Shakeology VS Herbalife



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    If both are expensive, then there are alternatives that are better than both
    This. Save your money and eat real food instead. If you rely on a meal replacement, then that will end up being your meal for the rest of your life since you're not really learning how to eat within calorie limits.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    I like eggs.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    you can choose to hear what you want, and quite frankly I don't have to answer to you. You are obviously more interested in arguing and bashing something you know nothing about. I'm out-I have way more positive ways to spend my time!

    I like the part where I never bashed Herbalife at all, just your ridiculous notion that it's 100% effective at weight loss AND MORE! If someone wants to use Herbalife, that's fine, but it's absurd to claim it works all the time, for everyone, in every situation.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    It's 100% effective! (at making a thread really, really long!)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Have YOU ever looked up information on Herbalife anywhere other than their site?? Please tell me you're aware of what marketing bias is?

    As for my own experience, I know many people who've wasted their money on this. The way it works best is to take the supplements with a very suppressed diet- of course you're going to lose weight if you don't eat anything. And then, of course you're going to GAIN weight, plus much more once you're done with the product and onto a normal diet- one girl I know went from being a normal size before Herbalife, to super skinny from doing it, and then OVERWEIGHT about a month after- and all she did was go back to how she was eating before using it. I would rather push myself to exercise and eat well than waste time, money and effort on this.

    I don't know about Shakeology but I would stay away from Herbalife.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member

    you can choose to hear what you want, and quite frankly I don't have to answer to you. You are obviously more interested in arguing and bashing something you know nothing about. I'm out-I have way more positive ways to spend my time!

    Gosh I'm sooo tempted to write to the company you apparently represent (?) and explain how much I'm not likely to try any of the products based on your responses today.

    Pro tip: sales professionals who admit to being sales professionals never actually stop selling once they bring it up in conversation. They're always the job, if they're good at it. At the very least, they are always the face of the company. You can't actually state that you sell a product like this and then profusely state that you're not pushing it at the moment; no one's going to believe that....for a reason.

    Who knows, maybe you succeeded today, and you're trying to make them look bad. If so, bravo.
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    I just started using Herbalife. I like it so far, and I don't feel at all hungry after having the shakes. I'm pretty sure it's one of those multi-level merchandise thingies, but I have to admit, the guy I get it from is pretty outstanding. He owns his own healthy living store and promotes more than just Herbalife. He (and his two employees) offer us weekly meetings, boot camp classes, online motivation, Biggest Loser-style competitions, monthly get togethers (like bowling) etc. I'm pretty sure my guy is the exception to the average Herbalife seller, but so far I'm really happy with the results.

    This. The woman I get it from does similar things. She teaches you how to eat better and incorporate the shakes into your diet. With anything else something will work for some people while others won't see any results. I've been doing Herbalife since May and have lost 49 of my 54 pounds on it. Because of this woman I've pushed myself to run a 5k, I'm doing things physically that I haven't done since high school. She started well over 300 pounds and now, 3 years later is competeing in strong woman contests If you have someone who truly cares about getting healthy and know about nutrition any one of these products can work. Just like weight watcher and Jenny Craig results may vary. I tried WW and was not successful. Doing the shakes, eating right, exercising, and keeping a food journal has helped me be where I am today. So good luck to the OP on which ever way you decide to go.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    you can choose to hear what you want, and quite frankly I don't have to answer to you. You are obviously more interested in arguing and bashing something you know nothing about. I'm out-I have way more positive ways to spend my time!
    Gosh I'm sooo tempted to write to the company you apparently represent (?) and explain how much I'm not likely to try any of the products based on your responses today.

    Pro tip: sales professionals who admit to being sales professionals never actually stop selling once they bring it up in conversation. They're always the job, if they're good at it. At the very least, they are always the face of the company. You can't actually state that you sell a product like this and then profusely state that you're not pushing it at the moment; no one's going to believe that....for a reason.

    Who knows, maybe you succeeded today, and you're trying to make them look bad. If so, bravo.
    Holy cats! You may be on to something. A Shakeology double agent, perhaps?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    I provided the website where ALL the information can be found-take it or leave it, it is of no consequence to me!
    Websites by sellers are pretty uninformative when it comes to actually manufacturing, content % and raw materials. Like ALL MLM's they will of course boost their product. I'd rather see a peer reviewed study or at least a peer reviewed report than go to a seller's website.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    I won't bad mouth either, I have some friends who use both and sell both, and I think they do believe in them and the benefits of what they are taking. More on that later. (see below.)

    I take a multivitamin everyday. I go back and forth between a one-a-day mens multi vitamin one month and a GNC Mens vitamin the next. I buy the one I find on sale over the other. I drop at the most $29 US$ on a two month supply of my multi viamin.

    I researched both the herbalife products and shakeology and just couldn't jusitfy the high cost vs the roi (return on investment.) Nothing I personally found indicated they could provide vitamin or micronutrient content that I couldn't get out of my Vitamin tablet and my food.

    So I pop a couple vitamin tabs every single day (I lso take a vitamin C and an E for liver issues...) I do notice the difference in energy levels compared to before I changed to a healthy lifestyle. Some of that is because of a healthy lifestyle. Probably all of it.

    If you have money to throw away what is basically a vitamin supplement in a drink go for it, but Ill stick to my vitamin tablet. I do get the majority of the vitamins I need through my food, however on those crappy days when I am on the run and was shortsighted and didn't plan my food ahead of time (really not that often) and end up making crappy food choices, I figure my vitamin tabs bridge the gap.

    I probably would feel fine without them, but they give me a psychological back up which I need (like a placebo) to remind myself to eat healthy. More than anything else they are effective in this area, and do not seem to have any ill side effects so I'll keep taking Vitamin tabs.

    I do reccomend you research what vitamins you aren't getting from your food (You may need to look at your food log and expand it a bit) and if for some reason you can't adjust your diet to get the vitamin nutrients you need, then consider a supplement. Focus on your food first. Are you mostly eating starchy rice and potatos? Just meat products? Only green veggies and no fruit? The balanced approach will have a better impact than anything else you do for your health. Mix it up. Dont rely on one single thing- like a slim fast. Shakeology. Herbalife. McDonalds Chicken Nuggets and French fries.

    Unless you need the placebo. Like me. Nudge wink. Wink wink.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Jason, you are pretty great.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I love how these threads always turn into name calling and insults. The OP asked a question and then it turns into this. Are you serious??? Yes one of the things I sell is Shakeology. Yes I used to use Shakeology and still do on occasion. I stopped because I am sick of the Chocolate and don't like Greenberry. Will probably start back up once the new flavor comes out. With that said, having been a Shakeology drinker for two years and now having been off of it for two months I definitely notice a difference in my hunger, my hair, skin and nails, and my energy level has dropped big time. Let me make something clear, this is just my experience. No one can tell me what works for me and what doesn't.

    Oh and by the way to the poster who said that usually the "salespeople" have a low post count. Guess there goes your theory!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I love how these threads always turn into name calling and insults. The OP asked a question and then it turns into this. Are you serious??? Yes one of the things I sell is Shakeology. Yes I used to use Shakeology and still do on occasion. I stopped because I am sick of the Chocolate and don't like Greenberry. Will probably start back up once the new flavor comes out. With that said, having been a Shakeology drinker for two years and now having been off of it for two months I definitely notice a difference in my hunger, my hair, skin and nails, and my energy level has dropped big time. Let me make something clear, this is just my experience. No one can tell me what works for me and what doesn't.

    Oh and by the way to the poster who said that usually the "salespeople" have a low post count. Guess there goes your theory!
    The name calling came from a salesperson, by the way.

    The serious criticism was directed toward the companies and their products and/or sales methods.
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I guess some people on here eat perfectly every day and never find themselves eating on the run. I guess some of our more muscular friends don't use whey, creatine, Muscle Milk or the like. And I also assume that these same folks have never stepped foot in a GNC, Vitamen World etc.

    Good Gravy. Get over yourselves. The fact of the matter is if someone feels like it is helping then who cares. If people continue to say that you are attacking them, it is because that is how you come off. People take it personally because they feel it is personally beneficial to them.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I tried shakeolgy once it tasted like licking the inside of a hollow leg
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I guess some people on here eat perfectly every day and never find themselves eating on the run. I guess some of our more muscular friends don't use whey, creatine, Muscle Milk or the like. And I also assume that these same folks have never stepped foot in a GNC, Vitamen World etc.

    Good Gravy. Get over yourselves. The fact of the matter is if someone feels like it is helping then who cares. If people continue to say that you are attacking them, it is because that is how you come off. People take it personally because they feel it is personally beneficial to them.

    The funny part is that companies don't make money selling stuff claiming that "some people feel like it works for them." The general implication, if not explicit statement, is often that a product works in a certain way generally. What's really in dispute here is the company's ability to back up not only the price of the product, but its marketing.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
  • Shakeology Works, and if you have never tried either of the two, then Really, From what expierience do you speak from? Nothing out there on the Market comes Close to what Nutrients Shakeology has in it, and for $4 a shake you can't put together all the ingredients that it has, and try and make your own concoction taste even close to choking it down, LOL! It really changes your Health over all and with 3 days a week of some type of workout routine, you really feel better and change your Health. Check with a Coach to see if you can get a sample to try it, although they offer a 30 Day Money Back Gaurantee, so if you don't like what it has done, Send it back for a refund! Then you can say what you think.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I guess some people on here eat perfectly every day and never find themselves eating on the run. I guess some of our more muscular friends don't use whey, creatine, Muscle Milk or the like. And I also assume that these same folks have never stepped foot in a GNC, Vitamen World etc.

    Good Gravy. Get over yourselves. The fact of the matter is if someone feels like it is helping then who cares. If people continue to say that you are attacking them, it is because that is how you come off. People take it personally because they feel it is personally beneficial to them.

    The funny part is that companies don't make money selling stuff claiming that "some people feel like it works for them." The general implication, if not explicit statement, is often that a product works in a certain way generally. What's really in dispute here is the company's ability to back up not only the price of the product, but its marketing.

    Precisely. The extraordinary claims, "It's 100% effective at weight loss. It helps your hair, skin and nails. It provides energy with all the nutrients it provides." are never supported. Just "If it works for one person then it works!"

    Personal attacks time after time from Shakeology/Herbalife defenders. They can't simply state what it is about this product that works. But they insist that it does and if you don't like it you should just shut up and get over yourself. You're a hater.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member

    you're awesome man-I love you
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