Negative Reinforcement (Don't Read If You Cant Take It)



  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I am fat too. Obese. I find that word more hurtful than fat. But yes I am both. And I have known it for years. But always made excuses as to why I wasn't losing weight. It was too "hard". Well, when I finally lost 360 lbs (divorced my ex) I realized that even though it was hard to lose all that weight it was one of the best things I could do. Now I am working on the next best thing - losing the other 130 lbs. :)
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Adipose tissue is more of a "geeked" term. And technically you dont get "rid" of it, you use the solidified energy stored in those cells and shrink them.

    @runtrx I dearly love this. We should have bumperstickers: I'm not fat, I'm full of solidifed energy!!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I'm not fat anymore, but I was. Kudos to you.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    It's a descriptive word, like tall, short, thin, blond, bald, etc.

    I think the reason people freak out is because fat people are stereotyped as being lazy, stupid, unhygienic, etc. You can be fat and smart and nice smelling and attractive, hard working, etc.

    That. To me, getting offended by being called fat would be like getting offended by being called brunette. I am both of those things. And I choose to see it as a fact instead of as an insult. Are there people who mean it as an insult? Of course, but if someone is trying to insult me/hurt my feelings, it's probably not someone whose opinion I give a **** about anyway.

    I also hate it when I make a comment about being fat and someone tells me I'm not. Dude, I own a scale and a mirror. I had a friend who would argue with me about it all the time. I'd say, "Yes, I am. I still have X lbs to lose". Then she'd say, "Well I have XY to lose." I always wanted to tell her that just because she was fatter than me, didn't mean I wasn't fat. She's the type that would get all butthurt over that though.
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    I get annoyed when I am talk about/ mention something about being F-A-T and whoever I'm talking to says "Oh shut, up. You're not fat" (or something to that end). Yes, I am. I'm fat, not delusional.

    I hate that. I am fat. I am not blind. I can see what I look like in the morror.

    What is worse is when that same person that said you aren't fat, points at someone later and says something about them being fat and you see someone who is less fat that you. Really?!?!
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    I was typing the same thing and then saw yours! haha

    Exceptional post! And honestly maybe because my hubs and I throw around the word fat and fatty, but I feel that obese hurts more! Especially when add "morbidly" YIKES! Well I'm done being scared of the numbers that are going to pop up on the scale! We, the hubs and I, are ready to be unFAT, hahaha. WE are not DIETING, we are making a lifestyle change. I've learned over the years that dieting is short term. But by changing our life for the better we're making the choice to eat the new way for life.

    LET'S GO FATTIES! hahaha Here's to us all reaching our goals!
  • countrygirl812
    Yep, and I am doing something about it.
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    So in my experience on the forums and with friends lists there seems to be a general idea that us fat people tend to get offended when we are called fat.

    I learned something a while ago.

    I use to get offended when people called me fat, you know it hurt deeply *right here* points to heart -. Then I came to a realization; I was and still am fat.

    Guess what ? I am not big boned, I am not husky, fluffy, overweight, obese, metabolically challenged, horizontally challenged, chubby, chunky, corpulent, generously proportioned, hefty, gravitationally challenged, oversized, stout, stocky or Plus Sized... I am FAT ... Capital F, A ,T - FAT

    While some of the above are more or less entertainment but many of the above are used to disguise, to desensitize and to avoid the big F word.

    When I accepted that word, I did something about it. No I am not done, I am still fat, but at least now I don't have some misguided sense of delusion that the world made me obese, no I made me FAT.

    So, what are you going to do about it ? Are you fat ?

    I 100% agree. I wish the people who cared about you would sit you down and tell you you're fat, you need to eat healthier and be healthier. I HATE it when I say something about my size (not in a demeaning way) and people are like "OH! You're not fat!" and I'm just like :grumble: yeah I am. I admit it. It's ok, to say it, because PRETENDING LIKE I'M NOT FAT is what got me to ignore the problem, it is SERIOUSlY like telling a drunk, "Oh your not a drunk, or wasting all your money on booze" Just to make them feel better, who would do that? No one, you want that drunk to get help, so you tell them "You're a drunk, you need help." But that's more socially acceptable than telling a grown person who you claim to love and care about that they are dangerously overweight and are heading in the direction of many unnecessary diseases.
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    haha well said. But truthfully I am in denial, I know what I am..just don't want others to tell me they notice too! lol
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I'm not fat, I'm frakin' HUGE
  • tyra47
    tyra47 Posts: 97
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I realized I was fat when I got on my WiiFit and it told me I was overweight! The my little Mii expanded!

    I am FAT! And so is my Mii!

    I find it a bit inspiring to tell myself "keep going fatty" when I'm doing my 30DS. I don't want to be fat anymore, but there is no hiding from the truth.

    I'm doing it for my Mii. Or for me. We will shrink together. ;)
  • beebabe
    beebabe Posts: 67
    I still maintain that I am fluffy. I dont want to be fluffy. I want to be lean. :cry:
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I realized I was fat when I got on my WiiFit and it told me I was overweight! The my little Mii expanded!

    I am FAT! And so is my Mii!

    I find it a bit inspiring to tell myself "keep going fatty" when I'm doing my 30DS. I don't want to be fat anymore, but there is no hiding from the truth.

    I'm doing it for my Mii. Or for me. We will shrink together. ;)

    Lol, I am so sorry to laugh, but I didn't know the WiiFit makes your Mii fatter if your bigger! All the poor Mii's out there!!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Oh good I am glad too see people understood where I was going with this. I was waiting for the hate posts. I love motivation like this call me a masochist or don't but the sooner I realized that I was indeed fat, it motivated me to change it.

    I actually love your post. I'm obese, or fat, or whatever you wanna call it. And I'm happy that I'm doing something to change it. It does hurt my feelings when people call me fat or a fat *kitten* (happens when I'm cycling from strangers on occasion), but they are morons.. they can't change that... I can change being fat.
  • determinedsocialworker
    Always reminds of of Jenny Jones or one of them having a show "I'm fat and I'm all that." While I'm certainly not "all that," I am fat. LOL And it's totally okay to say it.. but you know what?? I'm almost 50 pounds LESS fat than I was before and each day I'm moving the other way. LIke someone said, I'm not delusional. I'd rather not have everyone I meet tell me that I am (which they don't), but we don't have to be so afraid of it. All of these words have power if we let them have it, and that goes for obese, voluptuous, fat, whale, etc... I'm me. Someday soon I'll be me AND be fit.. and that'll be awesome!
  • brichnic
    The word fat always hurts my feelings. I think it's because it's pointing out something I've done to myself, something I should have handled a long time ago, and an insecurity that never needed to be an insecurity.

    Now that I'm losing weight... i have the weirdest thing where my brain MISSES my fat. I think of things that will hurt more when I'm not fat, my elbows getting bumped because they aren't protected by fat. I think, my brain just wants Dr. Pepper, so it's trying to convince me to go back. No way!

    I'm fine with fat if it was only effecting *me*. But I plan to be a mother one day and I won't inflict fat on my children while they're IN the womb, or when they come out of it. I don't want high blood pressure and a high risk pregnancy. I don't want my children becoming fat because I'm not encouraging good habits in them. I want to be able to chase them, to swing them up in the air and make them giggle.

    I want to be fun, not fat. =)
  • Happyhealthyliz90
    Happyhealthyliz90 Posts: 63 Member
    Amen brother!! I'm F***ing FAT and I'm working on it everyday!

    ^^^^^ love this me too!!!
  • MaryAnn678
    MaryAnn678 Posts: 182 Member
    Yep I'm fat! But I'm gonna die trying to be fit and healthy!!

    This sums it up for me! I'm fat, obese, but doing my best to beat this horrible thing that I've done to to beat the "WHY" did I do this to myself?? I know the "HOW" of it.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I think Morbidly Obese and Obesity are words that I dislike the most. It makes it sound like its a disorder or disease and somewhat taking away from what it truly is(I am not talking about people that have medical conditions like thyroid issues).

    Our society has the tendency to make things sound like it was something you had no control over. Naming it something scientific and or disease related I think deflates it a bit.

    The word FAT is something that is synonymous with well being fat and to me it has more of a bite. No one is fat because they have a medical condition, they are fat because they are fat.