MFP pet peeves.....go on, you KNOW you have one!



  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    It has recently come to my attention that I need to:

    Post more about my daily life
    Post less about my daily life
    Be less critical about my friends' eating and exercise
    Be more critical about my friends' eating and exercise
    Not be afraid to ask questions before doing something stupid
    Not ask any questions on the forum because I will look stupid
    Drink more water
    Eat my exercise calories
    Don't eat my exercise calories
    Eat my exercise calories or I will go into starvation mode and die
    The first rule of starvation mode is NEVER TALK ABOUT STARVATION MODE


    Finally someone understands the rules!
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    I haven't been on MFP that long, and I am enjoying it very much so far. I think people are friendly and supportive, and I'm trying to figure out all of the forum, group, blog, community stuff... So I don't really have a pet peeve about posters (yet?). The only thing I am a little annoyed by is that I kind of wish MFP had the option to give more notifications, kind of like Facebook does. Like, if someone comments on a post that it would notify you on MFP instead of just sending a message to your e-mail (or having to scroll down your profile page), or if you comment on a blog & someone quotes you that it would notify you. Then you wouldn't have to scroll back through the blog posts to talk back and forth with people as much. Facebook allows you to turn notifications off or on with most things too, so if you don't like getting a lot of notifications then you don't have to, and you can even unfollow posts now...

    THIS! And a LIKE button would be lovely. (Yes, I shortened the above quote a bit)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Mine is the "fitness police" who troll the forums and think they know everything.... they know what worked for them, not for everyone. Yes, I find it awesome to hear their stories, but no I don't need to read a post with 50 people jumping on one person who asks about a cleanse or something that isn't the "fitness police" preferred method of losing weight!
    Now, remember... they are posing questions to the public forum. Why would anyone not expect to receive some different opinions?

    Many members are kind enough to provide reputable and accurate information -- not anecdotal personal information -- to answer other member's questions. You may be assuming that they are providing info for something that worked for them, but many times, it's reputable, helpful info -- not anecdotal.

    You may call them "fitness police". I call them "mythbusters" that are out there, trying to help others with accurate information.
    Beat me to the punch.:laugh:
    Some people's egos are so easily bruised that they only seem to thrive in the estrogen echo chamber.

    Sorry, start a closed group and snivel 100% agreement with impunity.
    Me? I like being challenged.
  • busymom11
    The use of "lol". It really is not that funny.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    -Hi! I'm eating 200 calories a day and taking unnamed Mexican weightloss pills I get in a brown paper baggie, what do you think?

    -That sounds very dangerous.


    Exactly my point. :flowerforyou:
    Here! Here!:drinker:
  • ShalisaClam
    "Your post needs a citation."

    Sorry, Elizabeth, I think people need to be more responsible for themselves and look up what is said here instead of taking my advice for gospel.

    I posted a response to a question about water once (actually, my first EVER response to a post on here) and felt berated for it. If it was so important to have a 'citation' listed for what I said, look it up and post it yourself. Otherwise, eff off and don't bother replying to my threads/responses.

    <end tiny rant>

  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^All of the above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I love this place, always helpful and more often than not very amusing. A big pet peeve of mine is someone who will enter something in the database and list only the calories, nothing else. GRRRR!!!!!!! Oh and people who use multiple exclamation points!!!! OOPS!!!!
  • GyasiDaniels
    Anyone who writes anything negative. This is no place for any type of negativity. People are here to grow, learn, and achieve there goals. Some are so fragile that any negative comment could derail them. And these folks know they wouldn't say half the things they say if they we live in person. I think we learned this as kids folks, if you have nothing nice to say say nothing at all!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    1. People who say they burned 4672 calories playing with thier kids for 7 straight hours. (seriously.. WTF!! It's called being a parent) 2. The people who count sex as exercise... Nobody really cares to know that much about you.. Unless you are a porn star you aren't burning enough calories to make a difference These and about 100 other things
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Disclaimer: Please don't give me the power to offend you.

    - People that post "How come I'm not losing weight," And then confess to eating fewer than 1,200 calories a day making the claim that they're not hungry. I never really believe them....they got fat eating more than 1,200 calories a day and now that they want to lose it, they aren't hungry?!? I don't buy it.

    - When people say that muscle weighs more than fat. Yes, muscle is more dense, but a pound of fat = a pound of muscle. One just has more volume, but it's still a distinction that grates on me.

    - Seeing "Women Only" or "Men Only" in topic titles. It's like putting a 'wet paint' sign on the park bench. You just know somebody is going to come up and check whether the paint is dry or not. Same deal: reverse psychology works, and you should just know that the moment you put one or the other in the title, the opposite sex is going to come walking in.

    - When people only post 'wtg' or 'good job' or something light on my recent loss or workout. This is kind of a two edged sword though, because while I appreciate the support, I find myself wanting something more substantial than a 'wtg.'

    I've got more, but that's enough for now.

    Quoting your sooper long post to tell u I lov yur disclaimer
    Typing like that is hard.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Anyone promoting things like shakeology.

    Actually, mostly just shakeology. The entire concept annoys me.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    The use of "lol". It really is not that funny.

    LOL, that's why I use the laugh face! Whoops! LOL! I accidentally said it :laugh:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Here! Here!:drinker:
    This just makes me happy. :devil:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Here! Here!:drinker:
    This just makes me happy. :devil:

    Where? Where?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Mine is the "fitness police" who troll the forums and think they know everything.... they know what worked for them, not for everyone. Yes, I find it awesome to hear their stories, but no I don't need to read a post with 50 people jumping on one person who asks about a cleanse or something that isn't the "fitness police" preferred method of losing weight!

    Edited for typos - I'm horrible at that! haha

    I think all of the people you are talking about are on my friends list and I am one too.
    I call these people "those who know what they are talking about" Since they post reputable sources to educate users so they do not make unnecessary choices they might regret or waste money on.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is that there hasn't been an original topic in the forum in at least 6 months.

    I'll think up a doozie and wrap it up with a ribbon and bow. Now to ponder what to post...
  • keyer23
    keyer23 Posts: 114 Member
    My pet peeve is that MFP doesn't have an option to track mileage. I love this site with that one exception.
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    Mine is the "fitness police" who troll the forums and think they know everything.... they know what worked for them, not for everyone. Yes, I find it awesome to hear their stories, but no I don't need to read a post with 50 people jumping on one person who asks about a cleanse or something that isn't the "fitness police" preferred method of losing weight!

    Edited for typos - I'm horrible at that! haha
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I think my biggest pet peeve is when overweight people looking for help losing weight call all the knowledgeable people who have reached their goals "fitness police."

    Let the flaming begin.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Mine is the "fitness police" who troll the forums and think they know everything.... they know what worked for them, not for everyone. Yes, I find it awesome to hear their stories, but no I don't need to read a post with 50 people jumping on one person who asks about a cleanse or something that isn't the "fitness police" preferred method of losing weight!

    Edited for typos - I'm horrible at that! haha

    I think all of the people you are talking about are on my friends list and I am one too.
    I call these people "those who know what they are talking about" Since they post reputable sources to educate users so they do not make unnecessary choices they might regret or waste money on.

    You're telling me that doing 20,000 tricep extensions with a 2 lb. dumbbell isn't going to help me at all?

    Seriously, people who don't like knowledgeable people giving advice should not ask for advice.