40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • dearb1
    dearb1 Posts: 17 Member
    Well done Libi! I've just rejoined and need to lose a huge 10kgs! I'm 42 I think! I keep forgetting how old I am! I can't wait to start losing some weight!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member

    ^^^ Sept. 20, 2013.

    First weight-training work-out post cataract-surgery. I'm 5'9", weight is 147 lbs - no "scale shock", but also not as pleasing as I had hoped. Mind you, I haven't hit the weights in 6 weeks, haven't "worked out" in 3+ weeks, and I *know* when I was on my August holiday that I weighed MUCH MORE because I couldn't button my capris by the end of Hawaii!

    All-in-all, I'll be okay. I do want to move more bodyfat off my frame this fall (I have an "end-number" in mind), and am eating at a calorie-deficit to accomplish that.

    I'm a woman with a plan!
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    If anyone's looking for more MFP friends, please feel free to send me a request! I'd love to have a bunch of 40-somethings in my friend pool who are in the same stage of life that I'm in. That stage being age 42, 2 kiddos (age 10 & 12), a hubby who loves to eat and who may think I'm nuts for trying to get back into shape (like "why do you want to do that?" - duh). Can I get an "Amen"?

    Typical workouts are my elliptical and walks (desperately trying to get hubby to walk with me but no go yet). Just bought myself a FitBit Zip and still figuring it all out. I'm at a whoppin 177 pounds (my all-time heaviest!) but hopin to drop a good 40. I'm 5' 8", btw.

    Hope you all have a rockin Friday and a wonderful weekend. :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- you look great!! Happy to hear that there was no scale shock, and that you know you've lost some since your vacation.

    My weekend plans have changed. We are now going to try to go to the fall festival on Sunday when the weather is supposed to be drier. Tomorrow will be spent on housework and laundry. BLAH!

    My hubby sent me a pic of Jake standing holding the stool with one hand and the other hand on one of my 5lb hand weights that was sitting on the stool! Way to go Jake- startin' early!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm a data analyzer junkie. And being very frustrated with my weight and not losing and blah, blah, blah, I decided to make a change.

    I got the jawbone up activity tracker band and app and have been wearing it for a few days now.....what an eye opener. My day is painfully INACTIVE if I don't add in regular, routine exercise. I need to spend some time tweeking the calibration and such, but it is clear to me that I need to move MORE.

    I'm like you in that respect--I love having my Fitbit to help me crunch all my numbers and keep me on track. I was actually surprised by how relatively active I am--since I live in the city I walk everywhere but I hadn't really been thinking of that (of course I did manage to put on the weight while walking around, too....). Glad to hear it's having a positive impact for you!

    princess, thank you! Wore the new slacks at work today and got lots of compliments. It's really nice to feel like someone other than my husband and my trainer notice the weight loss.

    Beeps, you look amazing! I am the same height as you but 10 pounds heavier. Thinking of switching to a 250 calorie deficit once I get down to 155 and seeing how things work themselves out from there.

    And KellySue, too funny about Jake and the weights!

    Welcome Libi, and congrats on hitting Onederland! And dearb1, don't think of 10kgs as huge! You've totally got this.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I'm in this club, too! WOOT WOOT!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I want to be 10 lbs leaner, for sure. Maybe 12. It's a really slow process at this point. Maybe by xmas....who knows?
  • fitgaltoo
    fitgaltoo Posts: 19 Member
    Are there any 5+ groups? I am 58. What a cool site.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    no :( but did manage a run instead and made sensible choices at the meal so all was ok.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Beebs I would be happy if I could finish looking as slim as you do though I know it is all relative to each of us individually and it is where we want to be that counts.
  • marilu007
    hello all, my name is Marilu. I sod need the tricks, tips and top ideas to get this thing done. I have a a special condition, it's called having a second round of babies after 40. That puts me at two older kids ages 24 and 22 and two babies ages 4 and 9 months. Most people tell me I'm crazy but I'm loving life thank you very much! The only thing is my WEIGHT. I know I can make a come back and lose this 43 pounds I carry with me every where I go. So lets help each other.
  • mistij68
    mistij68 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, I just stumbled across this 40+ club and it sounded really good and I would like to join. I am 44years old, I am married and have four children ages ,5,12,13, and 17. I've been on mfp for awhile now, but my weight fluctuates. I get started on a weight loss program and I'm on Fire, and I lose weight, but somewhere down the line I lose focus and I gain the weight back. Usually it's because of the holidays or because of one of my kids vacation, you know, February break, April break, Christmas break and Summer break. I always use that excuse that it's because of the kids and we want to have a good time going out etc....But of course that BS.! :smile: So I'm back and I know that I will reach my goal this time and not turn back. I have 22lbs that I want to lose and hopefully I'm on the right track now. But I definitely can use any help I can get! Please feel free to add me to your friend list if you like , I can motivate you as well .Thanks everyone and good luck and God bless!
  • marilu007
    Amen! My husband is the same way and the late nite snacks! Kill me but at least he doesn't offer anymore. I'm glad to have joined this group but I'm not too savy about this new technologies so guide me if you can. What is pool software friends or private request? Put me in if you know how I would like to read the post, tricks, tips and top ideas.. My top 1 today. Cross fit. Machine dont do a thing for me anymore? What I like is my husband trains me and it only takes about 25 minutes but after every work out my body turns into a furnace! And I can feel it.
  • april1445
    Can I join this club? I guess I have to check in occasionally, and I'm bad at that, but notice how Nice we all are to each other. Aaahhhh. So refreshing.
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    Anyone else struggle who has kids and a husband who eat whatever they want, then you sit and wallow in your water and healthy snacks? Last night hubby and I were out to dinner with the kids and he decided on having a home made apple dumpling with icecream. He kept insisting I share it with him, even though he knows how how I'm trying to watch what I eat. And he also knows I LOVE apple dumplings. Drives me nuts and makes it ten times harder. He keeps telling me he's proud that I'm working so hard, yet does things like this all the time. Ugh!!!
  • ttruhol
    ttruhol Posts: 4,326 Member
    Hi! I am very interested in joining this group! I am at the tail end of 40 in about 2 weeks and I am trying to be more fit and healthy !! Have a Great Sunday Everyone!!
  • Darcie45
    Darcie45 Posts: 52 Member
    Oh, I like this group! I want to join! I am 45, married to an ultra skinny runner hubby, and have an 18 year old daughter and a 17 year old son (who is also a runner!) My hubby and son have this crazy metabolism, that I do not have. I started fighting with my weight after I had my kids and this last year it started to really get out of hand. I was at 181. This morning I am at 161! As I am 5'4" I need to lose about 25 more.

    I got a fitbit and I love it. It gives me goals and MFP keeps my food on track and makes me responsible. I get most of my exercise walking our 11 month old hound dog mix, working in my garden and riding my horse. I need to add some weights to start toning things up though.

    Anyone can add me as a friend, I am great at giving a way to go, nice job, as I log on every day.
  • smithangela99
    Hi everyone,
    I just joined mfp today and am would like to join this group everyone seems so supportive and I need a kick up the backside every now and again to keep motivated. I'm 43 married with 2 daughters aged 16 and 21.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hi to all the newbies!

    I get to lift, today, so that's great! Had company all weekend - was fun, but heading into 3 more weekends with company coming to stay with us.

    It makes it REALLY hard to 'decompress' on the weekends and then head right back into my work-week.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Wow!! Happy Monday All! A big WELCOME to all of you new people!! Nice to see so many wanting to join the fun!

    Had a good weekend overall. Got in that walk (3.4 Miles) before it rained here on Saturday. Then major cleaning in the afternoon. I think I was more sweaty after my cleaning spree than I was after the walk!! Sunday we ended up going to the fall festival. It was a bit chilly and the kids were all sick with sinus colds, but it was still fun. Jake had a blast going from person to person when we were going through the corn maze!!

    Today was a gym day. Did some upper body and Abs today, and cardio. Good work out!