

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies,

    i was so tried yesterday that i went to bed at 9 and i woke up at 8 this morning( a bit late for me, but on sunday i try to sleep in)i do feel rested, so i am off to a spinning and at least 30min on the stationary bike(need to get in at least 21miles)...someone mentioned wanting to started spinning(i am sorry but i didnt write your name down)all i can say is go for it, i love to spin and have been spinning for over 13 years...i also have knee issues and biking is part of the therapy, i am just very careful and i dont do the jumps...i hope you all have a great day...oh BTW...jb_2011, i made the muffins and a i agree with the other poster, i found them very good, ...question does the whole wheat flour give it a nutty taste?thanks for share i think i will try the same recipe and put carrots in them instead of the blueberries...

    @debsgallery...welcome...i dont know about going into starvation mode, but i agree with realpure, eat all your calories, if you are exercising, some opionins are to eat the calories back, just be careful, MFP calories estimate are a bit high...good luck

    @laura80111..how lovely to stay in your sons " B & B"....enjoy

    @rjadams....awesome on the weight loss...YAY!!

    @star4liberty....im in the FRUSTRATION club with you...it so hard to lose weight, but just stick with it and you will lose it

    @kleinbuenstor...great job on your walks and your day with your daughter sounds wonderful...and new lingerie,awesome

    @megathome111.....welcome and congratulations on the 3.6lbs loss


    @cindy...thanks for the list of fast foods, sometimes we can not avoid them...safe travels

    @susankaye123...good luck with the training,, #1son just ran the ING yesterday, but he did the half marathon
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Yesterday was a busy day. My LEGO team came in first place in robotic performance. Our team consists of 5th thru 8th 8th graders. I was very proud of the kids. They had to design and build the robot, then program to accomplish various missions.
    After the competition went to my sons for a house warming party. So between being in a school gym all day for the competition and then going to sons house eating was not the best yesterday, but I logged everything, and I did not have a chance to get any exercise in. Today is a new day and back on track..
  • GoldWinn2
    HI, I just joined and am 50+. I saw a friend recommended this site and am anxious to give it a try. Motivation and Support would definitely help me. I work long hours at a desk job and have an artificial knee from 3.5 years ago. Love it but now having to go back to PT for it, swelling up alot recently..been thru alot of stress and the extra 15 lbs. that I just saw that I gained in the past 6 months has alerted me that I must do something. My health is in jeopardy now...cancer has hit my family too many times, and I don't want it! Would really appreciate any support and motivation from others. Thanks so much.
  • susankaye123
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Hello everyone. I just joined MFP and have been looking around the groups and message boards looking for exactly what this thread says...support and motivation, and 50+. Is there room for one more? Any advice on how and when to add friends and how best to become involved in the discussion would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm 55, and have 70lb to lose. Appearance aside, I'm facing the reality that if I don't do it, I'm headed down the slippery slope of medications for BP, cholesterol and who knows what else.The doctor's call back after routine physical lab test results is tomorrow and something's up. I'm a little worried about that, but prepared to argue for some time. Has anyone been successful in lowering BP, cholesterol or sugar levels with weight loss? I'd love to hear about your experiences.
    Cheers and happy Sunday.
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning everybody - Just doing a quick little post here as I have a busy day today BUT I'm so excited I just had to share....:love:

    I've ;been beating myself up for the last two days because I'm going over my calories (with wine :embarassed: ) :cry: and I know I'm not supposed to be over indulging...... I weighed in this morning and I was down another pound and I was happy but figured it would have been more if I didn't over indulge the last couple of days.....BUT the biggest motiviation I had came in when I decided to update my measurements....WoW....I've been on MFP for 29 days today and I've lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 and 1/2 inches off my waist....that's huge for me.,....I'm so stoked that I know I'll behave because I like seeing results. A pound a week is okay - I'd like more but I can't stress enough - take your meauurements and see the results - this group and being able to talk about stuff like this is the best thing I've found in a very long time! :heart: :heart: thank you thank you thank you for all your support.:drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    p.s. I told my husband - who is 120 lbs soaking wet BTW....and all I got was - good for you....as he walked out the door for work :cry: not quite the enthusiastic response I need to carry on with my plan.....thank you again to MFP and this group - YOU ROCK!

    have an awesome day ladies - I know I will :happy: :laugh: :wink:
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    BUT the biggest motiviation I had came in when I decided to update my measurements....WoW....I've been on MFP for 29 days today and I've lost 2 inches off my waist and 1 and 1/2 inches off my waist....that's huge for me.,....

    OOPS - just a little excited I guess lol....I meant 2 inches off my waist and 1 and 1/2 inches off my HIPS.... lol...

    have a great day ladies!
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Good morning ladies-good to see what everyone is up to. Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I just found this at http://www.merckengage.com/common/article.aspx?ID=49. I try to avoid fast food places but we are driving to FL in a few days and I know they will be in my future. I hope this helps. Got to go get ready for choir practice and church!

    If you're looking for fast food that's
    (less than 350 calories)

    ...Hardee's now has turkey burgers! Get the regular turkey burger but order it without mayo (which they put on it normally) and make sure it has no cheese. a little over 350 cal (about 370) but if it's a real issue you can discard some of the bun. Very tasty!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Phone call from DBF this morning - good that he can now call me - he'd had a bad night and wanted something better to help him sleep. When I went to see him last evening they had given him some painkillers and he was so sleepy that I could hardly get a word out of him - seems that he'd had a good sleep during the evening, so no wonder he wasn't sleeping too much at night. But this too shall pass.

    Big welcome to davetecsgirl, ddmjwm29, GoldWinn2 and Marsellient - this is a really great group with lots of support. If you haven't already, tell us something about yourself and come back often.

    Jane - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend losing her home especially after she had been so good to have you staying, and how sad that your hubby lost his temporary job. I sincerely hope you will soon have a resolution to this problem.

    Chiclet - I don't understand how the US health system works, or doesn't work. What would happen if your mum goes into the respite care that you mentioned, and then you said you couldn't have her back to live with you? Or, what would happen if you get sick and physically can't look after her?

    Shmogo9 - 1lb per week is a good rate of loss. I know we would all like to lose 10lbs per week and be sylphlike again in a flash, but then the problem is that you can gain 10lbs per week. Slow and steady is more likely to remain gone for ever.

    Love the pics of all the dogs. They are adorable. I go to the pet store whenever I'm at the mall to look at the dogs because I'm allergic to them and can't have one at home, but enjoy my daily fix!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    If you are travelling, most fast food places now have a salad of some description, so that with one of their other meals can be good. If you choose a burger discard half of the bun, and as mentioned no dressings (unless you take your own oil and vinegar which I do because I'm allergic to lots of the stuff in the commercial dressings) and you can determine how much you are adding to the salad. If it is KFC or McNuggets get rid of the coating - that's where a lot of the oily stuff is.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Pam - I always use half whole wheat, half white flour in the muffins, I think the whole wheat does give them a nuttier flavor. Great idea adding carrots instead of berries.

    Cindy - you used raspberries instead of blueberries, that's a great idea too! I have a freezer full of berries from summer.

    Nancy - I forgot to jot down that you need to add 1 T. red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar to the 3 bean salad. I made a batch yesterday, it's delish.

    Virginia - Aww, thanks for the Congrats! I'm telling you, I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw myself "dressed up". Whoa! I wore a tailored white blouse tucked into my new blue jeans, a short black fitted vest over top and fancy black high-heeled boots. I've dreamt of the day I'd be able to tuck in a blouse and not have to cover my derierre. It's finally come true, and I'm just simply amazed!!

    My terrier's name is Timber. Timber the Terrible Terrier hahaha. He got his name from being up on the edge of the bed all the time when he was a puppy, and not really knowing how to get down, thus we'd always be saying "Timmmmm-berrrrr" as if felling a tree. We call him T for short, or Little Big Man, lol. He is the greatest dog, very calm for a jack and just so darned funny.

    Welcome to the new gals! I'm pretty new myself. You have "joined" just by posting here.

    Happy Sunday everyone. Salad Sistas get ready for some tough love tomorrow. I always gain on weekends.

    :^) jb
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    :flowerforyou: Virginia, your weight loss and inches loss is an inspiration…..I am so glad you joined us on this thread….you have added so much to my life…..that is an amazing walk…..are there rest rooms along your route?

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Barbie, there are park service chemical restrooms, but no running water. I carry a pack of wipes, but I still hate to use those. Broke down and did once yesterday, though.:embarassed:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Sunday, Sunday….another day I can lounge in the morning and say hello to my MFPers :drinker:

    We delayed the trip south until J’boy and I were home from the gym, so I got my strength training :explode: and interval running in. Today I’ll go for a long walk if it’s not too snowy, a short treadmill walk at the Rec Center if weather drives me inside.

    We bought fresh clams and snapper filets (from Vancouver, for heaven’s sake :noway: ) in Yokes, so dinner will be a seafood extravaganza. DH wants “blackened” fish, I have tried a few times to replicate the restaurant experience and have not had great success. A little internet research is in my afternoon plan.

    We ate at a sub sandwich place called “Blimpies”. :huh: Not a great name to attract those of use trying not to be blimpies! Anyway, I did find a fairly healthy option. They posted the nutrition information on a huge complicated poster, in tiny print, high above the soft-drink dispensing machine. I was not impressed by that, either.

    Rjadams – how was the hypnosis therapy?

    Jb_2011 Sandpoint is the perfect place for someone to live in a log cabin and make music. :heart: We have been to a couple of performances at the renovated theatre there and love the atmosphere. It’s the Home Depot that’s the magnet for DH, we live in a 70 year old house that needs constant upkeep. Yesterday was cabinets for the suite we’re putting in the basement.

    Virginia, I am going walking today, equipped with HRM and iPod with Nike fitness ap. If the iPod didn’t count steps I’d have to wear a pedometer too! Just call me Gadget Girl. :bigsmile:

    SallyCC: The challenge with exercise, for me, is that when I feel blue :grumble: it’s hard to find the motivation to exercise, but once I get out there, I start to feel better. It’s a chicken-egg thing. At the beginning you just have to believe it will be better if you push through and work out – within reason of course.

    CindyW7: If DH could get to a builder’s show….whew… Thanks for the list of sensible fast-food choices. We do a lot of road trips and often stop at grocery stores instead of drive-through so I can buy salads, fresh fruit and ready-to-eat veggies.

    SusanKay123: Powering along on your treadmill! Let us know how the training goes. :happy:

    Pam3 – it was me, considering joining a Friday afternoon spin class (totally not a righteous fitness idea, I want to burn a few calories ahead to balance off the Friday evening red wine!:blushing: ) Thanks for the encouragement.

    Kckramp: I used to teach Lego robotics too. Those students are blessed to have a teacher willing to give up her Saturday for them. Thanks to you on their behalf! :flowerforyou:

    Smogo9: Wine and weight loss! Well done. :flowerforyou: I am working on that balance myself. When I insist that DH notice my awesomeness he gives me the sideways look and doesn’t say much. I choose to think it’s because he loves me :heart: no matter how I look on the outside, so can’t figure out what all the fuss is about!

    Have a great weekend, all. We have a Concert Society performance this afternoon, so I'm going to get my walk in early. Buster the Dog will thank me.

    Hasta pronto,

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    SallyCC: The challenge with exercise, for me, is that when I feel blue :grumble: it’s hard to find the motivation to exercise, but once I get out there, I start to feel better. It’s a chicken-egg thing. At the beginning you just have to believe it will be better if you push through and work out – within reason of course.


    @sallycc....nancy put it so well....but i also listen to my body, if i need to rest i will finally give in and rest ...maybe a short walk, will help...feel better:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hypnosis is going well. Even though I didn't go for a weight loss program my therapist is helping me stick with my plan. She included my goal of being on the treadmill and hour a day into my session and I have to admit is has made it compelling for me to get that hour done before I do anything else. I hope that the issue I am really working on goes away too but it is a struggle. I hope to have some new pics of Ritter to post later. I also would love to get more pictures of Olivia.

    I hope you all have a really great day.
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi all .........
    A very lazy Sunday for me so not much to report.
    All we did was ..... have breakfast, organise all the medical "Stuff" that we're taking on hols and then make up
    the beds in spare bedrooms for friends who are coming over to stay next week.
    Next came catching up on my on line scrabble games, played a few games of online Mahjong (Proper type and not just the pairs etc)
    and then I cooked tea.
    I've logged it all down and was quite surpised to be in my calories. I feel ....totally podged out now!
    Still....next week is another week and hopefully I can lose a few pounds.

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi All -
    Lost the gain of two weeks ago....now back where I was....Thank goodness! Support from MFP peeps was a factor in keeping me on track.
    I love Sundays....get to spend with hubby. We only have this one day each week to spend together:blushing:
    I did reply to this group 2 x's but got lost in the # of responses .....oh well trying again.

    Have a good week everyone! Talk to you again on Monday!! :laugh:
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All...not much to post, but I wanted to check in and say hi. Trying to catch up on the work I had to bring home. Work gets like this once in a while. I'm taking a break and having a cup of coffee w/Eric.

    Everyone have a great Sunday!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbie, You've lost 70 lbs and they comment on your hairstyle!! Are they jealous perhaps? Goodness me. That's a little sad.