Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - January 2012



  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    There is a group called the same thing - please try and find us on there. I dont know how to post a link x
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    Name: Dawn
    Hubby/Partner: Paul
    How many kids do you have: 3 girls and expecting baby #4
    Due Date: August 17, 2012
    How far along are you: 10 weeks 4 days
    Do you know the gender: no and were not finding out.....being suprised at birth
    Babies Name: still deciding
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Washington State
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Running, Strength training, Yoga
    Anything else you liked to share: I have gained 50 lbs with every pregnancy...with my last I gained house was being remodeled the entire pregnancy and so i literally didn't have any privacy...sat too much i guess.....anyway I DO NOT WANT TO GAIN THAT MUCH AGAIN!! I have lost the weight every time with every pregnancy...joined MFP in August 2010 and couldn't wait to actually have accoutability during my next pregancy. So far ive gained 3lbs and i'm just about 11weeks. It's obvious MFP is a huge hel in keeping me in line!!! I'm looking for the sympathy and encouragment during this pregnancy with many of mommies!!
  • cathynicolette
    cathynicolette Posts: 78 Member
    Hi friends: I started MFP (again) a week ago, dropped 5 pounds and then realized today that I'm 10 days late and confirmed with a positive hpt a few hours ago (our parents don't even know yet). So I guess that would make me 5-ish weeks.

    Name: Cathy
    Husband; Christian
    Children: twins, son is 4 and daughter was stillborn. This is my fourth pregnancy, the other two ended in miscarriage very early So we are really nervous.
    How far along; 5-ish weeks
    Due date: end of september
    Do you know the gender: no
    Names; a girl Abigail Jeannette (after our daughter) boy- no clue
    LIve in Tampa FL

    Workouts: that's my question, I just started this stuff so is it ok for me to keep working out? should I just walk? I need help with that.
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    For those of you who haven't heard the news: we switched over to Group status! Click on the group link below and join us!
    SOOOO... I just took a stab at trying to create a "Fit, Fabulous, & Pregnant" Group. Here's the link:

    I added Discussion Topics that you all have mentioned. Check it out, give me some feedback, and join! I'm pretty new to the thread, so some of you who have been using this tool longer might have some better insight on how to make this as useful as possible for all the future moms that are flocking to this forum!


    If anyone's still having trouble finding us, you can always search for the "Fit, Fabulous, & Pregnant" group! Lots of healthy mamas-to-be sharing great info and giving each other support! :wink:

    You can always message me if you have trouble!

  • jenniferlmills
    My Introduction

    Name: Jennifer
    Hubby: Chris
    How many kids do you have: 1, almost 7 years old
    Due Date: Sept 24, 2012
    How far along are you: 7 weeks
    Do you know the gender: Don't know
    Babies Name: no clue
    Where do you live (if you want to share): North Carolina
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Zumba, Elliptical, Walking, Strength training at least 2 times a week
    Anything else you'd like to share: I am really excited! I am also ready for the nausea and constipation to go away haha
  • flgirlsteph
    flgirlsteph Posts: 125 Member
    My Introduction

    Name: Stephanie
    Hubby: Jason (bf)
    How many kids do you have: 1 a 2yr old son
    Due Date: July 8, 2012
    How far along are you: 19 weeks
    Do you know the gender: Yes a girl
    Babies Name: Sophia Brooke
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Georgia
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Nothing other than walking and taking care of my son. I'm a very high risk pregnancy so I'm not allowed to do much other than walking.

    Ive been sticking to eating good mostly. I've lost 40lbs since I got pregnant. Somehow I'm not gaining any weight no matter how much I eat lol. Crazy things pregnancy does to ya.