40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    OK, how many other gals have husbands who "join your fitness mindset", doing nothing except maybe eat more fruit and the weight just falls off ?

    My hubby informed me this morning he lost 8 lbs so far (compared to my measly 4!). This is a guy who hits Burger King every other night after 8 p.m. with the kids, who doesn't work out, and who stays in bed when I'm up early on my elliptical. I'm happy for him (he really needs to drop the weight for his own health and his family's benefit), but wth??? I'm busting my butt, logging every freakin' thing I put in my mouth, cut out all white sugar (even drinking my coffee black) and he has it so easy.

    Can anyone out there relate???

    Enough of my Friday rant. Hard to keep a good attitude and feel like I'm getting somewhere when I'm really not and he is. Ugh.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    jonnyman - isn't it in your "my topics" tab when you go to your message boards?

    Enjoy bikram, Alf....I'm 2+ years OUT of bikram practice at this point...

    quilt - women aren't men. Plain and simple. Don't worry what the men can do, just worry about what you can do....you can always control what goes into YOUR mouth. Easy!

    Today, I get to lift!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    jonnyman - isn't it in your "my topics" tab when you go to your message boards?

    Enjoy bikram, Alf....I'm 2+ years OUT of bikram practice at this point...

    quilt - women aren't men. Plain and simple. Don't worry what the men can do, just worry about what you can do....you can always control what goes into YOUR mouth. Easy!

    Today, I get to lift!

    I'd never noticed that tab before (face going red with embarrassment)
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    OK, how many other gals have husbands who "join your fitness mindset", doing nothing except maybe eat more fruit and the weight just falls off ?

    My hubby informed me this morning he lost 8 lbs so far (compared to my measly 4!). This is a guy who hits Burger King every other night after 8 p.m. with the kids, who doesn't work out, and who stays in bed when I'm up early on my elliptical. I'm happy for him (he really needs to drop the weight for his own health and his family's benefit), but wth??? I'm busting my butt, logging every freakin' thing I put in my mouth, cut out all white sugar (even drinking my coffee black) and he has it so easy.

    Can anyone out there relate???

    Enough of my Friday rant. Hard to keep a good attitude and feel like I'm getting somewhere when I'm really not and he is. Ugh.

    My husband had the nickname of piggy in his late teens because he could and would eat so much but now, as well as then, he still eats huge amounts yet never really gains and weighs less than me which is not something I have told him lol. At 44 he has a little more meat on him but not so you would notice. ( he does have a physical job and plays squash though so it is not all good genes) He is the one in the photo with me
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Is there a way to book mark this page in the forum as I keep losing it?

    Now that you have posted, just look in My Topics. :)
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    One of the reasons why men lose more pounds than women (genrally) is because of muscle mass. At least this is what my trainer tells me. Men tend to have more muscle and hence their rate of calorie burn is higher. I'm sure this is a generalization and does not fit all examples. But kinda makes sense. I think that is another reason for women to pick up strength training.

    TGIF cool people!!!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks so much alf1163! I'm excited to be back at it! I can totally relate to all the posts on weight loss for men versus
    weight loss for women. My husband is a lot older than myself, and has never had a weight issue his entire life. Meanwhile
    back at the ranch my weight has been like a yo-yo forever! We laugh about it, but he definitely thinks it's funnier than I do!

    Have a nice weekend everyone! I'm looking forward to some good workouts! :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Men, overall, are TALLER, so of course they can ingest MORE calories than a woman can!!

    I'm 5'9". My husband is 6'3". If I try to pack away the same amount of calories as him (i.e. he eats an entree, i eat that SAME entree, etc.), oh yes I'm gonna pack on FAT.

    Nopey. Not me!

    Anyway, i lifted today! Had a good work-out.
  • RacerX_14
    RacerX_14 Posts: 578 Member
    42 and checking in!
  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi, I am 45. I have been on MFP since January 11, 2013 and lost 60lbs so far (still have 40ish to go). However, I tend not to come out to the message boards that often since I use my phone app a lot. Just thought I would pop in and say hi.. Plus, I always wanted to be a cool kid :) . BTW: My name is Pam.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    45 here and I feel so uncool... I've been here since April and I didn't know about this thread!

    The first 30 lbs have been fairly easy (lost some before I joined)... it seems to be getting much harder now to stay focused and on goal with calories...
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    TGIF cool kids!!

    tonytedesco - Happy birthday, hope it's a fabulous one for you!

    Hi to the newcomers and lurkers :tongue:

    omg what a day... gin and tonic is calling my name! =)

    Woke up to a torrential downpour this morning so hopped on my treadmill for 3 miles of incline intervals and didn't have time for much else other than the much needed stretchhh. Had a working lunch so didn't get out for a walk today but will probably do something later on, after my G&T of course!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    TGIF is right, WhataBroad! So apparently trying to work out this morning on an empty stomach after having given blood yesterday was a BAD idea. NY Blood Center just says 4-5 hours of no exercising, so I thought I'd be fine, but man did I feel awful. At least I didn't actually faint, just felt like I might.... Well, now I know. And of course then to top it off it was so busy at work today (and I was so tired) that I was really craving chocolate. Managed to have one small truffle and keep it under control that way, but I think all I'm going to do tonight is head to bed early, and hope I've got more energy tomorrow after a good night's sleep.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Bikram was awesome!!!!

    Pam, welcome, 60lbs!!! That is awesome!!!! Congratulations! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    dlionsmane, way to go!!!! Stay focused, slow and steady!!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I am doing a 2 hour Zumbathon for the American Heart Association tomorrow. Then out with the hubby tomorrow night to celebrate a friend's birthday.

    Have an awesome weekend!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • skariet
    skariet Posts: 4 Member
    I want to be in the 40+ club too !! I started my journey last year and lost 53 pounds! Then in January I went out on the road with my truck driver husband and gained back 19 pounds. While he is changing jobs I will be home for the next 3 months and I hope to loose 25 pounds before I rejoin him and then after the holidays I want to loose another 25 pounds..
    I havent been heavy all my life..I think I was pretty much in proportion for my height (5'6 and 148) but after giving birth to 6 kids in less than 10 years my weight ballooned to 248. After 19 years of marriage I divorced my first husband and then lost 30 pounds. After marrying my second husband I got to comfortable with my self and gained back up to 238.
    And now...Im just looking for friends and support because I am in a very rural area that is populated by alot of very Christian families and I am an atheist so I dont really fit in here and going thru this pretty much alone.And I have a few questions like..how do i get rid of all this extra skin?? Ewwww..anyhow,if anyone wants to be friends please add me! Thank you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    Fighting with middle son....middle school sucks and so do kids going through it because they are just pains-in-the-*kitten*.

    Anyway, am trying to stay positive because daughter's 11th birthday is on tap this week.

    And...............I'm also sick, on other threads, not this one, of people wanting to IGNORE that they ate too much and that's how they GOT FAT. I mean, REALLY? And, to LOSE that bodyfat, sister, you're gonna have to shut your piehole more often and EAT LESS.

    Deal with reality!
  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in! I just turned 43. I was very athletic in my 20's as a cyclist. I weighed 108lbs. In my 30's, I stacked it on big time. I started MFP 10 days ago and lost 8lbs. I'm now 282lbs. I'm big, but determined to get myself back where I belong. I'm glad there's a club just for us!
  • jrhm
    jrhm Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone, just found this club, is it open to those of us a little older than 40? It has been a long time since I saw that birthday, turned 70 this year. Feeling great, actually have muscles in my upper arms. This group is awesome, I have leveled off about 5 pounds above where I thought I wanted to be, but have built up my muscles, can't see much fat around any more and clothes fit nice too. Feeling great, and enjoying life; I have five kids, oldest daughter passed away 3 years ago from liver cancer; 10 grand kids and 6 great grands with another on the way.
  • MartiCat70
    MartiCat70 Posts: 59 Member
    I hear you! I'm also bipolar. The meds were in part the reason I gained so much weight. It gives you uncontrollable munchies at first. When you get stable on a drug, that DOES go away. I hope you feel better soon:)
  • smithangela99
    hi everyone,
    Had my first weigh in and i'm pleased to say I lost my first 2lb so that has encouraged me to try harder next week :happy: