

  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hi team

    We started out with a really nice day here today, but the clouds moved in for the last part of the day and it is now raining.. We are hoping it doesn't turn to snow tomorrow, but so far that is the forecast..

    I had a couple of brain dead days Friday and Saturday - ate over my calories and did not exercise...

    Today I did 1 hour on the Wii fit and 45 minutes in the pool. Then we got Chinese take out.... I didn't go over calories because of the exercise, but needless to say, I will be drinking gallons of water to try to get rid of the sodium before weigh in..

    Bobbi - you are cruising on the couch to 5K.. I am going to do week 1 day 1 tomorrow. I'm kind of worried about it because of the shin splints, but will definitely give it my best spot.. I will start by warming up on the elliptical to try to stave off the splints..

    Amanda - hope your snow melts soon - ours is almost gone..

    Marla - your walk sounds great - nice to catch up with friends..

    Sam - the kittens did remind me of the dance scene in pulp fiction.. funny

    nwfamilygal - a lazy day sounds really good to me... i need one of those (or not, if I keep eating...)

    Hope everyone had a great day..

  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Janiebeth, I hope it doesn't snow on you, I am so tired of snow. I am jealous of your pool time, I can't wait until Tuesday when I can go to water aerobics.

    Marla, how nice to catch up with a friend. That sounds wonderful.

    Sarah, where have you been today????
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'm home but we're tired and going to bed. Talk to you guys tomorrow! :heart:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So, I worked today from 10:30 til 5pm. I was outside all day long and I must say that I have the most B-E-A-UTIFUL tan ever!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh: It was 78 degrees and sunny!

    Anyone wanna come visit?:drinker:
    the last two days I have been either in the pool all day or running all over work so I have not been using my treadmill. She needed a rest anyways. I will be on tomorrow and spinning is on tuesday!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Sam, after you weather and tan report I am finding it really hard to like you right now! :laugh:

    I am glad you have had beautiful weather, good for you!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam, after you weather and tan report I am finding it really hard to like you right now! :laugh:

    I am glad you have had beautiful weather, good for you!!!

    You don't have to like me because you already LOVE ME!!!:heart:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Oh alright I admit it you are right, you have been such a motivation to me on here. However, I am coming to visit, how exactly do I get there? :laugh:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening team!,

    Man I have so much catching up to do! I have been playing around on the new before and after photo thread and I gotta get some sleep. I will get caught up tommorow but I just wanted to pop in and say goodnight my friends!!!!

    :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Andrew, I said it on that thread but will say it again, your pics are amazing!!!!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Oh alright I admit it you are right, you have been such a motivation to me on here. However, I am coming to visit, how exactly do I get there? :laugh:

    South!! just head South!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Like the birds do in the winter, I can't fly you know! :laugh:

    We had some nice days last week, in the mid 40s, and I was really getting excited for spring, but now..... :grumble: there is snow on the ground again!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Like the birds do in the winter, I can't fly you know! :laugh:

    We had some nice days last week, in the mid 40s, and I was really getting excited for spring, but now..... :grumble: there is snow on the ground again!

    Every woman on this team is SUPERWOMAN!! and you are a mom so you are already superwoman so you better be able to fly!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Thanks Sam, I needed that tonight, my youngest has been having seizures off and on for the last hour. They are only lasting about 30 to 45 seconds and she has meds for them, but I am going crazy just the same.

    The rest of the family went out to the hot tub, we found it on Craig's list last year and got it for our youngest because it really helps with the stiffening of her body, but she can't go when she keep seizuring, SIGH!!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    What a weekend. Phew!

    I took a master class of Turbo Kick Friday night & promptly came home & died on my couch. My body was screaming at me b/c I really abused it this week. So, I tried to workout on Saturday afternoon & could only muster 20 minutes before I simply HAD to stop. Then yesterday, I decided to grow a brain & not work out. Rest day! I have to say, I'm feeling MUCH better now.

    At the master class, the instructor discussed the Turbo Kick instructor training & I researched it all weekend. I think I'm going to give myself a year to really get in the shape I want to be in. I'm nearly at my weight goal, but I have some serious toning to do before I'm confident enough to hang with the "instructor" crowd. That class was FILLED with them & although I kept up physically, my booty was shakin' a bit more than the spandex wearing ladies. :embarassed: And NOT in a good way. :laugh:

    I did, however, decide to jump in feet first & become a Beachbody "coach" this weekend! Eek! I'm so nervous about it. I've been looking into doing it for awhile & finally decided to take the leap. There's SO much to learn, it's crazy! I'm getting some new workouts in the mail (hopefully) this week so I'm super excited about that! A new, fun journey!

    Bobbi - I am doing well with my stretching, though! LIke I said, not a full 7 minutes, but I'm much more aware of DOING it now! I'll work up to the 7 minutes, I promise. :bigsmile:

    Janie - I hope you didn't have any more muscle cramps in the pool! That's scary!

    Andrew - Love the new av & I'm so glad you got out to play with Aiden this weekend!

    Amanda - I hope your daughter stopped seizing last night. *hugs* That can't be an easy thing to deal with as a mother. :frown:

    Sam - You should name your treadmill so as you're running you can talk to her. :laugh:

    Lynnie - One week down, 2 to go! I hope you enjoyed your time at home!

    Lori - How was all the driving?! Glad you made it home safe!

    Jeannie - How is your stretching going, lady!? I hope the trainer isn't abusing you too much!

    Marla - hang in there! I saw you post on the SAHM thread. Whatever you do, do NOT get on that scale! You don't need to know!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Two people called in sick yesterday so I ended up on a ten hour shift. When one has had ten hours sleep in three days that isn't exactly an ideal situation. :yawn:

    My honeymoon with caffeine has expired. It's just not doing anything for me anymore, no matter how much I consume. How sad.

    Heart still beating away strongly. No jumps, or skips, or hops or anything. *SIGH*

    BLECK! I hate caffeine simply for that hangover feeling! Is that your doggie in the av!? I love dogs! So cute!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well when I did my walk this morning it sunshined, spited snow and wind. Couldn't make up it's mind. But am haveing a lazy day other then that. Make sure I'm drinking my water and eating my veggies. :bigsmile: So hope the rest of the black team has enjoyed the rest of their day as well. :flowerforyou:

    We went out for a walk yesterday, too! My hubby & our kids packed up to go enjoy the 40 something weather. Pretty soon, we're RUNNING home in fierce winds b/c umm...well....we didn't HEAR the tornado warning sirens! ACK! I think we got really lucky b/c as soon as we got home & turned on the tv, there was reports of funnel clouds about 4 miles from us. Talk about not being able to make up the weather's mind! At least I got a good jog in while carrying 2 kids! :laugh:

    Good job on the veggies, too! I'm REALLY trying to keep that one up!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey everyone! Just stoppin in for a minute to say good morning:smile: I had a lazy weekend, but really enjoyed it! I think my body needed the rest. I didnt even do any stretching dvds this weekend just for the sake of the challenge...Im bad:ohwell: But I promise to jump right back into things today:happy: Oh, but I DID manage to stay within my calories all fact both days were about 400 calories UNDER...I hope thats not real bad...I sure dont want my body going into the stavation mode thingy I keep hearing about on here:noway: Take care everyone and have a great Monday:drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey everyone! Just stoppin in for a minute to say good morning:smile: I had a lazy weekend, but really enjoyed it! I think my body needed the rest. I didnt even do any stretching dvds this weekend just for the sake of the challenge...Im bad:ohwell: But I promise to jump right back into things today:happy: Oh, but I DID manage to stay within my calories all fact both days were about 400 calories UNDER...I hope thats not real bad...I sure dont want my body going into the stavation mode thingy I keep hearing about on here:noway: Take care everyone and have a great Monday:drinker:

    Hey, Roni! YAY for lazy weekends! I don't think you should have any problems with starvation mode. I think that's something you really need to watch when you do it consistently. Havea good Monday!
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Janie – A snowball fight at the beach is pretty cool. Dave has a friend who lives in Florida. The friend of Dave’s who we visited Saturday will be moving there in a few months also. Dave said we can just do a yearly vacation to Florida to visit them every year. I said, “Florida is warm and there are beaches. Sounds good!” I love Chinese food but I know what you mean about the sodium. I feel bloated and thirsty for at least a day after eating some.

    Nicky – Darn your body for being healthy enough that caffeine doesn’t bother it. LOL Seriously though, I hope you’re able to find out what is going on and get it taken care of. :flowerforyou:

    Lynnie – Good luck next week with being positive. You can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Marla – It’s fun to catch up with friends. It makes working out a lot less boring too!

    Sam – I know your boss is a *ahem*. But at least you get to work outside and enjoy the nice warm weather.

    Andrew – Your new profile pic is too funny. Does your wife roll her eyes at your goofiness or is she used to it by now? :laugh:

    Amanda – I’m sorry you have to go through that with your daughter. I can’t imagine how scary that must be. I hope she’s doing better. :flowerforyou:

    Sara – Go you! Does being a “coach” mean you’re teaching a class? Have fun with it!

    Roni – Lazy weekends are so fun! Good job with the calories. It’s hard to stay on track on the weekends sometimes, especially on those lazy ones! I agree with Sara. If I went over a lot, I’ll stay under the next day. I just don’t stay far below several days in a row.

    We had a good trip. We stopped once on the way down and once on the drive back. Harley slept down and back just waking up and eating when we stopped. She slept great in her pack-n-play. We were worried since she’s used to her crib with her mobile sleeping in her own room. But she didn’t get to nap much so she was tired and slept until we got up at 7am.

    Dave did pretty well eating-wise. Me not as much. I did okay Saturday until I got into the tortilla chips. Then Sunday we had birthday cake. Plus the soft pretzels I got on the ride. (I love soft pretzels but only like the ones on the spinny thing at rest stops.) Back at it today!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lori - being a Beachbody "coach" is an at-home business. I'm holding off on doing the instructor training for a year or so. LOTS of factors made that decision for me, but the "coaching" is a good place for me to start right now.

    I'm so glad Harley did so good sleeping! Your diet could have been much worse in the car. I don't do well on car trips without snacks. :grumble: I probably would have ate 3 of those dumb pretzels.