Biting my tongue at seeing overweight children



  • Destinie589
    :noway: How DARE overweight people go out in public! I'm so sorry you had to look at that :sad:

    Uhh thats not at all what she said...Don't get all crazy & off topic. I agree with the original poster.

    so you agree with the op that these children were so disgusting she wanted to throw up? because thats pretty much EXACTLY what she said.

    Yeah I do. Thats how I would have felt. Obese children stuffing their faces with food they don't need while the parent sits there and is OKAY with it? Yup sounds about right. She didn't go up and insult the person, she just said how she felt. I see nothing wrong with that. If you don't agree or thats not how you feel, thats great, but everyone has different opinions on things.

    You really think those kids couldn't tell how she was looking at them?

    To be honest I have no clue. I wasn't there who knows if she was hardcore staring the whole time or whatever. I'm just saying I can see why it made her feel that way. I wouldn't have 'stared' but I would have noticed and been bothered by it for sure. Its not the kids fault, its the parents. I feel sorry for the kids, at the same time disgusted that the mother is okay with feeding her already obese children more unhealthy food. Its just setting them up for a lifetime of physical & emotional issues.

    So if you feel sorry for the kids why are you okay with the OP saying that she was disgusted by them and they made her want to vomit? They're children. There's opinion but there's also tact and conscience.

    ugh quit picking apart what I have to say. I guess I have no conscience then, because i'm okay with her saying that because I would feel the same way. Just because I feel sorry for the kids doesn't mean I'm not disgusted by them. No I wouldn't sit there and obviously stare at them with a disgusted look on my face, but in my head I would think wow thats gross, maybe they should slow it down on the food. So what? thats in my head, not something I would say to a child or the mother. I would be grossed out by a person of any age or size stuffing their face with everything in sight. Back off the op already! Seriously its the internet. She & everyone else can say what they want & feel how they want. God forbid they make one comment on here & all the sensitive people have to jump down their throats. Everyone is judgmental & everyone has thoughts that might not be the nicest things, but as long as she didn't go up to the mother and children and make a scene, I don't have a problem with it.

    Wow. You are something else.

    At least hollyeverhart is making a valid point... the only thing you can seem to do is turn her words around.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I just have to point out if the kids were eating very healthy and the mother was very thin, everyone would totally get judgey on her. Everyone is always quick to stick up for overweight people but god forbid one is thin....I've had people ask if my son is as anorexic as me, always big people.
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    I don't understand how people allow their kids get that obese.... How many things are they missing out on? :( It makes me so sad.

    It is not always the parents. My daughter comes home from school having eaten junk I would never let her have. But I am not always there to control her. She came home from church the other day saying she had 2 cupcakes because they were homemade and didnt want the person to feel bad if she only ate one of the 2 she was given. I will agree that there are parents that allow it to happen and even encourage it but it is not always the case.

    I make cupcakes and sweets for my younger siblings all the time.... but I also encourage them every day to be active. I play with them for 15 minutes, "race" with them, play catch with a soft ball. If I don't have time, I tell them to play catch with each other.

    Also, sometimes I make sweets and they will be hungry and try to grab one, but I'll tell them to eat something healthy first, and if they are actually hungry, they'll take me up on the offer and I'll make them a peanut butter sandwich or slice some apples or carrots (weirdly, my 3 year old sister loves sliced raw mushrooms haha). If they are not hungry, they just say no thanks and continue playing.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    This thread has taken so many turns, it's like a tabloid show. But going back to the original post, I think what upset most of those who were offended was the tone of the post. If the OP had said she was concerned about the overweight children, that she knew what they were going to experience in life and possible health risks, and approached it from a point of compassion, it would most likely have been received differently by the forum. But instead she used words like snort, and disgust, and vomit. All of those words were directed at the children, not the parent.

    It most likely was unhealthy habits practiced at home. Obesity is an epidemic, mostly due to unhealthy eating habits and lack of activity. But the children deserved compassion, not disgust and staring.

    I concur.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    :noway: How DARE overweight people go out in public! I'm so sorry you had to look at that :sad:

    Uhh thats not at all what she said...Don't get all crazy & off topic. I agree with the original poster.

    so you agree with the op that these children were so disgusting she wanted to throw up? because thats pretty much EXACTLY what she said.

    Yeah I do. Thats how I would have felt. Obese children stuffing their faces with food they don't need while the parent sits there and is OKAY with it? Yup sounds about right. She didn't go up and insult the person, she just said how she felt. I see nothing wrong with that. If you don't agree or thats not how you feel, thats great, but everyone has different opinions on things.

    You really think those kids couldn't tell how she was looking at them?

    To be honest I have no clue. I wasn't there who knows if she was hardcore staring the whole time or whatever. I'm just saying I can see why it made her feel that way. I wouldn't have 'stared' but I would have noticed and been bothered by it for sure. Its not the kids fault, its the parents. I feel sorry for the kids, at the same time disgusted that the mother is okay with feeding her already obese children more unhealthy food. Its just setting them up for a lifetime of physical & emotional issues.

    So if you feel sorry for the kids why are you okay with the OP saying that she was disgusted by them and they made her want to vomit? They're children. There's opinion but there's also tact and conscience.

    ugh quit picking apart what I have to say. I guess I have no conscience then, because i'm okay with her saying that because I would feel the same way. Just because I feel sorry for the kids doesn't mean I'm not disgusted by them. No I wouldn't sit there and obviously stare at them with a disgusted look on my face, but in my head I would think wow thats gross, maybe they should slow it down on the food. So what? thats in my head, not something I would say to a child or the mother. I would be grossed out by a person of any age or size stuffing their face with everything in sight. Back off the op already! Seriously its the internet. She & everyone else can say what they want & feel how they want. God forbid they make one comment on here & all the sensitive people have to jump down their throats. Everyone is judgmental & everyone has thoughts that might not be the nicest things, but as long as she didn't go up to the mother and children and make a scene, I don't have a problem with it.

    Wow. You are something else.

    At least hollyeverhart is making a valid point... the only thing you can seem to do is turn her words around.

    I guess our opinions vary wildly on what constitutes a 'valid point'.

    I wasn't turning her words around, I was asking her to validate that she was sorry for the kids but still okay with them being unrelentingly insulted. Turns out, she is.
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    :noway: How DARE overweight people go out in public! I'm so sorry you had to look at that :sad:

    Uhh thats not at all what she said...Don't get all crazy & off topic. I agree with the original poster.

    so you agree with the op that these children were so disgusting she wanted to throw up? because thats pretty much EXACTLY what she said.

    Yeah I do. Thats how I would have felt. Obese children stuffing their faces with food they don't need while the parent sits there and is OKAY with it? Yup sounds about right. She didn't go up and insult the person, she just said how she felt. I see nothing wrong with that. If you don't agree or thats not how you feel, thats great, but everyone has different opinions on things.

    You really think those kids couldn't tell how she was looking at them?

    To be honest I have no clue. I wasn't there who knows if she was hardcore staring the whole time or whatever. I'm just saying I can see why it made her feel that way. I wouldn't have 'stared' but I would have noticed and been bothered by it for sure. Its not the kids fault, its the parents. I feel sorry for the kids, at the same time disgusted that the mother is okay with feeding her already obese children more unhealthy food. Its just setting them up for a lifetime of physical & emotional issues.

    So if you feel sorry for the kids why are you okay with the OP saying that she was disgusted by them and they made her want to vomit? They're children. There's opinion but there's also tact and conscience.

    ugh quit picking apart what I have to say. I guess I have no conscience then, because i'm okay with her saying that because I would feel the same way. Just because I feel sorry for the kids doesn't mean I'm not disgusted by them. No I wouldn't sit there and obviously stare at them with a disgusted look on my face, but in my head I would think wow thats gross, maybe they should slow it down on the food. So what? thats in my head, not something I would say to a child or the mother. I would be grossed out by a person of any age or size stuffing their face with everything in sight. Back off the op already! Seriously its the internet. She & everyone else can say what they want & feel how they want. God forbid they make one comment on here & all the sensitive people have to jump down their throats. Everyone is judgmental & everyone has thoughts that might not be the nicest things, but as long as she didn't go up to the mother and children and make a scene, I don't have a problem with it.

    I agree with you.
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    I don't understand how people allow their kids get that obese.... How many things are they missing out on? :( It makes me so sad.

    It is not always the parents. My daughter comes home from school having eaten junk I would never let her have. But I am not always there to control her. She came home from church the other day saying she had 2 cupcakes because they were homemade and didnt want the person to feel bad if she only ate one of the 2 she was given. I will agree that there are parents that allow it to happen and even encourage it but it is not always the case.

    I make cupcakes and sweets for my younger siblings all the time.... but I also encourage them every day to be active. I play with them for 15 minutes, "race" with them, play catch with a soft ball. If I don't have time, I tell them to play catch with each other.

    Also, sometimes I make sweets and they will be hungry and try to grab one, but I'll tell them to eat something healthy first, and if they are actually hungry, they'll take me up on the offer and I'll make them a peanut butter sandwich or slice some apples or carrots (weirdly, my 3 year old sister loves sliced raw mushrooms haha). If they are not hungry, they just say no thanks and continue playing.

    So what are you trying to say here?
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Also: the OP is free to say what she likes and other members are free to tell her why that is stupid. That's the wondrous nature of opinion. Why you're happy for her to say what she likes but are also happy to make other people shut theirs down is beyond me.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    I just have to point out if the kids were eating very healthy and the mother was very thin, everyone would totally get judgey on her. Everyone is always quick to stick up for overweight people but god forbid one is thin....I've had people ask if my son is as anorexic as me, always big people.
    It's wrong to judge any kid or the parents with out knowing information. As for judging goes I see a lot more people ripping into over weight parents and kids then skinny parents with skinny kids.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    I'm gonna lock this one down, folks.

    The line between debate and attack has been crossed and re-crossed.

    Homework assignment: think happy thoughts.

    Peace and good will,
    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.