It's just not an issue political issue for our government. A lot of American politicians, seem to be too into God/Bible teachings to think clearly on issues like that.

    National minimum wage could be better due to prices increasing like crazy (Gas/Electricity is the biggest concern and then petrol prices)

    And the milk thing...A gallon of milk is around £2-£3.

    I also get my uni/college fees paid for me and if you're poor usually a bursary/travel expenses too.

    I completely agree with you about the birth control thing. There shouldn't be any issue in getting it for free, then we could prevent a lot of the welfare issues we have her in the US now. I am fortunate enough (if you want to say that) to be low income so I get free birth control and a once yearly exam. Although it isn't much it's the only time I get to see a doctor without having to go to the emergency room.

    America has a lot of politicians and people who are set on their ideas and ways. As much as we need change (no i don't mean Obama change, I just mean general change) people are too happy in their little boxes, they can't step outside and think about the general welfare of EVERYONE instead of just themselves. I'm sure I will get crap for saying that, but it is true. We are individualistic country, as much as anyone wants to deny it, and I see it everyday especially in politics. We have a long way to go, I just hope that it happens in my lifetime.
  • bunnyfluff89
    Like everything else in this world there is good and bad, and our generation unfortunatly is lazy and ill-educated, we see what we want to and go with promises, but when i comes to it i dont think the american populace will let this country get to much worse with out a fight. Its not perfect and there are hard times but other countries are worse some even limit your music, tv, reading, and even how you speak on your phone. It'll get better eventualy, hang in there and you'll see.