40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    What's going on in here? :)
  • sandefitz
    Wow - great club. I want in. I am 41 married with one 8 year old boy. Hubby wants to get into shape too - but he can be a real saboteur. Would love to get in on the motivation here! I'm currently at 187 and hoping to get to 155. I'm 5'6".
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Happy Monday and hello to the newcomers =)

    Beeps - you look fantastic! I bet you are feeling awesome now that you are back lifting!

    tschellhammer - nope, we all eat the same in my house. you have to enjoy your dumplings too, it just means you cut back on something else to make THEM fit into YOUR numbers. =)

    KellySue - glad you had a good time at the festival. Great job getting your workout in this morning!

    I had a golf tournament on Saturday, was so much fun but waaayyy too many shooters! Yesterday, the weather cooperated with my hangover and was rainy so I could curl up on the couch with my book and tea =)

    Walk at lunch and StrongLifts after work today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I *am* feeling fantastic now that I'm back to lifting....it's like the "goals" I've set are, again, within "reach".

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    It's Tuesday!! Hope everyone is having a good day so far. I made it out for a walk this morning before Jake got to the house. It was brisk to say the least!

    My dear little man is sick with a cold. My daughter took him to the doctor yesterday just to be sure- new mom and all. Yep, it's a cold. He is still pretty smiley but was tired this morning and didn't really want to play too much. He was falling asleep when I was giving him breakfast. Poor Guy! :frown:
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Hey Cook Kids! Happy Tuesday.

    Beeps - you look absolutely fantastic!

    Broad - I envy the fact that you can hit that little white ball off the ground. :)

    So last night was my 8th week with my trainer. He assessed my improvement. WOW.....I knew I was improving but I was surprised with the results. I was able to easily do 20 reps on weights with my legs that I was barely able to do 10 previously. But the improvement I am most happy with is the fact that I can do one armed bicep curls and tricep pushes(?) that previously I had to use both arms to barely finish.

    Yayyyyy for the 45 year old!!!!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    tshell--Hang in there! Have you thought about occaisionally "saving up" some calories to share a treat with hubby? That works for me. Mine has finally come around and is trying to eat healthy now. Frustrating part is all he has to do is cut back a tad, and he
    has lost the belly. While I labor away starving myself and lose 1/2 a pound a month!!

    Beeps--the weekend thing is hard! I just had a conversation with someone about this--she said that two days is just not long enough to recuperate and be ready to go again on Monday! I totally agree! And 20 years ago, I could go all weekend and not feel a thing!

    Big project for me this week at work. The stress is making me feel tired!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hi ya cool kids!

    Looks awesome in here! baaaahh who needs time to rest? lol Hubbys fav saying " I'll rest when I'm dead! " He too can not eat for a day and his love handles are gone! While I am here busting my booty! Ugh!

    Hormones are working great so far. will get labs next month to see how my levels are.

    Got my boys a Fitbit as a prize and they are gonna kick my booty! My 7 yr old did 60 flights of stairs before noon yesterday! lol

    Getting ready for a weekend of travel and camping!

    Take care friends and keep working it hard! ; )
  • nualacharlie
    nualacharlie Posts: 13 Member
    HI All,
    Just found the boards despite logging on mfp for a few weeks (but probably only temporarily abandoning it for noom).

    Decided after eating too many ice creams and meals out over the summer holidays that something has to be done, so back logging and have even joined the local leisure centre so doing lots of yoga, zumba and pilates classes.

    The scales seem to be broken at the moment and even though I lost a couple of kg in a couple of weeks easily, but then its all slowed down. My trousers are feeling looser though so I guess the numbers will follow in the end.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Look at all the interesting people in here, doing interesting things!

    And THAT is what the 40+ club is all about.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!! Can I join this club? Look at all these cool people!!! I have missed this thread and MFP in general. Life has been hectic!! But I have managed to keep on trucking...I hope I can keep it up. Beeps, I want to thank you for keeping this threat alive!!! And I think I saw sdereski posting as well. Hugs!!!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I'm 44 and I'm trying to get back down to my "fighting weight", so to speak. Basically it's 100% motivated by vanity. I want to be a size 6 again. :D I've found that tracking my calorie intake is hugely helpful, I never tried that before (I always did the low-carb thing in the past). So far so good, I'm hoping I can be in some of my cuter clothes by Halloween.
  • exercise2day2
    exercise2day2 Posts: 46 Member
    It's my first day with MFP. I'm starting a new fitness challenge, and using MFP is part of it, This together with a new exercise routine will help me to meet my goal of losing 25 lbs. Please comment if you have any tips for me or words on encouragement :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Hump Day!! Yeah, only one more day of work for me after today!!! I am on vacation from this Friday through next Friday. No big plans. We are going to visit my hubby's family for a few days and then I plan on spending some time with Jacob!! Looking forward to Grammy time!

    Rest day for me today, but back at the gym tomorrow. Have a good day all!
  • quiltchickie
    quiltchickie Posts: 50 Member
    So this is where all the sexy people are.....

    I started this whole process about 6 weeks ago. The first 4 weeks were HARD.....and I didn't lose anything. In fact I gained 1.5lbs. But boy have the last 2 weeks been great....7lbs down. :)

    I'm looking forward to feeling and looking better than my 20s self. :)

    This encourages me. I'm on day 23-ish and down only 4 pounds after working my butt off, sacrificing SO much good food (that the rest of the family gets to enjoy!), and been disciplined to always stay under my calorie goals. My eating habits and exercise has changed DRASTICALLY! I sure hope the pounds start dropping off for me soon, too! Keep telling myself that baby steps are at least still in the right direction.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Welcome to the newcomers!! For those of you who are new to MFP, this site is a great tool to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Consistency is the key!!! Try not to be so harsh on yourself, slow and steady is best. Try to eat as clean as possible most meals of the day. You can have "forbidden" foods but just once in a while and in small quantities. Don't look at healthy foods as punishment and "unhealthy" foods as foods that are only enjoyable. There are so many healthy foods that are so satisfying, tasty and enjoyable that there is no reason to feel bad about not eating the unhealthy stuff. As far as exercise is concerned, best to have a well rounded program that incorporates cardio, weight training and flexibility. Change it up every 4 to 6 wks. You can do it!!!!

    KellySue, have a wonderful vacation!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Hi Alf!

    Hi KellySue!

    Hi to newcomers!

    I've had 2 low-calorie days in a row....will lift, today....might step on scale, but might wait until tomorrow, too!
  • Winston1717
    Got one more year in the 40s club...but do not feel my age...even more motivated now.
  • karlbrow
    Just starting again, part of the 40's plus club is being overwhelmed with responsibility and not taking enough time to pay attention to SELF! Was shocked that PEOPLE WERE RIGHT, your body really does change after 40- to me that has been a wakeup call that if I dont pay attention ALL THE TIME , my body becomes blobby and chubby in all the typical places. ARGH- I HATE EFFORTFUL THINGS!

    SO I'm calling it MINDFULNESS and SELF CARE, versus one more thing to try to be perfect at....
  • mommyof4cpa
    mommyof4cpa Posts: 82 Member
    Hi All.....still chugging along here. Loving the Jawbone UP and all the data, not loving the" lower than it should be" activity level or the inconsistent sleeping patterns. I've been leaving to walk to the school to get my kids about 20 minutes earlier to get some extra steps in. Onward and upward !