40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks, guys. I had lots of energy for my workout today (no doubt from those cookies sitting in my system) so I did an hour of cardio and half an hour of yoga. Unfortunately that nowhere comes close to burning off the extra calories. Live and learn. (They were delicious though! :))
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!! I don't think I will workout today. Lost another pound this week I think I might have gained it back today. LOL

    Have an awesome day!! <3
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well I was doing awesome with doing a kettlebell and Kickboxing workout plus shoveling, then we went out to dinner and man it was good! I could probably still stay within my calories except a couple of beers sounds good!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids. And a happy belated Saint Valentine's Day to all you ladies.

    I got most of my usual AM cardio in this morning. The back is mostly back to normal, but I did skip the ABRocker and pushups as a precautionary measure. I will be ridding the tractor all day Tuesday planting trees and I can't afford to have my back kicking in. Between mine and my BIL's schedule, that is the only day we have before next Sunday, and those seedlings need to get in the ground.
    Larro- what kind of sewing machine did your wife get?? What kind of sewing does she do? I'm a quilter and love it.

    I noticed you were a quilter and was going to respond, but I have been so busy it slipped my mind. There is a Quilter's Club that meets on Monday nights at the Civic Center {where I work} and several of the ladies are Margie's friends. They have been trying to get her to come to the meetings. She bought a Singer Prelude. It is a model designed for use in schools, and she only paid $220 for it {new}. 25-40 years ago when she was married to her Ex she did some sewing. But for the last 25 years she has worked, and hasn't done any {other than sewing my buttons on by hand}. She will be retiring at the end of 2016 and is looking for hobbies. {after a few months cooped up in the house together, she or I one will be looking for another job}

    Hope everyone is well.


    PS: I didn't have to get to work until 1100 this morning, so I was able to make me and Margie omelettes. Bacon & Colby Jack this time.


  • FEves
    FEves Posts: 20 Member
    I was excited to weigh myself this morning and see another 5 lb drop in 2 weeks. That makes 20 total since I started in January, and it really shows me that logging/restricting calories and exercising regularly really is the key to losing and maintaining! In the past I have lost weight numerous times but have never maintained it. If you look up yoyo diet in the dictionary, you will see my picture there. I'm coming to the realization that for me, I should expect to keep logging for the rest of my eating days here on earth. That's a little depressing but oh well, this is my thorn in the flesh, so to speak.
  • dms722
    Hello! I'm a 44 year old, preschool teacher, mom, wife. Would like to initially lose 40 pounds. I use a fit bit and can get 12000 steps in during the week and stick to 1410 calories but the weekends are tough for exercise and food. Looking for support!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Larro, Local guilds are great, nice that she has friends there, she will feel more welcome. I am sure they can show her some easy project to start on and see if she likes quilting or not.
    Wow, that meal looks great.
    So glad your expected 20" of snow went mostly out to sea and we only got 8 or so. Hope you all are having a nice relaxing weekend. Keep up the logging, you're all doing great!
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    So, I have mostly recovered from my cold (Blech), and needed a grocery trip badly. I tried once-a-month-meal prep for my family of five in January and it worked fairly decently. We also made it last almost six weeks using up leftovers. But, the fresh fruit and veggies were limited. So I shopped and prepped a week-in-a-day today (warning - menu is sideways): ogryruh6kcan.jpg
  • MBL512
    MBL512 Posts: 32 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am new again to MPA (new acct set up about 5 mo ago)- had an older account which I deleted a while back. I am 46 and am trying to get the last few lbs off. My current wt is 102, but I am fairly short. (5' 4"). Not happy with my current weight/size. I allowed myself to gain a considerable amount over the last year. Just want to be back at a place where I can be comfortable again. Currently, I am focusing on maintaining my weight for another week or so. Haven't been exercising as I ought to, so that is something I plan to resume. Working on eating healthier, while keeping the calories down. I am envious of all of you folks who are running marathons. My current idea of exercise is running down my driveway.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    alishaspringle, Wow, that's some awesome meal planning and prep. way to go...
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Can you say BRRRRRR from the cold. For me to put on a coat, gloves and a scarf that is huge because I do not like being bundled up when I am driving or running errands, etc. The dogs did their business in record time and was dragging me back to the house (lol).The snow came down quite heavily on Saturday and then the 9 degrees yesterday did not help at all. We are on another winter advisory for 4-12 inches today. Oh SPRING where are you?

    I have body composition testing later today so it will be interesting to see my results. I can not eat an hour before the test and I needed to purchase compression shorts and your bra can not have wires or padding in it. If you are interested in doing the test the website at the bottom of the brochure is www.BeFitTest.com . The guy that does the test comes every 3 months as we have die hards who need to stay up to date on their results. I will post my results once I get it. After the test, I go right into Extreme Fit. I love my PT as she really pushes me even when she can see I have no more fight left. Saturday's session was brutal and challenged me, but I was refreshed afterwards. I have noticed since I have been lifting more, I am MORE hungry and feel like I can eat a ton.

    I hope all of you did well over the weekend and have an AWESOME day. As BEEPS says so eloquently "BOOM"

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Monday morning! I actually was able to make it to the gym today and did some interval running and did some leg and ab work today- YEAH! I will probably have to shovel later, but it was nice to not have to do it first thing in the morning. It is cold here again today- 0 was the reading I got from my car. I didn't make it to see hubby this weekend- the weather was wicked- blowing and drifting snow with zero visibility in some places and just cold- wind chills yesterday morning were in the minus 20-30 range. I just stayed in and stayed warm, besides the snow shoveling that had to be done x2! Tomorrow I will go see hubby as I have taken the day off. I am going to take Jacob with me to see him. The hospital has lifted it's influenza restrictions and his doctor says it's ok for Jake to visit. Hubby hasn't seen the little guy in over two months. He's very excited!

    Have a great day all!
  • aljdugan
    aljdugan Posts: 1 Member
    Great club! I'm in
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    I'd like to join as well. I'm 44 and work part time from home while raising three kids (18,14 & 10). I love my job (finance admin), love my family and really love most things about my life. Except my health/fitness/weight. Been on MFP for about 2 weeks and find it extremely helpful. Feel free to add me - always looking for friends/encouragement. :blush:
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's !
    I really wanted to go shopping today but it snowed. Ugh. Oh well. Pinterest it is. LOL
    Moved these yesterday.
    The lockers had been in the basement since we brought the house. Finally got some storage now. Also sold my curio the other day so moved Jeff's rescue to it's former spot.

    alishiaspringle- Wow. I've been tempted to try freezer meals but too many picky eaters. LOL

    Kelly Sue- I'm sure that will cheer up your hubby. :)

    Nataligetfit- I may have to pick your brain soon. I have a quilt that needs the bias reattached. Though I'm not a quilter more of a novice.

    Hello Newbies ! I'll check back later.

  • TiffKouns
    TiffKouns Posts: 222 Member
    I would love to join in! I will be 40 in April! Would love to have the support and motivation from Friends'
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    Hi! I'm 49 ( argh! ) And reasonably fit - want to just get a bit leaner round my hips and thighs over the next few months. Do I just bookmark to join in?
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Well today is Family Day so no working out today since the dojo is closed and yesterday was rest day. Unfortunately weigh in today was up 1lb. I'm hoping and thinking its because it's that time of the month and I'm trying not to freak out! I've just switched to using TDEE to calculate my calories for the day since the last month of using the MFP calories and my exercising calories wasn't working and totaled not much less than what I'm using with the TDEE method.

    Going to weigh in next Sunday and see where I'm at. Course now instead of 10lbs I want to lose, I have 11lbs. Blech.
  • alishaspringle
    alishaspringle Posts: 47 Member
    Beeps, I did Daily Burn's Hips, Butt, Thighs. Somewhere along the way, my legs became wet noodles! Boom! :D

    We here in Hampton Roads, VA are getting our first snow of the year. To a girl raised in Ohio, it seems like the natives think it's Snowpacolypse and all I see so far is a light covering. I don't think I'm going to match your shoveling, KellySue!

    Keep on keeping on, everyone. d2dwvq9rpy28.jpg
  • 4995jamie73
    4995jamie73 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I would like to join the group, not exactly sure how. I'm a 40 year old mother of 4, who has struggled with being overweight all my life. I embarked on my journey towards healthy living right after my 40th birthday back in March. I had reached a new low ( or high depending on how you look at it) of 289 lbs., was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension and decided that if I didn't do something right then and there, I would not be around for my children 10 years from now.

    Since then, I have lost 106 lbs., but now I am not getting enough nutrients and protein on a daily basis. My goal this year is to find a healthy balance nutritionally and to begin toning up big time. I would also like to lose about 30 more lbs. and then begin a maintenance program.

    I am looking forward to interacting with everyone and open to any and all comments and suggestions anyone may have regarding my journey.