
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Well, last week was a wash as far as my eating and exercising was concerned. Adding in the 2 classes I'm taking on Mon and Weds threw my whole schedule off, I didn't plan my menus and was eating at odd times. Exercise got shoved to the back burner on Mon and Tues, then I got a cold and was having trouble breathing just sitting on the couch, much less working up a sweat! Had DH's bday dinner and cake yesterday.

    Feeling better today -- still coughing, but sometimes that hangs on for a while. Got my meals planned at least thru Weds so I don't have to think about that until my classes are over for the week. Here's to a better week!!

    Hope all of you have a great week. Go get 'em!!
  • justkate2
    justkate2 Posts: 33 Member
    goodd morning everyone and HAPY MONDAY :love: Had a good weekend and had time to think ( between cleaning reading and crocheting) and I have made the decision that I am going to commit myself to have a positive attitude. I just noticed that lately ive been a little down and a change needs to be made.

    :flowerforyou: Carol you must have alot of willpower to resist pizza wish I could say the same but the 2 small pieces I had were so good. I agree with you about the weigh ins. I alwasy have weighed in on Wed but since Ive been keeping my weight I seem to weith the most on that day so im changing my weigh in date.

    :flowerforyou: Carol, hope you migrane is better

    :flowerforyou: wizzy, let me know if you purchase the wii. I would like one but want to know how the exercise programs work. It woulld work out great when you cant make it to the gym.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Faith I think you will love this group they are wonderful people

    :flowerforyou: Jane, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband

    :flowerforyou: Linda glad you are feeling better Im sure you will be back on track sounds like you already have plan.

    I will check back later today. Need to get ready for work then have a trustee meeting for my neighborhood group this evening. Have a magnificent monday :drinker:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning girls...

    i am off to the gym, today is a biking day and weights.....then home to more preparing for our move....right now i have less than 3weeks before the sale, so i must get my butt in gear....

    @michele...i spin 4x a week, i take 2 classes are with the same instructor and the other 2 are both different, its a good change...my 2 other days of cardio are on the stationary bike.....i need to get back to full hour of yoga but i am only doing 5 to 10 minutes of yoga moves every few days..

    have great day :flowerforyou:
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Somebody told me that if we all waited for our motives to be right, our ships would never leave the dock. I had to start treating exercise with the same reverence and commitment that one has for going to work, brushing teeth, feeding pets or children, and all those other essential life chores. I don’t wait for motivation, I just do it…….I found that I could act my way into right thinking instead of the other way around.
  • :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbiecat for the above quote .....I certainly need to take heed! (Haven't got the hang of the "Quote" thing hence the second post!!

    Nothing much going on here ...again! A bit of organising and packing. Toiletries into lighter packs etc.
    We've been told we have a change of itinerary and probably can take the extra baggage allowance. We're still waiting to hear if the hotel will store luggage while we're away to see the Terracotta Warriors. But I have a plan if not.....What if ....we book a room for the 2 days to store the luggage for the group ...then split the cost. Saves lugging all the cases when we could just take our carry on.:smile: Mmm! too simple maybe!

    :glasses: Michele .... google "Mahjong Time" or try ......mahjongtime.com . You can register and play for free as well as purchase games.
    All types available but I just play Quick - HongKong version. 250 tokens to play and can win 1000. Only 1 game but there's also 1 or 2 round games costing more...with higher winnings.

    Spaghetti for tea ...I'm hungry! :laugh: Will have to "Dance" it off later.

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Monday morning

    I had a good weekend and despite two celebratory get togethers (one retirement, one new job) I managed to be down a pound. I think that what is most encouraging is that I am eating less, but not a whole lot less while exercising more, and the weight is coming off. I can live with a five pound a month weight loss if it means that I can find a sustainable and healthy way to eat for the long haul.

    Before Christmas, I read The Happiness Project and the whole book is really about goal setting. Each month, she set herself a new goal and then found concrete ways to achieve those goals, and each month kind of built on the last. Anyway, I have been trying to do my own little Happiness Project and one of the things on that list was to lose my gut and find like minded people to share the journey with. I discovered MFP which is a big help, but I have also found Meet Up which I think is everywhere, in north america anyway. Meet Up is basically a web site where people can start groups to try and find like minded people. I have joined two book clubs and both a weight loss support group and an outdoor club that organizes trips, classes and hikes at least once a week. I just thought I'd pass this on because maybe some of you are looking for people to do things with. I had never heard of Meet Up but it's been around for a while.

    One of my goals for last month was to embrace and learn to like, if not love, winter which is why I started cross country skiing again. I've chosen a terrible year to make this goal as we really haven't had much winter to speak of. However, I have been out twice and it did make me feel better about winter, in general. On Saturday, I sent off my cheques to book space on the coach for three more cross country ski day trips and purchased a new pair of no wax skis as my old ones were really long and needed waxing both of which made them harder to deal with. I am hoping that we might even get some local snow so I can get out without having to take a 2 hour bus trip. Now that I've put my money where my mouth is, I know I will go.

    I guess I've just realized that I have to make myself accountable and make commitments ahead of time. If I don't, it's too easy to sit on the couch and vegetate. Not only do I read all your comments every day but I have also been participating in a couple of weekly fitness challenges and achieving those is like getting a gold star.

    For those of you going through tough times, my heart goes out to you.

    Good luck to us all.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Weekends are tough, but back up on the pony we go! Ride 'em cowgirls! Reminding myself to be a dedicated Salad Sista today and all of this week! I'll be chopping vegs this morning in preparation, might as well get the greens all washed and ready while I'm at it. Need to see my old friend The Scale move downwards by Friday. It was stubborn last week, refusing to budge. But I did manage to lose a total of 5 lbs this month, yay! Remembering past victories is as important as reaching a new one. Fuel for the fire, yanno.

    Good day, everyone.
    :^) jb
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Hello everyone! Just checking in -- up 2 lbs after little or no exercise last week and celebrating DH's birthday Sat.

    Overall, down 6 lbs for the month -- not bad, but I've gotta get off this roller coaster of losing 1 week and gaining the next!!

    Hope everyone has a great day -- get up and MOVE!!
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Ladies.. We are almost in a new month... with goals to work towards....
    Have an awesome day................

    Keep strong...
  • Happy Monday everyone !!!! :happy:

    Had a wonderful lazy Sunday and watched the most awesome tennis match from Australia !! :tongue: :tongue:
    Today it was back to walking 5 miles and logging everything in.:smile: Tomorrow I'll tally my miles for the month of January!! :bigsmile:
    Now for some cleaning, washing and running errands!!! :laugh:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day, :flowerforyou:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Oh my stars and garters gang...three pages??!!

    Exermom - yeah, just 49.9 years old. I look older at a glance because of my prematurely pure white hair (started in my early 30's and I've been almost completely white since my early 40's.

    RebelRenny - so glad you're feeling better. That's NOT the best way to lose weight!

    Magnolia1962 - Awwww. Scarlett is beautiful!

    Kckramp - Hooray for the LEGO team. That sounds like great fun.

    GoldWinn2 & marsellient & Florawanda - Welcome. I'm pretty new myself. A great and supportive group of folks, you'll enjoy "hanging out" here.

    marsellient - I was on medications for blood pressure & cholesterol, NSAIDs for my knee and was heading rapidly toward being on medication for Type 2 diabetes. I'm off all of that now, in fact my blood pressure is running a little low. Weight loss can make a difference on all these conditions, though there are no guarantees.

    schmogo9 - a pound a week isn't just OK, it's great. I do love seeing the measurement differences, though.

    genealace - glad your DBF is getting better, even if you wish it were faster. He's very lucky to have you!

    mazaron - Sooo jealous of your seafood extravaganza. We cannot get good seafood here and having grown up close to the ocean I find it hard to settle for what we can get. And I feel you on the lefty thing. So many things folks never think of. Righties: try spreading out a hand of cards like you were playing a card game - see all the cards identified in the corner? Now splay 'em in the other direction. Oops. Blank corners, no? It's everywhere!

    Cathys01 - So sorry to hear about the migraine. Hope you're feeling much better by now!

    barbiecat - Peanut butter is a great motivator! I have peanut butter or almond butter for a snack almost every day. I reckon it's within my calories and I'm always low on fat (and the fats in nut butter are the healthiest kind). So if I want some, I have some! Just not very much.

    megathome111 - my weekends are NEVER for relaxing unless I force the issue. Any chance you'd come and do my spring cleaning as well, since it'll give you great exercise? No? I thought not. Sigh.

    Laura80111 - I'm sorry you don't enjoy your job more; it's hard to find something new right now and hubby not working makes things extra stressful...I'm in that same boat. My DH has been looking since late July. Nothing.

    Yellowrose532 - Glad you're feeling better, and getting back on track. For me, planning my meals has been absolutely key - I'm always in trouble when I start to wing it. Even though I've hit my original goal, I've decided to continue logging for the forseeable future. It's so easy to gradually slip into regain.

    Scompton54 - Cross country skiing! I've never tried it as we don't have suitable weather around here, but I've heard it is fabulous exercise - and I bet it's beautiful as well. Have fun on your bus trips! And great thoughts on the goal setting; might have to read "The Happiness Project" once I get through my current reading backlog.

    :bigsmile: Celebration here. I weighed in at the doctor's office and got the same weight as my home scale wearing the same clothes. I guess that makes it official! :drinker: Trying to slow the weight loss down now, and am gradually raising my calories.

    I'd love to be able to stabilize in a size and slowly build a wardrobe of clothes I love. I've been shopping thrift stores and consignment shops, keeping a limited selection of each size and wearing clothes (especially tops) until they started to look ridiculous for what seems like forever now. :grumble: I just want a nice selection of clothes in the right size - but I have to wait and figure out what that size is. Just last week, it seems, I dropped another jeans size. :laugh:

    Ah, well. A good problem to have, I guess.

    Happy Monday, all!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi

    Started off quite well today, but lost it after tea, I really need to cut down on after tea treats!

    Tomorrow we are taking our little kittens to the vets to be spayed and neutered, we are a little worried, they have just started to trust us and are getting friendly. I'm sure they will be fine, but I will be glad when they are home.

    I am trying to log my food for the week, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick with it, I think I could do breakfasts and lunches, but evening meals depend on what I feel like making when I get home.

    Congrats to the losers, and to those struggling don't give up!

    Time to move!

    Viv xx
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Just got done with sweating to the oldies. Very good workout. Thanks Virginia for recommending it. I was wondering if anyone has used the bodybugg? I would like to get a better reading of how much I really burn. Sometimes I think it is less then what it says.
    Virginia congratulations on the doctors. That must be a great feeling?

    February is a new start didn't lose didn't gain in January.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Today is a down day for me, 3 years ago today, my Dad passed. I miss him a lot, he was one of my favourite people, but dementia had claimed him so I was not sad to see him leave, if that makes any sense? I miss him but he was so unhappy and in such pain at the end, it was a relief for him to pass on. I was lucky to be with him when he did pass, but I really miss him :cry:

    It looks like I missed some birthdays - sorry, genealace and Rita, Happy Birthday to both of you, belated as it is.

    Well, this was just a quick check in. I will talk to you later.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm back from the US National Figure Skating Championships. I had a blast and lost some weight too!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Good Morning. Changed my profile picture so that you can all meet my little Scarlett Victoria. That's some serious love there. Today is my day to go back home. It's going to be tough. We're heading to the hospital with some breakfast for us grownups then we have to hit the road. But in 2 weeks I get to come and spend 9 whole days here. Yay.

    She is beautiful!!! Congratulations!! Love her name.
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Evening Ladies...My Monday started out with a 2 lb GAIN from Saturday...what's the deal!?!? I actually was very good yesterday food-wise, but did realize late last night that I had dropped the ball on my water consumption.

    I was anxious to get to menopause and get rid of that "time of the month"...since I've been here...I've decided I would prefer that "time of the month" for a lifetime compared to this menopause thing. I hope it get's better. Jeesh... Anyone have any suggestions for getting through this menopause mountain?

    Despite the gain I stuck to plan today, walked at lunch, and again with hubby and Abby our lab this evening. Tomorrow I start a 13 week Weight Watchers at Work series at lunch time. I will continue logging my food here, as I just find it much more functional. Should be able to figure my points from the nutrition data on the food pages.

    Linda...great attitude! Sometimes we have to pick ourselves up & dust ourselves off...that became my plan today.
    JustKate...The January/February Blahs tend to affect our attitudes I think. I know that I am feeling more up-beat with just a few more minutes of daylight at the end of each day. I am rather solar-powered.

    Pam3 ...I've always thought spinning looked like a "killer workout". Do you need much coordination...because I have none of that. I nearly killed myself on one of those ellipsis machines once.

    Jackie...thanks for reposting Barbiecat's quote...I missed it earlier...but it is so well-put. I know that I will often forego my needs for someone else's...that must change.

    JB & Linda...5 & 6 pounds for the month is AWESOME...great start to the New Year for you!

    DaveTecsGirl...I'm ready for February...bring it on!

    Desiree...I noticed your profile picture...Is that your daughter who rides...or is it you? I am an equestrian mom myself...well was until darling daughter graduated college & started working full-time. I always enjoyed those days.

    Virginia...I love your quote...Oh My Stars & Garters Gang...maybe we could call this group the Stars & Garters Gang! I love your white hair...I decided to give up the coloring about 3 years ago. I call my grey "God's Highlights" ... and not sure I will EVER get to white. It looks so classy!

    Viv...logging everything has not been as difficult as I thought it would be. I really like having all the nutritional information available to see .... daily goal vs. actuals.

    Joyce...I'm looking at getting Zumba...but maybe Sweatin' with the oldies is more my style!

    Cathy...I understand your feelings. I lost my mom & dad in 2009 within 4 weeks of each other. I think my dad died of a broken heart after mom passed away. They both had dementia too. I miss them every day...
    This is getting rather wordy...so guess I'll close...have a healthy evening ladies!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, the principal of the last school I taught in was left handed and he taught us a lot about how to be more sensitive to our left handed students. Although I bought spiral notebooks for writing, I bought a few with the binding at the top so left handers wouldn’t be leaning their hands on the metal spirals. I bought more expensive fiskars scissors that could be used by either hand so all the scissors could be used by everyone, and since I taught grade one and was teaching penmanship, I demonstrated everything first right handed, then left. Thanks for reminding us. A couple of years ago I taught a left handed friend to knit….great for her and very challenging to my brain.

    :flowerforyou: Sarah, thanks for all that great information about goal setting……you’ve got me thinking about cross country skiing (something I’ve never done). I will look for “The Happiness Project “to read as soon as finish my current strength training book.

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, I had to give up peanut butter because I was unable to be moderate with it (picture me with a jar of peanut butter in a brown paper bag sneaking bites of it with a spoon):laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ……..now my treats are walnuts, raisins, and dates…..I can measure them and be more temperate…..how exciting that you’ve reached your goal weight and are moments away from starting to build a real wardrobe…..it will be so much fun.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I am so envious of you at the National Figure Skating Championships……I recorded them so I could watch them at my leisure but being there must have been awesome.

    :flowerforyou: Tomorrow evening just before my early bedtime (Pacific Standard Time) I will be starting the new thread for February. I will put the link to it on my last post on this thread so everyone can find it. It has been our custom to start each month with some new goals and a report of how well we did with this month’s goals…….so be prepared.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I am so envious of you at the National Figure Skating Championships……I recorded them so I could watch them at my leisure but being there must have been awesome.
    Oh, when you watch, look for me! I'm in the front row and very near where skaters jump and spin. I'm sitting behind the & in AT&T. :laugh:

    It was awesome to go. I used to go every year! But then I went back to a desk job and couldn't take the time off and I got out of that habit. But they have nationals a lot in your neck of the woods. You should attend sometime. You don't have to do the whole week the first time and being able to drive instead of fly cuts down on the expense.

    Nationals has been in Spokane twice since 2004 and in Portland once. I think Skate America has been in that area too.

    Live competitions are just so much better than seeing it on tv. You can meet the skaters and everywhere you go there are people famous in figure skating. Plus the skating is more exciting.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I got to the gym today (yeah!!) and it felt good! I put it on my list as Number 1 and I went there first thing in the morning. I think that is what I need to do to make sure I get my time in. Barbie…your words really helped! I had a lot of paperwork to do today to get ready for my tutoring this week. I also did lots of laundry and cooked for tomorrow night’s dinner (made a turkey chili). I really feel like I accomplished a good deal. I am very tired tonight so I think I will go to bed early and read (such a treat).

    Virginia ..It’s great to read your posts. What an incredible job you have done….thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    Cathy… I know how you feel. My parents passed a long time ago (Dad- 10 years and Mom – 15 years) and I still miss them so much. It is such a difficult thing because seeing them suffer (both had cancer) was awful and there was a sense of relief for them that they were out of that awful pain. It is really awe inspiring to think of the positive impact a great parent has on your life.
    Meg..I am doing the wild ride of menopause and I agree with you…not fun.