


  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    you KNOW it, Tigerbaby!!!

    I'd give up coffee before BEER, though..............
    :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    what is wrong with splenda and creamer
    creamers if you get low fat they are always sweeter and less calories ...
    and splenda doesnt have that much carbs

    I guess the fact that my FIL keeps nagging me to give up Splenda- he says any form of chemical sweetener will cause cancer. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his love and concern, but now I am paranoid. LOL. Anyways, there have been super great ideas here and I have changed my whole outlook- I will not be giving up coffee. :)

    Your FIL is right to be worried about artificial sweeteners - they are among the prime suspects in a range of serious illnesses, including various cancers and neurological diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons' Disease. My mother is a biomedical scientist and all artificial sweeteners were banned in our home, and she explained exactly why we shouldn't have them when we weren't with her either.

    Anecdotally, having consumed very little artificial sweetener in my lifetime, my system is less adjusted to it than many others' are, but having eliminated AS completely (which takes quite a lot of label-reading, as they pop up in all sorts of things!) I had a very worrying experience a few months ago, when I inadvertently drank a mixed drink made with artificially-sweetened lemonade. Within 15-20 minutes I experienced blurred sight in one eye, numbness in my hands, the shakes, dizziness and a blinding headache that took several hours to dissipate. Now, I can't be absolutely, 100% sure that this was caused by the artificial sweetener, but that was the only likely culprit - quite a sobering thought, if that's the effect a little can have on a body that is unaccustomed to them. For the suspiciously-minded among you, I should point out that I was visiting a family member, so I am entirely sure nothing was maliciously added to my drink!

    never knew this wasnt trying to seem rude just seriously didnt know and well whats an alternative that you use

    That's OK! Better just to use natural cane sugar/real milk as and when needed, and try to keep the sugar minimal. There are a number of natural sweeteners out there that have been mentioned in this thread, but I don't know much about any of them, so I'd hesitate to suggest any. Basically, if it's a chemical that is trying to ape a natural substance, you're better off eating the real thing. Yes, sugar has more calories, so you may have to readjust some of your other habits, but you'll be doing your body (and your brain) a definite favour.
  • tdrinkard85
    Try mixing some whey protein in it instead. The muscle tech chocolate is great in coffee. Let it cool for a minute before you put it in. It tastes like a mocha or dark chocolate hot cocoa but it is low carb and loaded with protein to keep you full in the morning.