


  • southernsweetie1978
    southernsweetie1978 Posts: 107 Member
    I love my coffee too especially since getting a Keurig for Christmas. Now I have a cup every single morning! I use the International Coffee French Vanilla. It is 35 calories. If you are going to use sugar, Sweet & Low is actually healthier than Splenda according to a friend of mine's doctor. She has been losing weight and the doctor told her that Splenda has alot more side effects then Sweet & Low. If you absolutely have to have some kind of sugar, you may want to switch. I don't feel I need the sugar when I have flavored creamer. You could gradually lower the amount of cream you use until you adjust to it. I still couldn't drink my black either though!
  • southernsweetie1978
    southernsweetie1978 Posts: 107 Member
    what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs

    I guess the fact that my FIL keeps nagging me to give up Splenda- he says any form of chemical sweetener will cause cancer. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his love and concern, but now I am paranoid. LOL. Anyways, there have been super great ideas here and I have changed my whole outlook- I will not be giving up coffee. :)

    Your FIL is right to be worried about artificial sweeteners - they are among the prime suspects in a range of serious illnesses, including various cancers and neurological diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons' Disease. My mother is a biomedical scientist and all artificial sweeteners were banned in our home, and she explained exactly why we shouldn't have them when we weren't with her either.

    Anecdotally, having consumed very little artificial sweetener in my lifetime, my system is less adjusted to it than many others' are, but having eliminated AS completely (which takes quite a lot of label-reading, as they pop up in all sorts of things!) I had a very worrying experience a few months ago, when I inadvertently drank a mixed drink made with artificially-sweetened lemonade. Within 15-20 minutes I experienced blurred sight in one eye, numbness in my hands, the shakes, dizziness and a blinding headache that took several hours to dissipate. Now, I can't be absolutely, 100% sure that this was caused by the artificial sweetener, but that was the only likely culprit - quite a sobering thought, if that's the effect a little can have on a body that is unaccustomed to them. For the suspiciously-minded among you, I should point out that I was visiting a family member, so I am entirely sure nothing was maliciously added to my drink!

    I have always been leery about artificial sweetners myself because my Mom drinked alot of diet cokes and used alot of sweet & low and splenda in her unsweet tea and she ended up with a rapid spreading breast cancer. I do not like artificial sweetners but I do admit that lately I have been using Sweet & Low in Unsweet Tea or drinking a diet coke about once a week. I just get sick of water!!!! Oh, I will say that instead of using Unsweet Tea with Sweet & Low. You could just get half sweet/half unsweet tea. It will have carbs but not as many as if you were to drink all sweet tea.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    reduce the sweetener slowly and convert to milk to lighten it.. at least this way you get some nutritional value as compared to sweetened creamer.
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    You can have my coffee....when I'm dead! Somethings you just don't have to give and coffee are two!

    omg...lmao (laughing my *kitten* off) I agree 100%

    just gradually cut back on sweetner each morning or couple of days, till you aren't using any. that worked for me but I still haven't give up my sugar free french vanilla creamer. try sugar free flavored creamer and measure it out. drink one 8oz cup at a time w/ 1 tablespoon you'll taste the flavoring and it won't seem that blah.
  • skmolove
    skmolove Posts: 191 Member
    The secret is to add a bunch of salt to the grinds before brewing, that gets rid of any bitterness.

    agree, i do this too. well not a bunch, but a shake or 2 to my 8 cup pot.
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    yes stay far away from Splenda and all those artificial sweeteners... they are so bad for you, they actually make you have more of an appetite. This is how companies want it. So you eat more and spend more on food (its all about money)..... STEVIA (natural sweetener) is the best and Soya cream for coffee....Way less calories and much much better for you. You won't be so hungry after your coffee as well....::)))
  • I'm kinda wondering the same thing. Well I actually have given up getting coffee drinks mon-fri from Caribou and Starbucks. Which my wallet is also loving. I've been drinking unsweetened tea. Which mentally gives me the feeling of drinking something warm out of a mug and I like that. I've been going to a workout class in the morning before work which is decreasing my dependence on morning caffeine.

    I have a question of my own though: Tea is pretty safe it doesn't even register on my food count, but is there a tea that can do something for me in addition to just keeping me from drinking coffee with sugar and cream. Does anyone have a teas they can suggest that offer and nutritional help to my diet? Or some kind of tea that is known to help with weight loss, or one that contains a safe amount of caffeine?
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs

    I guess the fact that my FIL keeps nagging me to give up Splenda- he says any form of chemical sweetener will cause cancer. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his love and concern, but now I am paranoid. LOL. Anyways, there have been super great ideas here and I have changed my whole outlook- I will not be giving up coffee. :)

    Your FIL is right to be worried about artificial sweeteners - they are among the prime suspects in a range of serious illnesses, including various cancers and neurological diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons' Disease. My mother is a biomedical scientist and all artificial sweeteners were banned in our home, and she explained exactly why we shouldn't have them when we weren't with her either.

    Anecdotally, having consumed very little artificial sweetener in my lifetime, my system is less adjusted to it than many others' are, but having eliminated AS completely (which takes quite a lot of label-reading, as they pop up in all sorts of things!) I had a very worrying experience a few months ago, when I inadvertently drank a mixed drink made with artificially-sweetened lemonade. Within 15-20 minutes I experienced blurred sight in one eye, numbness in my hands, the shakes, dizziness and a blinding headache that took several hours to dissipate. Now, I can't be absolutely, 100% sure that this was caused by the artificial sweetener, but that was the only likely culprit - quite a sobering thought, if that's the effect a little can have on a body that is unaccustomed to them. For the suspiciously-minded among you, I should point out that I was visiting a family member, so I am entirely sure nothing was maliciously added to my drink!

    never knew this wasnt trying to seem rude just seriously didnt know and well whats an alternative that you use
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs

    I guess the fact that my FIL keeps nagging me to give up Splenda- he says any form of chemical sweetener will cause cancer. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his love and concern, but now I am paranoid. LOL. Anyways, there have been super great ideas here and I have changed my whole outlook- I will not be giving up coffee. :)

    Your FIL is right to be worried about artificial sweeteners - they are among the prime suspects in a range of serious illnesses, including various cancers and neurological diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons' Disease. My mother is a biomedical scientist and all artificial sweeteners were banned in our home, and she explained exactly why we shouldn't have them when we weren't with her either.

    Anecdotally, having consumed very little artificial sweetener in my lifetime, my system is less adjusted to it than many others' are, but having eliminated AS completely (which takes quite a lot of label-reading, as they pop up in all sorts of things!) I had a very worrying experience a few months ago, when I inadvertently drank a mixed drink made with artificially-sweetened lemonade. Within 15-20 minutes I experienced blurred sight in one eye, numbness in my hands, the shakes, dizziness and a blinding headache that took several hours to dissipate. Now, I can't be absolutely, 100% sure that this was caused by the artificial sweetener, but that was the only likely culprit - quite a sobering thought, if that's the effect a little can have on a body that is unaccustomed to them. For the suspiciously-minded among you, I should point out that I was visiting a family member, so I am entirely sure nothing was maliciously added to my drink!

    never knew this wasnt trying to seem rude just seriously didnt know and well whats an alternative that you use
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    You can have my coffee....when I'm dead! Somethings you just don't have to give and coffee are two!

    yep...^^. i would never give up coffee, sex, chocolate, or red wine.

    This is me i have to have it all, good thing coffee is low in cals and sex burns cals dark chocolate is great for you and can help with weightloss as for the wine in moderation is great for a healthy heart! My dad had heart problems and cardioligist told him to have a glass a day!!!
  • 7Tulips
    I have just started on MFP and I can't quite go without sugar in my coffee so I go half and half e.g. 1 Splenda and 1 sugar, but I make the sugar less and less.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    skim milk and honey. at least they are food.
  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    I have also been trying to cut out sugar in my morning joe. Couldn't stand the after taste of most. A friend clued me in to Xylitol.
    Problem solved. Expensive, but natural and way better than just tolerable.

    Plus Xylitol is good for your teeth!! :happy:
  • SinOrSlim


  • SinOrSlim


  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    You can have my coffee....when I'm dead! Somethings you just don't have to give and coffee are two!

  • runfoodierun
    runfoodierun Posts: 59 Member
    add a little creamer. skip the sugar or sugar substitute. believe me, i am a coffee fanatic, and i have learned to live without it being over sweet. I actually prefer it now...try it...
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I was trying to read through this thread, and thought "oh my gawwwwwd, why are people so obsessed with such a SMALL thing?"

    Really..............MFP promotes healthy living WITHIN REASON, and it's NOT a diet, it's not deprivation, it's not torturing yourself! I like my coffee with flavored, fat-free creamer. I know it has sugar, I know it's adding about 30 calories to my coffee for a tbsp. I tend to drink two cups. That 60 big whopping calories of PURE ENJOYMENT. Why in the world would I give that up??? never entered my MIND to stop drinking coffee because of this new journey. I ain't givin' it up - not now, not ever. Nor beer. Nor ANYTHING, within reason.

    LIVE A LITTLE.....................
  • hipslikecinders
    hipslikecinders Posts: 40 Member
    I treat myself to a fresh coffee every day, with a dash of skimmed milk, so not too calorific!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I was trying to read through this thread, and thought "oh my gawwwwwd, why are people so obsessed with such a SMALL thing?"

    Really..............MFP promotes healthy living WITHIN REASON, and it's NOT a diet, it's not deprivation, it's not torturing yourself! I like my coffee with flavored, fat-free creamer. I know it has sugar, I know it's adding about 30 calories to my coffee for a tbsp. I tend to drink two cups. That 60 big whopping calories of PURE ENJOYMENT. Why in the world would I give that up??? never entered my MIND to stop drinking coffee because of this new journey. I ain't givin' it up - not now, not ever. Nor beer. Nor ANYTHING, within reason.

    LIVE A LITTLE.....................

    The force is STRONG in this one.:bigsmile: