Negative Reinforcement (Don't Read If You Cant Take It)



  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    Amen to that, I'm glad I'm working on it
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I used to get told I was "Big boned" "built that way" or that I had "puppy fat" that always overshadowed the fact that I was fat.
    Finally I've come out from the cotton wool barrier of "it's puppy fat, it will go away when you're older" & realised, uh I'm 18 & it still hasn't gone, I have to get rid of it myself.
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    I am fat. Fatty McFatso. That's why i'm here. To change that!
  • PersnicketyFits
    F-ING FAT here too so what at least im still hot and i get laid me than most "skinny people" go me even at my smallest im still fat oh well life goes on at least im healthy and becoming more and more happy!

    You know what? I also found this to be true in college. I chucked it up to that "more cushion for the pushin' " saying. lol But, yeah, just because we're fat doesn't mean we aren't pretty. Besides, getting laid is more of a confidence game than anything.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Hi my name is Kathryn and Im FAT.
  • AJ1966
    AJ1966 Posts: 18
    I am a fat woman. I too need to be able to realize this. I am not fluffy, big boned or full of love... I am FAT!! And I am going to do something about this!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member

    and it annoys me when people seem offended or hurt when I call myself fat.. as if they should feel offended on my behalf.

    thank you for this post. now I shall get my fat *kitten* to the gym.
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member
    F-ING FAT here too so what at least im still hot and i get laid me than most "skinny people" go me even at my smallest im still fat oh well life goes on at least im healthy and becoming more and more happy!

    You know what? I also found this to be true in college. I chucked it up to that "more cushion for the pushin' " saying. lol But, yeah, just because we're fat doesn't mean we aren't pretty. Besides, getting laid is more of a confidence game than anything.

    Well i got that i am probably one of the most outspoken persons i have ever met lol
  • stephanielindley422
    Oh good I am glad too see people understood where I was going with this. I was waiting for the hate posts. I love motivation like this call me a masochist or don't but the sooner I realized that I was indeed fat, it motivated me to change it.

    This is my kind of motivation too. When people say you are overweight, you don't feel as inclined to change. "Oh, I'm just a little overweight, no big deal". But let someone drop the F bomb on you. That'll hit you in the gut. By all means, call me fat. I need to hear it.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'm not as fat as I was, but I still have more to lose until I can comfortably say I'm not fat anymore.

    I hate the idea of sugarcoating words to describe people. Whatever word you use someone's going to have a problem with it. And their real problem? The fact that they're fat. It's so tough to hear we desperately want someone to say something else. So we get curvy, thick, voluptuous, husky, stout etc. etc. and they're all words trying to say the same thing. "This person carries around extra pounds."

    Forget the word. If you really hate being called fat you better make sure you're doing the work to not be fat. There's no point in getting angry at the rest of the world for being accurate.
  • Malinda090494
    I have been fat since the day I was born ... but in the last 20 years, I have seen documentation in my medical records that say "morbidly obese". It's amazing that there is denial even with that term, but what's even more amazing is after starting a weight loss program and seeing what I looked like 'at my heaviest', I could see how disgusting it was. I am still obese, it's a struggle that I will endure for the remainder of my living days. A person has to be conscious of every morsel of food that goes in their mouth if they are going to succeed with eating healthy. I hate to say that I am on a diet, a friend told me that it's 'lifestyle modification'. That sounds a lot better! We don't have to dictate where we eat, we can eat at all the same places our not-heavy friends/family do, we just have to make the better choices.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Yep I'm fat! But I'm gonna die trying to be fit and healthy!!
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    It is all about learning to stop avoiding mirrors and accept what you are and then realize that what you are isn't what you always have to be. I had a negative reinforcement recently and I kind of think that it helped me flick the switch. My mother, who I love dearly and has always been really supportive and has lost a substantial amount of weight herself, said something really harsh while trying to be helpful. I spent two days crying and just feeling all out crap about everything, and then I realized that what she said, while pretty freaking mean, was also very very honest. It is a motivator, it is what I hear when I think something stupid like just one cookie won't hurt or maybe I should stay in bed and just grab cafeteria food instead of making my lunch before work. So to answer your question, yes, I'm fat... for now.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yep I'm fat...I'm trying my best to do something about it, but in the end, I'm still fat.
  • chenoamac
    chenoamac Posts: 66 Member
    Amen brother!! I'm F***ing FAT and I'm working on it everyday!

    me too
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    It's a descriptive word, like tall, short, thin, blond, bald, etc.

    I think the reason people freak out is because fat people are stereotyped as being lazy, stupid, unhygienic, etc. You can be fat and smart and nice smelling and attractive, hard working, etc.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I am fat. Fatty McFatso. That's why i'm here. To change that!

    Hi Fatty McFatso! My name is Flabby McFlabberson. Nice to meet you! :laugh:
  • CBM23
    CBM23 Posts: 36
    I completely agree. Chubby, more to love, overweight, they don't hit you in the face the way FAT does. And the longer you shelter yourself from the reality of your weight then the longer it will take to fix it. When I started, I was less than 5 pounds from clinically obese for my height, that IS fat, and that IS something I am well on my way to fixing now that I have come to terms with that fact.
  • Chavellek
    Chavellek Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks:-) I needed this. I'm fat but working to improve. Hopefully one day I will no longer be fat
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Guess what ? I am not big boned, I am not husky, fluffy, overweight, obese, metabolically challenged, horizontally challenged, chubby, chunky, corpulent, generously proportioned, hefty, gravitationally challenged, oversized, stout, stocky or Plus Sized... I am FAT ... Capital F, A ,T - FAT
    Yup. That's me too. I am a out-of-shape, fat old man. No mystery how I got here. I ate badly and sat on my butt for years and years. No magic to changing it either. Eat right and exercise. Plain, simple and accurate.

    I said something to that effect among a group of friends and one of them (an overweight woman) didn't like it but couldn't argue with me because I had said it about myself.

    Awesome post!

    It is better when we own what we are and how we got there.