The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I have to stop reading this thread! It is making me very angry!! :mad:

    Me TOO!! :angry: and sad for the people that are getting these comments! :cry:

    Mine was from my husband who used to love calling me a fat f**king c**t when we fought (which was often). Now that we are "dating" again - after many, many separations and attempts at reconcilling - and I've lost weight, he doesn't do that anymore. However, he was making comments that really ticked me off. Like when I told him I was "frying" pork chops he said "I thought you were eating healthier" or if I skip a night of gliding he'll comment on it. He had a comment for everything. Okay, first of all I'm "frying" in olive oil spray and second, if I want to take a flipping day off gliding, I will. I did NOT lose this weight for him. I did it and am doing it for me! I told him that I loved getting the compliments he gives me now, but asked him to not comment on my food choices or exercise anymore. I told him I did not need anyone to monitor my "diet". He's been good since. I know, I know, I'm crazy for loving this man!
  • CRMrunner
    CRMrunner Posts: 88 Member
    I have two.

    When I was teaching fifth grade (and was about 20 pounds overweight), an aide (who was closer to 100 pounds overweight) told me that I had to lose weight and think of my children. Then she actually put her hand on my belly to emphasize her point. I would have lost my job for doing that to her.

    Two years ago a sixth grader said she wondered what I would look like if I still had a skinny face. (Innocent, but painful.)
  • anastasiawildflower
    I tried to tell my mom I had an eating disorder when I was a teen. She just told me that "just because you don't eat as much as everyone else, doesn't mean you have a disorder." It wasn't intentional and she has no recollection of telling but it hit the hardest.
  • CRMrunner
    CRMrunner Posts: 88 Member
    I run outside rather than on a treadmill. On more than one ocassion I've been oinked at and asked if I want a donut.

    People are idiots. Sorry for that.
  • neveahnadira
    I just remembered this one. I was with my ex at his home. It was tea time and his mom offered me tea-snacks. He suddenly told his mom, "Mom, don't give it to her. She'll become fatter!"-Ouch!It stung horribly.

    Wow sounds like we were dating the same person..:smile: That is really hitting below the belt! I hope you belted him after that. I don't think people think before they speak.:grumble:!Well now you know why he's my ex!
  • seehawkmomma
    Maybe it wasnt rude, but I dated a guy once who didnt want me to meet his mother because "she could be cruel".

    That was pretty hurtful.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I have been told I have "child bearing hips" by a guy. Nice huh?

    Hey, thats actually a compliment, lol. I got that before I lost weight & get it allllll the time now- I just roll my eyes & add a little extra wiggle when I walk away.
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    My ex dumped me because I'm fat. You can imagine how it could break one's confidence and self esteem. It was the most painful one for me.

    Are you serious?? what an AssH**e!!!

    Yup, But it kinda jump started my weightloss journey. I dropped nearly half the amount of weight I want to and I ran into him recently. His reaction?? His jaws hit the floor and he said "You look really pretty". He's been texting and I is the best dish served!
    He did you a huge favor.
    Too often we kill each other with too much kindness.

    My Doctor just told me all the medications I needed or I could drop 50lbs and take no medication.
    I acted like I didn't quite know what he meant, and he blurted out "you're too fat!"

    We need more of this and less fat acceptance.

    I agree that we need less fat acceptance. I wish I had owned 1) a bathroom scales 2) a tape measure and 3) a full length mirror the whole way through college and I wouldn't have put the weight on in the first place. I never realised I was putting on weight. It took me a while to realise I was overweight and by then I was getting the rude comments.


    i disagree- this all just shows if you are rude, mean and cruel enough to a person- they might change themselves to look more pleasant to you/who ever said it. How many of these posts are people going on just fine and even happy with their day and all of a sudden someone feels is appropriate to be mean to them/ hurt thier feelings because they do not like the way they look.

    I don't call it fat acceptance. its called keep your personal opinions about a persons body to yourself.

    Thank you. I was thinking I was the only one bothered by his comments!
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    I run outside rather than on a treadmill. On more than one ocassion I've been oinked at and asked if I want a donut.

    Why are people so cruel, I just dont get it.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    My husband asked me if I had seen how big my thighs were getting. Bless his heart, he was just trying to be helpful, but helpful he was not. My husband is one of those engineer-techy types. When he sees a problem, he finds the solution and fixes it. This too was a problem and I wasn't fixing it, so certainly I must not have been aware of the problem or I would fix it. Today he doesn't even remember that he said it. Such a man.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    He did you a huge favor.
    Too often we kill each other with too much kindness.

    My Doctor just told me all the medications I needed or I could drop 50lbs and take no medication.
    I acted like I didn't quite know what he meant, and he blurted out "you're too fat!"

    We need more of this and less fat acceptance.

    I agree that we need less fat acceptance. I wish I had owned 1) a bathroom scales 2) a tape measure and 3) a full length mirror the whole way through college and I wouldn't have put the weight on in the first place. I never realised I was putting on weight. It took me a while to realise I was overweight and by then I was getting the rude comments.


    i disagree- this all just shows if you are rude, mean and cruel enough to a person- they might change themselves to look more pleasant to you/who ever said it. How many of these posts are people going on just fine and even happy with their day and all of a sudden someone feels is appropriate to be mean to them/ hurt thier feelings because they do not like the way they look.

    I don't call it fat acceptance. its called keep your personal opinions about a persons body to yourself.

    I'd like to go back to what I said a while back. I did not mean I am in favour of anyone commenting on anyone else's body in any sort of rude or offhand way. People should always try and avoid being rude and nasty, especially when there is no need.

    All I was trying to say, in relation to the last post with what the doctor said, it was probably hard for him to say that, there is no easy way to tell someone they are overweight. In relation to those around me at the time when I put on weight, I probably needed to hear that I was getting fat, but not in a rude way though.

  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    This thread just proves my already proven theory that people just plain SUCK. I don't understand how these comments can even pass through a person's lips. I am completely disgusted by the insensitivity and lack of respect shown by these people. And nevermind the fact that they even think it's OK to voice such a horrid and ignorant opinion. Sheesh, this makes my blood boil.
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.

    Some what the same but it was...Morning sickness??? I was at the grocery store buying ginger ale, and other things for being sick and I said "I'm not pregant, just sick, thanks!" She was dumb enough to put her other foot in her mouth to continue on trying to fix what she said by saying it was b/c of what i was buying, I on the other hand had the will power NOT to mention to HER that she needed to shave her mustashe!!

    PS- I was and still am overweight but at the time I did have a hernia in my stomach and needed it repaired- this to didn't help that comment (hernia is now repaired and I haven't been ask that question since)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    When I was in middle school, I was called "gale the whale" all the time. It really kinda screwed me up for a long time. I have been asked on multiple occasions when I am due. (not pregnant) I have been told several times that I would be pretty if I lost some weight. I had a boyfriend one time tell me that he was glad i was chunky because it is too much work to be with a skinny girl and at least he didnt have to worry about me cheating. I had a boy in high school walk up to me one time and tell me that anorexia may be a good choice for me. People suck.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    An old man bumped into me at Home Depot, turned around to see what he ran into, and exclaimed (loudly, for all to hear):

    "YOU'RE HUGE!"

  • Raychel_P
    Raychel_P Posts: 9 Member
    Real conversation at the gym:

    Some guy: Its your diet
    Me: Excuse me?
    Some guy: You have great muscle tone, but no definition, its your diet
    Me: I don't remember asking you for an opinion on my physique....

    then, he asked me to go out to lunch with him..... for real.
  • amandafirst
    "When are you due?" .....when I'm not pregnant. :embarassed:
  • shellyc7182
    shellyc7182 Posts: 261 Member
    I on the other hand had the will power NOT to mention to HER that she needed to shave her mustashe!!

  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.

    Been there! More than once. Way more than once...

    I got this once when I was reasonably slim (I think it was the babydoll style but rigid fabric dress I was wearing). Anyway, at my new job a stranger asked me how far along i was then I said 'sorry?' thinking I misheard and she followed it up with 'There is no way you are that big and not pregnant. Hmm! Then of course I told her I wasn't an she was so embarrassed (but so was I!).
  • amandafirst
    People can be so rude. I know how you feel when it comes to be asked if you're pregnant. I think you're a beautiful lady and I'm sorry for what you had to put up with in school.