Biting my tongue at seeing overweight children



  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member

    I'm still cracking up with "pee flaps" hahah

    Love this
  • seehawkmomma
    Sure lets all just be disguested by this.

    And flog them. (flog is my word of the day I think)

    And beat them with healthy food.

    Because we know whats best.

    And they are clearly are unfit parents.

    I am a bit surprised you didnt call CPS on them.

    They sound awful.

    Just plain horrid.

    I just threw up in my mouth.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Everytime I went for a well baby check up for both my daughters the Dr always provided me with the information for healthy eating and ways to provide exercise. My sister took her oldest son in for a check up and the Dr straight up told her your son is overweight and gave her all the information she needed to turn that around, he offered a nutrition website along with tons of print outs. So for all the people that keep saying all the parents need to be educated ....yea they are being educated. So what the bleep is really going on?? Stop making exuses people, do the right thing!! My girls are fit and lean from sports and jumping on the trampoline and running and just playing like kids do. My husband and I kick the soccer ball around with my girls, we take the girls jogging with us while they ride their bikes along side of us and we both work full time!!! Stop being lazy parents get off your butts and be their for your kids better yet be the example your kids need, they are learning what they live!!! And if your kids are still obese if you exercise with them and provide them with healthy ways to eat then you are lying to yourselves.

    What the bleep is really going on? Judgement (e.g. bullying) and thoughtless comments being made (WITH GOOD INTENTIONS) that, unfortunately, derail any sort of positive progress for healthy mindsets and emotions to fuel the makings of healthy people.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Blargh, I typed this out and it's gone. I have no energy to retype it.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Sure lets all just be disguested by this.

    And flog them. (flog is my word of the day I think)

    And beat them with healthy food.

    Because we know whats best.

    And they are clearly are unfit parents.

    I am a bit surprised you didnt call CPS on them.

    They sound awful.

    Just plain horrid.

    I just threw up in my mouth.

    Throwing up in your mouth. Like a boss.

    Treat those animals how they deserve to be treated. Chains to a wall and fed tofu and beaten with reeds. That'll teach them for being fat.
  • seehawkmomma
    Sure lets all just be disguested by this.

    And flog them. (flog is my word of the day I think)

    And beat them with healthy food.

    Because we know whats best.

    And they are clearly are unfit parents.

    I am a bit surprised you didnt call CPS on them.

    They sound awful.

    Just plain horrid.

    I just threw up in my mouth.

    Throwing up in your mouth. Like a boss.

    Treat those animals how they deserve to be treated. Chains to a wall and fed tofu and beaten with reeds. That'll teach them for being fat.

    I am boss.


    Have you seen that on SNL? Great Skit.
  • statikdog
    statikdog Posts: 21 Member
    I'm judging all ya'll, I'm the original Judgy Mcjudgington! (it's a Scottish name)
  • jene77
    jene77 Posts: 70 Member
    Everytime I went for a well baby check up for both my daughters the Dr always provided me with the information for healthy eating and ways to provide exercise. My sister took her oldest son in for a check up and the Dr straight up told her your son is overweight and gave her all the information she needed to turn that around, he offered a nutrition website along with tons of print outs. So for all the people that keep saying all the parents need to be educated ....yea they are being educated. So what the bleep is really going on?? Stop making exuses people, do the right thing!! My girls are fit and lean from sports and jumping on the trampoline and running and just playing like kids do. My husband and I kick the soccer ball around with my girls, we take the girls jogging with us while they ride their bikes along side of us and we both work full time!!! Stop being lazy parents get off your butts and be their for your kids better yet be the example your kids need, they are learning what they live!!! And if your kids are still obese if you exercise with them and provide them with healthy ways to eat then you are lying to yourselves.

    Not all doctors do this. Not every parent realizes or is told there's a problem. I went into the doctors with one of our clearly obese clients and the doctor didn't say a word about her weight. Not a single word.

    I had know idea all Dr's didn't do this... that is very sad. But if I saw that my child was getting chunky and then even obese, I think I would probably take it into my own hands and do a little reserch to help my kid out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    A parent ordering deep fried junk for their skinny child is every bit as bad as a parent ordering deep fried junk for their chubby child - regardless of the size of the child, you aren't taking care of them when you fill their bodies with junk and, when a child is already overweight, you are just exasperating the problem (but even if they're skinny, you aren't giving their bodies what they need to grow and develop in a healthy manner).

    From a parenting viewpoint, yes it is just as bad. Though it may not be bad at all, as there is nothing wrong with the occasional treat.

    From a health standpoint it is not the same. Obesity itself is a risk factor for many diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and many cancers.
  • I know what you mean. I work in the Youth Wellness Center at the Y, so I'm dealing with overweight children everyday. But its so rewarding to see the kids working their little booties off to lose weight and seeing the transformation is great. But then you get some kids who just don't care and it just really bugs me that parents don't instill the importance of eating right and exercising.
  • Effief21
    Effief21 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm judging all ya'll, I'm the original Judgy Mcjudgington! (it's a Scottish name)

    hahaha brilliant! All hail Judgy McJudgington!
  • Speedtrap
    Just to put it out there. I understand there are children with issues that cause them to be overweight in ways they, nor their parents can control.

    However, the chances that BOTH of her children had this is less likely. I'm not just saying that they were fat or a bit overweight. They were obese. I hate to be this descriptive but they didn't just have double chins.

    I could be further judgmental and on the basis of the clothes they were wearing, and the upper side of town cafe we were at, that they didn't lack money. Their weight was more than likely the result of a parents overindulgence to their kids wants and desires.

    The fact that they were both overweight may have been the key, speaking as someone who has a better understanding of genetic disease than a lot of people out there. 2 kids were "Obese" within the same family can be a sign of other problems.


    Unless you are willing to be judged yourself, many of peoples problems are not worn where others can see them and judge like weight is.

    I hope that as you get older that you can one day gain the insight to understand how terrible it is that you judge people like this. And I can only hope that you are not one day to be put in the situation where you or your family are judged the same way.
  • jene77
    jene77 Posts: 70 Member
    Everytime I went for a well baby check up for both my daughters the Dr always provided me with the information for healthy eating and ways to provide exercise. My sister took her oldest son in for a check up and the Dr straight up told her your son is overweight and gave her all the information she needed to turn that around, he offered a nutrition website along with tons of print outs. So for all the people that keep saying all the parents need to be educated ....yea they are being educated. So what the bleep is really going on?? Stop making exuses people, do the right thing!! My girls are fit and lean from sports and jumping on the trampoline and running and just playing like kids do. My husband and I kick the soccer ball around with my girls, we take the girls jogging with us while they ride their bikes along side of us and we both work full time!!! Stop being lazy parents get off your butts and be their for your kids better yet be the example your kids need, they are learning what they live!!! And if your kids are still obese if you exercise with them and provide them with healthy ways to eat then you are lying to yourselves.

    What the bleep is really going on? Judgement (e.g. bullying) and thoughtless comments being made (WITH GOOD INTENTIONS) that, unfortunately, derail any sort of positive progress for healthy mindsets and emotions to fuel the makings of healthy people.

    Some people just really need to hear the truth to do something about it. But some people just want to keep making exuses. Just trying to help out
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I don't understand how people allow their kids get that obese.... How many things are they missing out on? :( It makes me so sad.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    :noway: How DARE overweight people go out in public! I'm so sorry you had to look at that :sad:

    Uhh thats not at all what she said...Don't get all crazy & off topic. I agree with the original poster.

    so you agree with the op that these children were so disgusting she wanted to throw up? because thats pretty much EXACTLY what she said.

    Yeah I do. Thats how I would have felt. Obese children stuffing their faces with food they don't need while the parent sits there and is OKAY with it? Yup sounds about right. She didn't go up and insult the person, she just said how she felt. I see nothing wrong with that. If you don't agree or thats not how you feel, thats great, but everyone has different opinions on things.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member

    Not all doctors do this. Not every parent realizes or is told there's a problem. I went into the doctors with one of our clearly obese clients and the doctor didn't say a word about her weight. Not a single word.

    I had know idea all Dr's didn't do this... that is very sad. But if I saw that my child was getting chunky and then even obese, I think I would probably take it into my own hands and do a little reserch to help my kid out.

    Yeah not everyone has access to the resources. Going just off of my personal experience, growing up, being fat my whole life, etc. when I wanted to lose weight I had no idea what proper nutrtion was. In fact if it hadn't been for me just wanting to look good I wouldn't have even known there was a problem. Why? because my mom's fat, my dad's fat, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, all of them are fat. I didn't know the health problems that come with being fat, or that it could be why I couldn't walk up the stairs without huffing and puffing. My doctor didn't tell me (my doctor's fat too). My mom would just brush it off and say "Oh, you're just fluffy", or my dad would say "You've just got curves!". "Fat" is a four letter word in my house.

    So yeah, not everyone realizes that "fat" is a problem and an indicator of poor health. Many people just think it's a look, not a product of a lifestyle.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    I don't understand how people allow their kids get that obese.... How many things are they missing out on? :( It makes me so sad.

    It is not always the parents. My daughter comes home from school having eaten junk I would never let her have. But I am not always there to control her. She came home from church the other day saying she had 2 cupcakes because they were homemade and didnt want the person to feel bad if she only ate one of the 2 she was given. I will agree that there are parents that allow it to happen and even encourage it but it is not always the case.
  • Elleebell
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    This exactly!!! Every two weeks when I take my (healthy weight) 2 year old grocery shopping with me, I get her a corn dog and you can bet that crap is deep fried! It keeps her from going insane, and driving me insane, and keeps grocery shopping from being traumatizing for both of us. We eat healthy at home every day and a little bit of crap isn't going to kill her or make her grow up to be obese.

    That being said, I do feel sad when I see severely overweight children who are obviously inheriting their parents habits. They absolutely DO NOT disgust me, but it does make me sad, and unhappy with their parents. But I don't know their situation, their medical history, their family life, and I try not to judge them.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    :noway: How DARE overweight people go out in public! I'm so sorry you had to look at that :sad:

    Uhh thats not at all what she said...Don't get all crazy & off topic. I agree with the original poster.

    so you agree with the op that these children were so disgusting she wanted to throw up? because thats pretty much EXACTLY what she said.

    Yeah I do. Thats how I would have felt. Obese children stuffing their faces with food they don't need while the parent sits there and is OKAY with it? Yup sounds about right. She didn't go up and insult the person, she just said how she felt. I see nothing wrong with that. If you don't agree or thats not how you feel, thats great, but everyone has different opinions on things.

    You really think those kids couldn't tell how she was looking at them?
  • Destinie589
    Just to put it out there. I understand there are children with issues that cause them to be overweight in ways they, nor their parents can control.

    However, the chances that BOTH of her children had this is less likely. I'm not just saying that they were fat or a bit overweight. They were obese. I hate to be this descriptive but they didn't just have double chins.

    I could be further judgmental and on the basis of the clothes they were wearing, and the upper side of town cafe we were at, that they didn't lack money. Their weight was more than likely the result of a parents overindulgence to their kids wants and desires.

    I agree and in most cases the child or children do not have any health issues that result in such extreme weight. These people just want to have something to complain about. If a child is morbidly obese chances are that it is a result of poor parenting.. how can a child know how to eat properly if they are not taught...
    Also, not having children doesn't make a person a complete idiot about obesity. Being obese is unhealthy and as a society we need to learn how to combat the issue. This is a fact and has nothing to do with whether a person has a child or not.
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