please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    As a person who lived in Germany for six months (and spent 19 days in a German hospital), I say "no thanks" to that. My husband has been to many other countries. Again, no thanks.

    Heck, i don't even like some of the other states I've been to. Born on da bayou and planning to stay there.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    There's health care in the USA.

    Here you either pay for it when you need it or get an employer to pay for you, or accept the limited care the government hands out.

    In Canada you pay for it with your taxes and accept the limited care the government hands out.

    I don't see much benefit of theirs over ours.

    We also get employer healthcare benefits at most full time jobs, that cover 80% - 100% of medical needs. A lot of the government healthcare has been cut recently, which sucks. Immigration is getting to be a longer wait, though. But yeah, I think there's some big change brewing. I want to move to Brazil, personally. :-)
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    You made my day ROFL! It's not terribly cold where we are (coast of British Columbia) but there is lots of hockey :D
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Bobby, sad to hear that you are that illusioned about politics. I agree most of them are greedy, selfish, power hungry people but it is up to us to change that, or at least make it better. If "we the people" do not vote and make a stand in whatever we believe in, one day we may not have that option. Wouldnt it be horrid if we were told what career path we would take because the governement needed more workers in that occupation. Or if you are religious, you had to hide in a dark basement to practice your religion or be thrown in jail or even killed by the government? You do realize that is happeing in the world tonight as we post this!
    You have your freedom to feel however you wish, but the involvement of a lot of brave, involved people gave you that right and allow us to keep that right. Lets not give up !
    The system in all its corruption and bile is a system I played to get the things I wanted.
    Why would I make any kind of foolish stand against the very machinery that enriched my whole life?

    No, I decided long ago that the world doesn't transform, and reaching my goals was much more important that making myself a miserable person striving for some ideal that has never existed anywhere on planet earth. Instead, I used the resources available to plug into the abundance where willing and resourceful people can get their piece of the action.

    That sure beats freezing my butt off holding some absurd sign sniveling about what will never change.
    Sorry to break the bad news, but nothing will turn the scale, because the heart of man won't sing different tune.

    Have a great night folks.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    I admit, I feel the same way often. But then I have to respect my lineage, which includes a forefather. Then I know I have to stay and fight and damn the torpedoes. If my liberal *kitten* gets shot out of the water so be it. At least I stood my ground with grampa.
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member

    I'm not even going to get into the nationalized healthcare debate ... take it from someone who worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years ... If you think that ANYONE in America goes without proper healthcare ... YOU'RE WRONG!

    I'm sorry - are you high right now? That is such a ridiculous statement.

    Try reading this when you get the chance.

    "It has been estimated that lack of health insurance leads to the death of 18,000 adults ages 25 to 64 each year—making it the sixth-leading cause of death in this age group, ahead of HIV/AIDS or diabetes."

    More people between 25 and 64 die in the US every year because they were not able to seek medical care than of HIV/AIDS or diabetes and you're honestly saying that nobody in the country goes without "proper healthcare"?

    Um, no. I'm not high. Not right now, not ever. Are you? None of the medicinal marijuana for me, thank you. I don't believe that you are sorry. But I do believe that YOU are such a ridiculous statement. Oh, and YES I am saying that. Well actually, I typed it. You read it, right?

    I replied to someone else's post asking for a response. I did not ask for any response. But thank you anyhow.

    I assume that you too will be enjoying all that Canada has to offer soon. Safe trip or whatever.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just have to add in my two cents as a Canadian.

    My experience with our health care system has been amazing. I am truly grateful for it and have had wonderful doctors, and the government does not decide anything about further doctor decides if I need to see a specialist, etc. I would say, like anywhere, there are good doctors and not-so-good doctors, but I have had overwhelmingly good experiences with our health care system. It's not perfect, but it's very, very good.

    Also, our economy has been very stable over the last several years, and our dollar is currently very close to par with the U.S. dollar. Markets are so volatile these days, one really needs to look at overall trends and not a one-day snapshot, so to speak.

    While I am a proud Canadian, I also know there are no perfect countries, as someone else has said. We have our issues, but I happen to think overall we're pretty awesome. :smile:

    Agreed. As a Canadian I have also had wonderful experiences with our health care. :flowerforyou:

    A little tired of the bashing of our health care system here, especially by people who have never experienced it.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Also Canada is suffering more then we are economically. I just saw that today in the currency exchange... theirs sucks compared to ours.
    Well that statement has not much truth to it. Canada took the economic crisis relatively well compared to the Us an other developed counties. Our unemployment rate is much lower then the US, and the opposite was true before the crisis. ( Our currency strong as ever, it is almost 1:1 to the Us $ and 10 or so years ago , it used to worth only half . Canada has lower poverty rate then the US. The economist ranked Canada largest 4 cities: Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and Ottawa much higher living standard than ANY US city. People in Canada have higher life expectancy, lower infant mortality then the US. I could go on an on, about it, but you get the picture.
    Just because somebody bashing your own country , there is no reason why you should badmouthing Canada.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member

    I'm not even going to get into the nationalized healthcare debate ... take it from someone who worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years ... If you think that ANYONE in America goes without proper healthcare ... YOU'RE WRONG!

    I'm sorry - are you high right now? That is such a ridiculous statement.

    Try reading this when you get the chance.

    "It has been estimated that lack of health insurance leads to the death of 18,000 adults ages 25 to 64 each year—making it the sixth-leading cause of death in this age group, ahead of HIV/AIDS or diabetes."

    More people between 25 and 64 die in the US every year because they were not able to seek medical care than of HIV/AIDS or diabetes and you're honestly saying that nobody in the country goes without "proper healthcare"?

    I agree that not all get proper health care. I think I would be in much better shape health wise had I had health care of some sort. I am a college student and rolling up change to take to the bank just to pay for necessities most of the time. I am fortunate enough that I am so poor that I get womens health care that sends me to the gyno once a year and pays for my birth control. If it weren't for my one yearly visit to this doctor, i'm sorry she is a nurse practitioner, then I woudn't know how severe my high blood pressure was or that I had an infection. I rarely, but sometimes have to make the trip to the ER when I am in severe pain or HAVE to see a doctor, wait for 5-6 hours and then never have the 5000 dollars to pay for the bill. Even a walk in clinic here is 90 dollars and i cant even afford that. I applied for medicaid 3 times and was denied. But people who come here as illegal citizens get 10 times more help than I do in the medical/welfare department. I live in TX, I see this crap and it makes me angry seeing as I am a law abiding citizen TRYING to get out of poverty by barely getting an education and I get refused services even though for the years and years I worked I paid my taxes.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    You made my day ROFL! It's not terribly cold where we are (coast of British Columbia) but there is lots of hockey :D

    Yeah those 104F days in Toronto this July were really tough :p People, Canada consists of more than the Yukon. It's not freezing everywhere all the time :)
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    Voting won't help when everyone to vote for is corrupt.
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    except the fact that they're passing a bill to censor any negative comments about said government. freedom of speech ftw.

  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Oh yea, I want to move right now!!! Obama's term will end on 1/20/2013. I'm willing to wait to see what the next Commander In Chief does for our country before jumping ship.

    Naive at best. His term will end in January, 2017. And by then this pathetic teabag movement will be a ludicrous memory. The absurdity of the right wing has called itself out and the polls show their failure quite clearly. The only path to success for them is illegal voter tampering. If that's your style, whatever.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    The answer is not to get out of the country. The solution to the problem is to take a stand, get active in politics, vote, DO SOMETHING to better the country.

    Voting won't help when everyone to vote for is corrupt.

    Couldn't have said this better. Money and power leads to corruption. Our government has plenty of it.
  • missmarquez2u
    My fiance hates all things government and would want to do the same, but there is no way we can afford that.

    He also said there was a bill trying to get passed that could imprision people without trial or evidence, but I don't know if that's true.

    yeah that's another bill that's working towards being passed. i really didn't think it would go through but with everything else going on i'm pretty sure it can make it through easily.

    were not that far from there now. hubby has been in jail for over a year no bond or pretrial release and he has NOT been to court yet
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Nz is a pretty lovely place to live :) Free healthcare (at the hospital, have to pay to see a GP), great weather, great lifestyle - snowy mountains in the winter, hot beachy summers......I don't think I'd ever leave!
  • jbosey
    jbosey Posts: 119 Member
    Ive noticed most of the disallusioned here seem to be young people (men and women under 30 or so). I wonder why that is? Could it be they were brought up in the world where they were entertained most of their childhood and teen years? My kids were always going somewhere, doing something with someone, spending money here and there, every night they were somewhere having fun. To grow up that way and then have the reality of the real cold world hit you in the face is very hard and frightening. To be expected to take care of yourself just doesnt seem fair. That is why so many think that it is the governments business to support or take care of them. That is why this uprising of the groups wanting the rich and the Corporations to share their wealth with them. It doenst matter about all the years and years of hard study, work, and late nights went into making that money, they simply want it now. This is not to insult anyone, its just my view as I see it from my experiences.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    About $3-4 for 2L here in NZ! But our $ is different - still is a lot though, lots of issues around that in the news at the moment
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ask someone from Canada how much milk cost. They drive here to Michigan for groceries.

    Ooh, I'll bite. Milk is about $3 for a 4 litre jug (about a gallon) where I am - how much is it in Michigan? :D

    Also, the person you quoted should consider the minimum wages. Each province in Canada has a minimum wage/hour AT LEAST 2 dollars higher than Michigan.