Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - January 2012



  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    Name: Amanda
    Hubby/Partner: Kerry
    How many kids do you have: This is our 1st
    Due Date: no clue
    How far along are you: 8 weeks??
    Do you know the gender: No
    Babies Name: Karl Steven/ Esther June or Josephine Marie
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Indiana
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant:
    So far, I have been spent all waking hours eating small amounts of food or being exhausted or sick to my stomach. I got a Wii Fit for Christmas, so I'm hoping to use it. I have my first ultrasound and nurse intake appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, I will meet with my doctor shortly thereafter to talk about exercise some more. Right now, I'm having a pretty hard time. I wear out quickly. Before the pregnancy, I had worked up to running for almost a mile with no rest (which doesn't sound that impressive, but for me, it really was). Now, a 20 minute walk almost does me in. I feel like it's getting better little by little, but my exercise over the past year has been sporadic. I need to talk to my doctor before I start anything very involved.
  • Demwitted
    Demwitted Posts: 163
    Double post-- Sorry!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Name: Brandy
    Hubby/Partner: Josh
    How many kids do you have: 1st baby!
    Due Date: August 29, 2012
    How far along are you: 6 weeks
    Do you know the gender: No
    Babies Name: If it is a boy- I like Mason Kane- (Kane is my husband's middle name) and unsure if it is a girl.
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Greenville SC
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking- so far
    Anything else you'd like to share: really struggling with morning (all day) sickness- I have lost 6 lbs in the last week. Any suggestions to help with this???
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Quick post of goals for the week:

    - Get back on track with healthy food!!
    - A sweet treat only on Saturday or Sunday. *I'm trying to omit sweets from my daily diet, I tend to over indulge in them!
    - Do prenatal yoga every day (at least the warm-up, stretch part of my dvd)
    - Start walking if I get the ok to tomorrow at my appointment! *please keep your fingers crossed that I can!*
    - Keep my water intake at 10 glasses or more a day.

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Lindsay, 12 weeks
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Congrats to ElizabethJ17 & Nichole!

    Brandy715 - You just have to wait it out. With DD I had m/s for 6 weeks straight and lost 10 lbs. It's normal, it's hell and there's not much you can do. Some people swear by prego-pops or sea bands, I just suffered through it and I'm still waiting to see if it kicks in with #2.

    My goals for the week:
    Stay under calorie goal (I've been going over by hundreds) and debloat as much as possible.
    Don't over do it at the gym, 1 cardio workout a day & 1 weight workout every other day is enough
    In bed by 9p
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Ok, I'm right at 30 weeks and thee dr said I'm measuring 31 ~ 32....which is right on target??? What does that mean exactly???
  • misslouisiana
    misslouisiana Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I am pregnant with my 3rd child. I want to stay as healthy as possible with this one. I am 6 weeks preggors:smile: Add me if you like. I could use support for sure.
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    happy new year all!! i definitely took a break during the holiday season from MFP and am feeling ok. i definitely indulged in some of the favorites (which of course i have a lot of) but did ok with exercise. all i know is that i am really back on track for the last couple months of this pregnancy! its so wild how fast its all gone. i have my baby shower on the 21st and then its just sit back and wait for the music to start!

    over my time off i did get a chance to clean out our extra bedroom and the hubs and i set up the crib and changing table. we also got some book shelves for his room. the whole thing is coming together and its just so exciting! once i touch up the paint and get some pictures in there i will post some pictures hopefully!!!

    as for the dr. front...we're going every 2 weeks now up until 36 weeks...then it will be once a week. i am super thankful that my dr.s office is literally walking distance from where i that is super convenient. our next appointment is the growth scan where they're going to take a look at how big he is and also my fluid levels to make sure everything is looking good!

    hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Ok, I'm right at 30 weeks and thee dr said I'm measuring 31 ~ 32....which is right on target??? What does that mean exactly???

    Not sure if this answers your question or not but when they do the measurement with the tape measurer, you should measure the same number of centimeters that you are weeks pregnant. (They feel for your pubic bone and top of your uterus). So ideally 30cm would be measuring exactly at 30 weeks. 31-32 is close or "right on target" I guess. I was measuring 31 at my last appointment where I was almost 36 weeks (even though a different dr. measured me at 32-33 2 weeks before) which is why I have to get the ultrasound on Wednesday because I am "measuring small". Not sure if that answered your question, but it has been a hot topic on my mind all week. :smile:

    P.S. Our nursery is pretty much complete so I'll try to get pics up tomorrow; forgot the camera today. Or maybe if (when) I go home early, I'll post them. It has turned out really cute. Full of stuff, but cute.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Name: Belinda
    Hubby/Partner: Andy
    How many kids do you have: This will be our 2nd (We have a 9 year old)
    Due Date: June 9th, 2012
    How far along are you: 17 weeks 5 days
    Do you know the gender: TBD on Jan 25th
    Babies Name: We have a girl and boy named picked but aren't sharing yet
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Northern Michigan
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Up until a few weeks ago I was on bedrest for a month so I haven't done much. I LOVE to do yoga and pilates so I plan on trying to find a good preggers video for that. I am also a runner. However, I haven't got to run since before Thanksgiving so I am planning to start back walking with VERY LITTLE bits of jogging. My main goal is to maintain a 5k distance while pregnant.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Name: Rayna
    Hubby/Partner: Jay
    How many kids do you have: This is our 1st
    Due Date: February 23, 2012
    How far along are you: 32 Weeks 4 Days
    Do you know the gender: Boy
    Babies Name: Mason
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Edmonton, AB
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: prenatal yoga & prenatal workout DVDs at home.
    Anything else you'd like to share: On a non pregnancy related note, I am currently working towards becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist :) Hoping to make a career change once my mat leave is done.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Congrats Elizabeth: What an awesome birth. Hope to see pictures soon. :flowerforyou:

    Hope Rosanna is well and we get to hear she had her little one.

    Ashley-Best wishes for your ultrasound.:flowerforyou:

    Jessica-What a nice break, and many of us prob fell off the wagon, I sure did. At least we have these two months to ship shape a bit.

    Welcome newbies. As many of us draw closer to having our little ones, there are many more starting-congrats!!

    I had a 4lb gain from Christmas to NYE that really gets me closer to my max gain weight. So my goal is to log & walk, the weather is great these days so it should be doable.

    ~Brenda~31 weeks 6dys 8th month tomorrow whoo hooo
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Ok, I'm right at 30 weeks and thee dr said I'm measuring 31 ~ 32....which is right on target??? What does that mean exactly???

    Not sure if this answers your question or not but when they do the measurement with the tape measurer, you should measure the same number of centimeters that you are weeks pregnant. (They feel for your pubic bone and top of your uterus). So ideally 30cm would be measuring exactly at 30 weeks. 31-32 is close or "right on target" I guess. I was measuring 31 at my last appointment where I was almost 36 weeks (even though a different dr. measured me at 32-33 2 weeks before) which is why I have to get the ultrasound on Wednesday because I am "measuring small". Not sure if that answered your question, but it has been a hot topic on my mind all week. :smile:

    P.S. Our nursery is pretty much complete so I'll try to get pics up tomorrow; forgot the camera today. Or maybe if (when) I go home early, I'll post them. It has turned out really cute. Full of stuff, but cute.

    ok, that is what I kinda figured he meant....and I started to ask but then we got side tracked with my million other questions....and then I thought about it as an after thought but if he said "right on target" then I figured there wasn't much for me to worry about. If there was he would of definitely said something.

    Thanks!! And can't wait for the pics of hte nursery!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Dr's apt went well this morning. Gained 2 lbs in the last two weeks and the doctor blamed it on the holidays :laugh: But here is to a new year and new beginnings!!

    Should have results back from the gestational diabetes exam sometime tomorrow. Meanwhile, looks like I have another splotch on my tummy beside the one I found next week. He said not to worry, it's just part of the pregnancy and to be happy it's not on my face :laugh:

    Baby measures 31~ 32 which he said is right on target- so everything is going as smoothly as possible. Wants to see me in a week to double check a few things- which is fine with me. Love the fact that my doctor is over cautious :wink:

    Along with several other ladies (thanks for the inspiration) I've also started logging. Don't count today. I stopped at the first place I saw after my doctors visit and INHALED lunch!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Today has been a rather productive day for me! I have officially started the process of clearing out the babies room. We currently use that room as our office. We each have a desk and all of my craft supplies are in the room. I managed to clear off the hutch and have my son help me move it downstairs. Then we moved a handful of other items. My husband was shocked when he got home. We might also move my actual desk downstairs tonight after dinner. It has surprised me how exciting I find this process to be.

    I also emailed a chiropractor that offers natural child birth classes to see about getting more info from her. I really hope that it is something we can make happen as I am going the natural route and would like as many techniques as possible to ft over the hard spots.

    We also started researching cloth diapers. I am not sure what route we will go but it sure can be over whelming to read about all the different types of cloth diapers. Anyone else doing cloth?
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    question to all:

    not sure if this has been posted as i was a bad girl and fell off the wagon during the holidays...but is anyone having swelling issues? my rings are super tight and i am having such a hard time deciding if i should take them off or not :sad: i really do not want to...but also do not want them to get stuck! :cry:
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    Name: Inna
    Hubby: Vlad
    How many kids do you have: two girls, this will be our third baby
    Due Date: July 16th
    How far along are you: 12 weeks
    Do you know the gender: No
    Babies Name: none yet
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Chesnee, SC
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking
    Anything else you'd like to share: Had a great Christmas and New Year! Now its time to relax and get to eating better :)
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Name: Sharon
    Hubby/Partner: Kawika
    How many kids do you have: This will be our 4th
    Due Date: April 13, 2012
    How far along are you: 25 weeks & 3 days
    Do you know the gender: Yes, our first girl
    Babies Name: don't knw yet
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Honolulu, HI
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking, somewhat jogging, Lindsay Brin prenatal DVD, strength train on my own with dumbbell
    Anything else you'd like to share:

    Hi everyone, and welcome to the newcomers!!

    Elizabeth and Nichole--congratulations! Cant wait to see pic

    Ashley--My 2nd child's bday is 2-4 also....

    Goals: Logging my food, have been going way over cuz I've gained 7 lbs so far within the last 3 weeks....Oh my....that's a total of 16 lbs so far.
    drink lots of water
    exercise at least 4x this week. I've been on break since the 16th of Dec and told myself i will exercise everyday. I've only exercised twice and I go back to work next week. I exercise more when I'm at work because I run when my students run during P.E. I walk during my lunch break or do the Lindsay Brin DVD on my lunch break. At home, I just lay down and watch tv and do my home/motherly chores....
    Not to indulge on the sweets

    On Wed, I'll be doing the glucose drink, wish me luck on that...I've been eating way too much sweets...
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    question to all:

    not sure if this has been posted as i was a bad girl and fell off the wagon during the holidays...but is anyone having swelling issues? my rings are super tight and i am having such a hard time deciding if i should take them off or not :sad: i really do not want to...but also do not want them to get stuck! :cry:
    You may have just retained a lot of water from over eating (well, I do).
    I would try to limit your salt intake to 1500-1800 for the next few days and drink lots of water. But if the rings get too tight you will have to take them off or they may get cut off at L&D. I did have to take off my wedding band when I was admitted to L&D.
  • tricia3368
    The board has gotten really busy, so please take a minute to check in and tell us about yourself!

    Name: Ashley
    Hubby/Partner: Eric
    How many kids do you have: This is our 1st
    Due Date: January 25, 2012
    How far along are you: 36 Weeks 2 Days (Due date refelcts a couple days beyong that)
    Do you know the gender: Girl
    Babies Name: It's a secret
    Where do you live (if you want to share): Louisville KY
    Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Walking and pre-natal yoga. I was running some but haven't in a few weeks. I shoot for light strength training weekly, but that has also not happened in a couple weeks
    Anything else you'd like to share: I was measuring small at my last appointment so get another ultrasound on Wednesday!