please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Voting in the US is kind of like South Park put it - you're essentially choosing between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich.


    I've spent the last six months living in China, and when I get back to the US in two weeks I am going to kiss the floor of Newark Airport. Every country has its faults, but at least at home I have access to clean water...and Wikipedia.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Ive noticed most of the disallusioned here seem to be young people (men and women under 30 or so). I wonder why that is? Could it be they were brought up in the world where they were entertained most of their childhood and teen years? My kids were always going somewhere, doing something with someone, spending money here and there, every night they were somewhere having fun. To grow up that way and then have the reality of the real cold world hit you in the face is very hard and frightening. To be expected to take care of yourself just doesnt seem fair. That is why so many think that it is the governments business to support or take care of them. That is why this uprising of the groups wanting the rich and the Corporations to share their wealth with them. It doenst matter about all the years and years of hard study, work, and late nights went into making that money, they simply want it now. This is not to insult anyone, its just my view as I see it from my experiences.

    Sadly I grew up very fast because my family was poor growing up. We got a lot of things second hand, we lived in a ****ty apartment complex where I got molested by other neighborhood boys that their parents didn't give two cents about them (no sympathy needed) and we ate a LOT of ramen, peanut butter or tuna sandwiches. We got free lunch, never had health care as children and I didn't go to the dentist until I HAD to have a root canal at the age of 23. Nothing was EVER handed to me, and I worked as soon as I was old enough to baby sit. But yet I see how our government treats people like (read my previous post about healthcare). I was told I could not get food stamps to help me through college because as a college student I am required to work 20 hours on top of my school load. As I am trying to get into veterinary school i don't have to time work AND mantain a 3.72 gpa. But yet the government doesn't care about my aspirations. But if i got knocked up I could get medicaid, food stamps, housing and even emergency 1000 bucks of cash!
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    try searching SOPA. it's mainly to shut down any websites that use links to other websites or any information that isn't genuinesly theirs but they've already started censoring anything to do with OWS on twitter. any talk about meeting up to protest is not allowed to be published or it's deleted.

    You said "except the fact that they're passing a bill to censor any negative comments about said government. freedom of speech ftw."

    SOPA is not a bill " to censor any negative comments about said government". SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act. You need to educate yourself about what SOPA truly is (and it is bad) because it is nothing about censoring commentary about the government.

    I suggest starting at Wikipedia and reading up:
  • gem975
    gem975 Posts: 29
    we're number one.. we're number one.. we're num.. oh wait I'm from Australian, guess I just got caught up in the general direction of this topic.

    Lol but seriously.. relax guys..
    I thought you guys believed in freedom of speech? Stop witch hunting the poor girl.
  • slayerdan
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    Just so you know, you cant "just move" to Canada....they have laws and standards that you must qualify for and adhere to....I suggest researching their laws and living there before just deciding thats where you are going.

    And as someone said before......with media such as it is today, overexposure is scaring alot of people----are we in trouble? Yeah, prolly so. Enough to go to another country so that you are always low man on the pole? Think it over----I go to Canada 4x a year among other places, and a large number are not American friendly. More people come to the U.S. each year from Canada vs the other way around--thats a fact, feel free to research as well. Enjoy.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    well i'm just an awful american, i suppose. when shall the stone throwing begin?
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Nothing is worse than the corrupt Philippines government. They say the country is developing but having been here in the capital for so long, I can see that everything is a lie. Poverty is increasing, unemployment rate is increasing & the government cannot do anything on it. More than 70% of the people here are poor. Sometimes I want to blame my grandparents for moving here although I think things would also not good if we were in Spain. My fiance hates the government there as well.
  • weightofyourskin

    I'm not even going to get into the nationalized healthcare debate ... take it from someone who worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years ... If you think that ANYONE in America goes without proper healthcare ... YOU'RE WRONG!

    I'm sorry - are you high right now? That is such a ridiculous statement.

    Try reading this when you get the chance.

    "It has been estimated that lack of health insurance leads to the death of 18,000 adults ages 25 to 64 each year—making it the sixth-leading cause of death in this age group, ahead of HIV/AIDS or diabetes."

    More people between 25 and 64 die in the US every year because they were not able to seek medical care than of HIV/AIDS or diabetes and you're honestly saying that nobody in the country goes without "proper healthcare"?

    Um, no. I'm not high. Not right now, not ever. Are you? None of the medicinal marijuana for me, thank you. I don't believe that you are sorry. But I do believe that YOU are such a ridiculous statement. Oh, and YES I am saying that. Well actually, I typed it. You read it, right?

    I replied to someone else's post asking for a response. I did not ask for any response. But thank you anyhow.

    I assume that you too will be enjoying all that Canada has to offer soon. Safe trip or whatever.

    I'm already enjoying Canada. I live there. No, I didn't move here from the US.

    I notice that in your reply you didn't address my actual point. You made an incredibly stupid statement. I provided an article refuting it several times over, with official statistics and numbers. Again - more people die in the US from not having healthcare than die of HIV/AIDS *and* diabetes. One other commenter on this thread has talked about how she can't see a doctor, just a nurse practitioner once a year because she can't afford to see a doctor and her walk-in clinic charges $90 a visit. Are you going to say anything about that or are you going to ignore it because it doesn't fit into your little "AMERICA IS THE BEST EVER!" fairytale?

    You're right, I'm not sorry. You've amply demonstrated what a moron you are.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I think all Americans, Canadians, Australians, and NZers should be damn proud of their respective countries :) There's always room for improvement wherever you go but overall we have it pretty good relatively speaking.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D

    Yeah I wanna hear about that milk.
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    Oh and I am extremely excited to take my US citizenship test next year! :bigsmile:

    glad your here. Good luck on the test.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I think all Americans, Canadians, Australians, and NZers should be damn proud of their respective countries :) There's always room for improvement wherever you go but overall we have it pretty good relatively speaking.

    I know. It kind of reminds me of little kids who are arguing about whose mom is better. Can't we all love our own moms the best and still be friends? :flowerforyou:
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D

    bought a gallon just today for 3.50. i guess we're not so different after all, huh?
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    well i'm just an awful american, i suppose. when shall the stone throwing begin?

    I am right there with you hun. Funny thing is my parents were very angry at the government growing up, assuring me to never trust their corrupt ways. I have studied, read and learned enough on my own to form my own opinions. It's funny how different I am from my father too, he LOVES Glenn Beck, the nut job and sides with the Tea Party. And I think he is absolutely nuts. lol. I do not trust my government. And as someone said, our government should fear its people, not the people fear its government. Sadly most people are too ignorant, close minded or apathetic to wake up and see what our politicians do behind our backs when no one is looking. So much goes on and so many people have lives that keeping up with their shenanigans is almost impossible.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D

    bought a gallon just today for 3.50. i guess we're not so different after all, huh?

    Is it ok if I give a little internet squee over our milk bond?
  • slayerdan
    well i'm just an awful american, i suppose. when shall the stone throwing begin?
    Not awful. Just ignorant and inexperienced.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.

    Minimum wage in my province is $10/hour... but I still need to know more about the cost of milk in Michigan! I have nothing better to do right now than be seriously interested in this! ;D

    bought a gallon just today for 3.50. i guess we're not so different after all, huh?

    Is it ok if I give a little internet squee over our milk bond?

    i'll allow it this one time.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I'll really get this thing going now....................Id never live anywhere that would not allow me to own a weapon to defend myself and my family. Im serious about that and I know they wouldnt have me either because of that. But I like Canadians anyway! They are good people and our friends.

    Oh, and you can own a gun...or several, FYI. My dad has oodles of them. You have to register them, is all.