Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - January 2012



  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    I'm adding myself on the calendar
    25- Better_Balance (Girl)

    23 - Rayna (boy - Mason)

    10 - mama_corn (girl - Charlotte)
    12 - babeed854 (boy)
    15 - MidniteDayDre (boy - Kaiden)

    4 - kistinbee (??)
    13 - svgarcia (girl)

    20 - monky13grl (boy -Marcus)
    21 - gisele246 (girl)

    1 - batgirlrox
    9 - bmfrazie
    18- kelley_m

    7 - yahyamommy
    14 - Lindz8afish
    15 - MrsJax11
    16 - moyagifura
    25 - JennieMuzz

    24 - misslouisiana
    25 - Kel_be
    29 - Brandy715
    30 - Lilylove86

    9 - Racevez
    12 - amkgraham
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    UPDATE --- I will try to update this a few times this month too as new people join.

    25- Better_Balance (Girl)

    23 - Rayna (boy - Mason)

    10 - mama_corn (girl - Charlotte)
    12 - babeed854 (boy)
    15 - MidniteDayDre (boy - Kaiden)

    4 - kistinbee (??)
    13 - svgarcia (girl)

    20 - monky13grl (boy -Marcus)
    21 - gisele246 (girl)

    1 - batgirlrox
    9 - bmfrazie
    18 - Kelley_m

    7 - yahyamommy
    14 - Lindz8afish
    15 - MrsJax11
    16 - moyagifura
    25 - JennieMuzz

    24 - misslouisiana
    25 - Kel_be
    29 - Brandy715
    30 - Lilylove86

    9 - Racevez
    12 - amkgraham
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Kelley_m: I did it at the same time you did :) LOL
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Name: Kristy
    Hubby/Partner: Eric
    How many kids do you have: This is our 1st
    Due Date: March 23rd, 2012
    How far along are you: 28 weeks 3 days
    Do you know the gender: Girl
    Babies Name: Abigail "Abbie" Elizabeth
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Southern Maryland
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, elliptical, and prenatal yoga. I was running some but haven't since about 20 weeks. I am starting to do a little light strength training as well.

    Congrats Nichole and Elizabeth!!! Great birth stories! :)
  • dasexiimommy
    Hey ladies I gave proper introduction in last months forum. I announced to MFP that I was expecting today. I know that in the first trimester you have no energy at all and I feel bad I havent even gone for a walk and I was doing so well with working out and eating good....hopefully this will pass soon and I can get ba ck to doing something!!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Brandy--- i had the WORST morning sickness (all-day sickness, actually) from wks 5-9 and i tried everything: ginger gum, sea-bands, preggie pops, ginger ale, peppermint, sleeping on my left side, lemon water... you name it, i tried it. for four consecutive days i couldn't keep down food or water so i ended up in the ER where they gave me an IV and prescribed Zofran. I was in no place to say refuse medication (even though it wasn't something i was for) and it has been a lifesaver. it doesn't take away all the nausea but it does keep you from throwing up (I haven't since week 5 when i left the hospital!). *like someone else said, it is definitely constipating so i was told to get a probiotic to take with it and that has helped.
    i am now almost 11 weeks and the nausea is almost completely gone (yayyyy!) so there is light at the end of the tunnel. :)

    jennie :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! I will keep that in mind!
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    Nurse intake and first ultrasound this afternoon. Any tips? What should I do or expect?

    I have my list of questions, but I think the nurse will probably say "You'll have to ask the doctor." And I'm not sure when I'll get to talk to her yet. Hopefully, I will have another appointment scheduled to meet with her.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Happy New Year ladies! It is so exciting to see so many new mommies on here! We started this group with about 4 of us and now this group has so many people it is hard to keep track of everyone! It is so awesome to see so many pregnant women with a passion for staying fit and healthy during their pregnancy! I truly believe this is what made my pregnancy almost perfect (I say almost cause I had some horrible rib pain at the very end...but besides that my pregnancy was a breeze and felt great), my labor/delivery textbook, and my recovery pretty awesome too (I'm now only 6lbs away from my prepreg weight and Charlee is only 6wks old!) I'm not bragging at all...just telling you how worth it it is to keep up the awesome work and keep doing what you are doing! :) I just love fitness and living a healthy life and I respect and admire others that have the same passion for life! Your babies are SO worth it!

    Belinda I just wanted to suggest also looking into The Bradley Method for natural childbirth. It is the class that my husband and I took and I truly believe it helped us both in the labor/delivery. I was able to have a beautiful natural birth and used a lot of what I learned in the class. Good luck! :)

    Ashley you are next! I can't believe you are so close! I am so excited for you! I can't wait for you to move over to the mommy board!

    To everyone else, keep up the awesome work! It isn't always easy to pass up all the junk and to get up and get in a workout...but it is SO worth it! I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that you all have healthy pregnancies and the ultimate goal of a healthy baby and healthy mommy!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Heather - I know I can speak for most of us when I say that you are such an inspiration!!! When I feel lazy and don't feel like doing anything I think of you "pushing past the lazies" and I get my rear in gear! :) Thank you for being so darn amazing! :)

    I'll be going to the gym for cardio today. It's so chilly outside so I'll be doing cardio indoors. Eric started P90X again yesterday and I did some strength training with him with light weights, of course. I'm glad he's doing it because this will help me incorporate more strength back into my routine. I think he has plyo today so that's why I'm going to the gym and doing the elliptical and treadmill. :)

    We had a nice, long, relaxing weekend. We bought Abbie's crib and dresser and got that all put together. I washed all of her clothes and put them away. Man, Ashley, you're right...that takes forever!!! We're combining our guest room and nursery so we got a new comforter set for the guest bed that will go with the nursery colors. It looks pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. :) I still need to get a glider chair and work on decorations for the room, but at least we have the main stuff in there. A friend of mine is giving us a baby shower next Saturday so that'll be fun.

    We have another ultrasound this Thursday and I'm so excited!! I'm hoping they do 3D again. I'll be 29 weeks on Friday so she should have more fat on her face this time. :)

    Goals for the week:
    Yesterday: Did about 20 minutes of strength as well as walking around Wal-Mart for a couple hours.
    Today: 1 hour cardio
    Tomorrow: 20-30 minutes of strength & 45 minutes prenatal yoga
    Thursday: 1 hour cardio
    Friday: 20-30 minutes strength & 45 minutes yoga.
    Hopefully we'll have some warmer days to walk the dogs during the week as well.
  • Shells_battle
    Name: Shell
    Hubby/Partner: Dave
    How many kids do you have: This is our 5th
    Due Date: August 10th 2012
    How far along are you: around 8 weeks
    Do you know the gender: ??
    Babies Name: Ted/Teddy for a boy, not decided girl yet
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Plymouth UK
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, I don't plan to do a lot else as with having 4 others I am already quite busy on my feet.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all :) man this board is busy! So many new ladies I can't keep track! lol

    Well there have been some new developments in my situation...I am going to be applying for short term disability to see if I get approved and take off work early. 6 weeks early to be exact. I'm trying to tough it out but it's really taking a toll on me. This carpal tunnel business is no joke. I'm wearing hand braces now which help somewhat but cause my fingers to swell worse so I can't wear them for too long. Sleep deprivation is also starting to get to me because I am waking up so often because of my hands (even sleeping with the braces on) combined with having to pee all the time and then just not being able to get back to sleep. Last night I probably had 4 hours of sleep in total. It was brutal. And now I'm pretty much useless at work.
    I sent my boss an email because I haven't seen her since Dec 15th and I want to give her some warning before she comes back to the office on Friday. I'm hoping to be off starting January 9th but we'll see. I made an appointment to see my Doctor tomorrow to get the paperwork started - I'm going to continue working until I find out if my short term disability is approved - the HR manager in our Calgary office said she couldn't see why it wouldn't be approved but I want to keep working until I know so that if by chance it isn't approved I will just keep working (even though that will be very hard) because I don't want to start my mat leave that early. So I will keep you posted. I didn't want to be off work this early but I really need to think of not only my health but Mason's as well, being stressed out all the time and getting no sleep and being in pain all day probably aren't so good - plus I don't want to do any long term damage to my hands.

    Anyways, that's the latest. Other than this new update my weekend was pretty good. Got a lot of things accomplished and I think we're pretty much set for baby products etc that we need for the first little while anyway. Just need a glider chair and some back up change pad covers and maybe some more diapers.
    I got my hair done yesterday, just some highlights/lowlights to brighten up my hair - I have my pregnancy photo shoot this weekend so I just want to look my best because I feel far from it these days lol.

    I have two breastfeeding classes coming up this month on the 16th and 23rd, really looking forward to them. Anyone else taking classes?
    Also, does anyone have any books yet on newborns? Any people would recommend?

    I'm really hoping I can get some workouts in this week, I'm going to try to go to the gym in my neighbourhood this week and walk on the treadmill or do the elliptical. I really need to keep up my water consumption as well to help with this swelling and cut down on the salt...I may have had too much this word: Tostitos

    Anyway - hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    Name: Amy
    Hubby/Partner: Brian
    How many kids do you have: 4 year old Kaiden August, cancer survivor extraordinaire!
    Due Date: August 29, 2012
    How far along are you: ~6 weeks
    Do you know the gender: not yet
    Babies Name: TBD although, for a girl, I love the name Kaia
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Dallas, TX
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Boot camp, walking, swimming
    Anything else you'd like to share: I feel so old being pregnant at 38! My son is super excited to become a big brother. We'll see how long that last. :) Ideally, I wish I could maintain my weight (the baby gains, I lose), but realistically, I'm hoping to gain no more than 15-20 pounds. I'm not as healthy as I was when I had Kaiden and I'm worried because I have high blood pressure. I'm committed to eating as cleanly and healthy as I can and getting as much exercise as possible.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    OK, Here are pics of the nursery. We still need a rug and changing pad cover, but it's about 95% done!




  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    Been working on our "TO DO" list for the last few days and man have we knocked off some items!! Nursery is done!! We opted not to do the mural and just hang picture frames since we know we're going to change the room once he become a toddler.

    Hubby & I agreed (since I'm an extreme couponer) that we also need to focus on our post baby home stock pile. We know it'll be difficult to get out the house the first few days and want to have a few items on hand that we know we'll need (since both our families will be in and out of the house) for example: toilet paper, paper plates, paper towels, ect....

    Both my SIL & a few friends have stated that I use nothing else other than DREFT for laundry detergent.
    problem is it's a bit pricey and it may be out of our budget in the long run?? Has anyone else used Tide (dye/perfume free) or ALL (dye/perfume free)???

    Thank you!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    OK, Here are pics of the nursery. We still need a rug and changing pad cover, but it's about 95% done!





  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Ashley- I love the is very cute and cozy...and I really adore the blue vintage dresser...ahh...your little one is going to absolutely love it.

    Belinda - I don't use Dreft because when I started using it for my son's clothes it had a slight smell not a bad one just one I didn't like so I used ALL Free and Clear and that worked out fine...last month I used 7th Generation no dye/no perfumes and it was ok...but the hubby doesn't seem to like it so back to ALL I go.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Ashley - The nursery is so cute!!

    Belinda - I use All F&C and really like it. I wash my son's cloth diapers in it and have had no stains. Per the cloth diaper recommendation (I use BumGenius) I only bleach once a month so it has to be the detergent!

    Went to my OB apt this morning. Baby is healthy, placenta looks great. So I got the OK to go back to normal activity!! He said to start out slow, no more than walking a mile a day. And take it from there. So my plan this week is to get back on the treadmill every morning! I'd go for a walk but it's about 20 degrees here ha!

    Anyway, just had to share the great news :D Happy Tuesday everyone!

    Lindsay, 12 weeks
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Name: Rosanna
    Hubby/Partner: Jose
    How many kids do you have: This is #1
    Due Date: January 10, 2012
    How far along are you: 39 Weeks today!
    Do you know the gender: Nope
    Babies Name: If its a Boy, Massimo Biagio. If its a Girl, Tiziana Danielle
    Where do you live: Chicago, IL
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: At this point walking. I was doing some minor strength/cardio and pre-natal yoga, but that has tapered as my pregnancy progressed.
    Anything else you'd like to share: I have gained a total of 20lbs and am 3.5cm dilated and 50-60% effaced as of last week's appointment. I will find out if anything has changed tomorrow at my next follow-up. I am getting extremely anxious and exceedingly more excited!

    Welcome all the newbies! You're going to love this board. What an inspiring, positive group of ladies!!

    ElizabethJ17: Congratulations! So excited for you!

    Nichole: Also huge Congratulations!

    Imperfect511: Congratulations!!!

    THANKS BRENDA! Everyone is having their baby, but mine is still baking. :smile: Sorry I haven't checked in. Had a lot of family in from out of town and with the holidays, it just got too chaotic. Unfortunately MFP took the brunt of the negligence. Glad to hear you had a great holiday.

    Denise: So glad to hear you're doing well. I have actually heard that Dreft is full of perfumes and additives and won't be using it. If your baby should have sensitive skin, it could cause serious issues. I am using EcoSprout. Here is the link to their website. Its safe for cloth diapering and all the other good stuff for baby. It is also very comparable, if not cheaper than most commercial laundry detergents. 48 oz bag: 48 to 96 loads* $13.98.

    Belinda: I plan on cloth diapering! Here is a link to a youtube series I found extremely helpful. Also, look into any local cloth diapering specialty stores in your area. I found one in Chicagoland, and the ladies that own the place are outrageously helpful. You might have the same experience. I feel pretty well-informed at this point so feel free to message me with any questions.

    Heather: I ditto Kristy!

    Ashley: LOVE THE NURSERY!!! Adorable.

    AFM: I've had lots of family in from out of country for the holidays and my Aunt's/Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration. We spent every available moment showing them the city. They left yesterday so things should return to normalcy. Whatever is normal these days anyway. I suppose I shouldn't get too used to anything though because this baby could come any day now. (So excited!) We did get our crib delivered on Friday and the hubs and I were able to get all that we could accomplished, which pretty much means everything. I want to put a wall decal up on the wall behind the crib, and we won't be receiving the dresser until likely the end of January so there will be minor work to be done still, but all the major stuff is ready to go. I will try to post a few pics in the next few days. I also got my maternity shots back and am super excited at the results. I am a little self-conscious because I am bare belly but I think I might post one anyway. Eating over the holidays was fine. I have been allowing myself to indulge a bit more lately, partly because of the holidays, and partly because I am so close to my due date...I guess I feel like I'm treating myself. I feel great, and I really can't say I've in the 'I shouldn't have just done that' feeling. I have been walking much more consistently lately, getting anywhere from 2.5 to 3.5 miles in with the pups. And with everything going on, I haven't had a any time to mope around and be lazy. In one way or another I have been extremely active. That's not to say there isn't significant room for improvement, as there always is.

    Goals for the week:
    INCREASE water!!!
    Stay consistent in my walking routine.

    I also updated the Due Date Calendar, and added myself in:
    10-Rosanna (Unknown)
    25- Better_Balance (Girl)

    23 - Rayna (boy - Mason)

    10 - mama_corn (girl - Charlotte)
    12 - babeed854 (boy)
    15 - MidniteDayDre (boy - Kaiden)

    4 - kistinbee (??)
    13 - svgarcia (girl)

    20 - monky13grl (boy -Marcus)
    21 - gisele246 (girl)

    1 - batgirlrox
    9 - bmfrazie
    18 - Kelley_m

    7 - yahyamommy
    14 - Lindz8afish
    15 - MrsJax11
    16 - moyagifura
    25 - JennieMuzz

    24 - misslouisiana
    25 - Kel_be
    29 - Brandy715
    30 - Lilylove86

    9 - Racevez
    12 - amkgraham

    Have a great day ladies!!!!!!!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    bump for later
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    How do you upload pictures to the message board?