What do guys want....



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    ...in terms of a girl?

    (take 2 - this thread was accidentally deleted yesterday by a moderator and they failed to restore it, *grumble*...lol)

    So, once again, in response to the 'what do women want' thread. This is a chance for all you guys to break the sad stereotyping that says all you care about is t&a. What qualities are you really looking for (or been lucky enough to find)? And if you replied yesterday, feel free to respond again today, lol!

    I've already commented that I want "you", but since that's not enough lol

    I want someone who will accept me for me, allow me my quirks that make me who I am, I want someone who is as concerned about being healthy as I am, I'd like someone with skills in two specific rooms in the house (bedroom and kitchen), someone who realizes I'm not psychic, and that I will change if you want me to, don't just expect me to know you want me to, but I will not change enough to compromise myself or my morals, also I want them to be caring, loving, giving, but not to the point they feel taken advantage of, I want it to be as close to 50/50 as possible, a love of animals, and a desire to spawn some chillens... I think that covers most of it.

    And yes, unfortunately I'm single, and I would bring flowers on the second date... maybe even the first (per another thread).
    what a great response! Remember that flower thread, there WERE girls that thought that was sweet so your mate is out there somewhere and when the perfect time comes... POOF. Everything falls into place.:wink::flowerforyou:
  • kristiru
    kristiru Posts: 13 Member
    Whoaaaaaa.. ok first of all, "their" is possessive. "They're" is a contraction for 'they are'. And then.. quit picking up *****y chicks at the mall! The girls you are describing make up maybe 5% of single women. There certainly are "princesses" out there who are just interested in a man to spoil them, but thats because they always find one. Hmm..
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Have to say it is nice to see some responses that I was not expecting. WTG guys - impressive!! :flowerforyou:

    Exactly! Hence one reason I started this topic. Poor guys are always getting a bad rap around here!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    BAH! I''m so glad we are still talking about roses on a second date... this makes me happy. ;)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Pulse and lady bits.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    A woman that tries too hard


    I don't think bringing flowers on the second date is trying too hard. I personally am not a huge fan of flowers, but if my husband had brought flowers on our second date (or even the first), I wouldn't have dumped him over that.
  • SheltonMarchman
    SheltonMarchman Posts: 8 Member
    I just want a nice comfortable speedo and some ski goggles to wear with them! Absent of that, all I ask is for you to be you. Don't bring my dream to the table and the let the crazy b**ch outta your purse when we say we're committed to each other. I know once a month it's odds on that you're going to be "different" but that"s what my frequent flier miles are for.... to visit my friends out of state!
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    I just want a nice comfortable speedo and some ski goggles to wear with them! Absent of that, all I ask is for you to be you. Don't bring my dream to the table and the let the crazy b**ch outta your purse when we say we're committed to each other. I know once a month it's odds on that you're going to be "different" but that"s what my frequent flier miles are for.... to visit my friends out of state!

    you win
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    adjones in a bikini.

    That's what I want too.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    Wow, I hate those women too, but they're not all like that, I promise! Sorry you've only encountered the cr*ppy ones so far!

  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I just want a nice comfortable speedo and some ski goggles to wear with them! Absent of that, all I ask is for you to be you. Don't bring my dream to the table and the let the crazy b**ch outta your purse when we say we're committed to each other. I know once a month it's odds on that you're going to be "different" but that"s what my frequent flier miles are for.... to visit my friends out of state!

    hahahha <3 it.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    Here's my take, although I was told to see a psychiatrist last night because I don't believe in one night stands:

    Looks matter. But they don't matter as much as people think. There has to be some sort of physical attraction to start things off though.

    Personality/attitude is the single biggest defining factor for me. I want someone who is just enough like me so that we have common interests but unique enough that she keeps me on my toes. I want someone who I can hang out with or curl up and watch a movie with.

    She also should be fairly independent, have her own stuff going on, but not so independent that I feel left out. This is probably a lot to ask but I've seen it happen.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    Sounds to me like you just make bad choices. :ohwell: Given a little time, many women, and men, get smarter and more appreciative of good qualities. When I was young, I didn't want a guy being too nice to me, giving me presents, etc., because I didn't want to feel like I owed him anything. As I matured, that changed. Still, I only accepted gifts from men I truly enjoyed spending time with. I played the game with a number of men who were more interested in "the chase" than in the catch. I'm competitive, and it was a diversion. Over the years, I developed an appreciation for loving, generous men of strong, masculine character. I married one, and I couldn't be happier.
  • Secret_Agent_007
    My fiance.

    Things that make her great:

    Challenges me to do the things I should and supports me doing so.

    Never raises her voice. Although I must say, I do pretty good at not giving her a reason to.

    Always thinks of others. And I don't mean, always thinks of me.

    Makes me laugh and laughs at my attempts at humour.

    Shares my goals in life and makes a serious effort in helping us reach said goals.

    Enjoys particpating in activites that I enjoy and took up some of them herself.


    Doesn't dwell on the past

    I'm sure theres much more but I'm drawing a blank just now and I gotta pee.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    My wife.
    Amazingly enough, your wife too. I keed I keed. :-D lol

    Hee, I LOLd :)
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    I promise we're not all like that! Sometimes I wonder if why you hate women is what guys want because those girls always have boyfriends, while us good girls are left on the sidelines never being asked to dance!
  • 1FitMom326
    My wife.

    Best answer yet!
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    (Neo voice) Miss Independant...
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    A confident woman with no gag reflex.