40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    karl - I LOVE my 40's!

    mommyof4cpa - walking is good, but lifting is better!


    I did get my lifting in-and-done. Kept my calories low Mon/Tues/Wed. Tomorrow my parents are coming for a visit and we're heading out to a restaurant. Means SALT. So, all the calories I've been banking will likely be tomorrow's splurge.

    I weighed today, and that's that for this week. Down 0.8 lbs from Friday, so that's good!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Happy Humpday!

    Winston - I'm sure you won't be kicked out! :wink:

    mommy - I have a Jawbone as well! I love the little alarm reminders to get up and move if I have been inactive for more than 45 minutes. For my job, that happens regularly and the frigging thing makes me jump outta my skin sometimes!

    Beeps - Yay for getting back at it! are you doing a particular lifting program? you must have felt awesome when you stepped on that scale! =)

    Crazy couple days at work and home. Missed lifting on Monday but got it in yesterday morning. Last night we had a birthday dinner for my daughter, where did those 21 years go? I had a BIG piece of cake and a scoop of ice cream, YUM!
    This morning, did some treadmill incline intervals with a sprinkling of lunges, push ups and wall squats. My glutes have been protesting all day! Gonna get out for a run after work too.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    bkw, nice progress with the weights/training!

    Managed to drag myself into my regular 7am class this morning despite drinking a teeny bit too much wine last night... I was thinking about trying a new 7am class tomorrow that involves treadmill intervals, but when I went in to see my physical therapist this afternoon she nixed the idea. WhataBroad, I totally admire your ability to do them!

    I'll probably just take tomorrow as a rest day since we've got an office blood drive and I'll be donating in the afternoon. Which is OK, because I've been working since Sunday this week and I am TIRED. If I really feel compelled to do something resembling a workout I can always walk home from the office (it's 2 miles).
  • tomedog
    tomedog Posts: 33 Member
    Turning 44 in a couple of months and feeling better than I have in ages!! Using my Fitbit Flex and tracking all my food daily has really helped me to stay focused. Lost 4 more lbs this week and even more motivated to keep trimming the fat!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    WhataBroad - I am focused on bodyfat loss this Fall, so that scale better keep moving down! I follow Venus program - right now am lifting with their Advanced Series.

    RM - congrats on the blood drive - good on ya.

    Tome dog - 4 lbs! In a week?!?!!? Wow. Just wow.
  • rypstorm
    rypstorm Posts: 63 Member
    Just made the age cutoff! I'm a busy working mom of 2, a kick-*kitten* husband, and on the journey to making an active healthy lifestyle a habit. Not to mention have the energy to chase my kids. Turning 40 seemed to be a huge motivator for me in terms of getting my butt in gear in many respects of my life. I was afraid if I didn't change something quick, my health would have gone downhill quick. Now, I'm in better shape than 20 years ago! I'm at the point where my goal is no longer losing weight, but rather reshaping and strengthening my body.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids! It's Friday for me!! Made it to the gym today and did some abs and also got on the treadmill for a bit. Trying to make sure I can keep up with my girls when we do the 5k on Oct. 20th.

    I have a busy day ahead and then am officially on vacation at 6pm. Tomorrow is a Jake day and I have to take him for his 9 month check-up. Can't believe he is 9 months already!

    Have a great day all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    He's BIG for 9 months!! Could pass for 12...KellySue!

    I've been planning for tonight's supper all week long....went low on cals M/T/W in order to "budget" for this evening - so I'm going to ENJOY myself! (My parent's are coming to town and we're celebrating my daughter's birthday with a trip to japanese tepanyaki place.)

  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    KellySue - he's adorable and this is a fun age as the world is full of discoveries! =)

    Beeps - I have heard alot about the Venus programs. How long have you been lifting? I love the 'calorie bank' I made a withdraw from mine the other night! wonderful to get to share your daughter's birthday with loved ones. ENJOY that dinner !

    rypstorm - 40 is the new 20!! =)

    RM - good for you for donating, admirable inded and well deserved rest day!

    I had a great run after work yesterday, very much needed destressing! Active rest day today so I'm going to get my lunchtime walk in and possibly a swim tonight.

    Enjoy the rest of the day peeps!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all!

    I have been MIA for some time. My son's wedding came and went and it was FABULOUS! Such a beautiful, picture perfect day!
    The week after the wedding, both my sisters stayed for the week which was so nice. We only are able to get together about every 2 years, so this was indeed special. And, they were here for my bday, which was another added bonus!

    Had B&B guests that week as well, so I was TIRED! I think I am finally starting to get caught up,
    I have been running consistently, only this week though as I was just to exhausted to do much else than take care of my visitors and guests. I have a 25k trail run on the 5th of Oct so I really need to get my rear in gear.

    It has been a beautiful week here, so am taking my granddaughter for a walk after work. She is just too cute! She is currently potty training. She also loves having bubble baths at my house. The other day as she was finishing off her bath, she is standing in the tub and says "it's okay I peepee in nonna's tub" :laugh: Little monkey was standing there peeing in tub! :tongue:

    My profile pic is of my hubby and I at the wedding. :heart: it!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I'm 46 & thought I would always be able to lose weight as easy as I did when I was younger. HA!!
    On top of being pre-menopausal, I was diagnosed bipolar last month & have been put on one medication after another to find one that works (AKA riding an emotional roller coaster) & all of them have had the warning of "may cause weight gain" on them. So along with this, my energy level is zilch.
    So I am glad to find an online group that will hopefully support me because my bipolar diagnosis has caused everyone in my life to widen their distance from me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    WhataBroad - I am celebrating my FIRST year at Venus right now! It's been a year....

    sdereski - BEAUTIFUL picture! So lovely to love a husband dearly - I'm glad that's your avatar pic!

    Tennessee - welcome! It's a great place, here, to work on your nutrition goals and your fitness goals! All are welcome!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello all!

    I have been MIA for some time. My son's wedding came and went and it was FABULOUS! Such a beautiful, picture perfect day!
    The week after the wedding, both my sisters stayed for the week which was so nice. We only are able to get together about every 2 years, so this was indeed special. And, they were here for my bday, which was another added bonus!

    Had B&B guests that week as well, so I was TIRED! I think I am finally starting to get caught up,
    I have been running consistently, only this week though as I was just to exhausted to do much else than take care of my visitors and guests. I have a 25k trail run on the 5th of Oct so I really need to get my rear in gear.

    It has been a beautiful week here, so am taking my granddaughter for a walk after work. She is just too cute! She is currently potty training. She also loves having bubble baths at my house. The other day as she was finishing off her bath, she is standing in the tub and says "it's okay I peepee in nonna's tub" :laugh: Little monkey was standing there peeing in tub! :tongue:

    My profile pic is of my hubby and I at the wedding. :heart: it!

    Sdereski, nice to see you! What a lovely picture! Congratulations to your son!! Good luck on your run!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I'm 46 & thought I would always be able to lose weight as easy as I did when I was younger. HA!!
    On top of being pre-menopausal, I was diagnosed bipolar last month & have been put on one medication after another to find one that works (AKA riding an emotional roller coaster) & all of them have had the warning of "may cause weight gain" on them. So along with this, my energy level is zilch.
    So I am glad to find an online group that will hopefully support me because my bipolar diagnosis has caused everyone in my life to widen their distance from me.

    Welcome and stay positive!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, are you still doing NROL? I re-started another full cycle of Chalean Extreme after my dad passed away. I just finished the lean for life phase this morning. I need something for October!!! I was thinking about doing a month of NROL. Any other programs you have tried lately or anyone here? I will be 50 in November and my husband and I are going on a cruise!!! I am still struggling with those last few pounds but more than that I would like to lose some fat and get leaner before my trip. :flowerforyou:
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Hi everyone!

    45 here and looking to take off the weight I put on after having surgery (and having a holiday season that went from Thanksgiving to the 4th of July!) Sigh. :ohwell:

    What a great thread!
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Am I the only one who isn't a workout queen? Jinkies, you gals are makin' me look bad. :D I have only been doing the calorie-counting thing, I haven't done a lick of exercise, I just can't bring myself to do it. I bought some yoga DVDs and everything. I just. Can't. Do it. I do always take stairs two at a time though. That's my "exercise". :P
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Is there a way to book mark this page in the forum as I keep losing it?
  • tonytedesco
    tonytedesco Posts: 68 Member
    I turn 44 tomorrow! I used to think my drivers' license is a liar cuz there is no way I look and feel 40+ (or what I expected that to feel like) and I don't act like I am 40+ (haven't learned to share my playstation controller yet)... but here I am, having to work for a good body instead of just having one. Must be a 40+ thing.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!! :drinker: :drinker: 1968Samuel, welcome!!! You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:

    jonnyman, now that you posted, you can easily find it under my topics tab. :wink:

    Siansonea, my husband is the same way. He can "diet" but doesn't like to exercise. I have exercised all my life, I just love the way it makes me feel. Try to find something that you enjoy doing and start slow. Little by little...also think about all the great benefits of exercise besides losing or maintaining your weight. Exercise will help you maintain a good quality of life in your later years. All your body organs need exercise to function better, it benefits your skin, it gives you energy, etc etc. My husband looks and is always tired, complaints of aches and pains, has sleep apnea, is overweight and I tell him that all of those things can be reduced or avoided all together if he just exercised. And you don't have to kill yourself everyday, you don't have to do it every day either...

    I am off to Bikram Yoga. 90 minutes just for myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!

    Have an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: