Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - January 2012



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Quick check in before I head to my meeting today.

    Thank you all for responses regarding laundry detergent & breastfeeding. On my TODO list I have to research Craigslist vs Insurance for the breast pump.

    I also need to contact HR to see what forms/documents and other things are necessary prior to going on maternity leave. I need to double check our short term disability in conjunction with maternity leave. I've heard several different scenarios and I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case. While I'm doing that, I'll also ask about a room to breastfeed. I've walked around and haven't found one but we'll see??

    QUESTION OF THE DAY (i'm full of questions :laugh:)

    When do you register at the hospital? the day of delivery? prior? Do we do this? Does our Dr do this?

    Thanks again ladies!! :happy:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to let you all know that I will not be following this thread least not now. I had a miscarriage on New Years Day. I really don't even know what to say. My husband and I had been ttc for 6 months and we were so excited to finally be expecting our second little one. I was 10 weeks and 3 days on Sunday. I am so completely crushed...I can hardly even see the screen because I'm bawling my eyes out. Right now, the only thing keeping me from curling up in the bed and crying all day is my son....I am so blessed to have him to keep me going. I hope that everyone's pregnancy is and continues to go well and I wish you all the best. Hopefully, I will be rejoining you in the near future...if I ever get the courage to try again. This is truly the most heartbreaking thing I have ever experienced. If y'all don't mind, please say a little prayer for me and my husband. God Bless you all.

    I'm so sorry to hear this Dixijo. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you find comfort in your family during this tough time.

    I'll have to catch up later; this board is flying.

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Quick check in before I head to my meeting today.

    Thank you all for responses regarding laundry detergent & breastfeeding. On my TODO list I have to research Craigslist vs Insurance for the breast pump.

    I also need to contact HR to see what forms/documents and other things are necessary prior to going on maternity leave. I need to double check our short term disability in conjunction with maternity leave. I've heard several different scenarios and I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case. While I'm doing that, I'll also ask about a room to breastfeed. I've walked around and haven't found one but we'll see??

    QUESTION OF THE DAY (i'm full of questions :laugh:)

    When do you register at the hospital? the day of delivery? prior? Do we do this? Does our Dr do this?

    Thanks again ladies!! :happy:

    Probably depends on Hospital, our hospital sent us a pre-registration form that we filled out about a month or 2 prior to expected delivery date or I could have completed it online. Then on the day I got checked in the first time it was early so i had to go through a patient registration, which was a quick process since some of information was already in the system. The the day I actually checked in becaue I went into labor,patient registration was closed when I showed up to the hospital at I went straight to labor and delivery and they registered me there.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Dixiejo - I'm so sorry for your loss. :( I just said a prayer for you and your husband. I've had two miscarriages in the past so I know how heartbreaking they are. God bless sweetie.

    Ashley - LOVE the nusery!! Did you get your crib at Target too? It looks like the one we got this weekend. We got it and the dresser. I'm not sure if I'm getting that glider or not, but I love that it matches. :) The only thing about it I don't like is the ottoman. I don't want that type of ottoman. I suppose I could sell it on Craigslist. Is it comfy?

    Quick check in before I head to my meeting today.

    Thank you all for responses regarding laundry detergent & breastfeeding. On my TODO list I have to research Craigslist vs Insurance for the breast pump.

    I also need to contact HR to see what forms/documents and other things are necessary prior to going on maternity leave. I need to double check our short term disability in conjunction with maternity leave. I've heard several different scenarios and I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case. While I'm doing that, I'll also ask about a room to breastfeed. I've walked around and haven't found one but we'll see??

    QUESTION OF THE DAY (i'm full of questions :laugh:)

    When do you register at the hospital? the day of delivery? prior? Do we do this? Does our Dr do this?

    Thanks again ladies!! :happy:

    I need to start checking with my HR department about maternity leave soon too. I can't believe I'll be 30 weeks next Friday!! Luckily I have an office with a locking door so I'll be able to pump. Not to mention, I only work 4 hours a day.
    As far as registering, my dr's office gave me a little pamphlet to register at the hospital. I'm dropping it off tomorrow when I go in for my ultrasound. They told me to take it around 28 weeks so I'm almost a week late, but whatever. lol I'd ask your dr about regsitering because each place is probably different.
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Argh, this group is so gigantic. Still no one wants to make it into a group? We could make trimester threads, diet thread, an exercise thread, etc and it would be easier to follow. No one wants this still? Really?

    I think I would... didn't know you could break off into a whole other group?! It would definitely be easier to keep track! (especially for a newbie like me!)
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    AFM- I had my 18 week anatomy scan today and everything looks great. I had to laugh because I did as I was told and followed the 40oz of water to be completed an hour before the exam. Well let me tell you I was in agony by the time they called me for my scan. The first thing the U/S tech scans was my bladder and all she said was "OH MY! Are you ok??" I replied that it was definitely very full but I was too excited to see the baby again to wait and go pee as she offered me to do. I don't think I'll make that mistake again since I was so uncomfortable for the duration of the scan. Baby is extremely active which I'm happy about. The tech was actually laughing out loud trying to follow baby around through all the flips and twists it was doing. They weren't able to tell 100% (because baby wouldn't stay still) the sex of the baby. The tech said her best guess is a girl since she didn't catch a glimpse of any "extras" as she called them while the baby was flipping about. I was 95% sure going into the exam it was a girl so I'm saying its a girl. Hubby is soooooooo excited to have a little girl (he really wanted a girl and I really wanted a boy.) I guess he gets the final "say" so it would make sense that he got his way :wink: haha. I'm ecstatic regardless that baby is looking "normal" and healthy.
    Amanda - glad your scan went well. Mine is next week and I'm already dreading drinking all that water without being able to go pee -- geez- I feel like I pee every 15 min now! It was funny to hear about the baby moving around so much. I hope mine behaves... the hubby is really anxious to find out if we're having a boy or girl!
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    Argh, this group is so gigantic. Still no one wants to make it into a group? We could make trimester threads, diet thread, an exercise thread, etc and it would be easier to follow. No one wants this still? Really?

    Seconded. There could be a separate check-in thread so we can keep everyone straight too.
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    Quick check in before I head to my meeting today.

    Thank you all for responses regarding laundry detergent & breastfeeding. On my TODO list I have to research Craigslist vs Insurance for the breast pump.

    I also need to contact HR to see what forms/documents and other things are necessary prior to going on maternity leave. I need to double check our short term disability in conjunction with maternity leave. I've heard several different scenarios and I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case. While I'm doing that, I'll also ask about a room to breastfeed. I've walked around and haven't found one but we'll see??

    QUESTION OF THE DAY (i'm full of questions :laugh:)

    When do you register at the hospital? the day of delivery? prior? Do we do this? Does our Dr do this?

    Thanks again ladies!! :happy:

    My nurse said that I could register any time now. She gave me the stuff at my appointment, and I'm only at 9 weeks. It's just so it's all taken care of and you don't have to fill out a lot of forms while you are in labor. Here, you have to do it, and you definitely want to do it before the day of delivery. It might work differently at your hospital. Your OB's office could probably give you a number to call at your hospital to ask about it.
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Denise & ladies -- thanks so much for all the dialogue on laundry detergent and breast pumps! I'm learning a lot. These are definitely things I've been wondering about and researching. Insurance covers pump costs.... who knew?!

    A few other things I'm currently working on....

    1. Cribs. The hubby and I have started browsing and looking around. What kinds of cribs do you ladies have and how are they? Any ideas on how we can keep this affordable and still get something nice and safe?

    2. Cloth diapers. How many of you have done this or are planning to cloth diaper? How involved is the process? What do you feel are the biggest pros/cons?

    Hope everyone's having a great Wed! :) Only 9 days until I go to my 20 week u/s and check out my little one!!!!
  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Quick check in before I head to my meeting today.

    Thank you all for responses regarding laundry detergent & breastfeeding. On my TODO list I have to research Craigslist vs Insurance for the breast pump.

    I also need to contact HR to see what forms/documents and other things are necessary prior to going on maternity leave. I need to double check our short term disability in conjunction with maternity leave. I've heard several different scenarios and I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case. While I'm doing that, I'll also ask about a room to breastfeed. I've walked around and haven't found one but we'll see??

    QUESTION OF THE DAY (i'm full of questions :laugh:)

    When do you register at the hospital? the day of delivery? prior? Do we do this? Does our Dr do this?

    Thanks again ladies!! :happy:

    My nurse said that I could register any time now. She gave me the stuff at my appointment, and I'm only at 9 weeks. It's just so it's all taken care of and you don't have to fill out a lot of forms while you are in labor. Here, you have to do it, and you definitely want to do it before the day of delivery. It might work differently at your hospital. Your OB's office could probably give you a number to call at your hospital to ask about it.
    Yeah... my Dr. gave me a handout with registration instructions for the hospital and said we could register anytime between now and up to a week before delivery. However, she really urged us to get it done sooner than later to make sure an early delivery doesn't leave us filling out paperwork at the hospital while in labor! This is on my TODO list to have done by the end of this month.

  • Shaninrdh
    Can anyone tell me where you add pregnant? I know I need 300 more calories a day and I an excercising. I hope there is a way to add it so I can be accurate.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    OK, I'll check back in now that I've gotten a couple things accomplished today. :smile:

    A couple people had questions about my nursery furniture - the crib came from Babies R Us, glider from Target. The tall dresser is an antique we got from an interior designer who refinished furniture as a hobby and sells on Craigslist. It is super solid (like 300 pounds solid; my husband loved getting that one up our 1933 staircase) and we got it for $160! I did a lot of searching on Craigslist for unique pieces for several months and the painting and distressing made them different as well.

    As far as turning the thread into a group, I posed this question at the end of November and noone really cared one way or the other. Sine I volunteered to start December and January, I was lazy and didn't learn new things like how to create a group. I think it is more exclusive; like you have to join or something. As this board has gotten VERY busy, I don't think it's a bad idea. I think a lot of people "join" the thread, respond a few times and then disapear. It is hard to keep up! I reckon someone else will need to take over starting February so maybe that would be a good time for a change. I do like the idea of different trimesters to keep the group sizes smaller. Melissa, it sounds like you have some good ideas....maybe a group administrator? :wink:

    Shanin - there is no pregnant setting. Most of us just change our goals to weight gain. Page 1 of the thread has some details.

    Last night was very productive for me. I intended on 30 minutes on the treadmill but after about 15 I started getting a cramp in my lower left side so I quit at 21 minutes. Plus we wanted to go to Babies R Us and finish the registry. After registry completion discount, new credit card discount, coupons, rewards bucks, and gifts cards, we were only out $217! Not too bad and I am glad to have all that done. We even got another carseat base which I thought we were going to have to order. I also drank a ton of water yesterday and was in bed with lights off by 10:45 so got close to my desired bed time. I was awake between 2 and 3 blowing my nose and coughing, woke again at 5am but was able to fall back asleep pretty quick. I'm still tired today and this sickness is totally sucking. Typically I would ride it out and let my body fight it off but I'm wondering if I need meds due to a possible lowered immune system. I'm going to ask the dr today.

    Speaking's ultrasound day! I'm about 80% excited and 20% nervous. My appointment is at 1:30 ET. So I better engulf myself in work so time will pass quickly. Hope you all have a great Wednesday!

  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Denise & ladies -- thanks so much for all the dialogue on laundry detergent and breast pumps! I'm learning a lot. These are definitely things I've been wondering about and researching. Insurance covers pump costs.... who knew?!

    A few other things I'm currently working on....

    1. Cribs. The hubby and I have started browsing and looking around. What kinds of cribs do you ladies have and how are they? Any ideas on how we can keep this affordable and still get something nice and safe?

    2. Cloth diapers. How many of you have done this or are planning to cloth diaper? How involved is the process? What do you feel are the biggest pros/cons?

    Hope everyone's having a great Wed! :) Only 9 days until I go to my 20 week u/s and check out my little one!!!!

    Crib - I got my son's crib at Babies R US...ordered it in the store came about a month later. They delivered and the guy set it up...super easy. Will probably by the new baby a crib from the same place...I usually like to wait until they have a huge sale...I got both my carseats for 50% off by waiting for a sale and also using the 20% they hand out at there trade in events.

    Cloth diapers - I commented on this before...I currently use them on my son, and will also on the new baby as I still have the smalls i used on my son. In the beginning we used a lot of prefolds and covers, because they are cheap and with some many changes it was easier. I know love pockets for ease of stuffing and all in one ( which are pretty much everything sewn together )so you put on baby and then onces soiled you take it off and put it in the diaper pail. Lot of people swear by bumgenius, which you can get lots of places, babies r us sells a hybrid verision called the gdiaper which allows either cloth inserts or compostable inserts you shredd and flush depending on your sewer system. The start up cost is a bit pricey especially if you buy bran new but the long term savings if you have more kids is worth it in my opinion. I got my startup status via craigslist, my sister who also cloths diapers her LO couldn't stand the thought of used diapers so she purchased hers on and looked for online cloth diaper stores going out of business. Someone posted a youtube video ealier also. I enjoy coth diaper...
    Cons - the smell - finding the right pail and liner are key. For some the washing and folding...I literally have to wash weekly and prep them weekly... Of course I could go on and on but if you want to talk more about it you can pm me...also if we started a group this would be a great topic under the group since so many people are considering it.

    As for the group...I am not opposed, my only thing is if we have different trimesters is that we miss the knowledge from the people who are ahead of us who are learning new things and discovering new things. That's the only would make keeping track of people easier...but I also think the samething happens in a group as on the thread some people come comment once or twice and then never return...either way for me is fine.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Quick check in before I head to my meeting today.

    Thank you all for responses regarding laundry detergent & breastfeeding. On my TODO list I have to research Craigslist vs Insurance for the breast pump.

    I also need to contact HR to see what forms/documents and other things are necessary prior to going on maternity leave. I need to double check our short term disability in conjunction with maternity leave. I've heard several different scenarios and I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case. While I'm doing that, I'll also ask about a room to breastfeed. I've walked around and haven't found one but we'll see??

    QUESTION OF THE DAY (i'm full of questions :laugh:)

    When do you register at the hospital? the day of delivery? prior? Do we do this? Does our Dr do this?

    Thanks again ladies!! :happy:

    My nurse said that I could register any time now. She gave me the stuff at my appointment, and I'm only at 9 weeks. It's just so it's all taken care of and you don't have to fill out a lot of forms while you are in labor. Here, you have to do it, and you definitely want to do it before the day of delivery. It might work differently at your hospital. Your OB's office could probably give you a number to call at your hospital to ask about it.
    Yeah... my Dr. gave me a handout with registration instructions for the hospital and said we could register anytime between now and up to a week before delivery. However, she really urged us to get it done sooner than later to make sure an early delivery doesn't leave us filling out paperwork at the hospital while in labor! This is on my TODO list to have done by the end of this month.


    Your very welcome!! I'm a new mommie so I have tons of questions about how to do what and when :wink: I did recieve and email from the hospital that informed me if I register with them then all the classes that they offer would be free. Otherwise, they are $35 a pop. So I asked for a registration package-

    I also called my doctor because when I called my insurance yesterday they told me my deductible was lower than what my dr quoted me last year??

    As for different threads- I like having just one thread but I'll go with the majority!

    have a great day!
  • Shaninrdh
    Thank you!
  • Shaninrdh
    Thank you!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    thank you for the replies on the swelling. at this point...i took them off yesterday and put them on a necklace to wear. i just hate having them feel at least i am still 'wearing' them :happy:

    yesterday was a sweet day. i cant stand when i do that...especially when i am coming off the vacation and all i want to do is be good. its super frustrating...but if i have one piece of chocolate it is SO hard for me to stop! i hate that i have no will power over it. its like i have to shut it out of my diet because after one its all over. so needless to say...i had good intentions yesterday AM and they all went to *kitten* :cry:

    BUT...i am not going to let that bring me down today...its a new day and i am going to re-focus and get my act in gear. lots and lots of water and healthy meals!

    on a more fun note...we had some friends over last night for the premier of The Bachelor...i have never seen the show (besides when it first came out a while ago) but my roommate from college is on it and it was SO wild to see her on TV!!! so i will definitely be watching this season!!!

    hope everyone has a great day!!!

    Good idea to put your rings on a necklace... I'm not looking forward to having to take off my rings.

    I watched the Bachelor last night too! OMG so much drama!!! Which girl is your old roommate??? My husband was watching the show with me and was giggling the whole time by how ridiculous some of the ladies were acting.... definitely entertaining! :)

    her name is Rachel Truehart...shes the fashion rep from NYC...blonde with bangs and wore a red dress the first night! its seriously so surreal seeing her on TV!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Quick check in here...I have my ultrasound today...second one...hoping munchkin will cooperate a little better this time so I can have some nicer pictures! Also doing my glucose test. I gained a bit more over the holidays than I had hoped, so I'm hoping that by getting on the ball, I can just maintain weight for a bit and level back out! We shall see. I did get in a great cardio/strength workout last night. And the plan tonight is some yoga.

    Hope all you ladies are doing wonderfully!

    Kristin--26 weeks
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    agree big time with the super busy thread! i love reading everyone's but its so hard to keep up! group sounds good so that there can be little break off groups.

    quick check in for me...hit 33 weeks today! and i know i say this every week...but time is just wizzing by!!! tonight i am going to grab some new detergent for the house and wash all of parkers clothes (thinking about going with the Tide or All brand with no dyes/scents), get a work out in and just do some organizing around the house. i have had a decent amount of energy at the end of the day ...its the mornings that are killing me. i can not get out of bed...and i keep getting into work later and later (no bueno!). so i am going to take advantage of my energy after work and get some things crossed off the to do list!

    hope everyone has a great day!!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member