

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :yawn: Evening all

    Just a quick post I am really tired this evening. DS, partner & grandson left an hour ago, they have started to visit us every Sunday which is nice.

    Bit of advice please - I've been thinking of getting a wii fit, I know some of you have them, what type of things can you do with them fitness wise? They are quite expensive and I wonder if it's worth it.

    I think I need to get my act together and just go for it, someone mentioned listening to your body, but also that exercising gets better once you start. I really need to push myself to start again I am so demotivated in the exercise department. I need to give myself a shake up and just do it!!

    :heart: Jane sending prayers to you, that your situation will get better.

    Welcome all newcomers :flowerforyou:

    Viv x
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies

    Sorry, I have been out with a miserable migraine for the last couple of days so I have missed the postings and there are now so many:

    Magnolia - Congrats on becoming a Gramma - your little one is too cute :love:

    Jane - so sorry you are going through rough times again. Hugs to you :flowerforyou:

    Chiclet - I am so very sorry that this crap is still going on for you, I hope the respite away from your mother gives you a bit of a break.

    Congrats to all that are losing :drinker: :drinker:

    To all that are struggling, let's keep going, we will get there.

    Well, let me run for now. I am still not feeling the best today after such a horrible migraine. So, take care and I will talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Somebody told me that if we all waited for our motives to be right, our ships would never leave the dock. I had to start treating exercise with the same reverence and commitment that one has for going to work, brushing teeth, feeding pets or children, and all those other essential life chores. I don’t wait for motivation, I just do it…….I found that I could act my way into right thinking instead of the other way around.

    :flowerforyou: I was inspired more than a year ago by Amanda who had as one of her goals “don’t sit on the couch for more than an hour” and I began to pay attention to how long I sat at the computer (I don’t sit on the couch, but sitting is sitting, no matter where you do it)

    :flowerforyou: When I first started adding more time to my walks, my only motivation was burning enough calories to be able to have peanut butter for a snack.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy (Gadget Girl), when I walk alone I carry my phone that has an mp3 player that connects to a Bluetooth so I can listen to music without those annoying wires. When I got my HRM, I worried that the technology that sends heart rate from the chest strap to the watch receiver might challenge the Bluetooth that was sending the music signal from the phone. Fortunately, all went well. I also carry a pedometer. One morning the battery on the pedometer died and I wondered if I was really walking if there was no pedometer to count the steps.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Susankaye, a lot of women have started where you are and achieved a half marathon (not me, I’m a dog walker and dancer) and if they can do it, so can you……just train one day at a time and make the training a top priority in your life.

    :flowerforyou: Shmogo, no one I see face to face is interested in hearing about my food diary, my weight loss, how many steps I walked, how many calories I burn, what health books I’m reading, or any of the things I share with all of you. Then you all share back with me on those subjects and I learn and am inspired.

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, when I walk my hubby is always encouraging me to drink a lot of water and I tell him that I have less fear of dehydration than I do of not being able to find a satisfactory rest room when I need one.
  • NorthwestLadybug
    NorthwestLadybug Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Sunday, y'all! Thought I'd post while eating my delicious garden salad full of crunchy and savory deliciousness. YUMMY! The rest of the family is eating pizza, but I'm avoiding that sight and smell and hanging out in my office... enjoying my salad. :-) Hey -- get out of here with that cheesy, drippy slice of pizza!

    I am taking today off from exercise, which is the first day in three weeks that I'm not logging any exercise at all (unless everyone decides to pull out Dance Central on the Kinect)... and I'm FINE with being a sloth today!

    I've decided that one of the things that I like about MFP (and something that WW didn't allow) is weighing and recording according to MY own schedule and desire. My new approach is that I will check in with my weight any time it moves downward, but not when it moves upward. Because I live for the great support here, I really WANT to post losses, and that desire in itself seems to keep me on target. Kinda goes to show that, at least in my case, everyone's supportive comments -- even if they consist of one small word -- make all the difference in the world.

    I hope to get to know you all as time goes on. For now I'm just trying to match people to posts and keep track of all your lives and journeys.


  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, everyone,
    I saw the link to this thread on Carol's post, and picking up on all the posts it seems a lovely chatty group! I'm one of the older ones, turned 70 last summer, and the weight has been creeping up for the last 10 years, till a fall at the end of October made me realise just how heavy I was - so I'm getting back to healthy habits from past successful times I got down to a healthy weight, and want to do this again so that I can be active Granny instead of couch Granny! I signed up just before New Year and I'm already learning lots of good tips from you all.
    Jane, I am especially thinking of you - it is a really difficult time for so many people, and will pray that there is a way forward for you soon.
    Will look forward to getting to know you better as the months progress!
    Faith - from South coast of England
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Evening ladies...Thanks for the warm welcome!

    I thought that weekends were for relaxation. I was able to rope my husband in to spring cleaning in January...doable when you live in SC. Yesterday & today we took down & washed curtains, wiped down walls, mopboards, cleaned windows, pulled out furniture that hasn't been moved in years, and then put it all back together. If dust bunnies were gold, we'd be rich! :tongue: One of the items de-dusted was my treadmill, which has been moved to a more accessible spot and WILL be used. The dust on that thing was pretty embarassing!

    I do love that MFP considers cleaning an exercise, because I burned a boatload of calories doing that this weekend. They came in handy as we went out to dinner last night...I did pretty well, but had a few glasses of "well-earned wine". I'll see tomorrow what the net change was from all this activity.

    Hope you all start out with a wonderful Monday!

    MEG in Greenville, SC
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Jane you have my prayers.
  • DarleneBDA
    DarleneBDA Posts: 80 Member
    Was so happy to get my boyfriend out playing tennis with me today... We were out in the sun playing for 75 min. good Work out...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for all your love and support.we`ll get thru this storm,like the others.
    It`s just sucks when you work so hard to have a little home and loose the home and everything else with it.
    Then people make you feel like you are charity cases.I`ve worked my whole life since I was 8 years old.I just feel so bad.
    I can`t get a job til I get my knee fixed.I feel like i`m letting down my family sometimes.Then I have adult children second guessing everything we did the past 3 years.We fought to save our house to no avail.We we`re not taking vacations and spending money foolishly.
    I`m sorry needed to vent.Hubby is depressed and blaming himself.I`m stuck in the middle of all this chaos.
    Hope you have a good Sun.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Things only left handed people understand :explode: :

    Ring binders and spiral bound notebooks are difficult to use because I can't see what I'm doing.
    Most spatulas and pancake lifters have the wrong angle.
    The oven mitts are padded on the wrong side.
    The crossword puzzle clues are covered by my writing hand, so I have to keep putting the pencil down to read what’s next.
    Many vegetable peelers, can openers and bottle openers are just plain backwards.
    The watch monitor for my new HRM has teeny tiny buttons on the uphill side of my wrist. I have to take it off to check the settings.


    ( :ohwell: It's not that bad, really)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    i had every intention of going to the gym, but the potential renters wanted to see the house this morning so, no gym, but plenty of work around the house, getting ready for moving by the end of february....i wil be having an estate sale, so also working on that, and getting to see some aparments as well, lots to do....i was happy to see that i did get over 8hours( a little over)of workouts this week, so i am not to disappointed....i need to keep my workouts priorty(i have a tendency to stop my workouts when there is lots to do)....so thinking ahead for february my goal will be to continue my workouts, at least 60 minutes eveyday(except wednesday)......have a good evening all
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks for all your love and support.we`ll get thru this storm,like the others.
    It`s just sucks when you work so hard to have a little home and loose the home and everything else with it.
    Then people make you feel like you are charity cases.I`ve worked my whole life since I was 8 years old.I just feel so bad.
    I can`t get a job til I get my knee fixed.I feel like i`m letting down my family sometimes.Then I have adult children second guessing everything we did the past 3 years.We fought to save our house to no avail.We we`re not taking vacations and spending money foolishly.
    I`m sorry needed to vent.Hubby is depressed and blaming himself.I`m stuck in the middle of all this chaos.
    Hope you have a good Sun.

    It's okay to vent Jane. You're encountering quite a tough patch in life. Life has its ups and downs, remember. There will be an "up" again. You will see. Give yourself some grace. And tell your DH to give himself some grace too.

    Sending good thoughts to you.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,375 Member
    Did 45 minutes of this Kathy Smith Peel off the Pounds Pilates DVD. Tomorrow I'll take the extremepump class.

    Rebel - glad you had a good vacation.

    barbie - do you wear your pedometer when you're teaching the line dances? I always used to take mine off when I took a step class, I personally just didn't feel that I was being fair to myself.

    magnolia - Scarlett Victoria is so adorable! Then again, every baby is so adorable as far as I am concerned.

    Cindy - how long will you be in FL? Have a great time! Do you know that around here they don't have the fit & delicious pizza at Pizza Hut? I was majorly bummed when I found this out. Personally, I like the fit & delicious. Usually when we drive to FL, I take my snacks and lunch in a bag for myself. Vince will stop at a fast food place, I'll go in with him but I'll have my turkey sandwich and fruit. Usually, I find that I'm having more food than he is. The other good thing is that I can eat in the car if needed. There are times when we need to eat in the car because we have the cats.

    Welcome ddmjw...you've just GOT to simplify your name for me.....lol

    Pam - when you do spinning, do you do a class or workout on your own?

    What I want to know is why is it so very easy to put on the pounds, but it seems to take FOREVER for them to come off? Remember the weight gain from Fri...well, according to the Wii I didn't gain or lose today. "You're overweight"...how I HATE it when that little Mi character says it. Why that bothers me so much, I don't know. But I absolutely hate it when he says that.

    kc - congrats to your lego team!

    Hearty welcome to goldwin and marsellient. You've come to the right place for motivation and support. Goldwin, your friend definitely steered you in the right direction!

    shmogo9 - AWESOME! that's all I can say. WTG girl, you rock! Measurements are so much more important than the number on the scale. Admitted, I really haven't changed much in my weight for the past year. But a month or so ago I took a pantsuit to a lady to have altered. I just like this suit, it's long sleeved but light material. Anyway, she estimated that she probably took it down at least one if not two sizes. Yet, my weight really hasn't changed.

    Today I had strawberries on my cereal. You know, when organic strawberries were in season I bought so many of them and froze them. I'll just about be out of them by the time they come back into season!

    One thing I wanted to mention to everyone on this board. Vince got me some DVD's for Christmas from this place called Total Fitness. Anyway, I need to return them so I initially checked out their website. I didn't realize it, but they include a clip of the DVD for you to preview (like CollageVideo does). Their prices don't look all that bad, either. When I called about returning the opened videos, they didn't give me any hassle at all.

    Jackie - we play American mahjongg. Do you know of any games online? I haven't found any. Would love to play some if I could find some games online.

    Viv - I had the WiiFit and then I got the WiiFit Plus. I like the WiiFit Plus so much more. There are more games (balance, training, etc) to it than just the WiiFit. If I knew someone who wanted it, I'd just give it to them since I don't use it at all.

    Faith - hearty welcome

    jane - vent all you want to, we're here for you. Things are always darkest before the sun, and I just know that things will turn around for you. You are so strong.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It was great to read your posts tonight. I had a busy day and didn't get to the gym, but I got some walking in with a friend.
    Barbie...I love what you said about exercise...I need to put that in my daily practice--keep it like brushing my teeth and just do it!

    Jane...I admire your strength at what you have gone through and what you are dealing with now! My prayers are with you and your family.

    To a great week ahead....
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member

    barbie - do you wear your pedometer when you're teaching the line dances? I always used to take mine off when I took a step class, I personally just didn't feel that I was being fair to myself.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Michele, I put my pedometer in my pocket as soon as I put on my jeans in the morning to walk the dogs and transfer it later to the pants I wear during the day and put it on the counter in the bathroom the last thing before I go to bed. I count everything. Actually line dancing doesn't count accurately because bouncing and lateral steps don't register. Nevertheless I compare my daily steps to my own steps from other days and it works for me.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi there. Just checking in. Have a good week everyone.......:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sounds like everyone was really busy today and last night.

    Jane, prayers for you and your hubby that things will turn around, I understand your frustration.

    Welcome to the newbies, there are so many of you...this is a great place to be:flowerforyou:

    I won't even start to tell you all the naughty things I ate this weekend, but will be back on the wagon in the morning, nothing like routine to keep me in line:noway: Although we did have a wonderful time at # 3 S & DIL's. they had set up their spare bedroom with mints on the bed and turned down bedding and all. Dinner was wonderful, then we played Wii before a fondue dessert and a movie, watched "August Rush", a feel good like of movie. Went to bed after midnight then the smell of coffee & sauage & muffins woke us up....like I said sooooo much fun to be pampered by your kids:drinker:

    Went to see #2 S & DIL & 2 grandsons this afternoon, DIL is finally starting to feel almost human again. We are hoping that this time around she will get to enjoy being pregmant instead of sick all the time. The grandsons had a lot to show us and of course we were tryng to catch up with what #2 S has been doing as he gig's 5 nights a week, teaches piano and is getting his Master's at DU, so DIL says she doesn't see too much of him either.

    Then we went to a late afternoon movie, saw 'Red Tails' and since we are both WW2 buffs we really enjoyed it. Maybe next week we will go see something a bit lighter, like 'One for the Money'.

    Well I just finished faxing some paper work off for work tomorrow and will have to get a lot done in the next two days at work for the end of the month and end of the quarter, sure do wish I enjoyed my job, it would make Monday - Friday easier to live with....then again if Hubby was working that would make it better too:ohwell:

    Everyone have a good evening and a good Monday, I'm sure I won't get back here until tomorrow evening.

    Drink your water:drinker: get up and get moving and well talk tomorrow.

  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there, totally exhausted tonight but it was a good day!

    thank you all for the positive feedback ....and yes Barbie - I know what you mean - nobody wants to hear it so I'm SO SO HAPPY I found this site - everybody needs support and bragging rights sometime too:blushing:

    Viv x - I have the Wii Fit WITH the Balance Board and I love it - it's soooo much fun it doesn't feel like a work out....all kinds of games to play but you're using your whole body to do so but just one word of caution - it is exercise so be carefull...:happy: the first time I had a couple of friends over and we started playing with the WII balance board around 2pm in the afternoon and before we knew it - it was 7:30pm - no dinner nothing and we were playing all that time - the next day I was sooooo sore lol felt muscles I didn't even know I had....so it's fun - just remember - it is exercise so don't over do it :laugh:

    Cathy - sorry to hear of your migraine - hopefully you'll feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    Jane - [[hugs]]] hopefully things will turn around for you soon - I too have adult children second guessing our decisions - not sure where they get off but it is very infuriating - we're not splurging or spending unnecessarily.....I just try and let them say what they want to say then let it go in one ear and out the other - can't let it get me down,....hopefully you won't either :heart:

    Mazaron - have you met my husband? :laugh: He's a lefty too - you guys could write a book - well he could :drinker:
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    oops - my bad - hit the wrong key before I was done.....guess MFP was trying to tell me something ....

    exermom - good for you with all your exercising - gotta love the Wii Mi :laugh: especially if you miss 2 or 3 days of weighing in it says in that little condescending voice...."we've missed you - you haven't logged in for X amount of days" or something like that - I'm afraid to get back on as it's been a while with my knees it's hard to do and don't want to hear Mi yelling at Me :indifferent: and yes I totally agree - inches are so much better - especially when the clothes start feeling loose or you have to take them in. Exercising builds muscle and muscle takes up less room in your body than fat does.... :smile:

    Laura - WoW - sounds like you had a good time being pampered - I'm so jealous :bigsmile: :smokin: and I wouldn't worry about going off track - you'll get right back on track.....

    Well - welcome to all the newbies.....and congrats to everybody for a good week and for those struggling - keep grinding along - it will come - I'm counting on it....nobody is perfect and if we try to be perfect we're setting ourselves up for failure....

    have a great evening and tomorrow starts another week! Good Luck everybody - stay strong!

  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Things only left handed people understand :explode: :

    Ring binders and spiral bound notebooks are difficult to use because I can't see what I'm doing.
    Most spatulas and pancake lifters have the wrong angle.
    The oven mitts are padded on the wrong side.
    The crossword puzzle clues are covered by my writing hand, so I have to keep putting the pencil down to read what’s next.
    Many vegetable peelers, can openers and bottle openers are just plain backwards.
    The watch monitor for my new HRM has teeny tiny buttons on the uphill side of my wrist. I have to take it off to check the settings.


    ( :ohwell: It's not that bad, really)
    Funny that you mentioned the spirals. I just bought a couple of spirals for my classes this semester. I noticed that they did have some "left-handed" ones -- I may have even bought one. Either that, or they put the cover on upside down. When I'm holding it properly for a right-handed person, the printing on the cover in upside down. But when I open it, the paper is correct, with the wide margin at the top, so I guess they just made a mistake.

    One of my sisters is left-handed. When my mom was trying to teach us to sew, someone had to cut Susan's material out for her -- she couldn't cut with the right-handed scissors and didn't have enough strength in her right hand to switch.