Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - January Challenge!! Take 2!



  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Abby I didn't know thats what you had, well at least you got answers and now know the precautions to take, as far as your running plan did you find one on the internet and just follow it through? the one Im following has me running 3-4 solid times a week and two optional days of running but I find running more than 3-4 is enough for me, not sure I should be running 4-5 maybe, how often do you run?? And running 10 miles non-stop is awesome, it is crazy how one feels accomplished at 3 miles which one should be but then be able to run 10 non-stop makes me wonder how far we will be able to run in one year from now??!

    Emily moochachip The running group showed up 15 minutes late and thankfully a friend of mine decided to go because we were pressed for time and started 10 minutes after, and later found out they started 5 minutes after us lol, but either way it was good because they ran 6 and we did 9 since we are training for half so it all worked out! Have a great workout today!! Sounds *kitten* kicking!

    Cassandra Awesome job on all those workouts and 5 pounds is great but was that lost in one week?? Kick some booty pushing through those 30 minutes of sculpt!!

    AFM I had a good run yesterday did my 9 miles 6 easy/3 moderate the weather was great raining an all but not too ideal for running on a slippery trail thankfully none of us fell but did manage to get our shoes, socks and selves pretty wet and muddy! But I loved every minute of it, something about running in the rain that is freeing! Today was a planned workout day but feeling kinda not in that mood so I might take the rest day today instead of tomorrow!! Finished some deep cleaning and the apartment feels great, about to head to the grocery store and make some new recipes and prepare what i can for the week!! making granola bars from scratch, hope they turn out nice! Have my interval run in the AM and bootcamp in the PM! Thats it for me ladies until tomorrow have a great sunday!! Cynthia :bigsmile:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Moocachip - Thanks and yes just keep running the shorter distances and you'll start to build up slowly. I couldnt even run 1 mile straight when I started on here back in July. Keep it up and you will get there in no time!! Hope all of you tests went well and its great that you still any workouts in!! Sounds like you have a good workout planned for the day also!!

    Meg - Glad its not intentional...that would be awful!! Hopefully she will get past all of the stress soon and you guys will return to your normal friendship. I cant believe you have never seen snow!!! Its is annoying for driving and shovelling but its soo pretty!! You will have to travel sometime once you are out of school to somewhere were there is some snow!!

    Cynthia - Glad you got your run in without any injuries!! Your braver then me, I still stay indoors when it rains or snows!!!

    AFM - I am finally starting to get close to my vacation (just a bout a month away now) and I cant wait. Counting down the days!! I desperately need a break from work and the stresses of life!! I will have a goal to get at least 4 runs in while I am away...I dont want to stray too far off of my training program.
    I was proud of myself this morning...I woke up early and ran before work!! Something I never have the motivation to do. Its nice being at work knowing that I dont have to run still when I get home at 9pm like I usually do!! I may try harder to do that at least once or twice a week on my work days!!
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks for all the welcoming! I've been trying to catch up with all the posts on here, but there's a lot of information! Don't worry, I'm not disappearing, but my posts might not be that elaborate until I feel like I'm getting to know you all :)

    This week was pretty good for me! I lost a pound, ran a couple of times, and went skating with some people from my church and it was a blast! From the day I posted my goals, I think that makes 1 out of 11 workouts (I had already ran twice when I posted those goals). Also, considering I weighed in at 165 this morning, my goal to be under 165 at the end of the month seems totally attainable. I'm going to start the 30DS this week. The plan is to do 30DS 3x and run 3x. I'm taking measurements tonight, so we'll see what I come up with!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Holy smokes - So much activity this weekend! I'm loving it :bigsmile:

    **To the newbs, and everyone else for that matter -- Please don't feel like there's ANY obligation to respond to each and every post, or to "keep up" with everyone. Guamgirl and some other Vets can attest that in the past we'd go through 20+ pages of comments before the 15th or 20th of the month -- It's just way too much to keep up with some days and everyone can appreciate that we just don't always have the time to stay current. There's always some give and take here, and some weeks you may just only have time to post "selfishly", whereas other days you'll have more time to catch up and offer support to those who are in a bind. It's all good! Just give what you can and take what you need - that's what makes this group so good. Until you get to know people, it's absolutely fine just to post some updates on your progress, ask questions, and get to know us! :bigsmile: We're just happy to have you!

    Speaking of which... SHEESH! How am I supposed to keep up with all your FABULOUSNESS ladies?!?! :tongue: So much awesome stuff here!

    Emily (mocha)- It's just Meag :bigsmile: And thank you! I have been doing this running thang since March 2010 and it's taken a LOT of training, time and effort to get to where I am right now. The fact that these other ladies have made such incredible progress in such short time (by comparison) is a testament to how hard they are working! As for how I've increased my endurance - just a LOT of running. Just keep increasing your distance by a little bit, over time. Each week run a few times, and make one your distance-challenge run. Add in 10% of your longest distance each subsequent week, taking a week every month or so to cut back on your distance and allow your body a little rest. If you increase your distance by 10% every week (3 weeks of every 4) eventually over time you'll make your way up! For reference - I ran my first ever 5K in Oct 2010, first every 10K in Oct 2010, first 10mile in Dec 2010, and then ran upto 12 miles in Feb 2011 before sustaining a running injury.

    Meg - Vent away! We all need it sometimes! I can absolutely relate to your roommie issues. It's tough living with someone else - best friend, partners, family member, child, or total stranger. It really doesn't matter. Being in close quarters with someone like that over a long period of time will always have it's ups and downs. It sounds like you understand where your roommate is coming from and while it's hard not to feel hurt, or irritated, in the moment, you are pretty good at rationalizing her actions and feeling better about it after you've had some time to reflect. It's OK to be childish every once in a while too :wink: Just own it! haha Great job on your insanity progress too! You are kicking some butt on those exercises - they are TOUGH! I definitely could not be doing 21 push-up jacks in a minute right now if you asked me, so HOLLAH! Keep at it :drinker:

    Abby - Your running progress is INCREDIBLE! It's so bizarre to look back on our progress and remember so vividly how good it felt to hit those first few milestones now that we're training at a much more "experienced" level, isn't it? I had a total :noway: NSV the other day when I realized that my goal pace from early 2011 has become by recovery pace in 2012! It's incredible how much our bodies and minds can overcome and adapt when we continue to push our limits. As for 10 miles non-stop - I bow down to your awesomeness! I'm not worthy! I still walk every 30 minutes or so, depending on the run. I just cannot get over that wall and keep running. I walk for 1 minute every 30 minutes - it's almost silly. But eh! It works for me :bigsmile: Where's the vacation to, anyhow? I must have missed that post! :blushing: Sorry to have you repeat yourself!

    Holy geez this is getting long... And I still have my own update to post! *deep breathe*

    Cynthia - Heya girlie! Love your posts, as always! You're such an inspiration! Wicked run and great progress - 6 miles easy followed by 3 miles moderate run? Rock on with your fine, fit self, girl! Sheesh! That's awesome! I also find that 3-4 runs a week is more than enough for me - during my first 1/2 marathon training I ran 5 days a week and it was just way too much. i stopped enjoying the sport and it just was way too much for my body. I try to vary my activities now and do spin and some crosstraining at the gym, and it's going well. I'd love to include yoga as well. Nice and balanced!

    Cassandra - Awesome progress so far in January! And thanks for keeping us updated :bigsmile: Keep on coming back when you can and keep us posted!

    OK! Quick post for me, as I have already spent way more time than anticipated on here...

    Ran my 10.38miles + walking yesterday. The road conditions were pretty brutal, but it made the run fun! The snow and traffic slowed me down but I really enjoyed the miles, over all. I couldn't tackle the climb because of the icy roads and the shoulders not being cleared off, but I will save that for another time. I did 10.68 miles total and felt awesome. Great burn too. Today I did 45 minutes of recovery cross training on the Arc Trainer and then 25 minutes of weight lifting and it felt really good. I was looking damn fine at the gym and there were a lot of hot, buff men checking me out. It always feels good to be appreciated :wink: Just sayin'

    Last night I went to dinner with Tyler at a Lebanese restaurant, which was fairly good but very calorie dense. I made good choices though and didn't eat TOO much so I was quite happy with it. We went to a local concert at night and I enjoyed a pint of beer and finally crashed around 1am. It was a nice day, but I am still feeling very conflicted about the whole relationship... :ohwell: I really just want to get away and be on my own for a while to figure it out. Thank goodness I have a trip coming up! I Just need to book something! Leaving in 11 days... Better get on that! :laugh:

    Lastly, I actually cleaned my carpets today and got loads of errands and chores done! Very productive day! :bigsmile: I am planning to make some protein brownies tonight and were having homemade quesadillas for dinner. I know that my weight been fluctuating in the general upward direction, due to who knows what, but I am feeling better about how I look and am just trying to ignore the scale and focus on being happy with my choices and progress. Just gotta find a way to make this journey work for me!

    Have a fabulous Sunday everyone - Enjoy it! Catch up with y'all soon, I hope! :heart:
  • bunsofsteele77
    Ok. So I know there is only 9 days left in January but I'm going to join the challege and am excited for February. Hope you are all doing well at your personal challenges!

    Abby459 - Run 100 miles in January. Find a 1/2 marathon training plan and actually stick to it!! And for my weight, I guess I would like to be under 135 by the months end!!
    Corbinam - to complete the 30 day shred (which i started today), to drink very little pop (maybe even none at all), and keep logging my food and exercise here on MFP!!!
    ChocChipMuffin - keep logging my food and exercise on MFP, start and regularly go to pilates and yoga classes again, keep remembering to take vitamins (I always forget)
    Boolahboo- run 3 times a week, and complete the 30 day shred!
    SeeEmRun2012- maintain a consistent healthy eating pattern, loose one jean size before summer vacation, and run at least once a week (on top of working out 4 days a week)
    Meagalayne- Complete 5 weeks of training for the ATB 30K race, running at least 3x week with long runs on Saturday up to 11 miles, lift weights 2x a week + spin with CrazyCarl on Mondays, stop binging on holidays treats to cope with stress at work, and finish the novel I started in NOLA.
    lalonmeg000 (meg or meghan) - water, water, water! starting that Insanity, 6 days a week :), pack my lunches throughout the week! clean out my car every sunday
    tiffterry- run 2-3 times a week, add some yoga, go to bed a half hour earlier, and go for evening walks.
    missjessicann - Get out of the 150's, stick to month 1 schedule of Insanity, drink enough water, and getting into bed by 1am.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Lose 5 pounds(which will FINALLY put me into the 150s!), run twice a week(lets try that again...), try something new, no sodas, post on this board more!!
    jlrushton12- Lose at least 5lbs, try (and stick to) 30 Day Shred, limit sugar (except from fruits), burn more calories than in December.
    mrswhitehair-Complete the 30 Day Shred, be able to complete the video with no stops & non-modified pushups! Limit pop intake (after I get into the swing of things with student teaching this month, I will set more challenging goals next month!!)
    nicalillo - work out twice a week and for weight somewhere below 120
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Plan, plan, plan!! Plan my meals for the week! Drink my water everyday! Get in as many workouts as my life will allow. Stay on track! Keep reading!!
    naoblue - log all food and exercise on MFP & to make sure to stretch after each workout
    Jessie544- log all my food/excercise on MFP, lose at least 10 lbs, stick to cardio classes I've registered for at the gym....
    npryor100- do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, say 'no' to processed foods and desserts, complete weight/circuit training at least 3 days a week
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia) Train for my 1/2 marathon (March17th), continue weight training 3xs/week if possible fit in some stairs (hill) or other random workouts (hiking, mt. biking), keep hydrating properly, eat more protein, sleep more, give myself a full R&R day! Be more positive in my daily life/work life! Lose 2 pounds or lose some inches overall!
    USNGirlMel- Start working out more often, no late night binge eating, get into marathons! Lose 15 lbs. Plan my meals..... but i need friends and encouragement!!:)
    YLopez04 Continue to log every day on MFP, run 5 miles non stop out door, sign up for my first 5k!!!
    ladyjoie - log all my food in MFP, eat more fruit and veg, go on my crosstrainer 3x a week, lose 7lbs this month, do yoga or pilates twice a week.
    Maridelsol82-Drink at least 10 cups of water a day & exercise everyday. Even if its just a walk.
    mkingraham (Megan)- Actually hit up the gym, stretch everyday, eat healthier
    DDBeard - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week. Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day. Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me). Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)
    Ninjalis- workout 3-4 times a week consistently, logging food intake everyday and trying to maintain less than 1500 cals.
    stacyann1001 - cardio 3 times a week, yoga 1 time a week, learn how to use weights (dont laugh, i have no clue what to do with them), no cheese snacking while home!!!!! (this is my weakness, my most favorite food, i could sit on the couch and eat a pound of cheese and a box of crackers every night), be more positive mentally and emotionally and learn to appreciate my natural flaws
    PattyCake123- Workout on my off days from work as well as the days I only work 8 hour shifts. Plan my grocery shoping before I go. loose 4 lbs and get into one-derland (I'm 1.2 lbs away). Stay well hydrated, especially at work. Log all of my food and exercise daily. Maintain not eating fast food or drinking soda.
    Wrightstuff0- lose 5 pounds and to workout 3 times a week and start zumba class at my gym.
    Lindz625- Stick to my daily calorie goal. Exercise at least 5 times a week.
    AJones1021 - Pre-plan and pack my lunch every day for work. Log my food/exercise in to MFP every day! Continue to take Zumba/belly dancing class 2x a week at the gym.
    Leela 30 - weight train 3-4 times a week
    Miss_magzy - work out 4 times a week, get out of the 170s and into the 160s, drink lots of water and NO SODA
    LisaJuliette: burn 7000kcal a week. be 74kgs by end of Jan (79kgs now)
    maru84- Log my food every single day, even if I go over. Increase calorie awareness. Continue the steady decrease I've been seeing! (In the long term--> stick to my calorie goal with a little wiggle room for a cheat date night on Friday nights, and then increase my activity to make up for those extra calories on that cheat night!)
    cassandralutz- loose 5lbs and work out 3 times a week for at eat 30mins a day
    asbelle- Attend pilates classes once a week at my school's gym; Loose 2 pounds before the month's end; be able to run 3 miles on the treadmill (I ran all the time in high school).; do 3 outdoor sports (I live where it is cold and snowy) before January is gone; Limits my desserts to 3 a week in the cafeteria.
    lilieslosinit- Workout 9 times in 11 remaining days; Below 165lbs.
    bunsofsteele77 - Exercise everyday for the next nine days and increase my protein intake.
  • neat0
    neat0 Posts: 16
    Abby459 - Run 100 miles in January. Find a 1/2 marathon training plan and actually stick to it!! And for my weight, I guess I would like to be under 135 by the months end!!
    Corbinam - to complete the 30 day shred (which i started today), to drink very little pop (maybe even none at all), and keep logging my food and exercise here on MFP!!!
    ChocChipMuffin - keep logging my food and exercise on MFP, start and regularly go to pilates and yoga classes again, keep remembering to take vitamins (I always forget)
    Boolahboo- run 3 times a week, and complete the 30 day shred!
    SeeEmRun2012- maintain a consistent healthy eating pattern, loose one jean size before summer vacation, and run at least once a week (on top of working out 4 days a week)
    Meagalayne- Complete 5 weeks of training for the ATB 30K race, running at least 3x week with long runs on Saturday up to 11 miles, lift weights 2x a week + spin with CrazyCarl on Mondays, stop binging on holidays treats to cope with stress at work, and finish the novel I started in NOLA.
    lalonmeg000 (meg or meghan) - water, water, water! starting that Insanity, 6 days a week :), pack my lunches throughout the week! clean out my car every sunday
    tiffterry- run 2-3 times a week, add some yoga, go to bed a half hour earlier, and go for evening walks.
    missjessicann - Get out of the 150's, stick to month 1 schedule of Insanity, drink enough water, and getting into bed by 1am.
    missgolightly727(Emily) - Lose 5 pounds(which will FINALLY put me into the 150s!), run twice a week(lets try that again...), try something new, no sodas, post on this board more!!
    jlrushton12- Lose at least 5lbs, try (and stick to) 30 Day Shred, limit sugar (except from fruits), burn more calories than in December.
    mrswhitehair-Complete the 30 Day Shred, be able to complete the video with no stops & non-modified pushups! Limit pop intake (after I get into the swing of things with student teaching this month, I will set more challenging goals next month!!)
    nicalillo - work out twice a week and for weight somewhere below 120
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - Plan, plan, plan!! Plan my meals for the week! Drink my water everyday! Get in as many workouts as my life will allow. Stay on track! Keep reading!!
    naoblue - log all food and exercise on MFP & to make sure to stretch after each workout
    Jessie544- log all my food/excercise on MFP, lose at least 10 lbs, stick to cardio classes I've registered for at the gym....
    npryor100- do not eat 2-3 hours before bed, say 'no' to processed foods and desserts, complete weight/circuit training at least 3 days a week
    GreenHumanClay (Cynthia) Train for my 1/2 marathon (March17th), continue weight training 3xs/week if possible fit in some stairs (hill) or other random workouts (hiking, mt. biking), keep hydrating properly, eat more protein, sleep more, give myself a full R&R day! Be more positive in my daily life/work life! Lose 2 pounds or lose some inches overall!
    USNGirlMel- Start working out more often, no late night binge eating, get into marathons! Lose 15 lbs. Plan my meals..... but i need friends and encouragement!!:)
    YLopez04 Continue to log every day on MFP, run 5 miles non stop out door, sign up for my first 5k!!!
    ladyjoie - log all my food in MFP, eat more fruit and veg, go on my crosstrainer 3x a week, lose 7lbs this month, do yoga or pilates twice a week.
    Maridelsol82-Drink at least 10 cups of water a day & exercise everyday. Even if its just a walk.
    mkingraham (Megan)- Actually hit up the gym, stretch everyday, eat healthier
    DDBeard - Workout (Zumba/Cardio/weights) at least 5 times a week. Do not exceed my calorie count 1 day. Eat fresh veg/fruits at least 2 times a day (just getting started and not a fruit/veggie person so this is a challenge for me). Survive my best friend destignation wedding weekend without breaking my diet (Jan 28)
    Ninjalis- workout 3-4 times a week consistently, logging food intake everyday and trying to maintain less than 1500 cals.
    stacyann1001 - cardio 3 times a week, yoga 1 time a week, learn how to use weights (dont laugh, i have no clue what to do with them), no cheese snacking while home!!!!! (this is my weakness, my most favorite food, i could sit on the couch and eat a pound of cheese and a box of crackers every night), be more positive mentally and emotionally and learn to appreciate my natural flaws
    PattyCake123- Workout on my off days from work as well as the days I only work 8 hour shifts. Plan my grocery shoping before I go. loose 4 lbs and get into one-derland (I'm 1.2 lbs away). Stay well hydrated, especially at work. Log all of my food and exercise daily. Maintain not eating fast food or drinking soda.
    Wrightstuff0- lose 5 pounds and to workout 3 times a week and start zumba class at my gym.
    Lindz625- Stick to my daily calorie goal. Exercise at least 5 times a week.
    AJones1021 - Pre-plan and pack my lunch every day for work. Log my food/exercise in to MFP every day! Continue to take Zumba/belly dancing class 2x a week at the gym.
    Leela 30 - weight train 3-4 times a week
    Miss_magzy - work out 4 times a week, get out of the 170s and into the 160s, drink lots of water and NO SODA
    LisaJuliette: burn 7000kcal a week. be 74kgs by end of Jan (79kgs now)
    maru84- Log my food every single day, even if I go over. Increase calorie awareness. Continue the steady decrease I've been seeing! (In the long term--> stick to my calorie goal with a little wiggle room for a cheat date night on Friday nights, and then increase my activity to make up for those extra calories on that cheat night!)
    cassandralutz- loose 5lbs and work out 3 times a week for at eat 30mins a day
    asbelle- Attend pilates classes once a week at my school's gym; Loose 2 pounds before the month's end; be able to run 3 miles on the treadmill (I ran all the time in high school).; do 3 outdoor sports (I live where it is cold and snowy) before January is gone; Limits my desserts to 3 a week in the cafeteria.
    lilieslosinit- Workout 9 times in 11 remaining days; Below 165lbs.
    bunsofsteele77 - Exercise everyday for the next nine days and increase my protein intake.
    neat0 - Increase protein intake, look into joining into a class and manage to run 5k at 10kph
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Both of you have awesome, very realistic goals for Jan! :bigsmile: Welcome!
  • lindz625
    lindz625 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Everyone! So it took me a little while to get motivated since my initial post, but I think I finally found my groove. I started Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD last Monday and I love it. I'm usually bad about starting workout routines and falling off after a few days. I've actually stuck with this for a whole week and have stayed under my calorie goal. I'm not completely happy with the foods I've been eating (a lot of extra snacks that I could probably do without), but it's a good start. I've lost 2 lbs and a few inches, which finally put me below the 5 pound range I've been battling for months. I guess consistant exercise and smart eating really does work (duh!). Anyways, just wanted to share and wish everyone luck with their goals this month. Have a great week!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Meag Thats exactly where Im at I don't want to stop enjoying the sport and feel like it's a chore so i think 3-4 runs is plenty!! Thanks for the recipes and sounds like your day was similar to mine except for I just started doing this thing of really prepping my meals on Sundays it felt really nice today to not worry at all! Your quesadillas sounds amazing i love crispy food. Meag running more than 10 miles in the freezing cold you are one nutty woman ;) Love your dedication and your no excuse kinda outlook, seems like your day was awesome since you got your dose of mr. Carl!! btw you look lean and toned, not focusing on that scale is definitely easier said than done but toss that baby away!! hope you have a great Tuesday and don't wake up sore or too sore!

    Abby Good job Abby getting your run in the am its soo tough for me right now cuz its dark outside and cold but Im sure nothing compared to where you ladies live but getting the motivation to get up early and RUN is tough sometimes! Sounds like you really need this vacation, can you take me with ya uugh I need one too, getting 4 runs while on vacay is a good idea but really enjoy your stay!!

    Meg awesome job sticking with this program! your stats look impressive and lots of progress there too! Do you have to do this program daily?? Is it anything similar to JM 30DS I bet Insanity is more hard core!!

    AFM Today is my one year anniversary gosh i feel like I've been telling everyone, i swear i've been telling my boyfriend 10 days till my one year 5days till my one year and this morning I woke him up and said its my one year anniversary lol he's like, I feel like you've said this a few times already munchkin"! lol it was pretty funny but today was a so so day I pretty much don't like waking up every morning and going to work that place has burned me out and Im so DONE with it but on a happier note I ran after work with a tiny headache, feels like I always have a small-meduim headache after work but once I got my run in it went away and I even managed to run a mile in 8:09 which is AWESOME since Im a shortie lol. Went to bootcamp this evening and boy was it hard we did lower body and ya lets just say my legs were shaking and jello afterwards!! eating my steel cut oats man they take a while to cook but they're delish with some cinnamon! As far as tomorrow goes i think i might do a circuit training at home for upper body and if i still have some energy i'll do my Vinyasa Yoga at home DVD!! Cooked all my meals (with the help of the BF) for the week, baked some protein muffins, made home made granola bars and a chicken bell pepper quinoa soup that is healthy not to crazy in sodium and has a good amount of protein overall my Sunday was by far the best/productive Sunday Ive had in a while and I did some deep cleaning! Thats it for ladies until tomorrow have a great Tuesday! Good Night!! Cynthia! :yawn:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Congrat Cynthia on your one year!!!!

    I've got to run this morning, no time for a post... But here was my foodie experiment last night. It looked better than it tasted unfortunately! And sounds divine - Coconut Cream Chocolate Strawberry Buckwheat Cake!

    for a size comparison...

    It was a little dry and not very sweet, but it was meant as a breakfast item so that's alright. Just not crazy about it. I think maybe I'll mess around with the ingredients and try it again... We shall see!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone - I've got 6 miles on tap for after work and given my HUGE spin class yesterday I am thinking it could be verrrrrrry interesting :huh:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    cynthia- thanks! I was happy with the results. You do it 6 days a week, so sunday's are your offdays. It's much more intense than 30DS. I did a few times in december, and don't get me wrong, I got a nice workout, but not at the level I am getting with Insanity. I like both for different reasons. Hahaha and I love it how excited you are about your 1 year! That is so awesome way to go :)And look at you being productive peggy! Awesome workouts and deliscious healthy goodies! Awesome job

    Emily- you are not a bad bored member! We all get busy at different times. Glad to hear your heart got an okay at the docs. Keep us posted about these next test though!

    AFM: it's tuesday and I am already a stress bug! I have another production meeting tomorrow, and I am learning how to use some new software for the theater, which will be fun, but I am running out of time for everything! The biotch didn't come to work, which is annoying because she is lying on her timesheet, but okay with me because she wasn't in my hair all day.

    I am going to find food because as of now I have only had about 1/2 my calorie goal and I am about the eat the couch :) Happy Tuesday everyone!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Will post tomorrow! have a great Wednesday!! :yawn:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Good morning ladies. I'm up early to head into work before the rest... I've been SWAMPED this week, and have way too much work to catch up on to afford any breaks or any sanity, really. It's just been one of those weeks :ohwell: The good news is that I'm off on holidays Feb 2-6 :bigsmile: And I am hoping to book a trip either tomorrow or Friday finally for it! Jeez - I'm so last minute! I've been run off my feet and just desperate to fit in exercise, everything else has taken a backseat. Including my holiday! And you ladies, unfortunately :ohwell:

    Last night I ran home from work - 6.1miles in 57:30, which isn't a bad clip for me at all. Average pace 9:26, and there was some gradient climb in there, as well. I'm pleased with it. Definitely find it exhausting to run for an hour after a day like that at work, but I think I really need the mental break. It helps me to "let go" of my frustration and stress, even just a little.

    Missing my workout today in lieu of going in early and having to take the pooch to the vet this afternoon... He needs some emergency attention to his sinuses/nasal cavity (TMI? sorry...) and possibly another surgery. Not good for him. He's been struggling with breathing and definitely needs some love and attention. Hoping to get that sorted ASAP.

    Em - sorry to hear about the dating situation but hey, at least there's some positives associated! Maybe you can just workout to be friends, and join his social circle? We can always use new friends... And who knows, maybe he's got a super cute friend with whom you have more chemistry? Meeting new people is ALWAYS a plus! Network network network! Happy to hear that you were given a relatively clean bill of health and that things seem to be OK - good luck with the testing. I am sure everything will be great :bigsmile:

    Meg - Eat, girl! Hope you enjoyed whatever you had :wink:

    Gotta run! Work calls, my loves. Have a great day :bigsmile:
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    I have been horrible at posting on here! Sorry!! i have been reading though, and love to hear how everyone is doing and what you all are up to!

    Em- I know what you are saying, and definitely don't think you should settle. if you just don't feel chemistry, or a spark, then i don't think you can force it. For me, that chemistry is the most important and fun part! I can usually tell right away if I'm attracted to someone int hat way..although there are times when you become more attracted to someone as you get to know them over time...and at that point the friendship can turn into a great relationship. Any other bachelors on the horizon?

    Meag- Did you decide where you are going for your trip? i admire you for just going off on your own and exploring..

    AFM - I am in the process of moving back downtown. I had moved back in with my parents for 8 months to save some money. It was actually really nice, i'm close to my family and love spending time with them. I'm still excited to be out on my own again (without roommate(s)), never lived completely alone so it'll be a new experience. I will be on the top floor of a high rise (also never lived in a high rise), with a great view of parliament and the canal ( i live in Ottawa-Canada) . I'll be able to walk to work which is great.

    I started my marathon run clinic yesterday. The race we are training for is in May. The first day was just an introduction, and a short 5k run (just over 3miles). Some friends from previous run clinics were there which was very nice. I'm very out of shape for running. Tonight the run will be just over 6miles. Th run clinic is Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday..and we are supposed ro run on our own Thursdays and basically running is going to be taking over my life. I hope I will still be able to fit in some crosstraining, athletic conditioning and yoga..although it's looking like that's going to be taking a back seat.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Meag - Thanks!! I know I progress quickly but I think its only because I used to run years ago too. So I think my body still remembers somehow!! Oddly enough I used to compete in Triathalons all of the time....I know its hard to believe and almost embarassing because of how out of shape I have gotten!!! I usually do walk every 1/2 hour or so....this time I just started a lot slower and I think that helped me!! And you didnt miss the post about my vacation I just posted it back in November I think. But its not till the end of Feb. We are going to Riviera Maya, Mexico with about 12 other people so I am very excited!!! And I am glad to hear that you are getting some time off too!! I think you need it WAY more then I do!!! You are so stressed at earned that time off!! Let us know if you book a trip!!

    Cynthia - Its also dark when I get up....this was a TM run....not outside!!! I am still a sissy about the cold and darkness and I am only running outside like 1 day a week lately!! And you should be telling everyone about hitting one year!! It something you worked soo hard for and earned!! You should be so proud of yourself!!! I hope I make it to one year!!

    Emily - Its OK....we didnt forget ya!!! Life gets busy and you have to do what you have to do!! Glad to have you back around though....I cant wait to hear more dating adventures!!! Sorry that bach #1 is only 2/ dont want to settle!! But there will be many other dates and I am sure you will find the person that you completely click with!! Glad to hear everything is OK on the cardiac forefront!!! And that you can workout again!! Keep us posted on the rest of the results!!

    Meg - Sorry your having a stressful week again. But I guess its good that the boss wasnt there...even if she is lying, it does mean that you didnt have to deal with it!! So thats the bright side of it!! Hope you found some food and didnt have to resort to eating your couch!!! I hope the rest of your week eases up and you can find a way to de-stress yourself!!!

    Eleanor - No just post when you can, we all have busy periods and it sounds like you have a lot going on right now!! Hope everything goes well with the move!! And its awesome that you are doing a marathon clinic....we dont have anything like that near me...sounds like it will keep you motivated and on track though!!!

    AFM - well I have been an emotional train wreck lately.....not sure whats going on, but I have been stressed and grumpy this week and not eating well at all. Yesterday I gave into the pasta the doctors bought us for lunch, then ate 2 cookies, then chips and ice cream when I got home!!! I dont even like chips!!! No idea why I ate them. I ended up over cals by 200. It was a rest day too which didnt help. I think that when I feel llike crap I just want to eat like crap!! But oh well....whats do is done and I am trying hard to get back on track today!!! I will keep you posted...but I am heading to the gym and to I guess thats a good start!!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies

    Meg Glad the lying biotch didn't go to work at least you get a day away from her lol! Sounds like you might need a different job too! :wink:

    Abby I agree when I feel like **** I want to eat crappy food makes sense but at least you are aware of it and had a nice healthy day today and you got your run in so thats awesome! Sending positive vibes your way!! :bigsmile:

    Meag Awesome job running 6.1 miles after work and sorry about your pup nice to hear you're taking care of him though, I know many people who don't put there animals as a priority and it's like why the f*** do you have a dog in the first place hope every thing is okay sending some positive vibes his way and yours too since I know you had a long tough day! think VACAY very soon :drinker: let us know where you decide!! :flowerforyou:

    Eleanor That is pretty exciting living on your own I lived on my own for a bit and although sometimes I was bored for the most part it was awesome, but that was also before I had this type of lifestyle so Im sure you are going to be more than busy with the running clinic. so you are doing a full 26.2 in May that is AWESOME let us know how your running clinic is going!! :smile:

    Emily Glad you are A-ok so far hoping everything will be great!! :flowerforyou: As far as your bachelor #1 I would continue to be his friend because like Meag said networking is great and he might have a hot friend that you "click" with or what happened to me might happen to you. I wasn't into my boyfriend at first I actually liked his friend but as time went on he really grew on me and suddenly I was nervous and attracted to him so you NEVER really know, sometimes the chemistry is only superficial so give it some time but don't lead him on if you know he's just not the one definitely don't settle like the other girls said!! Good luck sounds like some good times are ahead for you!

    AFM I did some weights yesterday and as of last night I can officially do 17 push-ups in one minute lol not too impressive but a few months ago I honestly could not even do 1 not 1, but I did 49 last night, total and some planks and lots of other kettle bells exercises my arms are pretty sore today. I did manage to run 4 miles after work and it SUCKED. I had bootcamp Monday and since it's outdoors I wore my crappy/gym shoes since 1. it's raining don't want to ruin my running shoes and 2. we don't run, boy I was wrong we did run and this was also my first Monday class so I had no idea that it was leg day mind you I had a run that AM so my legs were fatigued to say the least and my feet were hurting. I think 1 rest day of running was not sufficient so my run today was torture, might take a rest day tomorrow not sure depends how I feel but If I'm up for it Im going to tackle another boot camp class for upper body assuming Im not sore we shall see. Thats it for me ladies have a great night and an awesome Thursday almost Friday!! :bigsmile: Cynthia
  • NikkiWantsABikini
    Hi Everyone!
    So I am a newbie to not only this challenge but the site as well. I can't wait until the beggining of February and don't think I should so with only less than a week of January remaining I figured I'd get a head start on February's goals. One of my biggest weight loss problems is being able to discipline myself to keep my goals. I'm hoping this website and challenge and all of you will hold me accountable. I try to get my husband and friends to do it , but they always let me slide! No help there! Anyways these are my goals for the tail end of January and month of February.
    NikkiWantsABikini-drink more water, go to gym 5x week, start 30DS (again!), and use this site daily to log activity and progress

    oh and me and the husband are not drinking for the month of Feb. not only for a weight loss kick start but to save money and find new and interesting hobbies :)

    Good luck everyone and keep up the awesome work!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey there ladies... Just a quick post from me.

    I really need to take a step back from MFP right now to focus on some other priorities in my life. Things are just way too stressful, hectic, and just plain depressing right now. I need to get a handle on things and MFP is just taking up more time and energy than I have to spare right now.

    I will be trying to check in periodically, but for the rest of January I will not be posting on this group. I hope you all understand and can keep the month going on strong without me :happy: You're such dedicated, inspired women -- I know that you're all kicking some major *kitten* with your goals and will no doubt hit the mark and head into February strong!

    I will post the Feb challenge on the 1st around midnight, as usual. Promise not to forget. Have a great rest of the month and keep at it. One day at a time :drinker:

    Much love everyone :heart:
  • dhurley88
    dhurley88 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a bit late for the January challenge...but I will be watching for the February one! Good luck everyone :)
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    No worries We got your back Meag do your thing and we will back here when you return! Things will go well for ya stay positive! :bigsmile: