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Do you Drink?



  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm a social drinker (I don't do the "glass of wine at home" thing), but I don't really worry about the calories because I only drink two or three times a month, and usually just one or two drinks.

    Exactly the same.
  • achief192
    I cut back on alcohol significantly when I was losing weight, but now I drink whenever I feel like it (vodka is my drink of choice). I just try to avoid beer because it has so many calories :drinker:
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Not a drop.

    4 years, 10 months, 26 days

    but who's counting?

    I'm on track to meet my goal weight at the 5 year mark.

    I'm coming up to 7 months on January 3rd.

    Stick with it!

    Sober life gets just a little better every day.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    We do it socially, but it's so rare that it's hard to even call it that.
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    I drink - both socially and alone. I have cut *way* back on drinking because I want to loose weight. I tend to drink more (binge) when I allow my demons overtake any logical thoughts and when out socially and having a good time with others who are knocking them back. I will note on MFP's what I drink, although like yesterday because I was already 300 calories over my daily allowance in food only, I did not post the one small drink of Coquito (Spanish egg nog with rum -- another 300+ calories) I had late in the evening, onto the board. I post my drinks to be accountable to myself so I realize where those extra pounds have been coming from in the last year or so. I drink alcohol like others go for candy bars. It is an addiction that just like any other addict I have to control before it controls me. Being accountable on MFP helps me control that addiction and my calorie intake.
  • chenna14
    chenna14 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm glad someone else asked this question because I had the same one. I like to have a few drinks on the weekend. All of my friends drink and that is what we do when we hang out so I don't really want to give it up completely but would like some ideas to be able to continue drinking but also lose weight. Beer, wine, mixed drinks no preference but would like to know what other people are doing.

    I try to stick to light beers and only in bottles, that way you for sure know how much you are drinking and can keep track of the portions! For me it's more about going out with the friends and hanging than drinking since I started the weight loss. I also kind of feel like I'm in that stage of life where I'm over "hang overs" so just having a few beers and laughing with friends is enough for me.
  • CarieK
    CarieK Posts: 4 Member
    I sure do! I like to have a few drinks on the occasional weekend. It's a problem for me - actually kind of a big one when I'm trying to lose weight. If I get to drinking - I may lose count of how many and definitely stop counting calories, which is bad enough. But for me - the problem then continues to the next day. I feel like crap - so I eat like crap!! It may even take me a couple of days to get my mind back to a positive place where I am making good food/exercise choices. I am trying to limit the number of times I go out drinking and really try to make positive choices when I do. It's definitely a work in progress....
  • jenn_is_trouble
    I LOVE beer. And wine. And margaritas. I used to be soooo skinny in college and I drank like a fish.... ahhh... those were the days. We went out for a friends birthday a few weeks ago and everyone was ordering beer (it was 75 cent PBR night) and I ordered a vodka and diet coke. Everyone stared at me like I was an alien and it was YUCK. If we're going out, I'm getting my beer and enjoying it DAMMIT!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Uh, yes, yes I do. :drinker:
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 39 Member
    I have one drink 3 to 5 times a week at night after my son has gone to sleep. It helps me unwind and get the frazzle out. I log it every time. I am really digging 1.5 oz of cranberry smirnoff with a splash of diet mountain dew. So good!
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    I started this new thing among my friends... "drink less lift more" :P

    drinking lower testostrone and raises estrogen for about 4 days in both men and women... drinking gives belly fat... most of time when u drink ull be up late n eat crap so ur muscles dont heal proper... is it worth sacrificing a weeks worth of work just so u can get hammered?
  • jjteddy1982
    not in regular bases, but on the weekend fri/sat 2 or 3 vodka soda with a wedge of lime feels awesome after work, its only 64 cal per drink
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Wine on weekends... I used to have one glass of wine a couple of nights a week. After seeing how the calories added up, cut back to it being a weekend treat. Now I have a one liter bottle of Seltza bottle every night. Also, Sleeptime tea at night. I miss the taste, but too many empty calories.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Yes I still drink only on Saturday nights which is our date night and I figure it in to my calories. I used to drink vodka and water and would flavor the water with my favorite mio until I read that vodka even though one of the lowest in calories has also been linked to decreasing your metabolism (not sure how true this is read it in 2 different articles). Not willing to risk it so I will usually drink wine its at 20cal per ounce when I do drink. My husband makes his own beer which is really good not that bud light or coors light you buy in the store, but the calories aren't worth it at almost 200cal per beer.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Alcohol that is. Do you drink or have you given it up for weight loss (or other reasons)? How often? Do you figure it into your calories, or is it a splurge? Did you trade in your normal cocktail for a slimmer version? What's your favorite? :drinker:

    I like to have a drink a couple nights a week after work. I tend to drink shots of vodka with a chaser of a little bit of juice (weird, I know). This helps keep the calories in check because I'm not having full glasses of juice and/or mixers with each drink. I've logged the calories in when I've drank. So far, it hasn't been worth it to me to cut it out completely. Curious as to what others will say.

    I don't drink as much as I use to...but I still do. Prob once a week, either a glass of wine or 1 mixed drink. I never log in my alcohol. It's too confusing.....and if I plan to get a lil tipsy (ha!), then how the hell am I going to remember how many ounces I've had?! lol

    I drink:

    beringer moscato
    jagermeister w/sugar free redbull (bomb)
    gin w/ light lemonade and tonic (variation of tom collins)
    captain morgan rum w/coke
    malibu pineapple rum w/fruit punch (totally sugar filled.......don't have this very often)
    long island iced tea :sick:

    Yeah. I enjoy drinking :drinker:
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    No where near as much as I used to.

    Saying that, I am a season ticket holder of a London football team (not one of the good ones) and I cannot watch them play without first having a few pints. So I drink at least once a fortnight, I try and go to the gym beforehand (kick off time allowing) and I do log the calories.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Like a fish.
    I mean, socially. And I'm not that social.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Why can't someone create a calorie free alcoholic beverage....seriously?? You may think it is impossible....but some intelligent person created Splenda. Hmmm.......Come on People...think!! We could make sooooo much money!! :)

    I happen to love making wine at home....and you should see the pouuunds of sugar needed for that!!

    If you find one send it my way. :)
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    :drinker: Yup and I usually use that as my cheat day. I drink when i go out to the bar (duh) and play pool. This weekend is drinking central however its hasnt hindered my weight loss and there are certain things that I am not giving up. I do a little extra cardio on the days I'm going out and that gives me a little more leeway. :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Coming from someone who only drinks socially, it wasn't hard during the beginning of the year to give it up to boost my weight loss goals, but the past few days I have been drinking like a fish. I log every drink though. Alcohol even though some are low in calories is burned like surgar in your body (from what I heard), If you are drinking and dancing, you are using the energy and you are not going to store as much when if you were drinking a six pack during a football game. I actually LOSE weight a few days after I drink because it dehydrates me so much and I lose some water weight but it will all come back and then some if I were to drink regularly. I make sure that if I drink it's only a few nights a month if that. Being the holidays, it has been a little harder to keep it in check, but as long as you are aware about the extra sugar storage, and you are exercising to help burn that fuel, you should be able to maintain your body weight or continue to lose as long as you don't go overboard. Just remember though, if you replaced every alcoholic beverage with water, you wouldn't have to work as hard to burn it. A moment on the lips forever on the hips.... From my experience (and everybodys different), try really hard to limit yourself until you reach your goals or unless you are doing well and won't beat yourself up too bad for having a fun night out. Definetely don't drink every night and when you do go out try not to over indulge. The other side effect of drinking, is wanting to snack! We get out of the club and the first thought is.....hey where's the taco truck? Or Taco Bell sounds good right now! I have no idea why drinking and dancing makes us all crave tacos, but somehow it does. lol.

    You just have to test the waters and see how your body reacts and see if it slows down your progress.