please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • weightofyourskin
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.

    Didn't Harper just scrap the gun registry? So he wouldn't even have to do that...
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    well i'm just an awful american, i suppose. when shall the stone throwing begin?
    Not awful. Just ignorant and inexperienced.

    yeah but awful american has more of a ring to it that ignorant and inexperienced american. alliterations must be taken into account when name calling.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.

    Didn't Harper just scrap the gun registry? So he wouldn't even have to do that...

    Depending on the type of gun... there are still restricted firearms like handguns that require some kind of license. And the long-gun registry is on the way out...just takes awhile to go through all the hoops to make it official.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    Ive noticed most of the disallusioned here seem to be young people (men and women under 30 or so). I wonder why that is? Could it be they were brought up in the world where they were entertained most of their childhood and teen years? My kids were always going somewhere, doing something with someone, spending money here and there, every night they were somewhere having fun. To grow up that way and then have the reality of the real cold world hit you in the face is very hard and frightening. To be expected to take care of yourself just doesnt seem fair. That is why so many think that it is the governments business to support or take care of them. That is why this uprising of the groups wanting the rich and the Corporations to share their wealth with them. It doenst matter about all the years and years of hard study, work, and late nights went into making that money, they simply want it now. This is not to insult anyone, its just my view as I see it from my experiences.

    Sadly I grew up very fast because my family was poor growing up. We got a lot of things second hand, we lived in a ****ty apartment complex where I got molested by other neighborhood boys that their parents didn't give two cents about them (no sympathy needed) and we ate a LOT of ramen, peanut butter or tuna sandwiches. We got free lunch, never had health care as children and I didn't go to the dentist until I HAD to have a root canal at the age of 23. Nothing was EVER handed to me, and I worked as soon as I was old enough to baby sit. But yet I see how our government treats people like (read my previous post about healthcare). I was told I could not get food stamps to help me through college because as a college student I am required to work 20 hours on top of my school load. As I am trying to get into veterinary school i don't have to time work AND mantain a 3.72 gpa. But yet the government doesn't care about my aspirations. But if i got knocked up I could get medicaid, food stamps, housing and even emergency 1000 bucks of cash!

    I certainly was not talking about you then. I hate that there are children that had to grow up as you did. You asked not for sympathy, but I have to say that i am sorry you had to grow up that way. America is the best place because anyone can go from rags to riches if you apply yourself and be wise with the money that you earn and work hard. The opportunity is out there if you aim for it and do everything in your power morally to get it. You are not even out of school yet, you can have a very bright future. The whole world can be yours. It just takes time. Good luck to you.
  • mum0f4
    im from new zealand - far far away - what is your tax % from working and goods and services taxes? do families get assistance from the government if they are working? our tax on top of everything we buy is 15% here :-( we are looking at moving countries also as house prices here are rediculous and petrol is over $2.20nz a litre. we pay $6nz for 3litres of milk and we live next door to the milk factories and farms that produce it?? but is the grass greener on the other side? interested to know how others live.
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    well i'm just an awful american, i suppose. when shall the stone throwing begin?
    Not awful. Just ignorant and inexperienced.

    Hmm... I thought ignorant meant that she didn't know what she was talking about, yet she is informed, unlike you. Did someone change the definition of ignorant and not inform me?
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.

    I had to take mine down into pieces and mail the pieces seperately back to myself when I entered Canada. They told me no one can carry a gun in Canada!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.

    I had to take mine down into pieces and mail the pieces seperately back to myself when I entered Canada. They told me no one can carry a gun in Canada!

    Maybe it was that you couldn't cross the border INTO Canada with a gun? I'm not sure of the gun laws since I've never been interested in having one.
  • ShrinkingChelle
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    While the health care system is nice, i've heard it takes forever to be seen for primary care.

    People are fleeing Cuba and Mexico because they're told the US is the "best place in the world" to make money to send back home to the families. Little do they know of the rampant racism that runs amok against "foreigners".

    And it doesn't take "forever". If it's critical, you'll be seen really, really soon. But we still lack enough doctors and nurses for the free part of our health care.

    Maybe in the boonies.. and I have American friends who, if they live in the boonies, don't have much choice or availability of doctors either.
    I live in Canada - If I want to see my doctor for a sickness I can get an appt within the day. If he's on vacation I can walk into any clinic.

    I never have problem with general practitioners but getting in to see specialist is a long wait.
    ie. 6 Months to get an allergy test, then 2 months to get the results.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    While the health care system is nice, i've heard it takes forever to be seen for primary care.

    People are fleeing Cuba and Mexico because they're told the US is the "best place in the world" to make money to send back home to the families. Little do they know of the rampant racism that runs amok against "foreigners".

    And it doesn't take "forever". If it's critical, you'll be seen really, really soon. But we still lack enough doctors and nurses for the free part of our health care.

    Maybe in the boonies.. and I have American friends who, if they live in the boonies, don't have much choice or availability of doctors either.
    I live in Canada - If I want to see my doctor for a sickness I can get an appt within the day. If he's on vacation I can walk into any clinic.

    I never have problem with general practitioners but getting in to see specialist is a long wait.
    ie. 6 Months to get an allergy test, then 2 months to get the results.

    hmm that sucks. I went to the GP with a rash and within 4 days I was at the dermatologist.. so maybe you had crappy luck. also could depend on where you live and how willing doctors are to live/practice there.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.

    I had to take mine down into pieces and mail the pieces seperately back to myself when I entered Canada. They told me no one can carry a gun in Canada!

    Not sure about all the technicalities, but there would definitely be issues with crossing the border with a gun. As a Canadian citizen, you can definitely own guns. I don't know all the technicalities about carrying one around, but I think you need to have a purpose (hunting, for example).
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    im from new zealand - far far away - what is your tax % from working and goods and services taxes? do families get assistance from the government if they are working? our tax on top of everything we buy is 15% here :-( we are looking at moving countries also as house prices here are rediculous and petrol is over $2.20nz a litre. we pay $6nz for 3litres of milk and we live next door to the milk factories and farms that produce it?? but is the grass greener on the other side? interested to know how others live.

    My son visited NZ for a month or two. He loved it there. Kinda small though for those that like to drive. Income tax (tax on income)is taken from your check in most cases here before you ever get it (I feel this is a violation of our freedom). if you own a business you can pay the income tax quarterly instead of having it withheld. It is based on different brackets of earning. Probably an average is around 15% ( but can be as high as 50% of your income if you have a lot of income). Approximately 48% of America pay no income tax however. It is a very complicated system that allows for deduction against those income and state taxes for things like donations, house payment interest...its a mess) We then have to pay taxes on goods purchased from.05 cents to .12 cents depending on the state in which you live (except cars and trucks is much lower). Of course there is also property tax for property that you own, fuel tax for gasoline or diesel that you use (30 or 40 cents a gallon) Gasoline here is about $3.20 (US) a gallon now. Milk is about $3.00 (US) a gallon where i live.

    My son said the prices of things in NZ are not that high except for building materials that have to be shipped in. Plus I think i remember that land is very high there. You can buy an acre of land where I live in the country for $3,000-$5,000 an acre. Of course in the city it is much more than that. I hope I answered your questions. I wish we had a simpler tax, I am pushing for a flat tax or fair tax for the US.
  • ShrinkingChelle
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    You made my day ROFL! It's not terribly cold where we are (coast of British Columbia) but there is lots of hockey :D

    Yeah those 104F days in Toronto this July were really tough :p People, Canada consists of more than the Yukon. It's not freezing everywhere all the time :)

    Love this! Meet a lady from Iowa and she wouldnt believe me that I grow strawberries in Canada... apparently she thought it was too cold, sigh. Why do so many Americans think that Canada as a whole is frozen all year round???

    Edit* When I meet her I was in Tampa.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    You made my day ROFL! It's not terribly cold where we are (coast of British Columbia) but there is lots of hockey :D

    Yeah those 104F days in Toronto this July were really tough :p People, Canada consists of more than the Yukon. It's not freezing everywhere all the time :)

    Love this! Meet a lady from Iowa and she wouldnt believe me that I grow strawberries in Canada... apparently she thought it was too cold, sigh. Why do so many Americans think that Canada as a whole is frozen all year round???

    Edit* When I meet her I was in Tampa.

    i didn't really mean that it's cold all year round. i live in michigan so i'm not too far so i know the weather isn't that much different. i just assume the winters are a bit colder and longer than here and the summers are just slightly milder (on average) i love cold and hate high heat so that's why i said it xD
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    You made my day ROFL! It's not terribly cold where we are (coast of British Columbia) but there is lots of hockey :D

    Yeah those 104F days in Toronto this July were really tough :p People, Canada consists of more than the Yukon. It's not freezing everywhere all the time :)

    Love this! Meet a lady from Iowa and she wouldnt believe me that I grow strawberries in Canada... apparently she thought it was too cold, sigh. Why do so many Americans think that Canada as a whole is frozen all year round???

    Edit* When I meet her I was in Tampa.

    I guess just because it is North and North is supposed to be cold. I went there one time (only to the Falls) in late August and I packed a lot of long-sleeves thinking it would be cold because it is usually cooler where I live around then, but it was 102-104 degrees F every day. I was astonished.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    ron paul.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.

    Didn't Harper just scrap the gun registry? So he wouldn't even have to do that...

    I dont want to argue but I know several Canadians and have been there. You positively cannot CARRY a gun on your person anywhere in Canada whether you are a citizen or a visitor. The government does not allow it. We have some states here that do not allow it but most states do. I personally feel that it is your individual right to carry a weapon for protection. I know there are many that do not agree with me. Thats okay. i carry where it is legal just in case.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D

    I bought a gallon of milk today and I believe I paid right around $2.39 for it.
  • ShrinkingChelle
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D

    Yeah I wanna hear about that milk.

    I pay about 5$ for 4 Litres but I live on an island so we pay more for most things, but I Love it here :)
    From Vancouver Island BC.
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member

    i didn't really mean that it's cold all year round. i live in michigan so i'm not too far so i know the weather isn't that much different. i just assume the winters are a bit colder and longer than here and the summers are just slightly milder (on average) i love cold and hate high heat so that's why i said it xD

    I live in WNY and my boyfriend lives in Ontario. I'd take his winters over my winters, anytime. Lake Effect snow is the worst!

    As for everyone wanting to jump ship and move to Canada.. it's not easy unless you have money, a real job/they have demand for it or you are in school. Take it from someone that has been looking into plenty of options after being in a long distance relationship for 2+ years...