

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good evening ladies - just a quick hello as I have some bookwork to do tonight and I really don't feel like doing it :sad:

    Cathys01 - {{{hugs}}} sorry for you loss

    Megathome - I had a hysterectomy when I was 41 - been fighting menopause for the past 10 years - thought I was done about 4 years ago - nothing for almost 2 years and then whammy - night sweats and hot flashes like a bat-out-of-hell .... nothing seems to work for me - tried all kinds of things - if you find something please share :wink: Good luck with the WW thing - that really worked for me - lost 42 lbs in a year - but then put it all back on and too embarrased to go back....

    okay it's after 7pm now - I have to get moving if I'm going to get anything done....have a good evening everybody

    check back tomorrow....:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good evening all,

    my day started with the best of intentions, dressed and ready for the gym.....BUT, #3 sons car didnt started and he needed to get to school, so NO workouts for me, but i did work at home and got lots done, when he got home in the afternoon i went to the social security office to get a new card, so i can renewed my drivers license, there are a ton of documents that are needed now to renew (i be going the DMV on wednesday), ....on a good note i weigh in today(i am in a chalenge)and i lost a 1lb...YAY me....i lose so slowly its not funny....anyways things are getting complicated and there seems to be little time, dont know how i will get to the gym tomorrow.....

    @meg...spinning is a great workout, i highly recommended it....you can start slow and build your endurance...if you enjoy and think you will be doing it regularly i suggested the spinning shoes...you clip on to the bike and you feel the workout alot more on your thighs and legs....good luck...

    good nights all:flowerforyou:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just a quick pop-in. Went back to aquafit today after missing the last 2 Mondays, and back to Spanish this afternoon.

    Went to see DBF after swim and after Spanish but not this evening. I actually cancelled my students this evening because there are such large snow-banks along the street that it is very hard to park and the signs have gone up for no parking between 19:00 today and 7:00 tomorrow because they will be by with the big machines to clear up the street. If you are parked, you get towed. If you are on a driveway, you can't get out if they are nearby when you are ready to leave.

    Finished one piece of knitting tonight so I need to block and press it tomorrow then I can sew it up. It is for my gr-niece in Scotland. I'll take it when I go across the pond in March/April.

    Trying to finish off a piece of lace that has been sitting on my pillow too long.

    Good night
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Spinning :wink: you’ve all got me convinced to go to the Friday class. Now I’m committed. I’ll tell you about it, if I survive!

    Travel –:heart: Oh Jackie, I love to travel. The getting ready part is so much fun. We spent a two weeks in Beijing a couple of summers ago but left the rest of China for a trip when we could take a lot of time to explore. Will you be keeping a blog or posting travel stories anywhere? Is the photo of the Taj Mahal in your ticker a trip souvenir or a trip plan?

    Gold Stars for Sarah! :flowerforyou: I’m with you, if I don’t plan I don’t do, and if I have goals to meet I have more fun.

    JB – I made the muffins and the bean salad (without additions) on Sunday. The muffins are gone (except for the 3 I hid for J’boys lunches) and the bean salad was a hit as topping on a green salad. Thanks for the recipe :happy: I’ll be watching for your next.

    Desiree, be sure to post your total miles for January here. I’ll put mine up too, but I can tell you already, you’ll be the walking Queen! :happy:

    White hair – it looks elegant, Virginia. I have had a “Cruella deVille” white stripe at my part line for years (just on the right side). Now that that rest of my hair is fading it’s not as dramatic as it used to be. On the other hand, my hair’s getting lighter and I can wear black, which I never used to try. :huh: There are advantages to aging. Lefties unite!

    MacMadame, are you a figure skater? Or is that your favorite sport to photograph?

    Gym is #1 :drinker: Yes, Sally, I have to make getting to the gym my #1 priority after work and making sure J’boy is safe and more-or-less happy. (Is a 14 year old every just happy?) I go right after work and it sparks me up for the evening routine chores.

    Hasta pronto,

    Nancy :yawn:

    PS I think I'm in love :love: Campbell's Gardennay Harvest Mushroom Soup - 100 calories/cup and yummy.
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    A little time in the evening is barely enough time to read all the post let along doing any.
    I did not have a good week again but I am determined that this week will be better. I need to stop making excuses and buckle down.

    Everyone have a terrific week.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I can't believe it's the end of January already! It's flown past and I've just been mega busy.

    Not had time to read posts for the past couple of days - but hoping you are all ok. That new bairns (including furry ones!) are doing well (oh - good luck with the new grandtwins when they arrive - you are going to love them!) and that fiances/husbands/parents and all over loved ones are behaving well and doing better.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm back from the US National Figure Skating Championships. I had a blast and lost some weight too!

    :drinker: Ooo . . . lucky you!! I was watching them on TV. Would have loved to see them in person!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :explode: :mad: I hate this laptop! If it's not putting words in the middle of the previous sentence, it's lost my post:angry::sad:

    :ohwell: :ohwell: Calm down - think the menopause hormones are raging today.:blushing:

    The kittens are at the vets - just waiting for the call to say we can go and collect them but I think it will be a few hours yet.

    I've used my time off work constructively by clearing/sorting out the cloakroom. I'm now catching up with all the little jobs I don't usually have time for. Well I will do after I post this.

    So far so good I've stuck to my planned eating (mind you it's not quite dinner time yet :bigsmile: :bigsmile: so maybe a bit too soon to start celebrating)

    Time to move plus it's not doing my blood pressure any good using the laptop. I don't know why it is acting this way.

    Happy Tuesday everyone

    Viv xx
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    HAPPY Tuesday everyone. A new month and a new goal. Stepped on the scale this morning and was down 2 lbs... total of 3 lbs. Feeling good... Hope you all have an amazing day
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    good morning everyone! I'm on vacation! I've had an absolutely lovely time thus far, and only 1 evening of eating poorly. A small group of high school friends all met down in Ocala, FL for a long weekend of gabbing and visiting and laughing and just enjoying each other's smiles and hugs. What a wonderful visit, and one we've all agreed will be an annual event!

    Now I'm over at my dad's home in Sarasota until Friday. He's 84 and thankfully lives wtih his partner because he's become wobbly on his feet and recently fell and is badly bruised on his face, left arm and hand. I asked if he'd been to a get Xrays but he believes it's just bruising and strain. He's soaking in warm water to bring down the swelling. I have to trust him, he's a doc himself, tho long ago stopped renewing his license. I'd be happier if he'd go have it looked at, it's very swollen and ugly. But he uses his hand without wincing and apparently minimal pain, so I'm hoping he's diagnosed it correctly.

    I'm going to walk around his complex today. If I take all the little side streets etc., I should get in a couple of miles. It's the first real exercise since I started traveling. I will do this daily, while the air is fresh and cool.

    I am so very behind on the posts, tried to catch up a bit on this one but goodness there are so many.

    Prayers to everyone!

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon all ..........

    I was supposed to go out shopping today and...use up some £off vouchers at an Italian restaurant for lunch.
    But ...I was a real couch potato yesterday (No ...I didn't do my latino DVD) Had Spag. Bol for tea and ate yet more peanut butter late last night.:sad: I paid for my sins though....I felt so bloated all night. Pains (IBS) in my sides and ...dare I say it? ..bum! I think it's nuts that do it...also things like broccoli too. Soooo ...I couldn't face yet more pasta today and to be honest I didn't really need to go shopping either.:laugh: DH breathed a sigh of relief!!

    :glasses: Nancy ...The Taj Mahal photo is indeed a lovely reminder of a holiday in India. It is magical! DH and I do like to travel and we've decided that we must do it all NOW!! The cost of travel insurance will rocket for us after next year as DH especially will reach 65.With his medical history (Quad bypass etc) premiums will be prohibitive.
    We made a list of our "Must Sees" and will try and do most of them! We've done India's Taj Mahal, Valley of the Kings and Pyramids of Egypt,Sri Lanka, Bali, St. Petersburg in Russia, Alaska and next is.... China. We have our thinking caps on and maybe will "Do" more of Europe next year ie Rome, Florence, turkey and Greece.Where do we stop as there's so much to see!! .......Methinks when the money runs out!!

    Then we'll be a little more ...sedate. Maybe!!....

    :heart: Cathy ... I feel your sadness at the loss of your Father. It's coming up to a year now that my mum passed away. I looked after her for four years as she battled with Dementia and my thoughts are with her daily.

    Hope you're all having a good week so far ....I'm sooo glad you're all here...keeping me on the straight and narrow. In my case though...more straight and :ohwell: not so much of the narrow!!!

    :flowerforyou: BFN
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Tuesday good news day! The good news is it's not raining and I can go "wogging" on the track without rain gear. I call it wogging since it's a combo of very fast walking and jogging, alternating 20-30 second intervals of each. I'm slowly building up strength. At first I could only wog for 10 minutes, now I'm up to 20. Happy about that!
    Now to address this nagging backache that's been bugging me for a week...time to stretch it out and do some Yoga. It's either from too much time spent sitting at the computer or from stress. Yes, even happy-go-lucky musicians with their heads in the clouds have stress. Haha.
    Nancy, I made a low-fat blueberry crisp over the weekend, it's nowhere near as good as the blueberry muffins and twice the price in calories. Glad to hear the muffins and bean salad were a success. I'll be having bean salad again today, it's so darned good. Hope you got the note about adding the vinegar.
    Good day to all.
    :^) jb
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vy, great job. You are an inspiration and I love your posts.
    :cry: Cathy, so sorry for your loss. My dad died in 2007 and I still miss him. Wish I could talk to him again. He was such an interesting human being.

    :smile: The day has just started for me and I am not feeling too badly. Hopefully whatever I had, whether it was a bug or food poisoning, is on its way out permanently. Had an egg and some porridge this morning, and a little bit of coffee.

    Have a great day!
    Renny :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jane - I just wanted to say that my heart goes out to you, and I am sending prayers from Kansas. Praying for strength and for resolution of your problem.

    Virginia - I can relate to the premature gray. I got my first gray hair at the age of 10, and it was a gradual process after that. Two of my three daughters appear to be following right along.

    MacMadame - I am so jealous that you got to go to the nationals! I looked for you on my TV, but didn't find you. :wink:

    Michele - I am snacking on roasted garbanzos while I catch up with all of you. Thanks for the advice on roasting them!

    I hadn't made it here since Friday, and just read the 5+ pages of posts that I had missed. All is good here, I am just really busy. I came to some conclusions about my February goals while doing some thinking while swimming yesterday. I will ponder again while I swim today to see if they stood the 24 hour test, and they will be unveiled on the new thread tomorrow.

    Speaking of February, I will repost the birthday list sometime in the next day or so. If you want to be included, and I haven't added you yet, please send me a message with your birthday!

    I need to get busy, so I will leave you with one final tidbit.

    My quote of the day:
    Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.
    Thomas A. Edison

    Happy Tuesday! Mary
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hello all,

    NO GYM TODAY again:explode: :explode: i really need to get my sons car in ths shop....but time is not wasted continued the prepping at home, 2 big dates coming up feb 18(estate sale) and feb 29(moving date).....so lots to do in this month....i need to re-think my goals for february regarding exercise...i know how important it is(specially for my moods)but taking the time to do it everyday might not be the best use of my time....need to think on this...another good day of logging, and in the green numbers, missing workout....tomorrow is bible study class, then dentist, then back to the DMV for license renewal...

    lots of you have showen interest in spinning, i recommended it highly, ...its a great workout, you burn tons of calories, and sweat your butt off....something i started doing when i injured my knees(hip and back as well), is to sit in back, in that way i can do my owe thing and not be distracting to others.....i DO NOT do jumps, nor do i spirit while standing(not good for the knees).....oh, one other thing, do the whole class, even if you have to just pedal, but that helps with the endurance....have a great day all:flowerforyou:

    edited: i came across these recipes and wanted to share,...i have not made them yet, but plan to...i found them on MFP

    So if you google Oxygen fat burning cookies, it's the first recipe...August 2010...
    The other recipe, also from Oxygen..much easier and less ingredients yields 12 cookies
    1/2 cups oats
    1 T almond butter
    1 scoop protein powder
    2 egg whites (calls for 1 but I use 2)
    2 packets stevia
    1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/8-1/4 C choc chips
    350 on a parchment lined cookie sheet for 10 min

    Yield: About 10 cookies, depending on size

    1 cup oats
    1/2 cup protein powder of choice
    1/4 cup peanut butter
    1 egg
    2 Tbsp agave nectar (or honey)
    1/4 cup chocolate chips

    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2. Combine all ingredients in a single bowl. Stir to combine.

    3. Spoon out balls onto greased baking sheet and form into cookies. Bake for 5-8 minutes, depending on size of cookies.

    Mine came out to:

    Calories: 117 Protein: 7 Fat: 5 Carbs:13

    Oops! Forgot the link: http://ittybitsofbalance.com/2011/09/04/chocolate-chip-protein-cookies/
    Edited by Sunshine_88 on Sat 01/28/12 01:21 PM
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Pam - Maybe for February your goal should be to get your exercise in the form of moving items, cleaning, sorting and packing. You can get quite a calorie burn from that! Mary
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Happy Tuesday Everyone! I am happy to see so many here today and so many loosing!! I know it's not going to be a great weigh in this weekend. I had to take provera for 10 days to right some hormone issues. I feel like I've been blown up with an air pump. At least I'm done with them...... Going to try to really :drinker: some extra water and see if that help. Oii. aging isn't easy.

    February here we come. It is 65 here today. The birds and flowers think it is Spring.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Went to visit DBF this morning after I'd been for an echo-cardiogram for myself. He must be feeling better because he is complaining about things. I think I've done all the chores he needed doing.

    We have snow again, and again and the forecasters are offering a choice of snow or more likely up to 12 hours of freezing rain - I know I'd prefer the snow.

    Had my students here this afternoon. One lives about 1.5 hours drive but her husband had to see someone in the hospital so he drove her. I don't think she would have come because of the weather, if he hadn't been coming in to town.

    I called the furnace company to see when the part would be in. I was told, it was on the truck and the guy was on his way to me and she was just going to call me to let me know. 2 hours later, I just called back - he is on another job and she will try to contact him and let me know when he will be here. They'd better hurry up because I really don't want to wait until the weather gets even worse than it is now before I go back to the hospital to visit DBF.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tuesday and it's the end of the month...WOW where did January go???:huh:

    To those that have had success this month:flowerforyou: YEAH! YOU! For those that are struggling, there is always a new day tomorrow:wink:

    To those that are still feeling the loss of your parent (s) {{{Hugs}}} around. My parents are both gone too Dad in Aug 2009 and Mom in Oct 2010:cry: and since I was their only child I really feel their loss. But I find that when I look at pictures of them they always bring a smile to me as I remember happy times:happy:

    To all of us in menopause:sad: we can only hope it hurries up and gets us to the other side. I have found that evening primrose, black cohose and Vit B Complex have held all the "uglyness" away. When I stop taking any of those three then I have hot flashes, and many other not so pleasant experiences:sick: So far it really hasn't been as bad as I had heard for which I am truly thankful:wink:

    Well it's the end of the quarter, and my bookkeeper came in and helped me and it made these last two weeks not seem quite a painful.

    I'd best get back to the piles of papers on my desk.

    Everyone have a good evening, drink your water:drinker: and get up and get moving.


    Well for my first month back I've lost 6# so I'm glad for a good start:bigsmile:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Pam - Maybe for February your goal should be to get your exercise in the form of moving items, cleaning, sorting and packing. You can get quite a calorie burn from that! Mary

    mary, thanks for the suggestion, and i think that i will also wear my pedometer when i am working around the house, at least seeing the steps will be helpful....:flowerforyou: