please tell me i'm not the only one.



  • musdoit2
    musdoit2 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, Lots of nasty comments being thrown around about Canada just to make a point.. and to think I wanted to move to Arizona for the nice weather.. not so sure anymore.. Not very nice to read all this bashing... however if the poster were to decide to move here she would be welcomed..!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Wow, Lots of nasty comments being thrown around about Canada just to make a point.. and to think I wanted to move to Arizona for the nice weather.. not so sure anymore.. Not very nice to read all this bashing... however if the poster were to decide to move here she would be welcomed..!!

    LOL Don't judge all Americans by the comments of some of the people online. Really. If you'd consider not moving to a country based on a few negative people on a forum, that's pretty silly.
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Congratulations to all on making this the thread which has made me the angriest of any thread I've ever read on MFP.

    I'm not going to pretend I'm a political and socio-economic expert like some of the people here who have posted seem to be. I'm just going to say that I am more than greatly disturbed about the following points that various different people made.


    That's my rant for today. & Again, thank you people of the internet for turning (what seemed like) a light-hearted post by someone who is just frustrated with things in the US, into a free-for-all where everyone thinks they're right. If you're not going to listen to anyone else's views on an issue, then go give your opinions to a brick wall because the brick wall will give you the answer of silence you're obviously looking for.

    Goddess! (does 'we're not worthy' bowing motions to Galaxyhearts)

    In other words, well said and I agree. :smile:
  • musdoit2
    musdoit2 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow, Lots of nasty comments being thrown around about Canada just to make a point.. and to think I wanted to move to Arizona for the nice weather.. not so sure anymore.. Not very nice to read all this bashing... however if the poster were to decide to move here she would be welcomed..!!

    LOL Don't judge all Americans by the comments of some of the people online. Really. If you'd consider not moving to a country based on a few negative people on a forum, that's pretty silly.

    No Worries.. :-) Just a "silly" comment, to make a point...besides I actually happen to have some really great friends who live there.. and you sure can't beat the sunshine in Arizona...LOL
  • mum0f4
    yes thanks thats excellent information - its so nice to hear it from a real person than reading data from a news webpage... its the real people that tell the real facts - i'de love to know more!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    But where would you go? I supposedly live in the best country on earth (Australia) and it has been RUINED!!!! Bleeding hearts have ruined this wonderful country as I knew it. Sooooo, there is nowhere for us to go now. Unless we go to the empty s^%tholes because all of those people are here living it up!!!!
  • mum0f4
    i was heading your way to oz
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
  • GretaJane
    GretaJane Posts: 64 Member
    Apparently you have not experienced living in another Cuba or Mexico....why do you think they are all risking their lives to come here????

    i really just want to move to canada. it's nice and cold and there's lots of hockey and health care.

    I'm Canadian and my partner is Mexican, so I can definitely see both sides of this argument! Canada is lovely - I suggest Vancouver, my personal fav, but I agree that the US has it pretty easy compared to some countries. That said, I'm also pretty pessimistic about all of "western" society. For example, Canada just jumped ship on the Kyoto protocol because we can't compete with the states. Don't get me started on this or I will just get all emotional and eat a Twinkie - wait, isn't this a weight loss site?
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member

    No matter where you go you won't be as well off as you are here in the USA.

  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Ron Paul - 2012

    Oh herrow new best friend!

    Beat ya too it ;)

    RP is slightly batty, but he's by far the best man for the job. Too bad the sad reality is you have to pick a party.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member

    4 - For those of you that keep saying we need to "go out and vote" and "make a change" all I can really do is laugh. I'm sorry that you still believe that voting does anything in this country. I really am. I don't hate the United States but I think it's more than obvious that our political system is corrupt. Politicians have one agenda, and that's making money. They are given information for insider trading on a regular basis and they can't be arrested for it. They did a story on this on 60 Minutes, which you can google if you'd like. So, no, I don't believe that if I go and peacefully protest in DC and vote for what I believe in that it would actually make a difference. I'm a registered voter, and I vote in every election, but again I really have little faith that it matters much anyway.

    totally agreed. it's the "democracy" of the united states.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member

    America is the best place because anyone can go from rags to riches if you apply yourself and be wise with the money that you earn and work hard. The opportunity is out there if you aim for it and do everything in your power morally to get it. You are not even out of school yet, you can have a very bright future. The whole world can be yours. It just takes time.

    you're living in american dream. for your own good, wake up. fast.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    I liked this quote. I think it is overexposure to media. It's not going to get "real bad" soon. It is what it is. These times repeat themselves over and over again.
    Relax, you're just suffering from media overexposure.

    No matter where you go you won't be as well off as you are here in the USA.

    The same things have been going on since not only the 1960's, but all the way back to the early 1800's.

    People have also been predicting the end of the world for the past several hundred years.

    My sister is falling prey to some of these people who are promoting their scare tactics. They say the fecal matter is going to strike the oscillating device and the whole economy will collapse and there will be roving bands of thieves coming to steal your food and fuel. But oddly enough, if you wish to spend some money with these guys they will be happy to sell you books on how to protect yourself, storage units to keep your food, secret lockers to hide your stuff, and freeze-dried food enough to last you a year.
    Follow the money trail..those who are looking to make a profit off the 'current conditions' are not to be trusted.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Ok... So move?
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I lived abroad until I was 17 yrs old then moved full time to the US, then in 2000 to 2011 I began traveling and living in Europe, Asia and the Middle east. Folks in the US have no idea what it is like to live in say India or Egypt for example, not to mention Africa. I think if more folks 'lived' in this other countries they would feel truely blessed to live in the US and have the opportunity to Vote to make changes, But changes take time. Visiting these places on holiday is never the same as living in one of them and exeriencing their polical issues, etc. Just a thought.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    omg, you people.......
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    come to europe. we're cool <3
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    I think if more folks 'lived' in this other countries they would feel truely blessed to live in the US and have the opportunity to Vote to make changes,

    oh god. i will stop looking at this topic right now.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member