How can I add oatmeal to my diet when I hate it?



  • Kicktush
    I've had it in a smoothie before and it was quite good. Put it in a blender and pulse it until it's basically a powder then add some strawberries,a half a banana, and some skim milk. Voila! Oatmeal without knowing it's oatmeal! I can't understand your aversion however. I LOVE OATMEAL. I eat it every single morning.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    add to a smoothie
  • atiffany1
    It is probably the texture and the taste you don't like.. same with me.. I hate oatmeal, grits and everything else with that squishy grainy texture... yuck!
  • atiffany1
    Or canadian farm organic granola, I either eat it as cereal with milk or I put it in yogurt with fruit. Its really good and there is a few different kinds. Its mostly whole grain oats, some almonds and vanilla.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Steel-cut oats are the way to go - MUCH more pleasing texture, IMO. If you STILL hate oatmeal after having tried this... you may have to decide to let it go.

    At least one other poster above mentioned that steel-cut oats are a pain to cook. I learned an overnight cooking technique that makes it super easy.

    Bring the water to a boil; add oats; cook for one minute. Remove from heat; cover and let stand overnight. In the morning, it will either be ready to go, or you'll just need to cook it on low heat for a few minutes to bring it to the consistency you want.

    Also, I found it convenient to cook up a big batch of it and divide it up into individual-sized servings. Breakfast for a week!
  • mickeymouse108
    I have a thing i learned in ww take a large apple and peal core and slice put in microwave safe dish pour a flavored oatmeal packet over apple add a teaspoon of olive oil drizzle over oatmeal and microwave it for a min or two then eat just like apple crisp.
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    Before you decide that you hate oats, dump the instant oats! My view of oatmeal underwent a complete change when we started using Quaker Old Fashioned Oats (NOT the Quick Oats). You can make them in the microwave in 6 minutes at power level 5. My favorite way to eat them is with a tablespoon of honey and a splash of almond milk... or for a yummy change, a little splash of flavored coffee creamer.

    Another version is Steel Cut oats, but they really are a pain to make.

    And if after all that, you still don't like 'em... find a grain that you do like. :-)

    The steel cut oats are awesome. You just have to let them simmer for about 45 minutes. And make sure to have a non-stick pan.
  • redheadc2
    redheadc2 Posts: 29 Member
    I hate oatmeal too! but you won't be able to tell by the 2 gallon size bags I have in my pantry.

    Try it baked.

    it's not mushy, more like a cake/brownie texture.

    Trust me this is the only why I will eat it. and in the winter I go through a lot of it. The other great thing is it comes out like a loaf if you bake it in a bread pan. I section it out at the start of the week and throw one in my bag to take to work. The nuts add protein and this will last me through lunch just search for a baked oatmeal recipe online
  • kellz330
    kellz330 Posts: 19 Member
    wow lots of great ideas! cant wait to try some of these... especially with cocoa/peanut butter
  • bslic
    bslic Posts: 245 Member
    ok been doing the cocoa and pb....OMG!!! I"m in love.
    thanks for the tip
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    It's easier to stick to eating things that you do like. Forcing yourself to eat things you don't like is not something that creates sustainable eating habits.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My 7 year old eats them raw with milk and doesn't like them cooked at all. My 15 year old prefers to toast hers in the toaster oven and eat them like cold cereal too. They have also been known to smear a banana with peanut butter and roll it in toasted oats or put PB on a graham cracker and sprinkle with oats (toasted or not. ) You can also drop some into your blender when you make a smoothie and they'll be all ground up so you don't even know they're there.

    ETA: I should mention I use oat groats and have a flaker so we flake our own oatmeal as we need it. I would use old fashioned thick oats if I didn't do them this way. Oat groats (the oat before flaking) or steel cut oats both have a less slimy texture than flaked oats, instant oats are especially slimy and gummy. Bleh.
  • cherylnadine
    I don't like oatmeal either.. it's the texture.... but it is supposed to be so good for you so I make healthy muffins with oatmeal... I substitute the white flour with oatmeal, wheat germ, whole wheat flour, flax meal....
  • clsaxn
    clsaxn Posts: 1
    Can't stand cooked oatmeal either. So, I eat it uncooked -- like cereal. Add some cinnamon and Splenda along with some milk. Works for me.
  • houstonmacbro
    houstonmacbro Posts: 99 Member
    I make oatmeal and bean burgers ... not as gross as it sounds (actually, it is darned good, filling, and low calorie). Another tip is when making regular oatmeal ... let them steep in boiling hot water you have used to just cover the oats. They puff up nice and moist and won't have that sliminess to them. Just cover the bowl with a plate or something and let them steam for about 5 minutes.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Mis with yogurt? I still don't get why you feel the need to eat it.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Please don't eat something you don't like.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Muffins!!! Swear you wont even know its in there :)
  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    If I don't feel like eating it then I add it to my protein shake. Just put in a magic bullet your scoop of protein powder of choice, about a1/4 cup or even 1/3 cup of dry oatmeal (quick cooking oats) and whatever fresh fruit you have on hand (blueberries, strawberries, banana, etc) Top it up with some milk or almond milk, blend and enjoy! Breakfast on the go!
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I make oatmeal and bean burgers ... not as gross as it sounds (actually, it is darned good, filling, and low calorie). Another tip is when making regular oatmeal ... let them steep in boiling hot water you have used to just cover the oats. They puff up nice and moist and won't have that sliminess to them. Just cover the bowl with a plate or something and let them steam for about 5 minutes.

    I have added it to burgers and meatloaf as well instead of breadcrumbs :)