40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi cool kids....went MIA for a few days. Have had an exhausting past few days. More mentally and emotionally exhausting. Ended up in the ER on Friday afternoon. BP was through the roof for me and low pulse, so was feeling terribly dizzy and had an awful headache. Went home and SLEPT. Up Saturday, feeling better, just tired. Took my granddaughter to dance / lunch and then up to visit a dear friend in hospital (have been doing this all week). On Saturday, I spoke to her from my heart. Was exhausted after that and SLEPT again.

    Sunday morning was my granddaughter's christening. She was an angel! After all the festivities, went home and started preparing for a dessert night I am hosting for Alzheimer's on Tuesday. While doing so, I had the stereo playing and Christmas Carols came on. I thought of my dear friend in hospital, as she loved Christmas. In my heart, I knew this was no accident.

    My friend died last night, in the midst of that beautiful lunar eclipse. :'( Christmas Carols and a lunar eclipse - such a fitting exit. <3

    The weather this past weekend could not have been more perfect! Warm, sunshine and light winds. The waves have been crashing on the shore all weekend. The lake has been spectacular! Despite that perfect weather, I did zilch when it comes to exercise - just too exhausted. Will try today.

    Own your day friends. :)
  • 18922
    18922 Posts: 128 Member
    kj61570 wrote: »
    Im checking in here. I've been told by one of my good friends that I will genetically always be the size I am, and not be able to lose the weight that I need. I believe this is a lie and need to change my lifestyle if I am going to live as long as I'd like. I know I'm not thinking overboard here.

    Perhaps your friend is afraid that you"ll change and your friendship will not be the same. We may never look like models but by making the right food choices and exercising we can be healthier and lose weight. More importantly we can have more energy and be happy
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    Had some pretty good NSV's over the last few days.

    Had a work cookout lunch on Friday. I pre-planned and pre-tracked what I was going to have (had the menu beforehand) and actually ate less than I planned. Plus, I played badminton for about a half hour and some other lawn games and had a great time, even though I suck at badminton, hah!

    Went out for dinner on Saturday and then the movies. My boyfriend got popcorn and soda at the movies, and I just got water since I was still full from dinner. I was tempted to munch on the popcorn because it was there, but I didn't!

    Was stressed driving to work this morning and wanted to reach for the chocolate chip cookies my boyfriend left in the car (I made them, so I know they are awesome). They are only 33 calories each, so I know I could have counted them, but I'd have eaten the whole container if I opened them (2 dozen cookies). Somehow I didn't reach back and grab them!

    I've also been keeping up with walking the last two flights of stairs at work (I work on the 7th floor) and I've been walking down all 7 flights when I leave to go home.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Sdereski, sorry to hear of your loss. A dramatic exit at least. And you take care of yourself. Eat and sleep. {I'm one to talk. I worked through lunch again today. These days must be getting shorter or something}
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Still 40+ and not getting younger.
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Sdereski I'm sorry to hear about your friend and hope you can find peace.

    Challeb1974 good job on avoiding or not giving in to temptation!

  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    3furballs wrote: »
    Sdereski I'm sorry to hear about your friend and hope you can find peace.

    Challeb1974 good job on avoiding or not giving in to temptation!

    Thank you! I REALLY wanted them, but knew I would regret it afterwards. I'm glad now that I didn't grab them! I had one after dinner for a treat tonight and enjoyed it much more than I would have enjoyed the 2 dozen this morning!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Kj615, welcome!! I think I've heard it all now! Of course you can lose weight if you need to. What are your goals?

    How is everyone doing? This weekend was not the best for me in terms of clean eating but it happens. Back on track... 3furballs, we all have to "live" a little. But no one says you cannot enjoy life eating healthy and exercising. I actually feel pretty slumped when I don't eat healthy and don't exercise. You look great btw! How far are you from your goal?

    Larro, sorry to hear about your health insurance. I guess we need to stop complaining about our quarterly fees for our military insurance.

    Have a great night!!!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Sdereski sorry for your loss and hope you are feeling better.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Larro my family health insurance premium is some $1,300 per month and I still get to pay $12,000 out of pocket maximum. Thanks Obamacare!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I had to renew my drivers license. After all the weight loss I was looking forward to putting the new lower number on the thing. Then I discovered my state no longer has weight on the license. What a disappointment! ;)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words. Yesterday was an emotional day but in truth, my friend was such a gift! So lucky to have had her in my life.

    @larro - sorry, I had missed the part of the health insurance premiums. Ouch! I am so focused on your garden stories, that part didn't compute in my brain. On the upside, you grow so much of your own food....food that costs Canadians a fortune because we can't grow much of that stuff here! Well, not where I live anyway. And on the upside about living in Canada....we don't pay health insurance premiums. It's free. :smile:

    @Kj615 - I too had to smile when I read that you were told you will always be that size. Anyone can lose weight -just have to find what works for YOU.

    @chelleb1974 - good job resisting the popcorn and the cookies! Those are two great NSVs!

    Did a double workout yesterday - Zumba for 45 minutes, then my PT session for an hour. We did our fitness test and measurements - got a bit stronger, reached a little farther, form was much improved and lost a few inches off the body! More to go, but was pleased with my results.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I had to renew my drivers license. After all the weight loss I was looking forward to putting the new lower number on the thing. Then I discovered my state no longer has weight on the license. What a disappointment! ;)

    Darn! ;)

  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Hi all. I am 40 years old, and only "cool" if you put it in scare quotes like that. But can I be in your club?
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    BethAnnieT wrote: »
    Hi all. I am 40 years old, and only "cool" if you put it in scare quotes like that. But can I be in your club?
    yup. they let me in. well, not really. I just showed up and won't leave. :P

  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    What? No one at the door?


    My Canadian garden is pretty much done. This wonderful September weather is gifting me a few more zucchini and late green house cucumbers tho. I'll take em!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Thanks Alf, that pic is a couple of years old, I'll have to try and get another one to compare. Unfortunately I still have 10lbs to go to get to my ideal weight, but I'll be happy with 5-8lbs at this point.

    Larro and Allenpriest hearing about insurance costs makes me appreciate what we've got here in Canada, but it's not really free, we pay with higher taxes and it doesn't cover extended care like prescriptions or dental, thankfully we have insurance through my husband's work for the extras.

    My garden never did much, but that would be because we didn't look after it.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited September 2015
    rune1990 wrote: »
    What? No one at the door?


    My Canadian garden is pretty much done. This wonderful September weather is gifting me a few more zucchini and late green house cucumbers tho. I'll take em!


    We had our first turnips this week. The good news is they are looking great and growing like crazy. The bad news is after looking up the angle of the sun for my location in winter, we are having to move the greenhouse north and west to take advantage of a gap in the backyard oaks, putting the corner in the turnip patch. But my contractor will take a few weeks to get to it, so we should have most of them ate by then.

    I was showing him my plans and told him I had an old cast iron sink I wanted to go in the garden shed. He was telling me about one he saw on an auction site that went for $1600, and mine was in much better shape than it was. We may be able to work out some kind of trade for part of the cost of the greenhouse if he wants the sink as bad as I think he does.

    And Margie was able to get me on her insurance plan with the county. But there will be a two week period when I don't have coverage. Knowing my luck that is when I'll break my leg. I'm not surprised the Civic Center decided to drop my coverage, I was just upset at my boss for not telling me sooner. The last Board Meeting was a couple of months ago, and she told me last Friday. I had missed the regular signup period with the county and had to ask for a hardship case for them to take me. If I had known sooner we could have taken care of it at the regular time.

    Anyway, welcome to the new guys and hello to everyone else.

    You guys have a good one,


    PS: from our after supper walk.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    And Caramel said to tell everyone hello. So hello.
  • markburnett70
    markburnett70 Posts: 66 Member
    Busy in here. What is an NSV?