Girls... Is muscle a turn off?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This is amazing.
    Also, I like how at the beginning of the thread lots of women said that they wouldn't want someone who lives in the gym but presented with the evidence of what that achieves the jaws (and the underwear I'm guessing) started dropping soon enough...

    Not all of us. I'm not saying he isn't a good-looking guy, but it takes more than that for me. Until I have a conversation with him, I can't say I'm attracted to him. When I was a boy-crazy teenager, a hot body was a turn-on. As an adult, just looking at a good-looking man doesn't really do anything for me.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Not all of us. I'm not saying he isn't a good-looking guy, but it takes more than that for me. Until I have a conversation with him, I can't say I'm attracted to him. When I was a boy-crazy teenager, a hot body was a turn-on. As an adult, just looking at a good-looking man doesn't really do anything for me.

    Pffffft. Maturity. What did that ever bring anyone? Apart from happiness...

    Of course, I am not talking about all women. That would be silly. I don't think we can ever really talk about absolutes when it comes to the sexes and most people appreciate that. I do think there are general trends though which encompass the majority and they are always interesting to observe with the odd statistical outliers as well of course ;)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is amazing.
    Also, I like how at the beginning of the thread lots of women said that they wouldn't want someone who lives in the gym but presented with the evidence of what that achieves the jaws (and the underwear I'm guessing) started dropping soon enough...

    Not all of us. I'm not saying he isn't a good-looking guy, but it takes more than that for me. Until I have a conversation with him, I can't say I'm attracted to him. When I was a boy-crazy teenager, a hot body was a turn-on. As an adult, just looking at a good-looking man doesn't really do anything for me.

    This, plus what I (we?) find visually appealing isn't necessarily what I (we?) want to live with. I think he's absolutely beautiful, but I'd prefer a guy whose lifestyle is more akin to mine, and I'd rather spend my evening going out for drinks and appetizers, or just sitting home watching tv, than spending every night at the gym. It's a more high-maintenance lifestyle than I'd want to live with.

    And I'm sure the same goes for guys with women. A guy's head might be turned by a bombshell, say Pam Anderson in her prime, but would he want to deal with the hours of preparation it takes every day to have the perfect body, perfect tan, perfect hair, perfect makeup?

    I've known more guys who crushed on Alyson Hannigan than Pam Anderson. The cute, low-key and approachable girl next door.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I've known more guys who crushed on Alyson Hannigan than Pam Anderson. The cute, low-key and approachable girl next door.

    To play Devil's Advocage, I'd bet that Alyson Hannigan spends as much time on her appearance than Pam Anderson does, just in different ways. :tongue: I know girls who look like absolute frumps, but spend ungodly amounts of time on their appearance...but I know some women who LOOK like they spent 5 hours at the salon, but really, spent maybe 10 minutes and are out the door. I hear what you're saying, though. :smile:

    I think the same can be said for men. One of my friend's ex-boyfriends had a body that screams "Gym Buff"...yet he ate nothing but fast food, Chinese take-out, playing video games 24/7 and never exercised. How did he do it? I have no idea. My boyfriend also had a 6-pack in high school, and he did run cross-country, but still ate like any other teenage boy.
  • Aerodynamicism
    I don't like muscle, even standard muscular guys like Taylor Lautner are a turn off for me. Aside from the aesthetics of muscle definition being just gross, I find it vain and off putting that someone would put so much effort into their appearance. I know that seems pretty hypocritical being a member of a fitness website but that's just how I feel regarding the opposite sex. I like men who are naturally attractive. As in, don't need to manipulate any part of their appearance in order to be hot. Face is the biggest decider for me on whether or not I find someone attractive, looks-wise.

    But, that's just my personal opinion.

    Every little thing we do basically manipulates our appearance.:tongue:

    You know what I mean. Putting in a lot of conscious effort to manipulate it, when if they didn't they'd be average at best. But I've never had what could be considered a conventional taste in men so I'm obviously not a good representation of the average woman.
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    Clint Eastwood is about right muscle wise...
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I don't like muscle, even standard muscular guys like Taylor Lautner are a turn off for me. Aside from the aesthetics of muscle definition being just gross, I find it vain and off putting that someone would put so much effort into their appearance. I know that seems pretty hypocritical being a member of a fitness website but that's just how I feel regarding the opposite sex. I like men who are naturally attractive. As in, don't need to manipulate any part of their appearance in order to be hot. Face is the biggest decider for me on whether or not I find someone attractive, looks-wise.

    But, that's just my personal opinion.

    Every little thing we do basically manipulates our appearance.:tongue:

    You know what I mean. Putting in a lot of conscious effort to manipulate it, when if they didn't they'd be average at best. But I've never had what could be considered a conventional taste in men so I'm obviously not a good representation of the average woman.

    I'm sorry, but I find that hilarious, seeings how in your photos, you're wearing a lot of make-up meant to manipulate the way you look.:laugh:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Its good to see what girls actually think about it all... I will be honest and say it is shallow to only look at someone for their defined physique as there is more to someone then how their body looks, but I do have to say that it shows that the guy takes pride in himself and that he looks after himself...

    But being huge and muscular beyond natural physiques just looks utter ridiculous ..

    this is more the physique I am looking to achieve


  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    Muscles like in Rugby player I say....

    Piri Weepu.. what a gorgeous lower backside ^^... and Sonny Bill Williams? Yes please ^^

    But back to original question. It's not that hard, women do have different taste, so do men... you know we are not all the same. So yeah, some women might like skinny, some chubby, some ripped.
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    Not a fan of Body Builder muscle but, I love the bodies of Randy Orton, Triple H, Seamus, John Morrison and The Rock. (Hubby is a WW fan and I watch it with him to 'oggle' at the men's bodies.)
    Randy is the blueprint that I use for my goals. An excellent realistic athletic look.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    This is amazing.


    I think I just drooled on the keyboard
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    Well you already know that my ex dropped to 2% body fat for his fights... and that I preferred him with a bit of meat on him...

    Muscles are awesome... but you don't want their arms bigger than their head... nor do you want them on steroids to achieve the look...

    So muscles is a turn off if it's not in proportion...

    Also, if you're going to have big arms... please don't neglect your legs. Twigs are not a good look.

    PS. I work with soldiers, pilots and navy seals... some have the hottest bodies (ie. clearance divers... *DROOL*...) of lean muscle... but when they open their mouths you go "did you just say that?" such a loss... :/
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    Muscles like in Rugby player I say....

    Piri Weepu.. what a gorgeous lower backside ^^... and Sonny Bill Williams? Yes please ^^

    i was flicking through this thread and was just thinking "rugby players" to describe (part of) my preference :)

    every year there is a black and white art photo calendar produced called "Dieux Du Stade", it started out as nudes of the french rugby team but has spread out over the years to include other nationalities/sports but the french still make up the core.

    oh. my. word. at a purely superficial level, these photos are both beautiful (in the aesthetic/art sense) and very very hot (to me:). And the really lovely thing is while there are the very ripped guys, there are some who obviously have much higher body fat%s while still being strong/fit (they are top sports men after all) and some all the way over on the stereotypical bulky/hairy/somewhat battered rugby player side and **all** of them look beautiful. (there are a number of truly hilarious poses too. along with some poses that a more puritan minded sports profesional would have a heart attack at the thought of:)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    According to woman choose their life partners in the following order:

    Confidence> Money > Looks > Height

    How true that is I don't to be a shy poor ugly manlet lol


    More like

    Height> Confidence >Looks >Money

    Height is a complete and total deal breaker for me. Or was, when I dated.

    I am glad I'm not the only one who feels the same. Like last night at the bar, I saw this really cute guy. When he came up and talked to me, he said he was 5'5, and my heart just sunk...there are plenty of shorter girls who would be attracted to him at his height, but I just couldn't see myself with him since i'm 5'8.

    Another person who has the perfect body, because he has a great body but his muscles aren't bulging:
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I agree!
    This is hot....


    This is not....

  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I prefer muscles than no muscles at all I suppose. As long as the muscles are for the most part not illegal (gross). Muscles are hot to me.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have mixed feelings really. I think that fit muscular guys CAN be attractive.. But personally I like uber tall thin/lean men (or so my track record says)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I vote for muscles. Body builder is too much. I personally do not like skinny legs either, so don't forget about your calves. There is nothing I hate more than I guy with 25 inch biceps and 12 inch calves. :P

    But seriously, I think the best look is something that looks like: I work hard and I am strong because I do a lot of activity, not because I am hanging out in the gym to get more size. Defined shoulders, chest, and limbs. Think beach volleyball player or a swimmer or some tennis players. Basketball players and soccer players are a good choice too.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    According to woman choose their life partners in the following order:

    Confidence> Money > Looks > Height

    How true that is I don't to be a shy poor ugly manlet lol


    More like

    Height> Confidence >Looks >Money

    Height is a complete and total deal breaker for me. Or was, when I dated.

    I am glad I'm not the only one who feels the same. Like last night at the bar, I saw this really cute guy. When he came up and talked to me, he said he was 5'5, and my heart just sunk...there are plenty of shorter girls who would be attracted to him at his height, but I just couldn't see myself with him since i'm 5'8.

    Another person who has the perfect body, because he has a great body but his muscles aren't bulging:

    LOVE! And, by all accounts, he has the sweet disposition/strong moral character to go with the good looks. Too bad he's eleven years younger than me. I feel like a perv for even looking at that pic. LOL :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    According to woman choose their life partners in the following order:

    Confidence> Money > Looks > Height

    How true that is I don't to be a shy poor ugly manlet lol

    Really, who cares about muscles....LOL