What do guys want....



  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    I think, I could change your mind about that. While I agree with you that about 90% of us are that way, there are the 10% of us who are not :)
  • mary_kate23

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    just sayin', i'm one who is quick to admit when I am wrong!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    A woman that tries too hard

    :huh: A guy WANTS a woman to try "too" hard? I'm confused...not trying to be rude, just asking for clarification.

    I'm referring to a thread from yesterday where a guy was rejected for bringing flowers to a second date

    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    I promise we're not all like that! Sometimes I wonder if why you hate women is what guys want because those girls always have boyfriends, while us good girls are left on the sidelines never being asked to dance!

    Oh so true - like the saying about nice guys finish last, well so do nice girls
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    What I want in a woman:

    I want her to be herself, I don't want her to act differently around me than she does with others. I need to her to be kind, non-rascist, and have a sense of humor. She should be open to new things, naturally beautiful, and not obsessed with her outer appearance to everyone. She should be strong, confident, and able to put up with everyones crap. We should enjoy similar things, but not ALL things, thats boring. Differences are key. Also she should be a Bears fan.


    If this applies to you, let me know. Always on the look out!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    To me, it's a sense of humor. Sure, I was attracted to my wife by her physical appearance...specifically her long brown hair...but beautiful women are nothing if you can't have a good time together. My wife and I find a reason to laugh together nearly every single day...and we are working on year number 27 now!!

    Congrats to you!!!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh so true - like the saying about nice guys finish last, well so do nice girls

    Only those without six pack abs or nice pecs.
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I want a woman who has just 2 feet. With all the dang shoes she buys, I just know she's hiding some more feet somewhere.

    dang it scar47 I told ya to stop looking in my closet!!!!
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    What I want in a woman:

    I want her to be herself, I don't want her to act differently around me than she does with others. I need to her to be kind, non-rascist, and have a sense of humor. She should be open to new things, naturally beautiful, and not obsessed with her outer appearance to everyone. She should be strong, confident, and able to put up with everyones crap. We should enjoy similar things, but not ALL things, thats boring. Differences are key. Also she should be a Bears fan.


    If this applies to you, let me know. Always on the look out!

    *sigh* if only you were 20 years older.... I am just not into the cougar thing..... :wink:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I want a girl I can trust, likes video games, one I can take for a walk, and surprise with gifts, I'd like a girl who lets me open doors for her, and lets me encourage her, I want a girl who will be there.

    HELL NAHHH I want A woman with a bigg butt and some nice hips! A womanly figure that I can lust for every minute of the day.......a woman who is a tigress in bed...come get me babycakes!!!!!!!!
    A passionate woman.............that can also cook!.
    Im feelin sexy rite about now....damn!!!!:devil:
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    A confident woman with no gag reflex.



    I read that on a bathroom wall. Should have been my first clue not to repeat it.

    But dude, if it's on a bathroom wall it HAS to be true and meaningful!

    p.s. sh*tter's full


    Then that Sherry chick is a good time.

    ps my favorite Cousin Eddy line is go get the rubber sheets and the gerbils.
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    how many times do I have to say this... they want a mom they can sleep with

    food... beer... and sex.. toss in naked with a twist of naughty... you're good
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    this is almost perfect for me <3

  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I want a partner, in every sense of the word. Someone who I can celebrate life with and picks me up when I am down. Someone who laughs at my jokes and makes me laugh as well. Someone smart and sharp enough to engage in thoughtful debate. Someone who isn't afraid to call me out when I need it. Someone with the nerve to stand up for what matters to her. Someone with integrity. Someone who isn't going to take life too seriously. Someone who isn't into material things and prefers a life of love and joy and laughs. Someone who knows me and accepts me for exactly who I am and supports me in every way that matters.

    Or boobs. Big, giant boobs.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Or boobs. Big, giant boobs.

    Always a catch !
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    how many times do I have to say this... they want a mom they can sleep with

    food... beer... and sex.. toss in naked with a twist of naughty... you're good

    THIS is true. LOL
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....

    I think, I could change your mind about that. While I agree with you that about 90% of us are that way, there are the 10% of us who are not :)

    Completely agree with you on this one!
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    Real self confidence, not an arrogant front.
  • shasha_84
    I make pretty good sammiches :D
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    how many times do I have to say this... they want a mom they can sleep with

    food... beer... and sex.. toss in naked with a twist of naughty... you're good

    THIS is true. LOL

    Freud just turned inside out in his grave. Lol
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    proves my point before too... girls want ANYTHING that they cant have... they will sit there telling their gf's they wish they had a guy that was romantic and bring her flowers etc... finds a guy that bring flowers to a date trying to be romantic n she tells her gf's they laugh bout it n she doesnt talk to him anymore...

    i know i got HUGE hate out for woman!!! all i see is shallow, selfish, self centered, money hungry, greedy, *****ty, disrepectful things that dont even know what they want but they are always right?... i know im going to get alot of b*tching and whining... but honestly... i will see a girl.. she'll start talking.. n i just want to shoot myself in the face because she is exactly what i just described within the first 2min into a conversation...

    had to add-also they are NEVER! wrong NEVER EVER will they admit their fault! they will rather jump off a bridge or look stupid than admit they are wrong! their princesses.... for some reason their always in denial....
    I saw this in a quote, and thought "this guy will be single forever" what a terrible, hateful view of women. Sad to see it's from a female. I don't know who you associate yourself with, but I'm thinking that's the problem and it's a sad stereotype to apply to all women and it's no less offensive coming from you just because you are one.

    Just went through and realized that you quoted wrong, so I thought I was quoting you but I was quoting someone else. Happy to see that this wasn't a fellow woman talking like that, and sad to see a man with such a hateful view.